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 Oct 2019 N
conditional love
 Oct 2019 N
in a world like this
what does it take
to make you his?
dance and shake?
be pretty and kiss?
always be awake?
be quiet, never hiss?
but for god’s sake
do you have to be like this?
do you have to be fake?
with a mindset like this
you’ll end up with a heartache
and never find bliss
so for god’s sake
please be yours not his
 Oct 2019 N
Makenzie Marie
Forgive yourself
We all get let down sometimes
Maybe you let someone else down
Maybe they let you down, too.
Hand in hand with uncommunicated expectations.

And it doesn’t have to be one person’s fault.
 Oct 2019 N
Makenzie Marie
You tuck me in any time I lie down because you want to make sure I’m comfy.
I know you love me, because you show me in every little, big, thing you do.
You don’t do the things you do as a cloak for manipulation, to prove to me that I’m so lucky. You’re not doing anything just to convince me.
You’ve changed my ideology of the word “healthy” when it comes to sharing and showing love.
 Oct 2019 N
Makenzie Marie
You are so different from him. You are so different from all of them.
 Oct 2019 N
Makenzie Marie
Each day I am with you, you remind me why I am.
I used to get in my own way, questioning if things needed to change, needing to control every little thing.
But at some point there I took a breath, relaxed a bit, and dove in head first. Thank goodness I did.
 Oct 2019 N
 Oct 2019 N
You brought me out of
The darkness
Dusted my heart off
Gave it a little polish
Until you saw me shine
You took the cobwebs
And tossed them to the wind
With this new heart
Now up and running
You reminded me of
The feelings I thought I'd forgotten
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