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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Day after day she dreamed of a place
Where she didn't need to hide her face;
Where Mom was proud and didn't shout,
And Dad took time to watch her shine;
Where faith, destroyed all doubt.
The Rose of Summer was another title option for this. It's an excerpt from my poem "the key can't turn itself" I simply changed the character to someone else.
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Who in THE ****,
invented double-meaning;
And the "english language"!? !? ?
Well, fancy that!
Random conundrums
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Wherefore art thou?
And how?
Can you see me?
The world outside is set against us.
Hellbent on caging the free.
But in Love we must place our trust.

We bow down on the stage of this comedic-tragedy.
Hopeless romantic
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
We all struggle,
Yes even rich kids.
But, its the perspective that makes the difference.
Gold, run through the flames, destroying impurities, is needed.
Oil, and water do not mix.
If one is not purged from the other, the the vessel is literally "shaken-up"
Im being metaphorical here obviously.
I guess what im really trying to say is,
Don't let ****** situations define you.
Its just fire. Its just pressure.
So, let it purify your golden heart
Let it turn your blackened carbonized soul into diamonds!
Believe, believe, only believe.
Pray, And then Do Something!!!!
Be Still and Know.....
Face your Problems, don't Facebook them...

The Language of the Mob.
Never a place of Witnessing.

Look Up... Oh say can you SEE..
by this Dawns early Light
what WE Gratefully Hail
Christ's  Heaven and Life...

Liberty's Light  Shining Celebration Up
Beauty's tears of fading illumination out
Life falling softly into the arms of Grace...
Comfort the wounded, they are many..

Sound of Clutter riding fiercely upon the breath of Giving..
becoming more like a machine gun.
Do you hear the Sound of fighting
within the streets of NEW Divinity?
******, ****, defamation... all threats,
Yes... each of them given..   Its true ..Backdoor gifts of rage..

Once a puppet show for re-emerging Wisdom
Now a strip tease for an endless line of dancers
This is the Made in Hollywood movie  that all have demanded
get your pop corn are Witnessing the Question of Choice..

Nation sold  for the drop of a dime
Free Choice...
the right to Vote by Public Declaration
Now held in the arms of  What?   the Secret Ballot?

Prayer. The power of WORD
Spoken by the Giants of Robot imagination
a trigger, tied to the experience of feeling..

The scientific formula of Good,
magnified by ONE million strong
Are we focused on the Good First,
or the Oneness of Anything?

..."Give the money to the Representative
and it will all go away"....
But it won't...

Do You Understand the Question Now?

  Dec 2015 IsReaL E Summers
She was so beautiful
The blind men would fall in love with her beauty.
She was so beautiful
The angels would give up their wings
So they could walk next to her.
She was so beautiful
The seagulls would fly to the desert
Just to be with her.
She was so beautiful
Not even the demons would dare to seed sins
in her pure soul.
She was so beautiful
I would let her hurt me over and over again
And thank her for that.
She was too beautiful for such a miserable heart
Like mine.
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