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 May 2015 Maxwell
Madi Christine
I once had a dog.
A beautiful golden retriever that was given to my mother from my father during the holidays of 1999.
Less than two months later,
I was born.
Five weeks premature.

You see, I've always been great at doing things early.
I first spoke at age one, but only to my mother.
Grew ******* in grade five, but wore bras so tight that they flattened my chest.
Had a college reading level by the time I reached sixth grade.
I swear,
I had my mid-life crisis at ten years old.

It was springtime.
The smell of Michigan's cool air mingled with that of melted snow on pavement and the first songbirds of the season called for the buds to bloom.
I was twelve years old.
I returned home one evening to find the dog with the golden-white fur,
She who would race me down the field when I thought I could join a travel soccer team after spectating one single practice,
She who would race my mother back and forth through the water back when my mother was happy,
The dog who was barely four months older,
who had seen through every unripe experience by my side,
The dog was gone.
And all I did was smile.

Now, I realize how twisted that must sound,
but you just don't get it.
I had learned a long time before to expect to one day return and find no one by my side.

You see, I've always been great at predicting things early.

I was five years old and it was springtime,
but the harmonies screamed from my parents' mouths at each other drowned out the songbirds' melodies to the budding trees.
And I,
in all the glory of innocent intelligence,
asked my mother to promise me that nothing would happen to our family.
Three years later came the separation,
and four years after they decided to love each other again,
came the divorce.

no matter how concrete,
seem to have this strange habit of being broken, don't they?

Maybe it runs in the family.
Being left, that is.

When the first person I loved left me,
I thought it was for the best.
When the second person I loved left me,
I got over it.
When the third person I loved left,
I was lost before I was found.
But one year ago,
when the person who found me left,
the one person who I never thought I’d lose...
I don't think I will ever heal.

Life, it seems,
is even more cruel than a promise.
It's so loud in my mind that I don't know what voice is mine anymore,
but being forced to watch as the few people I let myself care about inch toward being as miserable as me is so much more unbearable.
It's starting to feel like springtime,
and normally that would make me happy, but the puddles that are melting from the snow drifts are my tears,
and the smell of the season changing only reminds me how easy winter makes it to be sad.
Every time I feel as though I have finally reached rock bottom,
rock bottom splits with my skin and lets me fall deeper.

I don't understand how things can just keep getting worse
How every door I open does not lead to a new beginning, but to a new end.
I'm great at math,
but how do I solve the equation when happiness equals pain but pain does not equal happiness.
I live a life where I keep myself lonely out of fear of being lonely.
I spend my days making time to play with words and playing with time to make words.
I want to choose death because I can't handle the hurt, but I choose life because the only thing worse than being hurt is doing the hurting.
I'm tearing myself apart in every way possible and you don't understand how quickly I'd end it if I could.

But Band-Aids can't fix bullet holes.
So don't be surprised when you can't wake me up one day.

You see,
I've always been great at ending things early.
 May 2015 Maxwell
 May 2015 Maxwell
If you asked me to define home, I'd picture her.

I wouldn't think about my leather couch, but her brown eyes that fill up the room more than any piece of old furniture ever could.

It is not the drapes I played Hide-N-Seek in as a child, because her hair is so much better to get lost in.

My home is not my first house that seemed like a labyrinth to my tiny fingertips, because her mind has far more hidden rooms to discover.

My house has chipped paint on the walls, but my home.. she is covered perfectly.

If you could substitute a photograph for a dictionary definition, it would be her silhouette beside the word "home."

But you see, the problem with home is that you never realize its importance until you can't have it anymore.

Her heartbeat no longer sounds like my mother making breakfast in the kitchen on a Sunday morning, it's the one creaky step I used to skip over because of its gut wrenching noise.

I can't stop thinking about her. I have nowhere to run to, because her arms aren't wide open anymore, they're closed and locked like my bedroom door. I'm homesick.
 May 2015 Maxwell
Gwen Pimentel
There was something so intimate about sharing our favorite colors with each other
About sharing something that people deem as unimportant, basic information
"Does it matter?" He asked
And I said "Yes, because it's funny how we can know so much about each other yet still not know the basics"
I want to know the things that most people don't know
I want to see the parts of you that you hide in your shadows
I want those parts of yours that have gathered dust and cobwebs in the crevices of your mind
I want the parts of you that you may have thrown away
Black was his favorite color
And then he followed up with orange
So he likes Halloween colors
Totally cool with that
And he asked me what was mine and I said I'm a bit colorblind but sky blue appeals to me
And he said he liked that
He liked this thing about me that people deem as unimportant
He liked this small piece of knowledge about me and even if my favorite color may just be as small as a sprinkle on a monster banana split, he liked it

I said I wanted to paint my room sky blue
So that when I'm in bed I feel like I'm lying on one of the clouds in the sky
He said he wanted to paint his red
And I said well that's a dark color
But he said that when he was little the sun shined through his red curtains and covered his room in this red light
And he loved it
I liked that about him
I could imagine his little self sitting on his bed staring at the red light that shone through his curtains
And all this red was all he could think about

If he would ask me again today, "what's your favorite color"
I think I would say, "You
Because ever since you came into my life you were the only color I could see. You were the only color I could feel like how you felt the red from your curtain, I felt your love. You made me realize that color is one of the best things the world has to offer. If I was a blind person and I had met you, I've no doubt I would have the best set of imaginary colors in my head because you have the ability to make me feel so much things at the same time and these feelings come out of me like paint, splattering all around creating the masterpiece of our existence. It was the best masterpiece. It was the kind that you didn't have to understand it to love it. You just loved it as it is. You love the color, the unusual mixture of color over color and the mystery of not knowing the reason behind this festival of colors. you came into my life not with smooth gentle strokes using a paintbrush, instead you painted with your fingers. You told me you wanted to feel the colors at the tips of your fingers and imagined that our blood would change color according to our mood. You wanted to feel that moment when paint meets paper, when color meets blankness because that's how it felt when I met you. You made it seem like knowing the favorite color of a person is like knowing what gives life to a person. I can't say my life has been black and white before you because I could see a few colors here and there in very low tones. As if I was looking at life through filtered lens. But because of you, I am no longer colorblind."
 May 2015 Maxwell
Delores Atkins
Love Is
Love is waking up in the morning and thinking of you
Love is off key singing about how much I love you
Love is acting as if your singing voice doesn't **** my ear drums.
Love is that undeniable attraction I feel like I can't not touch
Love is that grab you and hold you closer because your never close enough.  
Love is bringing you chocolate when it's that time of the month and making sure you have your Midol but never complaining about what a bitc- nice loving person you are at the time
Love is sitting back and letting you ramble on and on about work which I don't understand a lick of but I agree with you anyway
Love is that last bite of my sandwich that you know I want but ask for anyway and right before you take a bite I eat it my **** self.  
Love is reminding you to take out the trash every time you try to stack things on top like your playing Jenga
Love is spending my Saturday nights at home because that's where you are
Love is letting you go out on Friday and knowing you'll call when drinking goes to far
Love is picking up the phone as soon as it rings because I know who's on the other side
Love is reminding you about picking up milk before you come home
Love is holding your hand as I commit the rest of my life to one person
Love is squeezing your shoulder and biting my lip to stop from cursing
Love is more than just words scribbled out on a page
Even if it is a four pager love letter
 May 2015 Maxwell
Sara Jones
The first thing that you forget, when you stop talking to someone is the sound of their voice.
So I suggest with every voicemail you receive, save it.
Whether it be from your grandma or your aunt or your boyfriend
You'll miss them sooner or later if they leave you.
When It's a healthy time for you, and you miss them a lot,
You'll still have their voice.
The way they spoke, every lisp every stutter
You'll hear it in that old voicemail.

I once loved a boy.
Some know most of  the story, some only know half
But only he and I know every end and out of that year and a half.
I still have his voicemails,
but they aren't only the happy ones.
Matter of fact, he only left me a voicemail when he was angry or when he had news he couldn't keep to himself long enough.
I deleted the happy ones after we broke up.

But I didn't do it because I was angry,
I did it because I wasn't worthy.
And yet, they're still in my trash bin waiting, ready to be recovered.

Because some days, I wonder if he's happy.
Then I'll hear his voicemail telling me he got his GED.
And it was because of me.
Because some days I wonder if he misses me
Then I'll hear his voicemail telling me he loves me and always will

See, I have a problem: I'm a hoarder
I horde voices.
I horde the sound of laughs and cries,
I horde the angry and the happy times.
I take them all and keep them close.
And I try and keep phones for as long as I can.
Because when the phone goes,
So do the voices that I hold dear.

So darling if you wonder if I still have every old voicemail you've ever sent me the answer is clear.
If I miss you, I press my phone to my ear.

But now it's been so long that your voice scares me.
The old voicemails sit and take up my data since I'm too afraid to delete them.
That means your gone forever
And while I may have broken your heart I hope you forgive me
And I hope this voicemail makes you smile.
 May 2015 Maxwell
This time last year, my hair was down to my waist.
This time last year, I was 16 and in grade 11.
This time last year, I had a lot of "friends" I guess I was popular.
This time last year, I had a game plan, I thought I was going to be a Graphic Designer.
But this time last year was the first time I tried to **** myself.
Yes, to a lot of people this seems over dramatic, because "what 16 has anything to 'die over'", that's what my dad said anyways.
But I'm glad there are people whom are so naive when it comes to Depression.
I'm glad most people don't understand why I want to die.
I'm glad my little brother doesn't think the answer to "should I live?" is "no"
I'm glad my grandparents are concerned when I'm home alone.
I'm glad my mom gets worried when I don't answer my phone.
I'm glad my dad is scared when I'm not home by 4:30.

Seven months ago, I was put on Anti-Depressants.
Eight months ago, I finally told my parents how bad I was getting.
Ten months ago, I realized this probably isn't normal.
This time last year, I almost lost my battle to a bottle of pills,
And at this point if you were to ask how many suicide notes I had written, I would ask you to define.
Would you like to know how many separate notes I have complied into a binder, or how many notes I've left out for my parents to find after I've left the house?
At this point I can say I've had more attempts to end my life than I've had hours happy, but at least I can say I'm Still Trying.
 May 2015 Maxwell
Ellie Shelley
No one told me what going to a party would be like
No one told me my heart would feel like fire
and every limb would become numb
No one told me I would ride in a strangers car
Packed with new, and old friends
No one told me the five minute walk up the stairs would feel like walking on a cloud
No one told me I would drop twenty for my bestfriend to drop acid
Or forty to get a fifth of ***** and a fifth of whisky from a stranger
Whose number I would drunkenly get wrong
No one told me I would make out with a stranger in  Backroom
No one told me I would leave my favorite hat there
No one told me I would drink my whole fifth
or that my friend would try to drink hers,
and end up puking all night
I was never told I would not be able to support my body at three in the morning
No one told me I would pass out on a chair for thirty minutes
No one told me I would try to sober my friend up
While I was still drunk
No one told me I was going to have the worst hangover of my life
No one told me I would wake up the next morning with hickies on my neck
and bruises on my hips
No one told me I was going to want to do it again every night
I went to my first party and I got wasted, I still haven't fully recovered.
 May 2015 Maxwell
Joseph D
 May 2015 Maxwell
Joseph D
Art is playing God.
The pen and brush have the power to create life,
And the power to take it away.
We are art.
We see it everyday.
Each stroke individual,
Like the fingerprint left on the glass.
Singing in color as we yawn the new day welcome,
And staple our now into the past.
 May 2015 Maxwell
Joseph D
 May 2015 Maxwell
Joseph D
Welcome to my,
Addictive personality.
Where it's always
Just one more glass and one more puff.
One more bite.
One more show.
One more song.
When you never have enough,
The urge is too hard to fight,
A battle lasting too long.
I just don't know where to go.

Where should I be?
Who should I talk to?
Just look at all the drugs we do,
In the process of giving up.
I just can't win.
I don't want to...
Be me in any state I'm in.
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