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 Jun 2017 Lovely
Once More
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Heart so pure
Eyes so blue
I'm dancing with disaster
And it looks a lot like you
Just one more dance
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Zachary William
I need a friend
with whom
I can talk about
things like
and the shudder of
the earth when we
write a line that
seems to resonate
with infinity
and with whom
I can discuss
the fear of rejection
and the sneaking suspicion
that maybe none of this
is actually very good
and I've struck
an anomaly
and I need a friend
who will bear with me
during moments of weakness
where i want to burn away all of
my words
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Don't tell a rose how to grow,
And The birds how to chirp.
Don't tell your daughter to be soft,
Don't tell your son how to hurt.

Don't tell the sky what color to bleed,
And a person, the right way to grieve.
Don't try to tame your daughter's tongue,
Don't tell your son the manly ways to love.

Don't tell the wind which way to blow
Or the clouds how hard to rain.  
Don't teach your daughter how to soak,
Don't show your son how to easily reject.

Don't tell the sun to adjust its light
Or the truth how to show itself.
Don't tell your daughter it's feminine to shy,
Don't teach your son how to reign with fists held high.

Don't tell a heart how to beat
Or the mind how not to soar.
Don't clip off your daughter's  wings,
To make them a foundation for your son to grow.

Don't tell a rose how to grow,
Lest it decides to turn its petal into thorns.
Don't tell the birds how to chirp
And have their voices turn into rebellious growls.
Finally, one of my many poems was chosen as a daily.
Just been a 5 years.

I still can't believe it.

Also, thank you for all your reviews and love. I still don't think I'm a poet, I just usually ramble. But I'm so glad you guys gave this poem such love.
Means a lot.

Again, thank you very very much.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Madhu Jakkula
Dearest shooting star,
Take me away with you to a place
where the rays of hope can't even tip toe through the dark clouds of despair,
where all the colors fade into grey to ally with my grave soul and
where every detail disappears into the shades of night
just to make his wish come true.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Lonely people don't **** themselves just because they're lonely.
Ask me why my mind is twisted and i'll tell you bedtime stories that will haunt you for years.
But then again,  i'm still alive.
Holding on to the hope that maybe someone will care one day.
Maybe loneliness doesn't last forever.
But I can't hold on to 'maybe' forever.
So if my forever is out there, I pray he's hanging on to 'maybe' too.
Because maybe our paths will cross soon, or maybe they alredy have.
Who really knows?
Who really gives a ****?
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Anticipation builds as wind combs the water. Stars twinkle and dash as if running from a life they want to shed. 'We aren't too different, in a way', he thinks as clouds float and cover their escape. An engine rumbles to life as if resurrected from a thousand year slumber. Roaring like a dragon as his foot depresses the pedal.
                                 He had no plan really. Just go where the road ends and hope for greener pastures. Reality sobered him from lunacy's clutch. The screeching of his brakes, tires kicking pebbles to a hopeless tumble from the ledge. They sailed desperately, dancing from the cliff into the river below.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I used to have a bleeding heart, but I'm afraid it's now bled out.
It's cold and empty, far too broken to restart.
It's a cruel world we live in and I'm afraid I have nothing left...
Nothing left but agony and remorse.
They bring the tears to my lifeless eyes.
When they planned my life, they forgot the fire-escape.
So now I'm stuck here burning.
Slowly, and painfully each day.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
They always say you eventually hit the bottom.

Everyday, I just seem to fall further though. With no bottom in sight.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
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