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 Jun 2017 Lovely
Things Change
 Jun 2017 Lovely
My life was a tragedy.
Like a train wreck with mounting causalities.

I was on a Ferris-wheel of suffering.
As soon as I hit the top, I simply found my way back to the bottom.

I was the actor, all hopes lost.
Sitting, waiting for help to save the day.
Only my help never came.

My life was a joke, just no one was laughing.
The audience wore mortified expressions, rather than those of joy.

Agony spread like cancer through my veins.
It calcified around my heart and left me broken inside.

No matter how hard I tried to swim, the cinder-blocks were chained tightly to my ankles.

But then...

Then I met you.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Troubled Mind
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Ripples on the surface

Currents far below

Light they never see

Dark is all they know
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Yoko pema
You will always be those slippers
and the one i talk to you in my mind
you was my fav,you was so best
how could i be so careless
that i lose my best
i did not lose but i lost
and i was so stare
but i bless the one who take it away
cause i know i will get
new one to walk away.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Cynthia A
there is a dark emptiness within.
slowly growing as the time passes.
some days it shrinks away,
others it expands and nearly consumes all.
there is a desperate need to fill that void:
inhale the nicotine
release the darkness within that smoke.
swallow the fire,
that numbs the mind.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
dani evelyn
restless twenty year old nights call to mind
warm sixteen year old ones,
running barefoot in the driveway,
sitting silent on the porch,
resting my head
on the shoulder of a boy
i thought i could predict.
at sixteen, i thought the best thing about the world
was that i did not have to participate in it –
i thought to shut my mouth and close my ribs
was a certain kind of honor.
i am reaching, reaching, reaching back to that girl,
wondering why she chose to throw all her joy away,
wondering if she knows
how much she must
how important it is
to learn how to care again.

if i could say one thing to danielle circa 2012
i would tell her to
buckle her seatbelt,
i would tell her to
remember the boy in the hospital bed.
i would tell her that
learning to open her chest again is
entirely worth the night she will spend
sobbing on the highway at 1 am.
i would tell her
to stop putting people in boxes,
i would say
to write more poems
that aren’t about dying.

maybe someday
twenty four year old danielle
will write a poem to me,
and maybe she will say
there’s a big storm
coming; maybe
she’ll sing sonnets to
the love and loss
that will one day buckle my knees
and send me running
into doorframes.
and maybe it’s okay
that i don’t have a raincoat.
maybe that’s just
how it goes.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Rodrigo Borges
The sky is blue.
The green branches in disguise.
I search, I persue.
For those romantic eyes.
Who are these strange souls,
Surrendering to desire?

The little details
Unleash my soul,
My mind adrift
While others sail.
Arrive at last
When hope still grows.
My master pieces were done on canvas
My body was my canvas
The blade was my paint brush
I always been fond of the color red
Brushing the blade all over my body
Head to toe
My paintings are private
But very valuable
The rich were only allowed to view my paintings
Love and understanding was very rare to have
And those that did have that
got to see the amazing master pieces that I have created
They all have different meanings
Watching the paint drip as I stroke the canvas with the paint brush

I decided to retire
I stopped painting
And the people stopped coming
But it's ok
I'll always still have the work that I have created
The,sweat,blood and tears I put into those paintings
Of course I couldn't get rid of them

They will always be apart of me
And now my art is not private
Its for all to see
To learn
To never become the artist I use to be

So yes I am an artist
well...I use to be
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