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 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
Snow, Soft White and Lovely......
The thing of Childhood imagination
Wind Curling it to Drifts and Excitation
Snow Dancing in a Twirling Ballet
Items covered where ever they lay
It covers the grime and Looks so clean
Yet as deadly as a bullet and twice as Mean...
The Halloween blizzard, we got 3 Feet of snow
A Man in his truck that ended up stuck
He chose to walk it to find Some Gas
You soon find when your snow blind
There is no direction or destination to find
Where they found his truck They Searched
Snow Mobiles on the fields  Searched Avast
Not till Easter Snow melt he was found at Last
10 feet from his truck, well they didn't Know
He was Buried under Snow Plow Furrow.....JMF 2/3/15
Another tale of Minnesota

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
In Macro Cosmic Orbit
Surrounding the Perception
Flashing Like a Strobe...
Through the left, the right
And the Frontal Lobes
Neural Pathways Glow
Triggering the Synapse
Directing the act Of Creation
Generating Endorphin's
Creating the flushed Feeling
Of Total Satisfaction
Based upon the Action
That Lead to this Poem
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
to write
is like a jolt of adrenaline
shocking me into the realization
that i am here
for a reason

to write.
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
removing my head
i toss it back and forth
from hand to hand
spinning it easily
   on one finger
doing a loop de loop
   under one leg
   through the other
settling on dribbling it
along the floor
before tossing it to you
which you catch and drop kick
into the nearest wastebasket.

once again
you win.
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
Jamie King
I don't care any more
nor do i care any less
but i'm your lover, not your *****
and you're the reason for this mess

Parading your **** like you're in command
I have limits to your inane nonsense
I'm finally making my stand
No longer giving out to your reasons

I will stand tall, no matter what
Shape up and become a Man
Quit thinking below the waist
and treat me like I know you can

Empty vessels would clang the most
Never exercising the need to be humble nor coy
You're an underachiever with the penchant to boast
You were never a man, but a childish little boy

But, no matter what you have done or who you have become, i still see the passion within you
I see a pure love that we have created, one that is so true...
Although you have made many mistakes in the past
I am still sitting here willing to stick around for this love i know will last...

for ever and until the end
until they lay us six feet under
hand in hand as we die
i will be your lover

a lover to cherish the ground you walk on,
even when you stumble and shake,
i'll be your first in command,
because with you, there is too much at stake.
i want to be that lover,
who awaits in adoration of your arrival,
that one lover,
who loves you until our love is final.

I carved my chest and gave you this heart.
We flowed through the nile and overcame ocean tides.
A seed of bliss you planted in me and our love was born once more, leaving me scarred.
I thought you were proud and passionate but the truth was cloacked by your lies.
You dined with others while I recovered.
I resent you but appreciate the gift of new life that we have, this bond we share may never break,
for it's the only bond that makes us care.
Thank you poets
1 Quinfinn aka Wolve Spirit
2 Erenn
3 Paula Lee
4 Ryn
5 Cat
6 Cody Dale
7 Aesha
8 Jamie King
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
 Feb 2015 Hayleigh
The journey seems to be bumpy, sometimes a dusky road,
Carrying the burdens, weighing our sins like a miserable toad,
Some pursue their passion, some pursue their degree,
Whatever the reason maybe,
Unclog your way, cruise over the hardships and set yourself free.
You'll be miffed by the mistakes you did,
Selling out wet pillows you'll weep and sow a depression seed,
And there will arrive times,
When they will doubt you, and you will doubt yourself,
But don't.. Don't ever doubt your devotion,
Grab the momentum and roll in the motion,
Though, squeamishness will thrive,
Remember the dream and thank him because you are alive,
Value every second, trade your life for it,
Open up your feathers, escape the pit,
Death invites everybody, someday you'll be gone,
Even the sun will set forever, there won't be any dawn,
Something belongs to you, its your throne,
With the choices you made, go fly,
*Fly till the horizon.
Remember the reason for your existence.
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
When the waves
Crash over the shore
I won't be there anymore
When the sun
Falls out of the sky
I'm gonna learn to fly

Upon the silver lining
Of a wandering cloud
I'm gonna write real loud
Across the midnight sky
It's time for me to fly

When the air and ground
Turn freezing cold
And you're worried
About your nose

I won't be there
To bring the blue skies back
I won't be there anymore...
 Jan 2015 Hayleigh
John Stevens
Love is patient,
love is kind.

It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,*
always perseveres.

*Love never fails.
The above is very old
Has never changed
Love is not lust.
Love carries you through
The difficult times.
There is
To complete your life.
The greatest of these

Without Love
I am nothing.
What better
For Valentines Day
Let me undress your insecurities
Kiss all your fears away
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