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550 · Nov 2017
Kume Nov 2017
These heavenly lands,
Where the rain washes away fears,
And leaves the courage that sunset brings.
Where hopes marry belief, and trees are forever green.
Where the shadows come alive, and silhouettes breathe.

Where art is more than expression,
and dreams colour the soul.
Where broken spirits find redemption,
And all pieces are made whole.
468 · Dec 2017
Whiskey Whispers
Kume Dec 2017
Swig and swill, so says the urge,

O’er the top, burning liquor in turgid drops,

Hands all over little Brandy’s frame,

My, my, how the little liquor drowns in fame…

Poor liver o’ mine,

Gulping poison and sweet grime,

Your cries can’t reach me,

Your pleas die before they reach my drunken mind.

Like a mage with infinite powers,

A necromancer to dead emotions,

And feelings buried under layers of self-consciousness,

You summon our deepest desires,

Lay out the red carpet, and let our deepest thoughts,

Strut along.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Only those without fear will rule the earth.

And thus, in your glistening countenance,

You drown our every fear,

Of rejection and awkwardness,

You break the chains that once held back my tongue,

And cause my deepest secrets to flow,

Like lava from angry volcano’s.

I revel in this new strength,

My body courses with the power,

I know not how to contain.

But like everything else, this happy night will end.

And so I ask, oh friend of the night.

Where will you be when the morning comes?

When the chains of panache return,

Will you be by my side, fighting the soldiers of reason,

Or will you look on from your shiny bottle,

Awaiting another chance to make a warrior out of me?
447 · Dec 2017
Seams undone
Kume Dec 2017
My wings dissolved into nothingness,

As I watched you slaughter forever after,

On a makeshift altar of unfounded faults
and salted mantras.

My mind is a haunted house of broken
fairy-tales and twisted portraits,

Of blissful futures that’ll never be.

Sometimes, only pain can gift you wisdom.

Where fences on hilltop ranches are low,

Even the wisest horse believes jumping over is freedom.
413 · Dec 2017
Kume Dec 2017
Thoughts of you perch on the branches of my mind,

Like a humming bird that’s found the perfect tree to build its nest.

Harmless in its quest,

Until more branches sprout in wake of you.

More branches for you to perch,

To sing your beautiful songs without a care.

Until the weight of these endless thoughts,

Is too much burden to bear.

My nights are riddled with dreams,

Recurring every night that they have  become nightmares.

My mind is like a prisoner,

In chains of memories of your face.

My heart trembles at the mention of your name.

Your touch is like a tranquilizer for my soul,

And like a clueless lamb,

I trust the ***** of your kiss to lead me home.

Thoughts of you are like acid baths.

They burn.

But for that fleeting second when it excites,

The skin of my thoughts,

My heart forever yearns.

Pain is an addiction this heart has chosen to bear.

Through and through, when this dubious business is done,

This heart would’ve seen it all.

Alas, I have the foreboding my countenance,

Is too fragile to see the end.

I should know better,

But it’s as though my mind has wandered,

Too far from the shores of reason.

You’re bad for me,

But there’s nothing I won’t give up,

Just for fleeting moments in your arms.
384 · Jan 2018
Kume Jan 2018
The hunger for meaning gnaws my soul,
And the strings of emptiness pull down my spirit,
To a darkness even fear cannot fathom.
My heart cries out in grief, as my body becomes a husk,
My soul in fritters, shredded by blades of a pain,
It can no longer contain.

For some reason, my waning light,
Continued to best the winds of agony.
Even the when desolation drowned my beaten spirit,
My soul held on to the branches of hope.
Until you came, and in your arms my heart found a home.

It all makes sense now, seeing how far I’ve come.
The admiration for resilience is purely misplaced.
For every mile I walked, your tender heart carried me for more.
Where my spirit was broken, you mended with love.
My heart thanks you for solace in great storms,
I savored your worth, and you tasted like my future.
And now my soul beams with smiles of a child well fed.
362 · Dec 2017
The One Who Chose You
Kume Dec 2017
He could’ve let you suffer,

To pay for your transgressions,

Just as justice demands.

Surely you deserved to die,

From your folly,

And losing your very soul,

To the seduction of vanity.

But you’re still here,

With boundless freedom,,

And the luxury of choice .

Lord of the earth, as was Adam before the fall.

When he chose you out of love,

Even with the blackness of your heart,

He broke your chains,

And set you free from all that would keep you,

Groveling in the darkness for solace,

Despair made of your broken hopes.

He redeemed your soul at a price so steep,

If nature tried to build mountains with,

Would reach high into the heavens,

And the peak reaching to the stars.

He paid the price,

For the salvation you now easily abandon,

On the cross where your liberation was sealed,

With His very life,

An impossible price your wretched soul could never afford.
Kume Feb 2018
I could tell you how lies are my only truth,
And how betrayal is  success’s only route,
But you’ll call me crazy, you who believe in salvation
Without proof.
I like you once believed, in the angels and all things bright.
But for everything, there’s a price,
I paid mine, and I have the blessings for which your heart still cries.

It’s like the devil laughs at me every time I pray,
Because right after I say amen,
I go right back to sin.
Tell me, what is this salvation you speak of,
When all my heart knows now is the darkness that consumes from within?
Enveloping my soul in lust and deception,
Drowning my pure thoughts in anarchy and perdition.

Alas, not all storms can be quelled.
At least, so say the demons in my head.
355 · Dec 2017
Citizen’s Dirge
Kume Dec 2017
You acquire wealth and power,

At the expense of the masses.

And then you cover your tracks,

Telling us you’re rebranding.

When we catch you in your vile business,

You wriggle out your way, urging for dialogue,

Mutual understanding…

Wails and cries, how long will your people die?

Your silence is enough for us to believe you don’t even care.

You spin the truth, how many more media houses do you intend to buy?

You assure us the evil will be curbed,

And then the next blast, exponentially multiplies our fears…

They run ragged with their belief, satiating their bloodlust,

How long do you intend to bury mutilated remains, body parts and bone dust?…

Ending lives all for the reason that they made the Sign Of The Cross?

Chronicles of fraud, colossal distrust uncertainty,

Underhandedness, all to get the masses misinformed…

How can you let this happen?

How do you live with yourself?

How do you manage to keep sane when your whole life is false?

And all this for what?

When you lie so much, the truth becomes a blur?

In the end, my dear friend,

Like the rest of us, the earth will swallow you whole.

And then, there’ll be no king.

For after death, all your wealth,

All your thrills, comforts and bliss,

Will be noth’…

For you’ll join the assembly of the forgotten.

And like the traveler and the woman of easy virtue,

Vanity will end its fling…

— The End —