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 Jul 2018 empty seas
levi eden r
i couldn't help but remember That day again.
"when you see what's going on, please text me."
how i called into work,
"my best friend passed away today. i can't come into work today.".
i couldn't stand up with wanting to fall back down.
i look up at the sky and ask you why?
why am i not up there with you?
why aren't you down here with me,
with us?
saying your name never got easier to say.
i didn't eat for days.
facing my family was the hardest part.
i wanted to talk to my dad about it,
about you.
i wanted him to hug me and tell me that you're still here,
looking down at us,
that you love us and we'll meet again.
i miss you dearly.
not really a poem, just thoughts.

i miss you so much. i really hope we meet again when it's my time to leave. no words will ever explain how much you mean to me and how much i wish on every star that i'll see you again. my heart hurts j, you're my favorite person and without you here nothing feels complete.
i miss you.
 Jul 2018 empty seas
 Jul 2018 empty seas
just two kids
riddled with anxiety and depression
finding comfort in each other
loving each other
stumbling through life
hoping to make it out
 Jul 2018 empty seas
Missing you
 Jul 2018 empty seas
i miss you
so *******


all i can do
is watch
from my phone

you living your life
without me
while im here
living life
wishing you were here
 Jul 2018 empty seas
She Writes
Firey flowers
Burst in the sky
Celebrating independence
On the 4th of July

Booms echo off buildings
Rockets launch sky high
Exploding into colors
Quickly floating by

Awestruck by the beauty
Infatuated with the sound
I love watching fireworks bloom
And its petals fall to the ground
Happy 4th of July!
 Jul 2018 empty seas
levi eden r
me, moon, a 13 year old young boy who ate happily and had eyes filled with love and dreams,
had stretch marks.
me, moon, knew they were there but started feeling ashamed when someone pointed them out.
me, moon, a almost 17 year old boy who now passes on dinner and lunch and breakfast.
i ate two rice cakes a day and feeling the lemon water i religiously drank make it's way down my throat, splashing around in my stomach made the corners of lips turn upwards.
me and food have never held hands.
we never closed our eyes at the delight of the smells of cake and food made by my mother.
for when i was hungry,
i remembered my mother telling me how thin i look and how pretty i looked.
i wanted that all the time.
me, moon, doesn't give into food.
this isn't that good
 Jul 2018 empty seas
She Writes
Silence isn’t always silent
Sometimes silence itself
Is the answer we seek
Confessions, dreams, fears
Our greatest truths
Are hidden in our silence
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