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It's summer.
Isn't it exciting?
A time where you should be going out
Having fun, being loose.
Not a care in the world.
Sweating out your problems.
Yet, here I am.
Under the rotting sun
Melting away.
It's summer.
Don't let the heat bother you.
 Jul 2018 empty seas
levi eden r
i kept telling myself,
"moon, don't eat your feelings.
you're sad,
let yourself be sad."
but there's something in handfuls of cereal,
ignoring the healthy servings of cookies,
bowl after bowl of ice cream that numbs my heart to the point where i feel like it's not beating anymore.
there's something about chewing and feeling food go down my throat that feels comforting.
i know it won't fix anything
and i know that i'll hate myself after my 5th cookie,
i know all this.
but i can't help it.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
love is like the sun
you adored it when it came
felt it on you while it stayed
and knew its value
only when it left.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
as she adored what the universe held for her,
i adored what mine had.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
levi eden r
on my cheeks there are constellations of periods of stressed times,
of bad times,
that i couldn't stop the picking.
yes, i know mom,
it makes it worse.
but my hands wondered as the days grew longer and that anxious feeling sat next to me like a trained, loyal dog.
my hands wondered to the places on my face that made me feel less than,
my cheeks.
i closed my eyes tightly as i ran my hand over small bumps and big bumps and bumps that hurt and bumps that i wouldn't let heal.
i cried for hours on end.
my mother made me try every product on the shelf,
oh how i remember the sound of the cash register ringing as my mother paid for another product that i knew just wouldn't work.
but still i tried,
and i tried every home remedy that i could find on the internet.
crushed up aspirin,
green tea,
and toothpaste.
oh the toothpaste how i thought it would work.
how i woke up the first night and found burned acne scars from the toothpaste,
oh the toothpaste.
i touch my cheeks now with closed eyes,
no bumps except on bad days,
smooth skin,
i don't cry anymore because of it.
but when i look into the mirror i see dark spots of where those bumps laid,
i am still a sky full of constellations
and i'm learning to be okay with that.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
levi eden r
i think i'm going to die soon.
dad, why am i waking up at four in the morning wanting to die?
is there something wrong with me?
for i'm taking the moonlight shining in my bedroom as a sign that i belong up there.
guilt, shame, and embarrassment filled my lungs and i breathed the breath you called me "strong" for.
i sure as hell don't feel strong.
i feel like the universe loosened the noose.
i think i'm going to die soon.
maybe physical,
maybe spiritual.
it felt my head was being banged up against walls made of steel as i tried to find my reason and worth again.
i feel like i won't be here anymore.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
 Jun 2018 empty seas
A secret most long to hear.
A secret some hold in fear.
A secret I keep from you.
A secret I hope you can't see through.

You might run, say it's too soon.
When will I tell you, some special, Sunday afternoon?

I may wait six months,
I will wait to confront.
But with all this, one thing is true . . .

I hope you love me, too.
 Jun 2018 empty seas
You inspire
Words of passion
Words of cryptic infatuation.

You inspire
More than what the pen writes.

You inspire
Longing of tangibility
Anticipation of the future.


You inspire me
To fall in love.
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