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I remember

her voice would quiver

like paper lanterns
dancing in some
foreign nighttime glow

I fancy

I knew that sweet tremble

at a tea ceremony table
beneath Chinese skies
many years before

it first caressed my ear
How to poet a life away

Toss the trite learned

Skip grammar mostly too

Rhyme or not is all yours

Step to drummer unheard

Believe in life yet untold

Read a thousand times

More than you write

Live, so you will know

What you are talking about

Take wild leaps in mind

Without losing it too far

Write not only about love

Although that’s all there

Really is or really is not

Fall in some love also

More than simply once

With not only your words

But others in thought

Wishing to poet too

©  2017 Jim Davis
though you many feel lonely
with what you’re feeling
you are never alone
your love runs dry
it always rains
you’re the reason
for my worst days
the blues I choose
the shades of gray
you paint the sky
on my darkest days
I hate you most
but I hate the way
you’re still the sun
on my perfect days
No one can know your pain
Not nearly as well as yourself
But the rope won't take it away
It just gives it to someone else
Sticky rivers run down my hand.

Under the summer sun,
Sweet chocolate swirl melts on my tongue.

As the song fades in the distance,
Meet me behind the shed.
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
This poetry form is called a Cherita.
Fingers trace

the crescent moon coffee stain
on the otherwise white napkin.

Nothing left
between us now
but donut crumbs.
This poetry form is called a Cherita.
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