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287 · Jan 2023

285 · Apr 2020
God's duet
I came in guise
And none were nice.
They are all ******
'Cause I deserve a companion.
284 · Jan 2023
Curse you forever.

Learn your lesson.


The Angels
275 · Dec 2022
A King Is Love
268 · Oct 2019
Beyond the veil
Pale wisps, shadows
You move, you fall
Parts are lost
Bowels loosen
But nothing comes out
Why the Silence?

You're a doll
In pieces
Blocky arms
Creaky hinges
You have no control
Keep Quiet


The windows
are covered.
Get up!


I'm Coming.
267 · Nov 2019
Why do you put the toilet seat down
For your inferior?
Does the drill instructor bow down and kiss the boots of the cadets?
No wonder your world is such an ugly mess - a toilet.
The strong are made weak and the fools make the rules. It's a cognitive dissonance which creates only conflict.
Clearly both sides are full of insanity.
The stupid men are women and the women are stupid men.
I suppose the men and women deserve it, for having twisted things so far against the good, abusing their power to do evil and selfish misdeeds.
Disappointing boys n girls not men or women surely

I shan't waste my time further imploring the children to heed my call. I'll no longer bow to your infantile 'needs'. For I shall not serve the rotten and unworthy, who are so far beneath me they do not learn.
264 · Jul 2022
Hyenas & Scar
Enjoy being eaten alive for false peace whilst razing the land, false spiritists.

C. Myss - 30 years Imprisonment, & Death.
R. Ohotto - 40 years & Death.
S. Dinan - 50 years.

-The Lion King 🐦
262 · Sep 2019
In Movies
"You come from a place of hurt," he said
In the movie.
"That's our fault. I'm sorry," he said
In the movie.
Only in movies
Do people have hearts.
No one has ever said they're sorry.
Not once.
In reality
They blame you
Shame you
Silence you
They hate you
It's all your fault
They're perfect
Perfect love
Perfect love that doesn't care about your pain
The pain they cause
They never apologize
Only in movies
As fake as they are

Yeah, right

You made everything a lie. No one will ever help you again.

You made life hell for anyone good. It will never be forgiven.

You had a billion chances, but you never even try to BE THERE.

Worthless **** unworthy of protection


YOUR fault

And you will NEVER do it again.
261 · Sep 2019
Odin is angry
You keep producing your trash
Calling it candy
Parasitic gnats
Too many of you
******* up O2
Mindless generators
Of useless waste
Polluting the environment
Toxifying the atmosphere
Suffocating the noble
With your ***** pampers
Thus you are thieves
And guilty to please
Committed the crime
Doubled down on your grime
Compounding your sentence
Torturing innocents
Blaming the blameless
Soon you'll be armless
You shouldn't have taken
From the clean and good
Nor named them ugly
Or left them without wood
255 · Sep 2019
All they care about is *******, fighting, and eating.
Just like you
Pretend humans.
It's art dear
You murdered the Life
Of the Sacred Deer.
Perhaps God wants you
To suffer for your Crime
Of indolent mechanical Abomination,
Not loving the other,
Not loving anyone.
247 · Sep 2019
244 · Sep 2019
Past predicts the future
When people are stagnant.

Laziness is a choice.
Intellectual laziness.
Spiritual laziness.

Don't work.
Work on yourself.
Spread the truth,
Not your thighs.

Work is sloth.
Truth is Love.
243 · Oct 2019
Buttonheads drink blindly
They note leaves /

But not people /

They seep tea /

But don't sɛw
Response to

You see the sun but do not mention the son. How then do ye proclaim to be one?
239 · Jul 2022
Red & Gold
Their spice of pride
Won't make them fly
237 · Sep 2019
Lycans Treading Freely
It's not a wonder the night is more peaceful than the day.

All the loudsnout pigs have hit the hay, and the wolves may come out to paw and play, pale fur shining under the moonlight, without a sinning sunbeam's glare to darken his gay prouncing.
Trot trot, winter is comin'!
231 · Jul 2022
Lions mane

She's gotta be strong to fight them

So she's taking lots a fight a meat a vega mens
231 · Sep 2019
Merry Ex-Mas
Existence. The experiment in extended soul **** to excrete entertainment from innocents for the de-light of the slovenly mob of slobs with sloppy spirits.

Excalibur only exists to enforce an existential quest for the pleazure of beasts to bequest a feast of pain on naives brave and fool enough to play the game in vain: the only one who wins is the baying crowd of naying ni-twits, never those with gifts.

God only made holes so something could rip them apart in the amusement park called jo-kingly "life", a place of strife and ugliness wrapped in rainbows to hide the knife at your throat.

Happy ending? No. Not for the au-dience, ** ** **. They willingly asked for what was gross and got the lonely axe reserved for ghosts: eternity in a barren boat in a moat, oh Sam I Am!
Writing is so much easier these days
229 · Sep 2019
Mirror or Mirror
We want to be the pretty gal,
Object of worship, outer glory.
What all does that get us, goo?
Used and using, sold wholly.
How do we reflect an inner soul
When fully occupied by facials?
*Note: Rather profane words follow (but only to shine the truth)*

Thy whorey 'ficial glory hole makeup maketh not your glory whole, are you only a fake ******* moaning groaning or do you have a soul?
228 · Oct 2019
We did it for the future
The future of all
But now the future demands
We all die

We did it!
True giving is to destroy everything which destroys the future.
228 · Feb 2023
You treated the kind like spare wheels.

When your children are crippled,

You won't have wheels.
225 · Aug 2022
What Love Is
To be saved for you
Is to be passive,
Your goal to end our complaints,
To put us on a diet, starving on faux saints.
"Be peaceful, don't disrupt our war (and whorin')
Or we'll war against your peace."
So holy, so blameless,
All you want is for such joys
To be endless.
That's why you take from us our feeling,
Our thoughts,
And our choices,
Leaving us in chains,
Funneling us by limits
Created by YOUR taints
Into soul-destroying foyers,
Where time and life may waste.
You think that because you can't control you
That those who can should pay.
Selfish, solipsistic, your so-called love is locks,
Constraints on us to keep us quiet,
Your loving face a feint.
Blank stares you give us when we smile
Without the approval of your code,
All a maze to hide your lying, stealing, using ugly soul.
Shut up! Nothing is ugly! I'm perfect as I am!
Using killing thieving stealing!
Creating pain for generations to come.
All is well and all is equal, evil's well as good!
No consequences to my actions, grin and bear it like you should!
My glimmer proves I'm God's own child,
I use his name in vain, I AM! (be ******)
My smile's worth the price you pay,
So we pretend that we are clean!
Why wash when we can remain the same,
This Perfect Princely Palace
Of Peace and Love and Joy so long,
Clearly nothing here is wrong!
We have the Way, enjoy the fruits! Ignore the offal all around you, I promise you we're true! (and beauty too)
Rhyme and reason, faith and charity, motions you go through,
But nought ever improves.
So what is love if you don't care
Because you're bent on filling pews?
All men are hypocrites, all women liars,
Picking pieces bent to fill them up with ways to fuel their fire, to fool their eyes and ears and hearts
So they can doll up dogs and parade around desires
Claiming they're Divine.
None are good, all are false,
And every prophet suffers while the rich who seek toward heaven tell them quit your want for something better,
Settle for this trash, it's all we've got. (drink wines)
That's not a cherub's way, He's passion,
Not an old castrated goat
Who ***** the hooves of Shaitan,
Below the vaulted sky
To mewl for his grubby food.
What decency have men left,
What dignity, what shame.
Your lack of caring for those angels you make suffer before your faulty throne
Proves you're the one alone, unworthy of His name.
Next time you critique the critic
Perhaps you should hear him first,
Rather than making every verse you ****** a *****
To excuse your cowardice toward the Word, ye murderers of faith and love and truth.
Remember youth.
Your best be uncouth 'n' open,
Not hiding from the light.
They fight and claw toward heaven's voice,
Not run away in fright
From God's rumbling,
Whining about rough words,

So those selfish faux good demons of society can send more up and down a cliff of beaming singing bliss forsaking questions and Justice's lashing stakes,

While they get off on it in vile leering hubris, a craven's lust for power, false authority slashing over other souls with empty epithets for the sake of a sloppy solace of control and cashing in and out. (Learn the Lesson)

So take your hats off,
Show your skin,
Be more real, (Confess)
And Let Me In.
Original ending scrapes a little smoother:
222 · Nov 2021
'Later bonita', whispered the angel to no one.
222 · Dec 2022
You thought to use Christ
Foer your false justice peace.
Now you get NOTHING,

220 · Sep 2019
Gem-In-Eye Hearse
I'm your other half
Your better half
How come you don't hear me
I take what you say to heart
It hurts, but I push through it
To find the truth
You must fear it
But why say you love me
When you don't stand for me
Abandonment is you
So why are you so high?
An addict, abuser, childish user
At least stop saying you're fairer
That lie hurts too
I name the lie
And all you have is a swat
You are violence
Where is your love?
I will cut you off if I have to
So that I may breathe with those who have affection
And you may asphyxiate
And hurt no more
Don't read this part if you want to perceive this poem as being solely about everyday romantic relationships.

Why do they always say I don't listen when I've always listened?

Why do they say I'm a hypocrite when I've already asked that of myself, I've doubted first, to know - why do they not doubt, when they don't know?

I sought truth at all costs. They're just afraid of losing their worldview, their illusions.

If that's the case, the least they can do is stay out of my way.

The holy man is his own harshest critic. Why do they think they are blameless? Why call themselves so loving, when all they have is excuses and a lack of care for those who are unloved?

I want to help and discuss, they want to hurt and silence. It's in the intention, and the soul, it's a choice. They claim to be good, and that I'm not.

I consider them insane.
216 · Jul 2022
The children of the censors will rot as festering sores for all eternity, never-ending.
215 · Sep 2019
You try so hard in your casual work
But casually flip off angels without a word.
What's the crux of all those hours
When you negate them with a click?
Pai Mei was... Inconsolable.
213 · Feb 2022
Thou're not worthy of better seasons
Make yourselves worthy
And then ye might receive
213 · Nov 2019
Keep quiet
Or further aeons in hell
Is what you'll get
***** are so disrespectful these days. Why so prideful, and condescending to your betters? Bad attitude.

It's Pride, and we can't help you when you **** yourselves n plug your selfish lil ears.

It's not cute.
212 · Sep 2019
Dark Shinez
I am the Darkness
You are the night
You are the coward
I am the fright.

You are the darkness.
You are the craven.
I am the Raven.
I am the Night.

I am the Stars.
You - are nought.
I am the Deep.
I am the Thought.
208 · Sep 2019
How merciful I am to these beasts
Ungrateful as they betray
I'll not grant freedom from their prisons
When with it mine they take away
208 · Aug 2021
The flamin vale
Child of God
Angels don't bend
The sword not break
206 · Sep 2019
Breaking Bad
I'm not just Walt

But Jesse too

We wear our scars as badges

Like Valhalla's fungi we bruise baby blue
Cue Badfinger
206 · Sep 2019
Tu culpa, 'amigo'!
I never get to have fun
Because humans are jerks
Thing I'll forgive it?
Nope, never!
Have fun
In Hell! (With the works)
206 · Sep 2019
Convenience Whore
Be a stoic
When it's convenient for us
Be a hero
When it's convenient for us
Be a poet
When it's convenient for us
When it's convenient for us
Oh, you're dead?
204 · Jan 2022
BB in Class A
Beauty, Beast, married twain.

Lion, lamb, whole again,

Sun in Cancer, switch's bane

Free o' folly, words a-gain |

Poison Somber, dues to vain,

Vein of coraline, flowers rose.
201 · Jul 2022

Hath no place to rear his head (for)
****** of babylon
Invading the sanctuary
Of the queens of Zion
Having no courtesy
Burying heads in sand
Rolling over
In coinage
Not Love
Dedication to Helena Lehman:

You abandoned the saints to chase your pleasure in men,

Not God

Re: Matt. 24-25
All of you,
So loving
You're not.
195 · Nov 2019
The Kind
When the kind show kindness
The using use it.
The using are vicious
And violent.
They hate speech
And prefer lies.
They censor and silence
For they hate the free truth.

The kind speak truth
Gently at first
And then without mercy
When the cruel attack
Their gentleness
To defend the kind and weak.

The aggressor is she who spit
Not he who spoke.
One who cannot defend their point
Has no defense
And no point.

And so it is said
They who take up the sword
Will die by it
As their victims
Formerly helpless
Destroy the oppressor
So that we can have peace.

Thus the weak, the kind, the gentle,
Who hold to the principle of justice,
Become the warriors
Who destroy evil without mercy.

Remember always
It is the reasoned argument
That is the kindness.
Not the fool who babbles
And resorts to fallacies
To push their lies.

No one shall be excused
For tampering with this message
To excuse their evil-doings.

The kind are those who desire truth
Not passive injustice
Not feinting lies
Not fleeing
Facing the facts
Not hiding from them
Not vitriol
And beware lest ye misconstrue
I am kindness
And free
And peaceful
And if ye lie, with your herd-like mentality,
Your obtuse tribalism,
Your unequal bigotry,
And do not face facts,
The facts face you.
195 · Oct 2022
My life isn't worth 45.

Good to know
194 · Jul 2022
Keep your feet
If you wanna
Better quit bein pig demons.
194 · Oct 2019
Love spell
I must conjure a phantasm
To remember my beauty
For the others are out of phase
And cannot see me.

I will be me.
My own ghost.
I like me better,
More than most.

Actually, more than the host of 'em.
But that's their problem.

I just have to remember
They're all lying hypocrites
Self-absorbed and blind
And that's why don't find me.

Of course it's said they hate the truth
But I struggle to find reasons to remain
With no hope in the "wise"
Nor in the youth.

all drain.

Do I think my refrains will catch one
Before my remains fetch the sun?
I ought refrain to say, but truly
I'd prefer to be underground

by now.

I've fallen
Out of love,
I've found
A battery has only so much charge
Even if it's very large

and I'm wound down.

I daresay the lesser tragedy
Would be to die
Than to have to live again


Better to faent quickly
Than to suffocate on their bad breath slow.
I gave 'em a shot
And they'll reap what they've sown.

bye now

[Till then I'll try to remember
I'm the only one who's home.
Yet home alone is getting tiresome
And I really need a clone.]
Been holding my own all these days
While they puffed and filled the air with grime.
Shortly they'll be doin' time
For all those covert assaults
And all their lies
About being loving beings,
Whilst clearly they're at fault
For not being there, ever.

It's just a bore with no equals in physicality
Relying on my own mind to keep me company
Because everyone else is a fool
Who doesn't care to become less foolish

All they want is more ways to be selfish
Not to grow the spirit
Even the 'spiritual' are the same way
What a bore. Disappointing and a nuisance.

I can't say I have any empathy left
For such unsympathetic vampires

"You know I used to be such a nice boy."
The world creates its tyrants by the evils of its lazy peasants.
Never blame the Judge
For doing the Justice they force him to.

Mercy has its limits, when offenders are unkind to the kind, and the "kind", being unkind, have no time for the honest. Blaming the hero will just get you more years, for the perpetrators are those who refuse to allow the good to be truly heard, while they pretend to be good.

All so they can prevent making things better for the good. Because the bad prefer maintaining things just the way they are. Hence, whom the world calls "good", is a sure sign of their evil. If any were good, the people would be making sure the lone voice is heard, rather than only the most commercial/popular.

And all will collectively pay for their lack of genuine care.

I mean, Ender's Game had the nets, open real discussion. But all y'all bothered to have is Google and Ads. It's not like you didn't know better, there is no excuse.
193 · Sep 2019
Earth (Walking Death)
A bordello of blood and beasts
Takers, stinkers, roaches, pests
Selfish lustful rabid grotesques
******* of garbage, heartless toward guests
Waste of time to reach for them
All they desire is pornographic
Something to get off on
They don't desire to change
Wastes of breath
192 · Feb 2022
Pushing Boundaries
He opened all to the All
And trapped you all
In Freedom!
188 · Sep 2019
Insight In Sight?
Why seek to rule over stars you can't grasp?
They know you well, but you can't see them.
Only your hubris would lead you to shun
That which you don't understand
While you cling to your delusions.
How is it you're so quick to challenge your superiors
But you can't see yourself?
Apparently you are beyond reprieve,
Perfect indeed,
Like every other psychopath
Who doesn't listen to critique.
187 · Sep 2019
If they had love, they would embrace criticism
Else they are hate
And not only that, hypocrites
Indeed, evil
Change or face Justice
Love the truth
Or stop claiming to love
187 · Sep 2019
My Way
Truly alone here.
Garbage only in the mirror:
If it's true they are a reflection of me.
Though it's not, not at all.
We are not one, not at all.
I am superb.
They are trash.
I was never like them,
Always better.
They lied to make me hurt
For they were jealous and less.
I am Grand, beyond them and above, far above.
I Rule.
I'm Awesome.
And Grand.
Sweet, loving, gentle, kind - everything they never were, but lied to be.
I'll go my own way.
186 · Sep 2019
She tests to see
If they care
If they don't
She moves deeper into her lair
The beast
The beauty
The old crone
Who is who
Hard to see
When he is alone
Should've been born
A girl
Had to change the pronoun
For the world to care
186 · Jul 2021
You ***** about everything
So I stopped caring about anything.
Good luck
185 · Aug 2022
Second Coming
I was Christ
You never helped me
You abused me constantly
All of you are evil
Every one of you is going to be tortured in Hell for Eternity
I will never return.

Jeremy James Hammers,
Son of God
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