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Dayton Feb 2015
Sarcastic lies roll of my tongue.
The words are not sweet.
They're painful.
I love it.

I still see those eyes and wonder why.
Do you honestly regret me?
I regret myself.

I act the way I do to prove myself to you.
Prove I'm not weak and helpless.
I should be proud of myself.
Yet I feel the opposite.

My mind's metamorphosis, I was new.
Left my old life due to all the sadness.
I've tried cutting off bad branches.
Turns out it was all along.

I'm not asking for forgiveness, that's gone
Instead let's try to make a new life.
No more complaining about it.
You and I, let's be happy.
For the past few months, I've been trying to start a new way of life. I've been trying to cut away all the things and people who made me feel **** about myself and others. I thought I would be happy again. Well, I was happy. Then I felt like I was missing something. Turns out I miss what destroys me. I've been happier, and I feel like I shouldn't be.
Dayton Dec 2014
I write about the end because I'm scared of the present.
I don't wanna think of tomorrow, the thoughts aren't pleasant.
Forget about sleeping,
I'll just wake up weeping.
Can't handle the thoughts seeping,
My demons are too busy reaping.
"HELP ME!" My voice is shaking,
My mind and body are both breaking.
I could die and nobody would hear.
My screams were silent, I didn't even have tears.
Short and not great, but I wanted to upload something tonight.
Dayton Dec 2014
Suicidal tendencies
My shirts may be green
But I don't seem to be too lucky
The puddle of purity turned murky.
I have no faith in Gods or people.
Everything nowadays just seem evil.
I'm no different.
I admit it.
I like to smile when I hear you get ******.
My emotions are gone but they aren't missed.

Um hi, my name is Dayton.
I'm a weird fellow who pretends I'm on a permanent vacation.
I may have ideas and wishes
But you can tell I'm not ambitious.
I'm ******* loony
I wanna go all cartoony.
Drop all ideals of common sense,
Conform to the insanity that corrupted my innocence.
You can't see me, I wear my cloak well.
Meanwhile I'm trapped in my own Hell

Knock four times to grab my attention.
I don't mean to ignore you, it isn't my intention.
It just happens when I get lost in thought.
Maybe I'll just get stuck in it and simply rot.
I'm not that stupid though,
I understand when is enough and I should go.
They say good men die young.
What about all the bad who should be hung?
Do we let them live out of generosity or anger?
We let them live their days as a broken shell with without danger.

These are just the ramblings of a mad man.
Just be another lost picture, a "has been".
Another fool who's imagination plays tricks
Deceives all the sane people and turns them sick.
Did you say happiness?
I call it beautiful ignorance.
Maybe I just have a mind of a critical hypocrite.
It's something I hate and just can't live with it.
Be better than my idiocy
Dayton Dec 2014
I'm sitting in a blank, void of a room.
The only sound I hear is a buzzing zoom.
It would start in my left ear,
Fly though my eyes and tears,
Grow into a unbearable screech,
Then just vanish, leaving me without speech.

I have a fear of puppets of people I know.
Imagine my fear as my wooden friends started to grow.
My blank room now filled with my closest of pals.
Hanging by string, bodies limp, eyes of owls.
I start to weep that they can not feel.
I honestly believed that everything was real.

Everything is gone. They're is nothing but black.
I hear nothing but that buzz and a terrifying tap.
The only thing I can relate it to is a clock.
The tap sounded like time passing by, then it stopped.
Everything froze, and I start falling.
Nothing can be heard as I'm silently bawling.

I hit the ground.
My friends are dead all around.
As I look at the ones lost I feel remorse.
I realize where I'm at and think, "Of course."
I'm back in my stupid blank room, I can tell.
Starting over my dream of Hell.
I'm not too religious, and I honestly just do not care about Heaven nor Hell, but my dreams take me to places I've never cared for. How fitting
Dayton Nov 2014
Tell me something new
Something I haven't heard before.
Tell me something cool
Something that won't ever make my ears sore.
I promise I'll listen.

Use your imagination
And paint me a pretty picture.
Use your alliteration
I'm dying to see it with you.
I promise I'll see it.

Lets make a story
One that no one has ever known.
Lets make it showy
One to be put on display and shown.
I promise they'll read it.

I'll have you a book
One to read when you're all alone.
I'll make you stay hooked
Make you wish you where never home.
I'll promise it will be good.

But can you make me a story?
For when the days seem far too long?
Can someone help me not feel lonely?
I'm still hoping I'm not really alone.
I can't really promise anything
Just something I felt I should write. No real reason behind it, just feeling...
  Nov 2014 Dayton
oliviah rachael
I am a raindrop
falling falling falling
too high to believe there is an end to this journey
but too soon the ground comes into view
and i am drowning
drowning in myself
in the water i was created with
i cannot swim
and i am breaking as i fall
breaking before i even touch the surface of the earth

i shatter

and the last thought i can recall
is the disbelief that i am hated
that i am unwanted
that i am cast away with the wind
by everyone who meets me
this small broken piece of nature
that i am

and i am hated
even though i have just fallen to pieces

i have just shattered like glass

and i am still thrown away from the shelter
i so desperately need

because i am a storm,
too fragile,
always too fragile

and i have fallen.
  Nov 2014 Dayton
Chalsey Wilder
Do you know what it feels like?
To imagine killing people, and then feel slightly guilty after thinking so
Do you know what it feels like?
To hurt yourself feeling you deserve it, and afterwards you regret it
Do you know what it feels like?
To be a lesser being, to not even matter that the world doesn't hear you screaming
Do you know what it feels like?
To want to rip your own heart out, to stop the feeling, to stop the pain, to rid the burden, and the heavy rain
Do you know what it feels like?
**To be on the outside of every single thing
I know what it feels like. ;-;
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