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Nov 2014
I am a raindrop
falling falling falling
too high to believe there is an end to this journey
but too soon the ground comes into view
and i am drowning
drowning in myself
in the water i was created with
i cannot swim
and i am breaking as i fall
breaking before i even touch the surface of the earth

i shatter

and the last thought i can recall
is the disbelief that i am hated
that i am unwanted
that i am cast away with the wind
by everyone who meets me
this small broken piece of nature
that i am

and i am hated
even though i have just fallen to pieces

i have just shattered like glass

and i am still thrown away from the shelter
i so desperately need

because i am a storm,
too fragile,
always too fragile

and i have fallen.
oliviah rachael
Written by
oliviah rachael
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