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Dec 2019 · 279
Just Ty Dec 2019
I am in a mental state where I feel as if I am constantly drowning.
My life doesn’t seem to be going straight but constantly rounding
In circles with problems that continue to keep happening
It’s like my guardian angle is just sitting there pointing and laughing
I can’t catch a break for it’s just constant destruction
Demolition day needs to be over and my goals no longer under construction
Every time I move forward I am thrown back five steps back
I don’t know where to go from here all I know is  I’m not ready for what’s next
Good, bad, or indifferent it doesn’t really matter
For whatever happens next I will watch it be shattered
My life is a nightmare that I can’t wake up from
this will continue to be my life for the years to come
Oct 2019 · 373
Just Ty Oct 2019
Is it just me or maybe it’s that I am just a different breed
For there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do when it comes to my seed
I would walk the distance just to be able to put food on the table
I go by many different names but bad father isn’t one of those labels
I don’t understand how parents are ok with just getting by
Because I would do anything for my kids to touch the sky
Maybe I’m wrong and maybe they are doing all that they can
But perception is reality so you have to understand,
Where I am coming from for Im not trying to be the bad guy
I am just asking the questions that we all want to know; why?
Why is it that you have enough money for your drugs
While your children’s stomach is the only thing they’ll hug
These children are walking around with holes in their shoes
All while every Friday night your cabinets are stocked with *****
Isn’t it annoying to see all these dead beat
But dead beat mothers isn’t a conversation to be had
Doing more than what we are doing for our children is my only wish
Because they are the victims here for they didn’t ask for any of this
Sep 2019 · 329
But Yet
Just Ty Sep 2019
So many thoughts
Yet so little words
So much to say
But never really heard
Always in pain
Yet feelings are numb
Life’s only beginning
But already I am done
Jun 2019 · 270
Just Ty Jun 2019
Look at what we went through just to become strangers again
It’s no longer “honey how was your day” but rather how’ve you been
There is no longer an us there is just a you and a me
We had drifted so far a part from the happiness that used to be
it hurt me for a while and even now but only hurts less
For how miserably we failed when our love was put to the test
Maybe we stayed too long at our paths intersection
Where we once believed our life was headed in the same direction
I won’t lie to you by telling you I haven’t thought about you now and then
And all that we went through just to become strangers once again
Strangers love heartbreak peace memories lost
May 2019 · 282
He Who Must Be Named
Just Ty May 2019
He is back and I think he’s here to stay
But I must say that I like it better this way
I know that his intentions are only to protect me
So to fight off the side effects stronger I must be
I believe that we can finally do this together
But letting him take control again I could never
He needs to know that now that I am in charge
And is not okay to be on the loose and at large
My demon is back and I prefer it this way
Protecting my heart forever will he stay
My demon needs a name after all he is my only peace
The other side of me will now and forever be known as The Beast
Beast friend accepting return dark pain
May 2019 · 221
Old Friend
Just Ty May 2019
Oh old friend you have been gone for too long
I can’t even tell you how many times I replayed that sad song
So much has changed but I am still a sucker for love
Only now I see love through the eyes of a raven no longer a dove
I no longer run from pain I embrace it with ease
I have grown to the feeling knowing that it will never leave
My eyes and my heart only sees darkness never again the light
It’s actually pretty comforting seeing each day as if it is night
This dark vision on life really isn’t as bad as it seems
Finding peace in my own death every night in my dreams
Can’t wait to see what this new vision on life can really do
And everything that happens next is all thanks to you
Here’s to the return of an old friend who’s been gone for far too long
And to no longer listening too but rather becoming somebody else’s sad song
Accepting old friend darkness pain
May 2019 · 282
To Whom It May Concern...
Just Ty May 2019
How is it that you can be so close yet still so far
you were to be my moon but you’re just another star
I’ve done and said all that I can
It’s seems as if things haven’t gone as plan
Well at least for me but clearly different for you
For you’ve done the opposite of what you said you’ll do
You said that you’ll love me but that was a lie
Only continue to hurt me but still I try
To love something that is apparently broken
But these words to you will be the last that is spoken
Even though I don’t want to I have to let you go
For I have given you every chance just to let me know
Something, anything that I am where your hearts at
While you continue to use mine as a walk in door mat
So you’ve had your chance maybe the next love that I create
Will appreciate all that I have to offer and thank you for your biggest mistake
Love broken lies pain over next moon stars
Apr 2019 · 324
Nothing Left
Just Ty Apr 2019
Be my peace, for I already have enough pain
If you can’t do that then baby stay in your lane
I’ve had all I can take I’ve had enough crying
Tired of the mental abuse I’m tired of all the lying
All I ask is for you to just be honest with me
For it’s evident that you don’t love what you see
Standing before you so fragile so broken
I know what you are thinking without a single word spoken
Like when you look at me all you can do is think of him
Our flame has finally went out not even just a dim
So I guess in the dark is where I’ll forever sit
For our love is out of matches and nothing left to spark it
Apr 2019 · 503
Happy Birthday
Just Ty Apr 2019
2012 oh man what a year
That was the year when everything became clear
Six years ago you became a blessing to my life
I delivered you myself, so no need for a midwife
At 9:29 I knew that forever my life would change
And sure enough I was right for things haven’t been the same
As I watch you grow into such a extraordinary young man
I realize more each day that taller I must stand
For you look up to me and mimic everything that I do
I must ensure that you reach further in life than I ever grew
I promise you I will give you better than my best
I will never stop trying I will never stop to rest
Daddy will always love you until his last day
I will love you every second of every minute not just on your birthday

Happy birthday little Ty
Feb 2019 · 250
Just Ty Feb 2019
I hate that every time I close my eyes all I can see is your face
You already left me so why can’t you leave my mental space
You’ve take all that I had to give what is there left for you to take
Thought you were my greatest love ever but that was a horrible mistake
Why haven’t you left my mind why are thoughts of you still here
Why do I hate you so much but at the same time want you near
Maybe one day I’ll find peace maybe one day I won’t care
But until that day comes, whenever I close my eyes your face will be my nightmare
Feb 2019 · 203
One Of Those Days
Just Ty Feb 2019
I don’t have anyone to turn to about all this pain inside
So it looks like my paper and my ink is what I turn to  confide

It’s been a rough day but I knew that It was coming
But it didn’t hurt any less when you told me that I was nothing

I should have listen to your friends when they warned me about you
I thought that I was different that I could break through

But the joke is on me for thinking I could win your heart
Instead you took mine out of my chest and tore it all apart

I know that this pain is temporary, I know that it will end
I am just really tired of losing while watching others love win
Feb 2019 · 222
Mr. Hyde
Just Ty Feb 2019
I have this beast that lives inside my mind in the darkest place
I try everything I can to prevent a gruesome escape
If you ever saw that side of me you will never look at me the same
I won’t try to make excuses I’ll man up and take the blame
For all my wrong doings and all of my mistakes
But living in isolation is something I can no longer take
It’s scary by myself I am afraid of being alone
For these life ending thoughts isn’t something I will condone
So In hopes of potential happiness I will show you the real me
And pray you don’t run at the sight of what you’re about to see
Jan 2019 · 222
Best Friend
Just Ty Jan 2019
I went to go text you three times today
For all I wanted was my best friend on such a bad day
You are the only person I can turn to when I want to cry
But your no longer here so I must turn to the sky
***** which is where I seem to been turning to the most
I wish this emotional muster was over so I can tell my feelings to post
I thought leaving would make them all go away
But it seems rather that they are back to stay
The worse part about it is I don’t even know why
All I know is that I wanted my best friend when all I could do was cry
Nov 2018 · 244
Just Ty Nov 2018
I have my choice of amazing woman but yet I feel pain
Is it because they love me but yet I don’t feel same,
About her or her or you or you
Please I wish someone would just tell me what to do
Yet rather how to feel, about this pain in my chest that I don’t wish to reveal.
For I love only one so all my ex’s want an appeal.
Docket after docket on how I should be with them
Just want to shut them all out and fall into my REM
You see that's Rapid Eye Movement but my eyes only moved for you
On this ship of relation that I would have forever stayed true.
But for you it wasn’t the same, for the heart wants what it wants
If that wasn't me then why was it a future you would taunt
But I no longer feel guilt, pain, or obligation,
For I have come in terms with being an abomination.
I am such a fool for relishing in your eyes and caving to your temptation
You are my greatest regret when you should have been my greatest salvation
Nov 2018 · 281
Night's Rest
Just Ty Nov 2018
In fear of facing my mind I can never close my eyes at night
I pray for better days where mind is right
Instead of living everyday in a constant state of pain
Where I can break away from the bottle that is my novocain
I just wish that somebody will stop and listen
And understand all that Im wishing
For is a day of peace and silence
Just one night I can rest both my lids
Nov 2018 · 243
Just Ty Nov 2018
If you seen me now you wouldn’t recognize me
For I am so much better than I use to be
A lot can change when you no longer have pain in your heart
I just wished that I could have seen it from the very start
I thought it was true love but that wasn’t the case
And for a moment I went from being the good guy to the infamous two face

I can’t even say that I am sorry for the aftereffect
For it came at the cause from all of your neglect
You neglected to be honest, you neglected to be true
You neglected to be faithful but you showed me the real you
I can honestly say that the pain is gone
For I no longer see your face whenever I hear that song
Aug 2018 · 218
Just Ty Aug 2018
I’m a little better now but only a little
Not quite I miss you nor hate you but somewhere in the middle
Some days I sit back and think of when we were together
Then I open my eyes and realize that you have moved on to someone better
Jun 2018 · 186
Our Last Goodbye
Just Ty Jun 2018
I’ve never been so scared to see you before
For I already knew all that was in stored
For me, for you, and more importantly us
I should have known it wasn’t real love for it was only lust
You promised me that I had nothing to fear
But from your mouth spewed lies for you’ve now disappeared
You said it was all just a show that none of it was real
But it was for me so on my own I must heal
I tried to be everything that you’ll ever need
But I was too late for he already planted the seed
Of a flower called his love that he promised would be different and new
But just as before it will turn out not to be true
I will never forget the last time that we said goodbye
Because it was the last time anything has been able to make me cry
Jun 2018 · 208
My Only Regret
Just Ty Jun 2018
You were my greatest sin
And my only regret
You made me believe what was within
And promised me you weren’t a threat
But I should have known that behind that grin
That there was something I should fret
You were supposed to be my greatest win
Never would have thought you’d be someone I’d regret
May 2018 · 222
Just Ty May 2018
Being with her isn't like being with you.
I don't feel like the person that I once knew
I miss feeling alive when we were together.
Now nothing is looking up not getting any better
As I look out my window it's dark and grey
Now look into my heart it looks the same way
If only you could read my mind or even see
Then you would understand exactly what you mean to me
May 2018 · 170
Just Passing Through
Just Ty May 2018
Please tell me when are you planning to leave
so I can know where to put my heart on my sleeve
Should I place it near my hands so that I can give it to you
Or should I place it up higher for you are just passing through
May 2018 · 185
Locked Away
Just Ty May 2018
You ever want to know about the state of my mind?
Walk into my house and tell me what you find
You would probably find my emotions scattered on the floor
And a trail of tears leading you to a lock door
In that room is where the real me lives
I locked him away for what he did the world cannot forgive
I can hear him at night screaming and crying
Saying I am sorry to his heart for ever trying
I wish I could let him out, I wish he could be with me
But they say time heals all wounds so I guess we’ll see
So for the time being I am the best you’re going to get
For the appearance of my true self isn’t something I’ll let
May 2018 · 168
Just Ty May 2018
I have finally accepted that we will never be
It took a while to see it but I can finally see
My eyes are open and my vision is cleared
It is not my fault that you were too scared
Scared to accept that you deserved more
But you were the opposite of all that you swore
You were right in saying that I could do better
I will find someone deserving of my love letters
I pray one day you’ll realize all that you’ve lost
And regret knowing the heart that you tossed
will eventually give all that should of been yours
And that you are to blame for all you’ll endure
I am not wishing you pain that’s not what I want
Just be prepared for our memories to constantly haunt
May 2018 · 237
One Day... Maybe
Just Ty May 2018
I wish I could tell you all that goes on in my cerebral
Maybe you’ll get a glimpse of why I don’t trust most people
I have yet to meet a person who’s genuine and true
For they only stay around depending on what I can do...
for them as long as I am pleasing
A possibility of a future is what their constantly teasing
Whether it’s love, friendship, or even my career
It all ends the same with me alone with my tears
So now I know I can only count on myself
Maybe one day I will take my feelings off that dusty shelf
Where I tend to keep everything that I want to keep safe
From the world that comes at me like an emotional strafe
May 2018 · 171
Ride To My Death
Just Ty May 2018
Taking my time through this winding road
In fear of all I am about to be told
This will more than likely be my last ride
But hell at least I can say that I tried
I gave you my all but it wasn’t good enough
Getting over you is going to be tough
Not having my moon and my stars to guide me
Where is the end I guess we’ll wait and see
All I know is that at the end I will reach my death
This is where I leave you this is where I take my last breath
May 2018 · 150
Just Ty May 2018
Today I pulled my phone out to call you and see how your day was going but then I came to the sad realization that it’s no longer my place to do so.
May 2018 · 152
Just Ty May 2018
Today is the day I ask all of you for forgiveness
And apologize to all those whom have to bare witness
To the gruesome scene that is the ****** of my heart
I tried to pick up the pieces but it continues to fall apart
I promise you all I did the best that I could
But no matter what I am made to be the villain constantly misunderstood
Now with my last my few breathes drawing so  near
I can say you got what you want as my life disappears
I am sorry to all of those that I am hurting
And to the select few that my pain will be transferring
I just wasn’t strong enough to deal with this **** day to day
I would love nothing more than to be able to stay
I am just so tired of losing it’s becoming to much
Tired of hearing “it’s not you” “maybe next time” it’s becoming too much.
To the one whom was the cherry on the cake
Just know that I loved you even if I was too late.
My eyes are becoming heavy and I am very weary
When I look down upon you all I don’t want to see a single eye teary

Just Ty—
May 2018 · 143
Just Ty May 2018
I am tired of being alone every single day
People come into my life but never do they stay
If you walk into my house you won’t see anything on my walls
If you look at my phone there won’t be any recent calls
Except from maybe some bill collectors
Why is it that I never receive a call from a pain collector
Good morning Mr. Strong I see you owe us some of your pain
Maybe then my heart wouldn’t be so black and my thought of love wouldn’t be so stained
I just don’t believe happiness is in the cards for me
For constant set backs and negativity is what keeps haunting me
**** I wish any of this sounds good
I wish I could verbalize my thoughts so my words could be understood
Maybe I need to disappear maybe I need a different place
All I know for certain that here my minds not safe

Just Ty—
May 2018 · 195
Just Ty May 2018
I know that some days I am really short with you
But yelling and lashing out isn’t something that I like to do
You scare me a lot for you have all of this power
And in one spilt second my heart you could devour.
So fool me twice and it’s shame on me
But fool me a third and there won’t be a we
Or whatever this is I really don’t know what to call it
But my heart that I gave you I’ll have no choice but to withdraw it
Please don’t hurt me again please don’t break my heart
For I am trying to forgive you and give us a fresh start
Just bare with me through this cold that are my actions
Promise not to add to my pain only subtractions

Just Ty—
May 2018 · 260
My Last Flame
Just Ty May 2018
I wish that I was brave enough to tell you how feel
And how much I am afraid of all that you could steal
I don’t have much to take for I was robbed in the past
But I’ll trust one more time so this flame will be my last
Before you have the chance to take I will simply give to you
In hopes that your intentions pure and that the words you speak are true.
I know I’m not much and I know you can do better
In a desperate hope to keep you I’ll write you daily love letters
I promise to give you all I can I promise to give you my best
I promise to only take away not add to your stress
I will never stop trying to get you to fall in love with me
I will never stop trying to get you to see all you can be
I won’t give up on you and I promise you that
Even if in the end you can’t give it back

Just Ty—
Apr 2018 · 180
Societies Cup
Just Ty Apr 2018
I guess it’s time for me to change up
And ask why does everyone drink from societies cup
Why can’t a man want good for his fellow brother
Why do you think it’s ok to disrespect your children’s mother
Why are women all in competition
Why is my town at an all time high for addiction
Addiction to pills but also to them likes
Why does a woman have wrong her body in order to feel right
Why do we have so many fathers sitting in jail
Why is there a slant when it comes to racial bail
Why don’t we do more and come together as a community
Why don’t we choose to be the bigger person when given the opportunity
Why must we keep the hatred going
It’s time to decide if you want to help change the world or keep the hatred growing

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 374
Just Ty Apr 2018
All I ever wanted was love and acceptance
But all people see is hate and Imperfections
Why is it that I feel like I can never be me
Until I finally pull the trigger so im finally free.
There is so much darkness and confusion that plays in my mind
So with the barrel to my head I will ask god for a sign
A sign to tell me “Ty don’t pull that trigger”
Or “Ty I have something planned for you its just much bigger…”
“…than you could ever possibly understand”
But I need to know for nothing is organize so I need some sort of plan.
Everything In my life is in chaos Ive given it my best
I don’t have time for anything else for all I do is stress.
Time's run out tell my boys that I apologize for my sins
For I was the underdog in this game called life so there is no way I can win.

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 182
To you I raise my glass
Just Ty Apr 2018
As I stand up here embarrassed by my actions
I wonder if anyone would understand if they only knew a fraction
Of what I battle with on a daily inside my head
Even if you were half the person I am you’d end up dead.
But am I really too far off?
I try to play hard but inside I am soft.
I am as soft as the hands whom once held my heart
With those same hands you easily tore it all apart.
Im not only speaking of my heart but rather my mind, body, and spirit.
Where he once clouded everything I came in and cleared it.
I promised myself this would be the last time
I asked god if I am lovable then to please give me a sign
And there you were so vibrant and beautiful
But just as I thought it didn’t last as usual
I really hate the concept of love because it is something that hurts the most,
You got me good this time Love now raise your glass for this toast
Tonight I toast to you for breaking me down
But at the same time you’ve shown me that I am better than this town.
So heres to a fresh start to some place wonderful and new
But never will it compare to imprint of my heart that only fits you.

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 216
Dimming light
Just Ty Apr 2018
Today is going to be a really hard day for me
The world is no longer a place I would like to be
I don’t know how much more of this feeling I can withstand
For the only time I feel at peace is when I am holding you hand
But I cannot hold it all the time, I cannot hold it every day
So what can I do to ease this pain during the times you are away
I swear I’ve tried it all, I’ve done everything I could
If I could stop with these thoughts you best believe me I would
But it’s getting tougher and tougher and louder and louder
Watching the light the fade away as the darkness overpowers
I want to give up for I can no longer see the light
But there is this small flame inside me that wants me to fight
Will it be enough, I guess we’ll see
All I know is I’m not myself and these thoughts are not me

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 195
End of Days
Just Ty Apr 2018
This is the end and my time is near
I am not as put together as much as I may appear
They say don’t judge a book by its cover
Read one page of my book and you will see all that I suffer
Day in and day out I have to be everything everyone wants me to be
Being able to be my true self is something that I won’t ever see
For just like my days of happiness my life is shortly lived
This life will always take but not once have I seen it give
So is it giving up my life or is life taking once again
All I know is that I can’t take one more day in this life I've been condemned

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 179
Fuck You
Just Ty Apr 2018
1.  ******* for making me this way
2.  ******* for leaving when you promised you’d stay
3.  ******* for giving what we had to another
4.  ******* for making me believe you were different from others
5.  ******* for allowing me to believe in love
6.  ******* for saying it doesn’t matter when it does
7.  *******
8.  *******!
9.  *******!!
10.  *******!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 153
Wishful Thinking
Just Ty Apr 2018
I wish I knew what was wrong with me
I wish that I could handle my emotions more responsibly
I wish you could understand what goes on in my head
I wish I could take back all that I said
I wish the world could see how much I try
I wish I knew how to be the good guy
I wish all this pain would just stop and go away
I wish I knew if I would make it another day
I wish that writing all this actually mattered
I wish I didn't relate so much to the mad hatter

Just Ty-
Apr 2018 · 170
You’re not worth it
Just Ty Apr 2018
In that last moment was the first time I felt at peace.
I actually smiled before the crash knowing I would be underneath
This cold harsh world that never gave me all that I have given to it
But it didn’t end how I wanted to, for it ended deeper in a pit
Not only physically but mentally I am deeper in my head
And the flame that once guided me through the darkness is finally dead
Now I am driving uncontrollably down this scary road
So **** it why not since “you’re not worth saving” is what I am constantly told
Apr 2018 · 219
My last.....
Just Ty Apr 2018
If I crashed this car right now who would miss me
Everyone says that they love me but then they diss me
I know i am not perfect I know I make mistakes
But I guess the voices in my head are the only ones whom can relate
Friends and family say “I’ll be there no matter what”
It’s only conditional they will always find a but
Because If they wanted to stay then they would see the good
Guess I really am ******* up and not just misunderstood
I do everything I can to lock my demons in
But some days I’m not strong enough so I give up and let them win
So to the next person who tries to comes into my life
Whether it’s family, a friend, or a impossible future wife
Don’t ever promise you’ll stay
because I know it’s just a lie
Because eventually you will leave and I’ll already know why.
Because Eventually I’ll mess it up for i always do wrong
that’s how I know you’ll never stay to dance to this song

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 194
The Leo
Just Ty Mar 2018
We don’t belong in a zoo
We belong in a pride

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 191
December 3rd
Just Ty Mar 2018
It amazes me how little time has passed
For already I am wishing for this to be something that last
I can still remember the first time that our eyes met
It’s the day you walked into my life so how could I forget
You said “I like your jacket” so I turned around thinking you were speaking to me
Not knowing I would be turning around to greet such beauty
You can tell that god took his time when he created you
And placed you right in front of me so I could do all the things that others couldn’t do.
I can’t wait for the day that I am able to call you mine
For I know that our love would be something some would call Devine
Just say the word and I will be your grand finale
Just say the word and my heart is yours Ali

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 183
Rabbit Hole
Just Ty Mar 2018
Would anyone like to join me and sit in this pain
No I didn't think so I don't even know why I came
I just wanted a place I could be loved and accepted.
Instead of the place where I was ignored and neglected.
Nobody ever cared until I became this way
Now it's "Ty you are heartless" is what they continue say
Nobody ever says **** to the person who created this monster
Just point the blame on the creature who's feelings were conquered.
See I got this beast inside me who tries to fight his way out
He also tends to be too much and cause me
to rage and lash out
I try to explain that its not my fault and that it wasn't intentional
But I get told accept fault and the way that I act isn't conventional.
But why when acting right wasn't something That I was privy to.
Runaway and leave now because I know that you want to
I told you about my pain and the demons inside and what it took just to be standing here alive.
You promised that you would stay and walk with my demon
If that wasn't a lie then why the **** are you leaving?
Nobody ever hates the creator Dr. Frankenstein
Only the monster he created but they won't cross that line
It's easier to believe this was how I was born
Than it is to believe this me after I was reborn.
You think I wanna be who I am?
Do you think my reflection is something I can stand?
Everyday I wanna shoot myself or cut my own throat
Or maybe jump off a building and believe that I can float.
Everyday is a struggle you don't know what I go through
But I'm not one of these dude that would shoot up a school.
For I don't want anybody to hurt I don't want them to feel how I feel
Because they may not be strong enough to know how to deal how I deal
I use pills, alcohol, and woman to keep my mind from spiraling out of control
Without these things I would probably be six feet under in a hole

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 309
Foreign language
Just Ty Mar 2018
Happiness is an unknown language to me
It is depression that spews from my tongue
For depressed isn’t what I am expected to be
So I can’t fail your expectation and cause you to run.
You see I use to be happy and I thought that it was neat.
I fell so deeply in love literally I was floating and no longer on my feet
Hoping that maybe this would be the one who would finally catch me
But as quickly as it started it ended just as drastically
Why must I fall for those whom can never love me back?
You think I would stop because I just don’t have the knack
For being able to see the common traits & similarities
I just really want to know what is really wrong with me

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 177
Just Ty Mar 2018
What was it that caused you to move into this residential
It’s as if you seen this old broken down place and saw so much potential
Where as others feared and laughed at the thought of it being a beautiful space
You walked right in as if you owned the place
Tell me what it is seen that made you want to make such a risky purchase?
Not knowing what’s in this dark place not knowing what lurches.
A lot of people have ran out this place screaming
So how long do you have before you too are leaving?

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 177
Prisoner of the Mind
Just Ty Mar 2018
I am a prisoner of war caught between my heart and my mind
I am at the point of giving up just please show me a sign
I need the sign to let me know all will be alright
I swear if you show me that I’ll put up a fight.
I hate being in this place. I just want to go home
But even once I’m free I will still be alone
Maybe this isn’t so bad at least I have some company
I can hear a voice in the shadows so at least there is somebody
It’s a voice so familiar I just can’t figure out who it is
it reminds me of happier times where I once use to live
**** I can’t believe that I remember a feeling of once being happy
Can’t really make out the the memory of why due to the quality being so ******
Why can’t I close my eyes and picture a happy place
Whenever I close my eyes it’s this dark and scary place.
Maybe one day I will escape maybe one day I’ll make it
Or maybe… this thing called life I’ll probably just take it

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 237
Same Pain
Just Ty Mar 2018
If only there was a day Just only one day where instead of the sky being grey it would be blue.
Just a day when I know what to do.
If instead of confusion and hate, there was order and love.
Everyone thinks that they're different but we are just the same,
but the only real difference is how we handle the pain.
We can keep it inside and build in the dark,
or show it some light and release in the park.
Our pain is all different but still it's just the same, for pain is just pain it doesn't care for your name.
It's collects its victims from both the weak and the strong. It whispers in your ears like the deadliest song.

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 205
Just Ty Mar 2018
You see we all go a little mad sometimes
But are we mad at the now or is it our pastimes?
We were taught as children what to do when we're mad,
But why weren't we taught how to deal with our sad?
There are a lot of life tools that I wish I had.
Maybe I wouldn't be the way I am and all my relationships wouldn't end so bad.
I deal with my anger by keeping it all bottled in
Until it's time to finish that Jameson bottle yet again.
They say that there is a message in the bottle
I haven't seen one at the end, but here I wattle.
I used to date a girl name roxy who took all my pain away,
Until it was three days later and in bed I lay.
Sick from her love but I wanted her more.
But getting sick every hour and body so sore.
Why is it that I have forgotten what it is to happy?
Constantly on edge quickly become scrappy
You will never be able to tell from this face I poker,
That I am just as ****** in the head as heath playing the joker.

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 205
Mind Games
Just Ty Mar 2018
I guess being by myself isn’t really a bad thing
Especially considering all that is happening
In my mind; in that place that I don’t even want to be
It’s a selfish trait to ask anyone to come and save me
Why is that in these walls the isolation is embraced
It’s like I cannot be hurt at all so it’s where I stay to be safe
But at the same time why do I want to fill this empty space
Am I talking about these walls or where my heart used to be placed?
I just want to be able to feel again so I am no longer numb
But every time I let someone in I get caught up looking dumb.
It’s a dangerous game when it comes to the mind
It’s a tough opponent to beat for it’s one of a kind
You see it’s constantly changing and consistently evolving
Every day creating problems but never problem solving.
Every time I think the game is won and I have a checkmate
My mind just looks and laugh and says “Ty your too late”.
You can never beat me for I already know what you are thinking
Stick with what you know kid. your drug, hoes, and drinking
So no matter what I do in life I am just destined to lose
Constantly relapsing for her love like dope head who drools.
How did I get here how did I allow my mind to get like this?
I got so wrapped up in pleasing others that I lost myself up in the mix
So Where do I go to find me where is it that I start.
I dont dare to listen to my mind and **** sure not my heart.
Maybe one day I will figure it out you know if it’s not too late
I just hope that I make it to the day that I see my mind straight

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 187
About Last Night
Just Ty Mar 2018
Last night I had a ******* with depression and anxiety
What can I say I have an addiction so Im constantly fighting with sobriety

Just Ty-
Mar 2018 · 249
Just Ty Mar 2018
My mother always said shoot for the moon and if you don’t quiet  make it then at least you will land amongst the stars.
But with you I shot right past the moon to something further
With the mindset that I was going to travel to where no man has gone before.
But I didn’t  realize that our love didn’t have enough fuel to reach our destination
So where do I land from here because my mother never told me what was past the moon.
I thought that I could fuel this rocket ship with enough love for the two of us
But you abandoned ship with the only oxygen tank that we had left.
Now here I am lost and floating not knowing which way is up.
Gasping for just one more ounce of air that is your voice.

Just Ty-
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