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Just Rachel Jun 2017
Throbbing pain in my skull
Death once more,so I do roll
Sweating palms,so sick of ****
Bit off too much
Now ****** lip
Stiff body,heavy eyes
Please never give in to the lies
  Jun 2017 Just Rachel
I have written love songs to the Moon
(hoping they would reach their destination)

no reply was forthcoming, not how I imagined,
only silence

but in this silence I found succour
in this silence I know love

love comes in a mysterious way
touches you places nothing else can.
Just Rachel Jan 2017 of now? -Silent
Crushing this blue heart of mine....

Afraid,....without a dream
Lost,without a vision seem
Floods me...
The emptiness
Like my existence,an uninvited passing
Behind the cold ..
I only sink
Awake is the Affliction
Just Rachel Jan 2017
Can someone please explain?
Why the need to control by pain?
Your mere energy yes,destructive
Drama,strife,the fighting
Constant you prove back bitting
Showing no remorse, !?......ha never
You just think you're oh,so clever
Misery loves company,indeed this is so known
But I will not relate a Heart of pure stone....
Just Rachel Jan 2017
Use heart,spread light
Receive such,make right

Teach love,hold true
Help man,new view

Dream found,hate go
Prepare world ...high,low

Soon gather,rise fast
Believe, -last
Missed you guys...I've been dealing with some personal things,hopefully be on more regularly <3
Just Rachel Nov 2016
Made afraid
Fall after speed ..
Represent real,remember
Got caught up..At bottom...
Life,hell......Did serve
Raining stones I took
Indeed same picture
Usual hook
And stays the same.
It is what it is....
Just Rachel Nov 2016
To learn of life's
Painful truths...
.......Consider the revolving door......
Trouble come cycle
Never-ending story..
difficult theme,...
Similar,most seem..
Quite afraid,each fearing memories gone
Furthermore pattern,cursed is strong
unending circles 'round it goes
produces again ...the hurt it grows
common one follow once more
Hurting people-hurt people.....
If we have been hurt ..we must first heal our hurts before entering into a new relationship...because hurting ppl hurt ppl.
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