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Feb 10 · 163
Kayla S Feb 10
Babe, I'm tired, let me sleep!
'No, stay up it'll be worth it. I promise!'
Fine, whatever..

Sleepy time now, goodnight. I love you.
'5 more minutes my love.'

Come on, it's practically 12!
'Just waitt'

'Happy one month my sweet girl! I love you so much.'
Oh my god, you're so annoying! I love you so much more baby.
I love puppy love.
Jan 5 · 143
Dear my love,
Kayla S Jan 5
You mean the world to me,
I'll love you forever
We're truly meant to be.
Our love can never sever.

I won't settle for anything less
Or hope for anything more
Because I'll have my wedding dress
With our vows waiting to be swore.

If the world happens to end
While we're still alive
I'd hope we'd pretend
that our love will survive

Through sickness and health
and death due us part.
I hope to see you knelt
Promising to never breaking my heart.
Jan 5 · 108
Been a while.
Kayla S Jan 5
Gone for a bit
back to say hi
how are y'all doing?
No i didn't die.

Dealt with some ****
and now i'm back
picked up the pieces
now back on track.
ITS TIMEEEEEEEEEEEE, I missed this community so much!! How
is everyone after the holidays?
Nov 2024 · 182
Baby fever
Kayla S Nov 2024
Their little toes
little hand
little nose
them learning to stand!

I'm still only a child
and kids are absolutely wild
but with every baby i pass, i smile
cause one day, it'll be me compiled.
My baby fever is so bad, but good lord are they the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Nov 2024 · 164
Procrastination .
Kayla S Nov 2024
Supposed to be working on school 8-2.
I ended up on my phone scrolling through
photos of me and you
of the things we used to do.

So instead of working on my assignment.
I'm thinking about how our bond went
our entwinement
turned to misalignment.

With my classes needing sketches drawn
and memories brought upon
I'm procrastinating on
the classes that make me yawn.
lol silly
Nov 2024 · 91
Taking my own advice.
Kayla S Nov 2024
''Don't vape, it's bad for you.''
But I do it too.

''It's okay to not feel okay right now.''
But I yearn to learn how.

''Don't talk bad about yourself, You're the most pretty person ever.''
But I wish my body was better.
Hey, no judgement right?
Nov 2024 · 952
teenage love.
Kayla S Nov 2024
15, and can't find someone to love me.
15, and all my friends are dating.
15, and love is all I see.
15, and i'm just waiting.
It's like boys my age don't want me.
Nov 2024 · 826
Take that leap of faith.
Kayla S Nov 2024
We've all heard the quote.
We all know it's about taking that risk.
to me, that risk is the note I wrote.
The 'goodbye' video on the disc.

That risk is actually taking that leap.
and some days I regret not doing it.
those days I dig into my emotions real deep.
But i'm glad I didn't commit.
If you have thoughts or someone you know has thoughts about harming themselves or others, please call a support line or 988 (or the hotline wherever you are from.)

Thanks for all the support on this <333 i love y'all
Nov 2024 · 98
Kayla S Nov 2024
Pacing the dark hallway as the red and blue lights outside my house get closer, I can hear the sirens screaming louder than the voices in my head - I look down at my hands, red - I really killed him.. The smell of copper floods my nose faster than the tears form in my eyes. The front door slams open, yelling.. So much yelling, not just from the police, but from the voices that I can’t do anything about.. They told me to do this, I didn’t do it.

The voices are louder than the world could ever be.
I have to listen to them scream.

All day and all night, I get no break, and no sleep.
Makes you crazy, you know? Makes you feel like a creep.

Physiatrists prescribe meds, Therapists say that I'm *******.
I know I'm not crazy, just ill, and it's not my fault. I was abused.

I can scream back, and whine about it but they won't go away.
No, those ******* voices are here to stay.
Nov 2024 · 238
A star will always burn.
Kayla S Nov 2024
A star always burns.
Even if it takes years to.
Nothing lasts forever.
Nov 2024 · 248
Kayla S Nov 2024
8 months clean, relapsing would be collapsing.  

A locked bathroom door, the voices yelling - no, screaming.
I hear my mother running up the stairs, the pounding of her footsteps mimics the pounding inside my head, it's war.

I can feel blood dripping down onto the rest of my body.
The tears stream down my face as I try to let my head create a feeling of melancholy

There's sirens outside now, I know they're for me. You can see the neon purple lights from the window. I'm just waiting, waiting for death to set me free.

On the stretcher with gauze covering up the masterpiece I made to what use to be pristine skin, I close my eyes, reminding myself to stay awake. my hope stretching thin.

The voices of my neighbors, overcome the sounds of mom's sobs. I wish my own mind didn't lock me chambers.
It's my first poem on here and really just me testing my creativity with my own life experiences. I hope whoever sees this likes it! <3

— The End —