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  Oct 2019 Lizzie
words moved me, and
i wanted my fingers to blister and my
bones to ache
but my mind withers and my heart breaks
i swallowed ink and still i couldn’t
make the words flow like they used to as if
almost as if
they refuse to
  Aug 2019 Lizzie
when i was younger i begged time to go faster
i wanted to grow up right then and there
but now that i know the horrors of growing older
i wish i could've stayed young
...but the years are short. -unknown
Lizzie Jul 2019
I need someone...
I feel so lost, I don't know who I am or who I want to be...
You try to comfort me, tell me it's all going to be ok;
but it never is....
Why is it never ok....
I'm lost in this dark curtain of depression,
     searching for a way out of this hell i call my mind...
Please help me.... anyone..... I can't do this anymore...
I'm sorry... I'm so sorry......
  Jul 2019 Lizzie
دema flutter
Thinking about the future
makes me want to stay
in bed all day,
pretend that I don’t have to
get up and face the world,
yet the facts are drawn on
the ceiling of my bedroom.
  Jul 2019 Lizzie
Emma Price
I got exactly what I wanted
but I can't avoid being haunted
by the notion that I don't deserve
all the kindness and caring I observe
cause so many great people wanted you
that you wanting me is too good to be true
~much love
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