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  Jun 2019 Lizzie
I had coffee and a cigarette for breakfast
So yeah I'm doing fine
I've become good at taking weight off of other peoples shoulders
Searching for happiness in everything
  Jun 2019 Lizzie
Xaela San
I'm not "smart" like them.

I'm not "bright" as them.

I'm not "confident" like them.

I'm not "beautiful" as them.

I'm not "someone" like them.

Can you just accept that?

I don't like crying myself anymore

-Said myself in the mirror.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
  Jun 2019 Lizzie
sandra wyllie
are farsighted? I’m splitting in two
in front of them, and still I can’t get
their attention. They walk over me like
I’m fallen leaves. I feel so used. I beg and

I plead for some relief. But they think it’s
my usual drama. So, I wear my steely armor
and smile. I’m not fooling anyone, least of all
myself. So, I hide in a bottle like a ship. And just like

the ship I can’t get out of the narrow
mouth. And there’s a cork at the head that won’t let
anything in. So, here I’m all alone by myself, which is
something I’m used to. And now since I’m split at the bow
I’ve no masts but two hulls.
Lizzie Jun 2019
Whether I'm in a crowded room,
                                        or alone with you....
                                                          It never seems to be enough...
I guess it shouldn't bother me as much,
                                                           ­ this feeling of loneliness...
I'd grown all too familiar with it growing up...
Never fitting in,
       always the one being left out of parties and social gatherings....
This feeling of loneliness is something I'd grown accustomed to,
                     but i never expected to feel it from you....
I thought you'd be different,
      I know how much your gaming means to you and I get that,
                                                           ­                                         I really do...
I just need someone...
Someone who's always going to be there,
                                                            sure­ there'll be distractions,
      but nothing that's so self emerging and addicting that in that moment and time nothing else matters but winning...
I just need that constant reassurance,
                                       that you're not going anywhere,
                                                       ­                            that I'm ok...
All i want is to be ok..... Not Alone......
        I want, no, I crave that comfort, like a warm blanket and cozy socks,
       curled up at a window to watch the rain as it pours down outside...
God I feel so alone.....
  Jun 2019 Lizzie
Why am I surprised?
You disappoint me yet again.

When will I ever be enough for you?
When will you ever actually care?

Will you ever realize that I love you?
Or will I constantly stay disappointed?
You're the oil in my engine.
The flow to my rhythm.
The foundation of my building,
The one that keeps me from falling.

You're the helium in my balloon,
The fire to my Zeppelin.
Without you, my shape can't be sustained.
You're the medicine to my pain.
In my heart, your love is forever ingrained.

You're the light to my darkness,
Brightening up my day with your every/very presence.
You are the spark, the inspiration.
With you in my life, there are no limitations.

You're the rain to my seeds,
The one that makes them grow.
Always coming in calm drizzles.
Never a storm, always the perfect dose.

You are the air that I breathe.
The oxygen, the one that keeps my fire blazing.
You are my everything.
If I have you, I have no need of anything.
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