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J B Moore Dec 2016
I can see it now, I can see just how,
'Twas never meant to be, never you and me.
We never argued, we just couldn't fight.
I was never wrong, you were always right.
You wanted everything to stay the same,
I was so afraid thinking about change.
I would always stay, you would never leave
Then that day— you started to disbelieve.
I could do no right, and all you did was wrong
We didn't fight, but we couldn't get along
I held true, and wanted you to hold me,
I thought you knew, but you didn't know me.

I can see it now, you don't feel this pain.
I just can't see how, I'll ever say the same.

J B Moore Nov 2016
Tonight is the night, be it All Hallows' Eve
One filled with fright most refuse to believe,
For deep amongst the shadows, silently lurking,
'Tis a terrifying creature, his jagged teeth smirking.

Thou hast all heard of demons, and hast battled thine ghouls
Whilst this terrible beast watcheth with hunger and drools.
It's spittle, like acid, can burn through thine flesh
Making thee so much easier to digest.

No name shalt be found for a creature so foul
That gobbles up goblins, and ogres disembowels.
Dost thou think that thine lanterns shall frighten it hence?
Oh foolish man, it shall consume the light thence.

It standeth hunched over, twelve feet in height;
Stalking thou, watching thou, waiting for night.
It cometh from deep within the forest, as the moon wanes
His fur smelleth of death, his claws favouring pain.

He shan't be stopped ere his hunt is over
Yet he only hunts the thirty-first of October
Take ye heed, then, and hear the warning of the raven
For this beast is coming, and from him there is but one haven.

He preyeth upon the weakest, and the one full of fear
So stand fast, take courage and in another likeness appear
Put on a mask, as treacherous as can be
Conceal what layeth within, do not let him see

Or else you shall be taken, beaten and devoured
For this beast prefers to torture just to see thee cower.
So please, take heed to this warning and believe;
Thou art only safe if thee wearest a mask on All Hallows' Eve.

J B Moore Nov 2016
I'm trapped in here,
I can't get out
"Somebody help me!
Please help me," I shout.

I'm bound by the hands,
With steel crushing my heart
I can barely stand
So I just fall apart

I'm giving up hope
Of living happily after,
Of a life spent with her
And all of our laughter.

I gave away my heart
Now my heart won't come back.
Was I doomed from the start?
Or is it faith that I lack?

I'm bound up in chains
Chained up like monster
Still filled with pain
Over the fact that I lost her.

How is it possible for me to move on?
Moving on with out any hope.
Hope died like memories fade, sinking into the dawn.
A new Dawn binding my feet like rope.

Still I am told I must pick myself up,
For who else is there to lend me a hand
Or to hand me a way to improve my "luck",
Though, luck's never made a man stand.

I thought all this time that "us" was a blessing,
The blessing that kept us together.
Instead, now I'm left constantly guessing.
Guessing what kept us from forever.

Now I'm trapped in a nightmare where nothing has changed
Save for the change of a loved one lost,
I'm lost in a world from which I feel so estranged,
Estranged from love, a lost-love's cost.

I cannot escape from this terrible dream,
Dreaming of days long gone.
Gone, I have gone and died it would seem.
Seemingly nothing can make me strong.

J B Moore Nov 2016
This crazy conundrum has been conspicuously contrived quite cordially. Of course, one could concede this cordially contrived conundrum could carelessly conflate the countless quandaries causing quintessential quantities to question the conspicuously questionable conspiracy. Conversely, carelessly questioning conspicuously contrived conspiracies as cordially quantitative quandaries could create considerably confusing claims countering the critically acclaimed crazy conundrum so callously clarified as to continue to count as cordial. Consequently, with careless acquiescence, I must confess that the conceptually contrived conspiracy, so inconspicuously inconsistent, conflated considerably contrary quandaries quite questionably and continues to confuse the crazy quite cordially. To conclude, the crazed conspicuous conundrum confuses the cordially questionable quantities of conceptually countless claims clearly clarified as conflated quandaries continuously contradicting a considerable count of conspiracies.

11/2/16 11:59 p
Just a little fun with alliteration and nonsense
J B Moore Sep 2016
The pen is mightier than the sword  
Or so they like to say
Trapping a man tight with cord  
So he can't get away
Look how easy they cut to the quick  
With rumors spread so thick
They stick to each and every day

Don't speak, don't speak, don't speak to me.
Your "facts" are just opinions you claim to be free.
Free from logic, free from rhyme,
As free as the rhythm of the passing time.

Riots are just fires we start by the spark of the tongue
Set ablaze within the maze of the minds of our young.
The media's a shooter, an impressionable youth their gun
Pointing them at the political process and pulling the trigger just for fun.

"I'm not listening because you're a bigot and a racist,
Just leave me to the feel good lies of my safe spaces.
Sticks and stones can't break my bones, but words were meant to hurt me."
There's only one way in which we can stop them thinking so perversely.

It's plain to see what the solution should be
A permit to permit the diversity of thought
For how dare any of us think differently
This is the only ammunition against chaos we've got.

You'll have to petition for acquisition of the God given right,
One of the greatest things for which our forefathers would fight,
Let's start acting like enacting laws is our only choice
Before our "precious feelings" get drowned out in the noise.

This permit will outlaw protesting in peace,
Since most protests today end with riots in the streets.
And don't for a second think your voices will be heard,
Because the government will control your every word.

All this because you can't handle hearing truth
Or wouldn't let them at least share their proof.
But to see you listen to reason, and through controversy peacefully endure
Would be like seeing a criminal obey the law, or a dictator feeding the poor.

The first amendment protects our diversity of thought,
And that's by far the most important diversity we've got.

J B Moore Sep 2016
I've always wanted someone to find,
A someone to leave all my worries behind
A stranger or friend who could tell me my own name,
True and unyielding, and without showing me shame.
Someone to crack me open and sort the mess inside,
Who would unpack any baggage, all lies set aside.
Just give me my purpose, show me my aim,
Please someone, anyone, tell me my name.

I know where I'm weak, but where am I strong?
I know all the things that I do that are wrong.
Of all of my hobbies, which should I pursue?
What do I like? What good could I do?
Stranger or friend, I have no one to blame
I suppose only I can teach me my true name.
9/11/16 1:00 am
J B Moore Sep 2016
There is a method to the madness, a puprose for the pain
We may not see it now, or even next year
But somewhere down the line, there will come a time
In which we get to reflect, with retrospect,
On the pain that taught us and brought us here
And it will be worth all the tears that fell like rain.
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