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2.0k · Feb 2023
Insertnamehere Feb 2023
I am adrift in a sea of both rhymes and alliteration.
Of both lies and obliteration.
Of both ties and obligation.
I am adrift in a sea of both degradation and pain.
Of both sane and insane.
Of both space and plane.
I am adrift in a sea of both ideas and emptiness.
Of both of melancholy and happiness.
Of both empathy and cruelness.
I am adrift in a sea.
531 · Jan 2021
My conscious cohesion
Insertnamehere Jan 2021
Unstable and full of holes, tunneling blindly through life, on par with the moles.
Soaked in the waters of defeat, washed away was the path being lain at my feet.
Trampled on by normal life, unsuccessfully struggling through this horrid strife.
Tears, tearing into my face, eroding  the surface, searing my flesh and spinning my spirit out of place. Stinging my eyes and salty to taste.
Everything seems like a waste when life continues to debase.
Sound is amplified, deafening like roaring thunder, rolling through the plains.
Light becomes unbearable and blinding. Only darkness seems to please. Darkness, it becomes a way of living.
The smallest stimulations are torturous and unforgiving.
Crackling embers, acrid smoke, the air runs thick with loss of hope.
Ablaze am I with an orange anger, a fire stoked by reckless danger.
The fire forging the iron that is my stoicism, unconsciously wrought through criticism.
Laying happily in the abyss.
Enjoying the bliss that is my mind gone a miss.
My conscious cohesion is fractured and falling,
trapped in my own thoughts and I find it appalling.
Contained by the fact that I cannot keep stalling.
Moving forward is the hardest challenge.
I'll find out if I can keep it all in balance.
465 · Mar 2021
The doe of bronze
Insertnamehere Mar 2021
A bronze doe, stoic and unmoving, cast as though it were alive.
She stares at the sky in hopes to be free, yet she is frozen.
She's become frosted by the cold in which she was discarded.
Laying in the dirt, a slight smirk etched into her face, ears perked in curiosity.
Fur has been carved into her form but her legs are still bare.
Marks now pock her skin, placed upon by the sculptor.
A smooth line parts her back, from nose to tail, she's now tarnished and worn.
Her abdomen is distended. Was she starved or perhaps with child? Who is to tell?
Behind her sits a man with a cello and ale. He's plucking at the strings and playing wildly. Perhaps he was the one pulling them, orchestrating her statuesque form.
Yet there she lays, staring into yonder, hoping to be animate.
412 · Jul 2020
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Treasure I was given
None could take its place
Nothing I've received
Could ever match its grace
Elegant, intelligent,
So bright and always kind.
Given was another gift
Bedazzled was my mind.
Always thankful,
Forever indebted.
Valued over all.
Purpose it had given me,
Heeded was the call.
Loved above the highest wealth.
It made me rich in heart.
Never could I leave it lonely,
For I'd be ripped apart.
Part of me it had become,
Binding me to it.
A possession?
No. I think not.
To name it so would be a sin.
I call it by identity,
A teasure from within.
Came with it serenity.
And trouble all the same.
Treasure it will always be,
Hence why it's the name.
So heavenly its been to me,
To possess such a gift.
Torn asunder when I lost it,
Within me such a rift.
347 · Dec 2020
Insertnamehere Dec 2020
All hail the dragonfly, master of the sky.
Master of the swamp.
Master of it's prey, be it orange, white or grey.
Perhaps the common whitetail, zooming all about,would choose to dress in the blues and hues of the dasher and wallow in the clout.

Don't mistake him for the damselfly, he'd rather die, he wouldn't be seen like that.
Even through the magnificence of his multifaceted eye.

All that structural coloration makes him look like a Christmas decoration.

All hail the dragonfly, master of the sky.
Master of the swamp.
Master of it's prey, I'll hail it each and every day.
347 · Jun 2021
Insertnamehere Jun 2021
the north star,
unrivaled in her beauty,
unchallenged in her brightness.
Forever shining amongst the abyssal plain.
336 · Oct 2020
The spiral
Insertnamehere Oct 2020
I tire of seeing what I desire taunt me just out of reach.
Many a number of dreams while I slumber push me into the breach.
Feelings of dread from the thoughts in my head, unable to send them aloft.
My mind it wanes from internal pains and visions I cannot throw off.
Inwards I spiral towards total denial of emotions that seem to propel.
So slow I do creep, the pain it runs deep, traveling towards unending hell.
Exhausted I lay, my head in dismay, begging for it to all end.
When will I know?
Time, it runs slow, can someone just be a friend?
331 · Dec 2020
Way of life?
Insertnamehere Dec 2020
Though peaceful is the life I attempt to live, to stop the harm I must forgive.

Sitting in the shallows, dwelling on the pain I've caused, inflicted thus so with little pause.

On myself I work so hard, yet setbacks they abound, eating me from within it seems, hope it gleams, but there sits my own reality ripping at the seams, collapsing all around.

Expectations undulating beneath my feet deep within the ground, it appears they cannot be fulfilled.

I'm stuck in the mud that is my own apathy, clawing at the earth trying to be free.

The question remains, why can't I just things be?
Wrote this last night, I've realized my style tends to be more lyrical and rhyming, still not sure if it's "poetic" but it's the way I like to write.
309 · Jan 2021
My love
Insertnamehere Jan 2021
My love
buried deeply
treasure untold
forgotten perhaps
to the sands of time.
257 · Aug 2020
Insertnamehere Aug 2020
Stars,planets, space, infinite expanse.
Is it just old light?
Is it just ice, rocks and dust?
Is life all encompassing?
Is coalescence a must?
Writing a verse about the universe.
Is matter the chorus written within the song of infinity?
Does gravity flow and ebb like the tide?
Does time writhe and struggle like the dying beast?
Will the void consume as does a king at his feast?
What is it that planets discuss?
"What is really at your core?"
"Do you know your own state?"
"Be it solid, liquid, gas or plasma?"
"Perhaps do you contain condensate?"
Collapsing, contracting, imploding, eroding.
Was it all just a sneeze of creation by some omnipotent presence?
What does it all mean?
Where is the essence?
234 · Jul 2020
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
I'll never forget the time she cried,
The time she called my name.
The time I broke undoubtedly
The time that caused me pain
Her voice it trembled, the fear it spoke
The fear it sounded
My heart was broke
It changed me deeply
Caused my soul to weep
Composure gone, with none to keep
Rattled into tears.
Playing out my nightmares
Giving into fears.
Carved into me, engraved so deeply.
I cannot seem to shake,
Forcing me to wake.
Locked within a cell,
Left with time to dwell
In this living hell.
232 · Jul 2020
Ravens Refrain
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Trapped in snow,
My carriage enthralled.
Only sound I hear, the ravens call.
The wolves in the distance,
Their cries do tease.
Carried on the bite of winters breeze.
The trek is hopeless,
No end in sight.
I shudder fiercely in limitless night.
No fire to warm.
No stars to light.
Dawn approaches through snow ladden trees.
I cannot help but feel at ease.
Stopped to rest, my body weary.
Sleep does come, so dark and dreary.
My body numb.
No tears to cry.
Frozen dead is where I lie.
Knawed upon by bear and bird,
By wolf and shrew.
Consumed by beasts just passing through.
Bones lay picked clean,
Dressed by morning dew.
Fragmented, scattered, is where I remain.
Haunted eternally by the ravens refrain.
196 · Sep 2022
Failure to eluviate
Insertnamehere Sep 2022
I keep trying to dig myself out but the dirt just rains down harder.
A hurricane of eluvial torment.
In a hole miles deep.
Can't look up.
It gets in my eyes.
My shovel is dull and deteriorating.
The handle splintered years ago.
Slivers in my palms.
Infected and festering.
My grave it seems.
I've stopped digging.
A soul released.
183 · Jul 2020
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Seeping,weeping,ever creeping
tears roll down his face.
Nothing more is there for him
from those who took his base.
From which he stands.
From which he gets his strength.
Whats left? A shell, a hollow man,standing in his place.
On knifes edge he dances freely.
The direction known is naught-
Which way to fall or how to climb.
All knowledge he forgot.  
Will he falter? Lay down and die?
Or find the truer path?
To succeed,  to survive, he must abide.
He must do what they ask.
Do not wallow, do not cry, nor to chant in fear.
These things he knows,
but so distant they appear.
On an island, off the shore,
found through telescope.
Locked within a tower leering,
There remains his hope.
166 · Aug 2020
Hearts in Hearth
Insertnamehere Aug 2020
Water pours on to the ground,
Raindrops fall yet make no sound.
The weather quickens,
the wind churns.
In the hearth fire burns.
Unto the ground their bodies meld,
with digits interlocked, hands tightly held.
Two figures writhing intertwined.
Hearts stood still in endless time.
Loving, breathing, lusting, heaving.
A perfect moment under fires light,
then carried on into the night.
Their acts befit their unfeigned glances.
Around they moved in ****** dances,
never halting true romances.
Silhouetted in flame, the couple calm.
The sun aroused approaching dawn.
Whispered into ears they speak,
"without your love, I would grow weak".
Eternal and merged, souls entangled.
Clothed only in light, shows every angle.
Into restful sleep they fall, a message of love for one and all.
137 · Jul 2020
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Shrinking, thinking of a time when everything was fine.
Reeling, thinking of a time when my heart still had feeling.
Completely aware of it what it will take to keep my soul from beginning to break.
Unable to process to the simplest things,
Unable to see what happiness brings.
The pain is consistent, throbing and aching.
Like earth upheaved, cracking and quaking.
Nothing to numb it, no drugs for the pain.
Shredding my mind,
Destabilizing my reality.
Still what right do I have to complain?
124 · Jul 2020
A father's end.
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Laying in bed.
Lines connecting.
Devices chiming.
Medications given.
Family watching.
Family waiting.
Hope waning.
Happiness fading.
Sounds of sadness.
Passing days.
Holding hands.
Snapping awake.
Confused and panicked.
Words of comfort,
Spoken by son.
Eyes closed.
Drifting away.
Death arrives.
Mourning ensues.
Processions arrive.
Tears arrive.
Family arrive.
Coffin closed.
Lowered deep.
Always remember.
Always respected.
Always missed.
Always loved.
108 · Jul 2020
Insertnamehere Jul 2020
Looming, longing, once belonging.
Trapped, contrived, derived.
Loved, lost, then lonely.
Seeming, teeming,never brimming.
Anger, anguished, agitated.
Engrained in endless energy.
Inside, thoughts thoroughly thralled.
Cantankerous, can't continue onward.
Always hallowed, harkening to be handled.
Spinning, spiraling, specifically untold.
Ideas within the mind.
100 · May 2024
Insertnamehere May 2024
a fire, it burns though;
Through my soul, an enormous hole.
A desecrated knoll.
A recessed fold.
An empty bowl.
Filled with fire, a hearts desire.

a fire, my thoughts transpire.
My minds quagmire.
Lain on a pyre.
An empty urn.
I continue to burn.
I continue to yearn.

Conflagration, entire, time turns slow.
Eternitys chalice fills;
It spills;
It's overflown.
Forever is a day,
How can I know?

— The End —