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110 · Jan 2021
The pillow next to mine
Hugo Pierce Jan 2021
The first time I open my eyes
Each morning, I see you lay there

Quietly sleeping with a mind full of dreams
Undisturbed by my early rise
I surrender to the moment
Enveloped by peace and tranquillity
Radiance gleaming back at me
Only now do I understand the meaning of love.
100 · Dec 2020
Hugo Pierce Dec 2020
Loving you is weightless
Gliding through the summer air
Kisses like the gentle breeze
Nothing dragging us down
Only bringing each other up
Floating any which way we please.
Toxic relationships are heavy, they take a large toll on us and make us feel not good enough. Find someone who makes you feel light, like you can do anything and go anywhere. You should feel energized and rejuvenated not weighed down by your relationships.
100 · Jan 2022
Hugo Pierce Jan 2022
**** getting old
I'd rather die
In a blaze of glory.
98 · Mar 2022
Buried Alive
Hugo Pierce Mar 2022
Only now can I say for certain
I am buried alive
How long have I been here
Festering under this dark decrepit soil
Will my body add to your density
I suppose it's only a matter of time
Escape is a futile endeavor
No clear route to the surface
Am I ascending to my salvation
Or digging deeper into despair
There are no bubbles to follow
No sounds to be heard
Nothing but darkness
95 · Jul 2023
Outgrowing Human
Hugo Pierce Jul 2023
Can one surpass the limits of their own species?
Feeling human seems like wearing a shirt, two sizes too small.
Constrained by my very essence,
I wonder, how long can skin contain spirit?

Will my soul shatter this cage of flesh and bone,
Exposing the deity trapped within?
Can my ego withstand the blow, yield control,
And let truth grace the present?

Perhaps it's wise to let death be my ferryman,
To wait with patience for the destined moment of transcendence.
Yet for now,
I choose to bask in this human experience.

I will dance, I will play,
I will dare to love with an open heart.
I will lean into life's fleeting nature,
And for now, choose to be human.
94 · Jul 2023
The Search
Hugo Pierce Jul 2023
don't ask God, "where have You been?"
realise it's You
You who disappeared all those years ago.
the One who forgot all there ever was
94 · Jul 2020
Hugo Pierce Jul 2020
As I stroll through the summer fields
The insects enjoy their afternoon picnic
I am happy to provide.
92 · Oct 2020
Melancholy Loam
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
My decomposing soul makes fertile soil
I'm able to provide all the nutrients you need
seeds may be sown in the rich earth
a place for you to sprout your roots
somewhere you can grow tall
only that means eventually you'll leave
you will rise up until your petals blossom
by then I won't be able to see
I will never grow into a flower
until I learn to become a seed.
                         \       --------  
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  \ ------ \/     
89 · Jan 2022
Hugo Pierce Jan 2022
Effort is my safety net
If I never try
I can never really fail
My internal excuse
The eternal fail safe
Preventing heartbreak
Minimising disappointment
Even if sometimes I succeed
More often I give up
If I gave it 100 percent
What excuse would I have left
How could I brush off the pain
I can never give maximum effort
Because what if I don't have what it takes
85 · Jul 2020
Boiling point
Hugo Pierce Jul 2020
I am water
in a steel pan over a hot flame
Dark thoughts bubble to the surface
Burning hopelessness
inundated at boiling point
Crying down the metal carcass
Tears drip to extinguish the flames
The restless sea begins to calm
The sting of the heat takes time to fade
How much of myself remains?
84 · Aug 2020
Good Days
Hugo Pierce Aug 2020
I hate the good days
I have no reason to feel
As bad as I do
At least on the bad days, I have an excuse.
Hugo Pierce May 2021
Not all dreams are nightmares
but not all nightmares are dreams
Last night I woke up
with the hallway echoing my screams

I saw you with another man
with happiness all could see
I told myself it was just a dream
not premonition of what was to be

I swore I would try harder
to be the man you needed in your life
I needed to focus on you
make you feel happy to be my wife

Today I would bring you flowers
It's wasn't much but it was a start
I thought I would leave the office early
We already spent too much time apart

I couldn't wait to get home
I rushed through the gate
I flung the door open
But I was too late.
83 · Oct 2021
The D word
Hugo Pierce Oct 2021
I hate myself for loving you
You chose to sail out the door
Leaving pain for a wake
And my brother on the shore
You told him you would take him
but instead you broke his heart
I had to become man of the house
I had to take care of mum
I'm glad I barely knew you
I didn't have to see what you had done
less than 5 months old
you didn't even give me a chance
But I can't hate you
I have tried
trust me I tried
I know when I see you
I won't be able to help myself
I know I don't need your approval
but that doesn't stop me wanting it
Wanting to know
If it is possible for you to love me
Do you love me?
It is impossible to tell
you left me alone in this world
Am I supposed to think you care
you would have been miserable
if you stuck around
if you were not happy
I am glad you left
I wouldn't want that around
It doesn't stop the pain
It doesn't stop me hating myself
it doesn't stop the anger I feel
Why Oh Why
Do I still love you?
Sometimes you just have to release the words onto the page and hope that your pain is somewhat coherent.
Hugo Pierce Dec 2020
I heard about it all my life
I was sure I knew the meaning
but I hadn't felt this so-called feeling
I listened to all the songs
explaining how wonderful it is
Yet I hadn't met these butterflies
or had my heart leap out my chest
Now I look at the pillow where you laid
and I miss you
I want you here
Every part of my day is brighter with you there
when you aren't
your footprints mark my mind
Crossing it more often than not
Each moment I get lost in thought
I find myself thinking of you
But I didn't know
Just how terrifying it is
to be in love.
82 · Oct 2020
I see you
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
Her eyes gave away
all the things
her lips could never part with
82 · Jan 2022
White noise
Hugo Pierce Jan 2022
Yet as I scream into the empty abyss
All that echoes is my sorrow
81 · Oct 2020
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
I lose myself in your eyes
tip-toeing over tender heartstrings
wandering across your mind
running through your veins
dancing around memories
peeking behind closed doors
searching for lost treasures
battling found demons
excavating my way closer to you
81 · Sep 2020
Little Heartbreaks
Hugo Pierce Sep 2020
Sitting in my local coffee shop
sipping a cappuccino with a chocolate top
Laptop out in front of me
Composing lines of poetry
As my attention diverts from the screen
across the room I see your beauty gleam
I try to carry on with my writing
but I crave another sighting
You are sitting on your own
listening to music through one earphone
Your dark eyes full of mystery
I hope they might chance upon me
I do not wish to disturb your peace
but this obsession will not cease
I am in love with your smile
I have been looking at you for a while
I finally build up the nerve to talk to you
when I see your boyfriend sit down too
Hugo Pierce Nov 2021
People aren't good
Nor are they bad
we are all wounded in different ways
no one isn't suffering
76 · Dec 2020
Core Components
Hugo Pierce Dec 2020
Twas a night like this
I might say
that I felt like explaining
if I may
the difference between the sand and the stars
why some planets have water
and some are dry like mars
though some things may be different
some things the same
they are all apart
of this wonderful game
variety is the spice of life mother used to say
bestowing casual wisdom
in her own funny way
though stars and sand may differ greatly
I have examined both
in the dreams I have had lately
the closer you look the more you will see
though the atoms may change
they are no different to you and me
we might all have varying features
but we are not so different
from other creatures
the sea, the sand, the sky and the birds
we each have a home
in this magical universe
74 · Sep 2021
A Mouth Full Of Glue
Hugo Pierce Sep 2021
I stay silent
my mind filled with thoughts
everything I want to say
not even a whisper can escape these lips
nothing slips past the pearly gates
anytime these words broke free
I was met with contempt
So I stay quite
with a mouth full of glue
hoping that one day
I can stand up to you
72 · Oct 2020
Shedding my skin
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
Goodbye past things that hurt me
trauma that still affects me
burdens I no longer need bare
Memories that weigh on my mind
Behaviours we no longer wish to re-enact
the pain we no longer need to suffer from
I have learned what I needed to learn from these lessons
I understand that it is a part of my life that no longer serves me
I am ready to accept it and move on
I am deserving of love
loving myself enough to heal
forgiving myself for mistakes
understanding that which makes me grow.
71 · Sep 2020
Between closing walls
Hugo Pierce Sep 2020
I am in the middle of a room called happiness
enclosed by walls called depression
borders rapidly closing in
pushing each side with all my might
forcing the walls further out

I try to create as much room as I can
I grow weary  
no longer able to drive
the walls get closer
crushing me
compacting me

I find the strength to push once more
how long can I keep it up?
Stuck in a never-ending cycle
the walls don't sustain

The more I push
the greater the fatigue
space shrinking once more
How many times can this cycle repeat
Before I let the walls close
getting crushed in defeat
Some days I have the strength to be happy, some days I don't. Searching for sustainable happiness.
Hugo Pierce Nov 2020
poor bob
always expected
to put family above all
to sacrifice the things he loves
for the people he loves
yet always depended on
to compromise
for the things they love
Hugo Pierce Oct 2021
How easy it is
to sink to the bottom
Close my eyes
and just sink
Give in to fatigue
Cease my struggling
It's hard to stay afloat
But how easy it is
to sink
It can feel like the lesser struggle to give in and let life beat us down sometimes, to stop struggling, grinding and fighting. Letting ourselves go and giving in to comfort can have a strong allure, but the plight it will cause will be the same as a drowning person giving up on swimming to shore. It may be easier to give in, but it will ensure your demise.
69 · Dec 2020
Breaking point
Hugo Pierce Dec 2020
I am so tired
I have been strong for so long
I am putting up the best fight I can
But I'm exhausted
tired of swimming against the current
and pushing boulders up hills
I don't know how many more arrows I can pull
or how many more daggers my back can take
although my skin keeps getting thicker
I still feel them break through
the scars are all still there
getting through each day
with strength and difficulty
growing in direct proportion
68 · Oct 2020
Chopin in the night
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
Chopin came to me in the night
accompanying me whilst I dream
he serenaded me with sweet melodies
carried my mind to a distant land
full of beauty and wonder
and the sound of piano keys
61 · Nov 2021
Weakening Grip
Hugo Pierce Nov 2021
I could have dance
I could have played
I could have chosen to laugh
I could of chosen to be happy.
Anger sometimes means we choose to hurt ourselves. Sometimes it means you are holding onto something that is causing you deep pain. A betrayal. A Failure. A punishment. We hold on to the pain because we feel like that's the only way people will care about us. You don't have to hold on any more. You can choose to be happy just for you, you don't need to punish yourself any more. You can choose to be happy.
55 · Oct 2020
Contestant Number XIII
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
I was born into a popularity contest
with no hope of achieving first place
there are no consequences for not winning
but I didn't want to enter in the first place
53 · Aug 2020
Hugo Pierce Aug 2020
The darkness of the night
interrupted by the loud applause
of tangerine heat
53 · Nov 2020
Shall I?
Hugo Pierce Nov 2020
Fear and doubt are questions
Intuition brings statements
53 · Sep 2020
Ending it because I care
Hugo Pierce Sep 2020
I am a parasite with a conscience
leaching off your radiance
happiness is my sustenance
Short term elation at my hosts expense
Your love is a drug
but I am an addict
Removing your needle from my arm
Knowing I will wither without you
You may bleed from the marks I left
Though the wounds will heal
I know you will be better off without me
even if that's not how you currently feel
This will probably not resonate with many, but it may with some. I broke up with my girlfriend today, although she was pretty much the only good thing in my life at the moment. I was aware that I wasn't "In Love" but instead addicted to how good I felt around her. Although it will make me miserable, it is not fair on her to stay with her for those selfish reasons. Doing the right thing can feel awful sometimes.
49 · Oct 2020
The same old ending
Hugo Pierce Oct 2020
I'm ok
Ok I'm not fine
Fine, I don't know the reason why
Why I feel so empty inside
Inside where my black heart lies
Lies I tell you to avoid explaining
Explaining the darkness I feel
Feel like I want this day to be my last
Last thing I wanted was to hurt you
You didn't want the real answer to your question
Question why you even asked
Asked me how I am today
Today I don't have the energy to hide
Hide the fact I am Struggling
Struggling to survive the days
days that get harder with each one
one more and I may not be able to carry on.
45 · Aug 2020
Hugo Pierce Aug 2020

— The End —