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Anonymous Mar 2017
I want to make a difference;
Not in the lives of many but in the life of one.
I want to change somebody so deeply
That they’d like to change somebody too.
I wan’t to love somebody so fully and so genuinely
That one day somebody I’ve never met-
From all the way across the world will have experienced my love.
That’s the kind of person I strive to be.
I don’t need to change the world,
I just need to change one persons world
And that will be enough for me
Anonymous Jul 2016
I see jellyfish in the ocean of your eyes
And I swear those translucent blue jellyfish
Are just the remains of your mesmerizing marble eyes
That shattered into pieces
The second your eyes first met sunlight
When I look at you I wonder
Where all those jellyfish are heading;
Spiraling down into the blackness of your pupil
And I wish I could join them,
I wish I could experience the rhythmic motion of comfort and solace
That your eyes provide just by looking at them,
But how much more would I feel
If I could lose myself in them?
Or maybe I'd be caught in the undercurrent of your thoughts,
Maybe you'd **** me in and I'd never want to leave the black bottom of the ocean in your eyes;
Maybe I'd fall in love with the secret places the jellyfish don't dare to go,
The things I wonder when I look at you,
So many thoughts flood my mind
When I trace my fingers across your lips
And stare at the beautiful jellyfish
That glimmer so brilliantly in the darkness and the light.
I wonder what I'd find down there,
But I think that's my favorite part about looking at you,
This is one thing I'll never really know;
I guess I'll just admire you from my boat,
And continue to be lost in the sea of your eyes
Admiring the translucent jellyfish from afar.
Anonymous Feb 2016
On your 20th birthday;
You deserve the happy that comes before the birthday,
Because you've made it yet Another day,
Another month,
Another year.
So I hope the liquor tastes a little bit better,
Maybe it's sweeter now that you're older.
I can almost taste the adolescence that still stains your lips.
But you're not done growing up just yet my dear.
Oh what a world you have yet to discover,
A world that can only be found through innocent mistakes and coming of age.
Each year you'll see things a little differently,
But I pray to God you never take it for granted.
Don't you know, I think you're beautiful?
But I won't compare your eyes to the vast ocean;
I won't compare your body to the galaxies
That's all been done before,
So I'll give you a little something more:

Flood my mind with your deep dark secrets;
Let me explore every piece of you,
Let me devour your thoughts as if they were my own,
Let me be better than your bedroom walls-
Whom you whisper all your problems to.
I won't leave you in silence and force you to swallow your words back down;
I'll listen to your thoughts; good or bad
And if your very soul drips with despair
I'll lend you a piece of mine to help pass the time.  

Enough of the ****** poetry;
Take a ******* shot for me
I wish I could be there to catch you
As the lines become more and more blurry
And your body starts to waver back and forth as you try to get from point A to B
I wont be able to hold your hair back
When all the liquor you've drank decides to steal the lime light;
But I'm sure you'll be in good company-
A best friend to tie your hair and rub your back
So with that said...
Happy birthday, beauty
I'm proud of you for making it this far.
Anonymous Jan 2016
"I miss your love"
she said.

I used to write you poetry.
Last Christmas I made you a journal;
You loved that.

"Things are different. It's a really strange change, isn't it?"
I replied.

"Yeah they are different, you don't love me anymore."
"I miss your cuddles. And your laughter. "
"But mostly your love."

Your three texts remain unopened.
They've been haunting my phone screen
For the past hour now.
And that's how the unsaid things remain unsaid.
Anonymous Jan 2016
I would like to know,
Do you take away the poet
If you take away pain?
Anonymous Nov 2015
I choke on the words I love you
Because it’s too painful to say

And this montage of memories won’t leave my mind
But for some reason, they all come pouring out so quickly
That none of them seem to stay for long
It feels like a movie compressed into a single second

And I’m the only one left in the audience
Dumbstruck that the credits are still rolling on the screen
Until finally,
There are no more credits;
The ending isn’t still coming to a close
It’s just over.

The screen is black and I’m alone.
With only memories burned into my stubborn skull
Wishing I had wrote down every day I spent with you
Wishing that I could re-watch every second I spent with you

Finally, a theater usher interrupts
“Miss, the next show begins in 5 minutes,
We’ll need you to please exit the theater.”

I guess there isn’t really much else to do in that scenario
Besides get up and walk away
Flashing the most realistic smile
One could conjure up
While engulfed by complete emptiness
Anonymous Jul 2015
I used to wonder about you
The girl with the pretty glimmer in her eyes:
The girl with the broken shards of honey speckled glass
Lost in the deep brown chestnut of your iris
I used to wonder how your eyes alone could be so mesmerizing
Yet I’ve never actually seen them in person.

But before I even questioned the beauty of your eyes,
You we’re just words to me,
Another faceless blog to follow,
Another desperate artist bleeding your insides against a keyboard,
I couldn’t stop myself from questioning the inner workings of your mind,
The way your words seemed to echo throughout not just my head, but my whole body.
I craved to know the artist behind the words that drenched my soul in sadness
The artist who wrote not with ink, but with blood,
Your past memories made your words sing like a requiem for the opening of a funeral,
And I was in a trance,
I stalked, then I stalked some more.
(Not in the creepy way I might add)
But in a way where my soul craved to know pieces of you
As beautiful as you are, I had no idea what you looked like.
I stalked your words more than I poured over my own work.
I think I saw the hunger in your words, maybe a sense of loss and a sense of positivity,
You we’re different. The way you wrote wasn’t like any other I had met.
I think I fell in love with your writing at some point,
Then I saw you, and I had wondered why such a beautiful woman would feel such pain
But I couldn’t help but be selfish with your words; I read them and re-read them
Hanging onto each one as if it was a delicate kiss from something beyond this world
You we’re so positive but behind the positivity I could feel a shadow of sadness
Maybe that’s why you’ve always been so beautiful to me;
Because I saw you for your words before I saw you for your looks
Even now to this day, I crave you.
I crave your words like nothing I have experienced
And sometimes, when I feel lost I look for you; I look for your words
Because you’ve always somehow managed to become part of me
Even if you as a person never became part of my life
Your words, your story, and your emotions, they felt like home
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