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Eloi Aug 2016
Such a pain tears me from the inside out,
It makes me want to pull my hair from my head and claw my eyes out.
I scream and cry and shout but nothin relieves the pain except cutting my skin again.

******* hollow inside my thoughts are invaded by a therapist who thinks I'm insane,

  Aug 2016 Eloi
andrew juma
Where do they go
Those who vanish from the face of the earth?
Do they find peace?

Can a broken heart be mend there?
Does wretchedness end or stick
Do they find new beginnings?

I can die for a fresh start
But one can never be sure
So I keep having these thoughts...
trapped in the dark
Eloi Aug 2016
You left me behind along with all of your things,
A day like today with the sun the horizon brings.
Early hours of the morning they found me mourning, they found you then and then their worlds started falling.

Lifeless and cold,
No future to hold,
You couldn't see past your worries and pain.

It hurts to know that you felt so alone,
But hurts even more to know that you couldn't see that I was always there for you.

One day we will be re United, but until that day comes,
I'll look upon the sun to take the pain away.
Eloi Aug 2016
Behind the doors the secrets hide,
They whisper and scream,
If you listen, you'll hear them cry.
But the words that they hide
Will never be known,
The love of fear,
Life alone.
  Aug 2016 Eloi
Chloe Chapman
Roads stretch out, a lattice of scars etched into the land.
Asphalt and Tarmac rivers, crawling with lines of ***** machines.
Sectioning off nature.
I cannot hear the birds anymore.

A countryside blistered with towns, villages.
The sores of sprawling cities scattered across the earth,
Polluting the peace.
I cannot see the stars anymore.

Great factories spewing toxic smog,
Whilst mechanical beasts tear into the veins of the planet,
Ripping apart the landscape.
We are not blameless anymore.

We have ***** our world,
leaving in our wake:
War torn nations,
Plagued by starvation,
Human 'civilization'.
In progress. Any thoughts on improvement?
  Aug 2016 Eloi
Being together,
Living together,
Sharing together,
Then being separated by death,

We have no need for
so long and drawn out.

*Eternity was there in your smile.
bittersweet is my favorite flavor
Eloi Aug 2016
The nights are hard to get through,
So much sadness.
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