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 Dec 2017 Paul
My words aren't so deep
They only reach a river's depth

Yet when you write
It's like I'm out by the sea
Your words are layers
Under the earth's soil

I only achieve to describe a tree's leaf
You'll write out the roots

I'm your porcelain doll
Hoping I won't fall

Being with you is like
Dreaming in a dream

You couldn't get any better to me

I don't want to come down from your love

Heart stops

Let me fall
 Dec 2017 Paul
The sky is always changing, Just like your eyes.
One day the sky is bright and your eyes are green.
One day the sky is bleak and your eyes are stormy.
If it seems to be raining, your eyes will be gray.
If it's snowing, they will be ocean blue.
If the sky is overcast, your eyes will be the same.
Your eyes remind me of the sky,
The sky reminds me of you.
 Dec 2017 Paul
Anika Nelson
I’m alone.
My future, deceiving.
Longing for a grip.
I’m crying for help,
but everyone seems to have their headphones in.
 Dec 2017 Paul
She Writes
I hope someday you get played,
The way you played me.
I hope you give someone your heart,
And they up and flee.

I know I shouldn’t think this way,
I should be happy for the lesson.
I need to swallow my pride,
And let the bitterness lessen.

One day you’ll see,
You made a mistake.
What you did to me,
Will someday be your fate.

In the future, I know I’ll be fine.
As for you...I would wish you the best, but you already had it.
 Dec 2017 Paul
Mirza Lazim
You broke my wings as I had anticipated
However, I kept flying as I had said
The case is not the hurt in my wings I feel
It is - you even felt no difference of the result

You did not consider how far I could have flown
How high I could have soared if you let me keep on
It didn't even matter to you anything, maybe
You are right, who needs a strayed poet or poetry?!

It hurts to accept sometimes a scornful truth that
Poets are weird and also clay-brained
Meanwhile, they can set a universe from a chaos,
But they can do it only when they are regarded

Who cares my suffers and fluctuations?!
Who cares even if myself cared about you?
I tried to **** the regret in your eyes I had given
But I see that regret has turned into humiliation

All poets are drifters, all have to be killed
And the one inside me worth dying the most
I give his death warrant to you to be fulfilled
I'd be glad if it changed the expression in your eyes
 Dec 2017 Paul
Poetic T
We are all wounds of
            Life's misfortunes
That leads to the worst
               cut all of all, death.
 Dec 2017 Paul
Greg Dempsey
Help me
 Dec 2017 Paul
Greg Dempsey
Please, I know you can see me
hear me.
Don't walk away I know you hear me
See me.
It hurts too much why wont you just
Help me.
 Dec 2017 Paul
She Writes
I say I deserve better,
And I know it’s true.
But if I believe it,
Why do I keep coming back to you?

I say that I am special,
And I know I’m worth more.
But if I know,
Than what am I fighting for?

I said this is the last time,
This is the end.
But if it’s over,
Why am I back here again?
 Dec 2017 Paul
Human contact
 Dec 2017 Paul
He kisses me.
Our alcohol mouths intertwined.
Our cigarettes long burned, with ash trailing as long as the city lights that you walk me home under.
I open my eyes, and he isn’t you.
Will my whole life consist of kissing complete strangers so I can find you again?

He pulls me in close and holds me.
If only he knew, that’s all I want.
I have this longing to be held.
By anyone, really.
I don’t want them to talk.
I don’t want them to look me in the eyes.
Because I’ll cry and I don’t want to cry.
Just keep holding me.
I know he will never be you, but in this moment, with my head buried on his chest, I can pretend.
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