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 Nov 2017 Paul
Your moods are so unpredictable
Your life is so beautifully miserable
So long as no one sees behind the closed doors
Where lies the cracks and the flaws
So long as you never look the fool
So long as your life always looks beautiful
The consequences to your actions leave a mess so critical
If only you could be truthful
If only you could see past beautiful
The pressure is mounting up
Your holding onto the strings of everything you love
There's no harm in being the fool
Let your flaws be your fuel
Give in to the idea of what is beautiful
Find the ugly truth inside your soul
Embrace it and take back control
 Nov 2017 Paul
Stephanie Nagata
Maybe one day
I can find the good
in his goodbye
although it was never said.
 Nov 2017 Paul
Druzzayne Rika

Everything I do,
Everything I change
I try
so many different things
as the day begins,
all my efforts go down
as sun sets.
I lose interest
and feel so much dismay,
the boredom
the worthlessness.
Internally I get the feeling of unexplained grief
it doesn't go away
I do not know the origin of this feeling
but it slowly feasts on me
consumes me
and I lose this game everyday.

 Nov 2017 Paul
 Nov 2017 Paul
It was always me
waiting for you to come back
or me watching you leave.
 Oct 2017 Paul
Eternal Dreams
It’s there. The death of me
What I’ve been hiding is finally set free
Its the fact you didn’t pay attention, it was really old
But know you will hear how it was supposed to be told

Made it to my room , and there wasn’t light
I sit in on a bed  blinded by blight
I didn’t think that “it” was gonna be there
Until I look under the pillow and I wasn’t scared

Memories start with the good ones though
I start to smile,  as they went by slow
Until I seen the others, that made me still
I started to cry, and swallowed all of my pills

I picked “it” up, and placed the bullet in
I placed “it” underneath my chin
My finger is held onto the trigger
My heart starts racing and my brain felt bigger

The people here. Always called me a clown
Well who’s laughing now. * Click* *POW
 Oct 2017 Paul
 Oct 2017 Paul
There's no greater curse to the ears of man,
When I arrive at the bar, set with my plan,
Taking a seat by the cute innocent lad,
I don't want to seem like some dying fad,
I put in the effort, put me to the test,
Hear the mournful groan let out by the rest.
I'm bad at it. My face probably doesn't help xD
 Oct 2017 Paul
Imran Islam
You are my friend
You are my teacher
You are my trend
You are my editor

You're my supervisor
You're my inspiration
You're my favorite author
You're my satisfaction

You are my morning
You are my new day
You are my lighting
You are my right way

Your heart is my heart
Your mind is my mind
Your lovely art is my art
Your kind is my kind

You are in my mind
You are my shine
You are so kind
But you are not mine
Please, don't mind…..

Maybe I cannot say
Some words to you
Oh, I'm missing them
    My sweet, lovely
    great, happy smiley
    cute, amazing friend.
Truly, here type is bind
I am so sorry
don't worry
don't mind

But I must say
I respect you
I owe you
I like you, my friend.
I like your smiles and poems
Truly, they make my dreams

I Respect You My Friend
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