You are my friend
You are my teacher
You are my trend
You are my editor
You're my supervisor
You're my inspiration
You're my favorite author
You're my satisfaction
You are my morning
You are my new day
You are my lighting
You are my right way
Your heart is my heart
Your mind is my mind
Your lovely art is my art
Your kind is my kind
You are in my mind
You are my shine
You are so kind
But you are not mine
Please, don't mind…..
Maybe I cannot say
Some words to you
Oh, I'm missing them
My sweet, lovely
great, happy smiley
cute, amazing friend.
Truly, here type is bind
I am so sorry
don't worry
don't mind
But I must say
I respect you
I owe you
I like you, my friend.
I like your smiles and poems
Truly, they make my dreams
I Respect You My Friend