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 Sep 2018 Paul
 Sep 2018 Paul
home is where i
feel safe.

home is where i
can cry
and kick
without fear
of judgement.

home is where i
can be who i am
and not worry about
having to be someone else.

home is where i
can express emotion
and not feel as a burden
for letting people
into my mind.

home is what i
think of
when i think of
and warmth.

home is what i
think of
when i think of
i never want to go outside.
 Sep 2018 Paul
it happened in a flash.
we didn't see it coming.
i wasn't expecting to fall so hard
so fast.
but you
oh , you
didn't fall.
you hardly even stumbled.
how unfair is that ,
that the one you fell for
hardly feels the same.
it hurts
it feels like i'm not worthy of being loved
it feels like youre just playing with me.
don't get me wrong,
i love being played with.
just not like this.
i can promise you will be long loved
but i'm scared we will be short lived.
there's only so much playing one can handle.
i want to be long loved and long loved.
 Jan 2018 Paul
zoie marie lynn
i told my therapist about you,
while your lips were still slathered alllll over my body.
i showed her the places we had been,
and all the things we had seen.
i told her what lies underneath that pretty
skin of yours,
and i told her how i knew.
i spelt out your name as she scribbled it on her cute little clipboard,
i told her about the   first     night
and the      second
and the   fourth
and that time in the closet.
i told her everything,
i really just wanted to   get
of my brain,
it didn't matter if saying these things put me in  sososo  much pain.
because you've  moved   on  so why can't i?
i told my therapist about you,
but i still can't tell you
i know i'm  s t u p i d,
for holding on this l
                             ­    g,
i know it's useless,
for wishing you weren't                              gone.
but my words carry on like a heartbeat
s     l      o      w
u   s   e   d
  n    t   a   y
i   keep   keep   keep  breaking and breaking and breaking and
i told my therapist about you.
i think part of the reason why we hold onto something so tight is because we fear something that great will never ever happen twice

i was in so much pain when i wrote this, my lover had just left with two years of my life and i felt so so so alone. i chewed through therapists constantly, they left me behind because i was too broken to fix. i hated them all. but there was this one, this one singular human being that listened to me. she didn't flinch, she didn't look at me like i was a broken puppy left for death. she just listened. i was all over the place, but i managed to lay out my entire mind for her to dissect. and she did. she helped me so so much, and i could never repay her enough for how she has helped me. when i got home, i wrote the basics of this. it was like 12:30 when i wrote it and i couldn't sleep the next night so i decided to make this look exactly how i felt when i wrote it the night before. how my lover made me feel for so long. so i did. i was crying mountains, i was hyperventilating, i threw my phone through the wall. i put all my anger, blood, tears in each letter, each space. i put it all in there and then posted it a couple weeks later. i didn't show anyone. i just put it out there, hoping my lover would see it. but it didn't even matter cause when i woke up, the whole world saw it instead. thank you. i love you all.
 Jan 2018 Paul
Mike Hauser
Why does death bring out the best in us
Where we don't speak of ill will
Is the suffering enough from the loss
That we don't dare add to the bill

When it's hard to find words so kind
We might say God rest their soul
Try and smile knowing all the while
The truth is left untold

Makes you wonder why when we're still alive
We let each other be
Reasoning that it's their life to live
And has nothing to do with me

Too late to make a difference
Now that they're not coming back
Knowing the truth it's still what we do
When don't speak ill of the dead
Thinking about attending funerals and knowing the truth about a person while the picture painted is a total lie to up lift the horrible life they lived, maybe if we uplifted each other while we're still alive that might change.
 Jan 2018 Paul
 Jan 2018 Paul
you let
the pills
your neck
and wait.
wait for the life
to grow
and the
pain to
wait for
that feeling
when you
will know.
but certainty
is a story.
a distant
the current.
and that
becomes an
so deep it
like cymbals
in your
ears as you
 Jan 2018 Paul
I used to love sleeping.
But I dreamed about losing you.
losing you. lose you. l.o.s.e.
So, I stopped sleeping.
I soon hid the blankets
                   the sheets
                   the pillows
I told you about my dream. You laughed
I told my friends about my dream. They laughed, too.

Now, I used to love laughing.
But I can’t laugh if I’ll lose you.

So, I married you.
I soon prepared the blankets
                             the sheets
                             the pillows
And sleep by your side. Now, I can sleep.
 Jan 2018 Paul
empire ants
A passing                            friend
is bittersweet
because from day one
we are told
all good things
come to an end.

I didn't expect it,
you were so happy
yesterday,                             where
simpler times

I could have...
been better. I                           did
my best to give you
everything you

You made me laugh,                you
silly, silly creature.
Where there was a lack
of communication,
It was made up in

And I'll                                         go
back to my life.
At least, I'll try.
But when you made up
its majority,
where do I go back to?
whoops still writing ab my dog cut me some slack im really sad
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