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 Jan 2018 Paul
Mike Hauser
 Jan 2018 Paul
Mike Hauser
There are some things you will never know
Unless some things you learn to let go

And some things that you'll never find
Unless you take the chance of life

How will you know if you can swim
If you never try and dive right in

Or find you're not afraid of heights
If the mountain you never climb

How will you ever learn to fly
If you never reach out for the sky

And how will you ever know of love
If you first don't give some things up

How will you ever know this life
If you don't give it a try

And how will you know the pleasure of it
If before you start you've already quit
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
The swirling jewel that is the ocean crawls up the beach before me. A magnificent beast to behold, it is frightening, yet calming in its majesty.

Like silk, soft sand runs through my fingers and over my feet. Waves collide in my ears. The scent of salty, sun dried palm fills my lungs.

A hermit crab the size of a penny approaches and takes a seat before me. After a short break it saunters off leaving a ribbon in the sand behind it extending for what seems like miles.

Warmth engulfs me and awakens me from my day dream as it slips past a dense cloud. Reflecting on the shimmering ocean are past lives I’ve reveled and regretted. I hear laughter and crying. I feel pain and joy.

I gaze up to witness the sun. The omnipotent star floats just above its destination. As it descends towards the water, and the shadows on land stretch away from it, I sit and watch the colors change.

A painting develops on the grand theater of the sky, and brushstrokes of blue are transformed to purples. Intense yellow marks blaze a deep orange but never stop changing as the brush dips into the ocean.

Breathing slowly guides my way forth. A feeling ignites within me and grows with each breath exhaled. This flame silences the demons and I can feel their presence cease. Not all of them can be vanquished, but I know that with time on this beach I will heal.
 Jan 2018 Paul
Mike Hauser
one step forward, two steps back
that is how most of us live
in our daily circumstance
one step forward, two steps back

progress made is progress spent
wondering where it all went
always late to the main event
one step forward, two steps back

running right while leaning left
taking back what we've been given
what we lack in our goals met
one step forward, two steps back
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
Año Nuevo
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
Tonight, laughing faces fill the beach
Celebration and champagne fill the air
And a ceiling of clouds hangs over their heads
Natural flame scattered along pulls groups forth

And as the flames licked the faces with an orange glow
Mid night approached
The crashing of waves vibrated below tones inspiring dance
Alcohol and smoke electrified the crowds
Energizing an early morning

And a profound moment
I sit and watch a gentle soul **** a circle of candles
Soft flames danced about the ring
Praying softly to the heavens the woman drew in the sand
And overhead a hole is punched through the lofty blanket
As it passes, pinholes of light begin to open across the night sky
And as the year wanes a full moon is revealed in all its glory
Illuminating our stretch of sand with is pale gaze
The Great White Mage collected her lights and disappeared

And this experience
Reminds me of a spirit so pure
And so dear to me
Of my love for her
And her otherworldliness
Of her teachings
And her wisdom

Two-thousand seventeen comes to conclusion
A cheer erupts from the fires and we shoot it towards the sky
And the moon returns to its slumber
The new year is welcomed with dance and laughter

This morning we celebrate our achievements of the previous year
And the opportunities presented to us all
We are thankful for moments that aroused growth
And give love to the people we care most about
The glee is immortal, and the fires never fade
Until the light of the flames are weakened by the rising sun
Marking the beginning of a chapter
Written by each of us
This is a true story, I wrote it I observed the year change on the beach.
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
Soft spoken in nature, but powerful at heart.
An intelligence and humor of great volume.
My great romance and sacrifice.
My martyr.

Vast beauty within and without.
An alluring charm and scorching temper.
My conditional love.
My dream.

Compassion and caring unknown to me.
A spirituality and devotion of great strength.
My energy and curiosity.
My marvel.
A poem I wrote reflecting over the three great loves of my life.
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
 Jan 2018 Paul
Wolf Towne
Life was a cool blue that turned stagnate

Green was the color, that of moss

That mossy green then caught a flame

And life was burning an incandescent red

That fire burned too bright

And it collapsed quite quickly

To turn into darkness as black as ash
 Dec 2017 Paul
Wolf Towne
 Dec 2017 Paul
Wolf Towne
Cast away by my failures, I ran away.
At the edge of the world I thought I would find something-
An artifact that would cure me of disease.

Here I am, still searching.
My senses are dull, and my goal begins to blur.
With each passing day, I am greeted by a different world.

I know that I will not find peace.
I know that when I return,
My nightmares will be waiting.

People come and go, and so do human emotions.
So does the sun, the moon, and the tide.
But there are things that never return.
 Dec 2017 Paul
Wolf Towne
The Fall
 Dec 2017 Paul
Wolf Towne
When I tire of seeing, I look within

What I’m searching for is buried in sin

At this point I close my eyes

I cannot watch my own demise

As my sight goes, my hearing comes

Waves crash against my eardrums

For a moment I forget

Of each and every last regret

But it is only for a moment

Reality returns, and I grasp it

But my hold is slipping

And the ledge is tipping

I do not fear the fall

When I land, it will be soft
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