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Innocent eyes looking on
Forgotten like the song

Yesterday was no better
Of us staying together
Until the darkness came

Creating nothing the same
After you walked away
Reaching for another day
Everywhere tears would fall
Drowning out your call
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Give in to your dark desire

Tell me want you want

How does your body ache

Trembling at my touch

I want you to show me

Exactly want you want to do

I need just to know

You feel this way

The same as me

Give in to dark desire

copyright Chris Smith 2005
Of all these times of trouble
Of when this world is screaming
Of those moments we face face
Of friends needing our support

Be Safe

Of the healing yet to come
Of the tears now being shed
Of the children all alone
Of those we loved and have lost

Be safe

Of the times you supported me
Of all my words you have read
Of the blessings I send to you
Of this heart that goes out your way

Be safe

I care and you are in my thoughts
Copyright Chris Smith 2011
Plastic wires inside my brain
Drastic thoughts still remain
Concrete jungle, no escape
Complete in dream scape

Workers doing endless jobs
Shirkers being called slobs
Scope is far out of range
Hope is someone strange

When time started to run out
Then phantoms silently shout
Never will they be heard
Whether it should be absurd

Playing the same old game
Praying nobody is to blame
Elastic fades away the grain
Plastic wires inside my brain
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
The thunder of Demons
Rising up from Hell

Taking to the skies
Only when night fell

Nightmares came crawling
Hear the Gothic bell

Coming of the end
Only when night fell

Hear the Angels crying
Nothing left to tell

The world in flames
Only when night fell
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Somewhere the shadows watch
Through the unseen darkness
At all the lost souls
That attempt to feel their way

As eyes unseen, lurk eager for the hunt
The prey seldom understands the Devil's grasp
The demonic hands grasp the weeping
Squeezing their flesh, only to gloat at pain

Sanity lost in such a devilish bliss
Lost are the remains of my former self, a rebirth into madness
This baptism of blood, now I understand what it is to live
But within a Phoenix tries to break free, scattering the burning ashes

Then no matter the darkness, let the hellish demons hide from a new found regeneration
As chaos rules my thoughts,  the storm on the horizon burns my desires
No number may quench my blood lust for madness drives my need, as the darkness hides my soul
Copyright Chris Smith & John Patrick Robbins 2012
You are too beautiful
To belong to me
Such a perfect vision
Seen by these eyes

Always a perfect lover
With an angelic body
The art of all desire
But only in my dreams

I am an ordinary man
No Adonis to behold
Not worthy of your love
Too afraid to be seen

You are true beauty
A goddess of divinity
The art of my gallery
A dream of this dreamer
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
He needed, he wanted her
All those things she'd do
Did everything to please him
But she never could love

The times she took the pain
Of the darkness deep inside
Allowed him all that he wanted
But she never could love

Just to be his plaything
Her body taken at his mercy
The slap of his hand on bare flesh
But she never could love

The times he pounded inside her
Releasing his need deep within
How she craved to feel it
But she never could love

Each scar would be a memory
Each lover would be a need
Each day she'd just carry on
But she never could love
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Time passes on by
Intimate moments fly
Counting as seconds pass
Keeping secrets such as;
In the midst of dreams
Nothing is as it seems
Gathering specks of time set

Comforting of how you met
Leaving behind a future gone
Of when the days were long
Clouds are in darkened sky
Killing hours before you die
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Sensual pain like no other
Practiced on a submissive lover
As the hand slaps fast
Naked flesh hit at last
***** agony belongs to you
In your mind, doing what you do
Naughty thoughts connect somehow
Good girl I will call you now
Copyright 2014
One: The Gathering

Lo, on a field of green
Came a few warriors
Tired from endless battle
Of killing in senseless need
So together they thus decided
Something new must arise

A scattering of small huts
Were slowly built by these
A wall erected to protect
As something new was born
Once brave men, now farmers
Near the forgotten oceans

More came to this gathering
Begging entrance to be inside
For naught was sought but peace
A name was needed for here
As something born of the future
Everyone wanted to be in Atlantis

Two: Brothers

The wall kept those away
Attempting to invade inside
But security was stronger
As peace dwelled within
Foundations of an army
Protecting Atlantis from harm

Two brothers slowly plotted
How could there be peace
If no one wanted to rule?
They decided to take control
To overthrow those in council
Wanting to have power themselves

As with those who want
Both brothers plotted
Secretly against each other
Gaining two sets of followers
Deciding each was the best
To have order of Atlantis

One night two huts were ablaze
Two bodies found in the flames
For both brothers were dead
Greed had been their downfall
Once again thoughts were gone
But the seeds of betrayal were sown

Three: Fated Love

She was a warrior's daughter
But he was a farmer's son
Fell in love and secret trysts
On the cliff tops where nobody came
There it was where love came true

For she was promised to another
To an older warrior she belonged
Only she wished to follow her soul
But she knew they would slay him
Or cast him and his family out

Each night they made love
Under the moon and stars
Ignoring those unsafe rocks
For they only saw their hearts
They would be together, forever

But hidden caves lay beneath
The ground opened up under them
Both plunged down to their deaths
Until a search was made to find them
A discovery of the caves under Atlantis

Four: The Caves

Miles of rope were used
With flaming torches
For those brave to explore
The mysteries of the caves
Of the treasures they had

Strange encrusted gems
Found embedded in the walls
Mined and brought to the surface
Where the wealth of Atlantis
Became a legend to behold

These caves were too valuable
Outside forces would come
For years they crafted below
While warlords battled above
There would come the first king

As a city was created underground
A war council was born to defend
Never to see the slendours
That only a select few would see
But it would take a century

Three kings would come to rule
As the city in the caves took shape
Where wondows watched the ocean
A stairway of gold led down
The city of Atlantis was born

Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Time, my love, for I have to go
To vanish like a shadow tonight
Returning, I do not know when
For a dark poet soul fades away

If you should dream of me
I will come, walk through your dreams
Embracing you with sweet memories
But for now, this is only a brief goodbye

Fond submission remains in your eyes
Alas, my dear, I wish I could stay
But do not allow your heart to break
I belong to the night of a thousand words

I carry with me the touch of your body
The knowledge of every part of your flesh
An ageless beauty forever in my mind
Remember me, until we meet again
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
The people slept, dreaming
Silently the World was screaming
The Universe was reaching out
No one heard the silent shout
Even dark forces could not pretend
That things were coming to an end

And twenty billion souls came awake
As they witnessed the Universe break
They could hear a distant rumble
As suddenly Galaxies would crumble
The end would take all, everywhere
The end was coming for everyone there

Beings gathered together from every World
The end came, they were ready and curled
Holding each other, all were a different kind
Stars ended and there was nothing to find
Poets cried and found the words to write
And the end came with a blinding light

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Oh how fools can pity me
For they can not know
Of into which sadness I flee
Of those dark shadows I go

If they dare, sought me out
They know not what they find
From the terror of midnights' shout
Buried forever within insanitys' mind

I will take to the grave my sorrow
Even in Death I am never free
Condemned to rot in somewhere hollow
Where the fools can pity me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
How people laughed at him
Old vagrant wearing one sock
As he begged on the street
But no one knew him well

He could have been eighty
Or he could have been older
Most people walked on by
Some gave him loose change

Then came the day he died
Found in the frozen streets
He never had a place to sleep
He was only skin and bones

He would give away all his money
To charity for disabled soldiers
Never took a penny for himself
He was an Angel on the streets
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
He said goodnight
As he lit his cigarette
The smoke drifted up
Maybe it reached the stars
The night had a chill
But he didn't feel the cold
I watched him walk away
Until darkness swallowed him
The mud beneath my boots
Squelched as I moved on
But the night made a noise
A sound we knew to fear
In slow motion moved my feet
Until I saw him on the ground
A bullet had sought him out
Maybe by a cigarette glow
Another soldier of the trenches
Gone in an act of war
But I can still hear his words
He said goodnight
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Don't feel down, your friends will lift you back up
How can I do this alone?
Each time depression hits
Leaving me inside my head
Praying someone understands

Making me feel if I'm trapped
Everywhere seems always closed
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
In life we are all living in our own reality show
As night silently creeps
For the world still sleeps
Relaxing for some other day
And nightmare comes this way
Installing fear within the mind
Dread is a rope used to bind

Only darkness makes it call
Fixing terror for one and all

Distilling horrors yet to unfold
A cold sweat will now take hold
Ready to open up the gates of Hell
Kindred demons released by a spell
Now cast by unearthly creatures
Every one with ghastly features
So dream on and you will never see
Strange beasts that are not meant to be
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Naked minds clash together
Onwards and then forever
Bold poets with words to tell
Only rising high and then fell
Drawn faces with obsession
Yet they hide deep depression

So fighting to be understood
Pouring emotions as they should
Everyone with metaphors of pain
Crafting in tears of pouring rain
Inwards seeking out special meaning
As somewhere lost hope is gleaming
Let me tell you, you're special to me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Shuffling in broken down shoes
Where people blink blindly by
Thoughts are ruined by today
Tomorrow seems to be no better

Why does humanity dwell in death
Where children are taken away
Snuffed out like a candle flame
As leaders play in their war games

Souls are burning in crying shame
If only words could heal as before
But nobody wants to try to change
Innocent blood spills unnoticed

The last great poet has shut the book
Scratched out his eyes of the unseen
Broken his fingers of all around him
Alas, that great poet will never be me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
The young soldier was crying
And his comrade lay dying
In the trenches he bled
In these trenches he is dead

Will the big guns ever cease ?
Can both sides ever find peace ?
As bullets continue to fill the sky
How many men will still die ?

No matter who everyone blames
Generals continue with their war games
They are unwilling to stop
Sending brave men over the top

copyright Chris Smith 2008
We are dancing on the Rings of Saturn
Riding high on a glistening Comet
Then I reach up to gather Stardust
And sprinkle it on your Astral golden hair

Hold your hand as we are crossing Moonbeams
On our way to bask in the heat of a White Sun
Dining at the restaurant in the Milky Way
Then we enjoy a kiss under the Asteroid Belt

Your finger points up at the Shooting Stars
Your eyes shine brighter than any Nova Light
And with the magic in all of Cosmic Space
I want to stay here with you, my love, in our little World
Copyright Chris Smith 2009
They said "let's have a war"
Blame it on the other side
People will blame them more
Their real purpose they'll hide

While they keep watching rockets
Blasting at the opposite soil
They will secretly line their pockets
By stealing all of the oil

But they just never will learn
Because there are too many that cry
Watching as the children burn
When it is only innocents that die
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Sensually surrenders to me
Utter submission set free
Bonded to my will
Made to satisfy my thrill
In dominance I must live
Satisfaction she will give
Slave to my carnal desire
Innocent to my burning fire
Obey the punishment above
Naked for our darkest love
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
Dare you become my thrill
Imagination of your free will
Ready to obey my dark mind
Tied and submitting in kind
Yet responding to a hard hand

Making you feel and understand
Imposing your body for my pleasure
Naked and isolated at my leisure
Demanding more than you can give
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Can you feel this fear
Orchestrated by a tear
Made by a scared thought
Pushed by what the mind taught
Listen now to this trembling story
Illustrated by an apologetic sorry
Compacted by a mirror broken
Agony of those words never spoken
Time came when terror made a mark
Erupted to ignite this morbid spark
Darkness becomes a tad complicated
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
So who is this man?
He stands here alone
At the corner of the room
Looking out the window
Wishing for yesterday

Is he someone I know?
Because I knew happiness
Of days of forgotten love
Arm in arm in green meadows
Kissing amongst the buttercups
Dreaming of tomorrow

Now I don't know me
I am not who I once was
Is there anyone who can tell me?
How this predicament came to be?
For I cry inside alone
Fearing about today

Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Stranger there in the shadow
I am watching you, waiting
Night will belong to me
Intimate nightmares to visit
Soon we dance in our minds
Taking you to dark places unknown
Ecstacy of my forbidden touch
Reacting to something, sinister
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
I need you
But I'm ugly inside
To forget my scars
Too much I've tried

I want you
But I'm ugly inside
The things I've done
Those things I hide

I desire you
But I'm ugly inside
Too many secrets
All the times I've lied

I see your beauty
But I'm ugly inside
Too scared to speak
Swallowing my pride

I watch you walk away
But I'm ugly inside
You'll never see my tears
All those times I've cried

Copyright Chris  Smith 2014
There once was a mime
Who committed a crime
He spoke just one time

But people out for a walk
They heard him talk
Down by the corn stalk

Then the mayor said
We will make him dead
Off with his head

He ran as fast as he could
The mime knew he would
Be killed if he should

He came across a fairy
Her name was Little Mary
She smelt of strawberry

Silently, he started to cry
The fairy wondered why
People wanted him to die

She took his hand
But he could understand
It was time for another land

The mime was never found
For he lives under the ground
Where he never makes a sound
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Fallen Angels will fly again
Find their wings one more time
Learn to soar once again
New wings growing over time

Fallen Angels will fly free
Find their hearts are still true
Find what will be, will be
Fly high up into sky blue

Fallen Angels shall once more, rise up
Rise up and once again be seen
Show that they have taken enough
Fly over grass so green

My fallen Angel has found new wings
She is now flying up so free
With the Angels her sweet voice sings
She sings up there for me

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Sweet darkest rose
A secret nobody knows
When night gives a glance
Be my moonlight dance

Sweet darkest mystery
With hidden beauty I see
As twilight begins her embrace
Let moonlight touch your face

Sweet darkest sprite
Dancing for my delight
I watch you and I know
By dawn you must go
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
There once was a little mouse
Asleep in his own little house
Cosy in his own little bed
On his pillow is his little head

Dreaming of getting past the cat
Creeping past with pitter pat
Trying not to give away a sneeze
Climb up and steal the cheese

Because that cheese is so yummy
So nice in his little tummy
Has to be quick and brisk
When he awakes, he will take the risk
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right

This old man waited for you
Tell me, where have you been?
Exactly what did you do?
My punishment will be obscene

Your young body belongs to me
To order you how to play
You are my desire, my little mystery
I am the master, do what I say

Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right

Yes, those young men are your fun
But you're my fetish, when I call
You've returned, it had to be done
For you always need me, after all

Kneel now, await for my word
Trembling to feel my hard touch
Time for you, yes, time to be good
For both of us crave this too much

Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Welsh born and here I stand
Always proud of this beautiful land
Loyal to this country where I was born
Ever missing it when I am gone
Special, glorious Wales, within my heart
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
A friend

Is there when times are bad
Comforting you in your need
Never turns you away

They help you smile
Share in the joke
But not at your expense

They never hurt you
Talk behind your back
Or leave you on the floor

They not use you
Take from you
Never to give back

They show you love
With a growing bond
Walking beside you

Never in front
To take the lead
To take over

Never behind
To laugh at you
To kick you down

But beside you
To help you up
If you should fall

So look to the right
Then look to the left
You will see the truth

Countless friends
On each side
Smiling with you

So love your friends
Wherever you may go
They will stay with you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
I am waiting at the shore
Waiting for that ship to come
To go on deck and to explore
Taking me to my loves Kingdom

Showing me something new
To reopen, closed, sad eyes
To forget the life I went through
Saying goodbye to the alibis

The ship of hearts comes sailing
Taking me away to different lands
This ship of hearts, never failing
Floating away, it understands

Peaceful is the sea of want, my friend
This ship travels an unknown ride
To a better place, a better end
Once more, with romance by your side

This ship is love within a boat
Where feelings can run free
These emotions can always float
Taking you where you need to be

The ship of hearts is forever sailing
Across the flowing tides of the sea
This ship of hearts, never failing
It is coming here, to find me
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010 (revised 2015)
Come my dear, enter the dark
Where pain is your bliss
Seduced by this ****** mark
Surrendering to a razor blade kiss

Tonight, touched by tormented lust
Lost in suffering, only to bleed
Abandoning those thoughts of trust
In the seclusion of tortured need

Breathing the sweat of desires stain
A victim to a demon without restraint
Closed inside a mind long gone insane
Where the innocence is there to taint

Come my dear, enter the dark
Where pain is your bliss
Seduced by this ****** mark
Surrendering to a razor blade kiss
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
A kiss to your nose
For you are as beautiful
As a rose

A kiss to your eyes
For you are as wonderful
As the sunrise

A kiss to your lips
For you are as mysterious
As the eclipse

But most of all, a kiss to you
For always being you

(this was my first attempt at poetry back in 1997, this was the first one saved, there were earlier poems before I never used to keep them)
Copyright © Chris Smith 1997
Can you guess
My hidden secret
Where in darkness
You will feel pain
But also pleasure
With a forbidden taboo
For nobody will know
Beautiful eyes watch me
Her head on the pillow
Giving a delightful smile
Now my heart beats faster
She leans up to my kiss

No matter how the day was
No matter how grey the sky
Even if the rain did come
She takes it all away
With a touch of magic

She will light up that spark
Igniting the passion in my soul
Troubles flowing out the door
Her arms wrapped around me
I am ready to face the world

She will never let me fall
Always shall she catch me
Knowing how to cure this man
She has the right remedy
With a touch of magic
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
You think you know this darkness?
To look deep into the blackness?
I've seen it far too many times
Suffered and paid for my crimes
I know I let you down, once again
Holding your patience, counting to ten
But I am a complicated beast of a man
Hurting you was never part of the plan
I only wish that you could see
That even I don't know me
You are the one who stays strong
Whilst everything I touch goes wrong

I wish I could change what has past
Stop living my life in this bomb blast
You are far more better than me
A man who is left feeling too empty
I pray you know how much I love you
How much more can you forgive what I do?
I keep upsetting you, with too much hurting
I don't blame you if you're now deserting
I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go
This would be my curse, that I know
You are the one who stays strong
Whilst everything I touch goes wrong
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
Liquid skies come washing down
Sheltering under rainbow bridges
Diamond raindrops hit the ground
Golden umbrellas by sea blue ridges

Sun beams dance across the sky
Making the giant oak crack a smile
Little ants play in the purple grass
They walk an inch or a mile

A small pink bird sings her song
For the listening flowers to hear
The moon salutes the silver clouds
As the stars secretly begin to appear
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
I did my duty, I went to war
Now to see her face, I ask no more

True love is her heart to be
How I wish life was battle free
Even as I fight, the years go by

Lessons to learn to ****, but why?
If only we could find some peace
Now my life would find a release
Each second takes me away from her

Oh, how I wish we could be together
Freedom should be fought for the better

Far away, I settle down to read her letter
If only I had never enlisted in this war
Reaching now, in tears, on a distant shore
Ends in tormented pain as she leaves me
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Quick witted, as good as they come
Understanding and open to some
Intelligent with a sharp mind
Now and forever, one of a kind
Focuses on a poetic soul
Innermost, seeking his goal
Never let his skills ever end
Never has there been a better friend
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
The flicker of a dying flame
When life is only a game
Waiting for darkness to fall
A void of voices will call

I never wanted to play
Just visions of every day
Where beauty could never fade
A place where nobody stayed

So nothing comes of the past
Reckless thoughts always last
As broken down machines die
But only human, living a lie

Did you see me within the cracks
A mirror discarded on the tracks
Reflection of the impossible me
Without a home to ever be

Somewhere there is an empty shout
For now the flame has gone out
Nothing left, gone without a trace
Now just a ghost without a face
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Hush my little one
They might hear
We must be silent
Not let them find us
For they never understand

They hate who we are
Always hunting us
We try to survive
But still they come
They always do

So in the shadows
Do we now dwell
Reduced to hiding
From these mortals
We may die in thirst

I say we must rebel
For we are stronger
Shape shifters
With naught to dear
Let us rise in freedom

Remember little one
How they killed her
The way your mother
Was taken from us
When they found out

How can we fight back
They have too many weapons
Different ways to **** us
We can only use the night
But they can use the day

How can I not recall
My dearest father
The way she died
The cruelty of it all
Never feeding on them

Ripping her from our coven
Leaving us in eternal misery
Of a loss forever engraved
Yet, I can not shake
My deep thirst for revenge

I am tired my little one
Feeling my true age
For too many centuries
This was my existence
Now you must carry on

My life is slowly fading
The coldness is close
You have fed from me
So you can be strong
Goodbye my little one

My father now gone
The ultimate sacrifice
Of an undying love
For his only daughter
Lost now am I - alone

A curse once bestowed
By the dark of night
Never to return
To the day of light
Losing all I have loved

With new found strength
I now hold - I will seek
The one who cursed us
In this living nightmare
For time is now immortal

Through the silence
Of the nights calling
I shall fight, with might
Striking - taking down
The prince of the night
Copyright © Lucy Martins and Chris Smith 2012
I want you now

I desire your touch

Need to have you

Crave you too much

Please come to me now

Give yourself to me

Show me what you like

Let us now be so free

I want to see you

See your body glow

Let me slowly undress you

Make love nice and slow

Tell me how much you want me

Tell so much what you need

I know we want the same thing

Show me and I will heed
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