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I think they laugh at me
Maybe because I'm strange
Could I be a somebody
Or is that a bit deranged

Can't they see I'm the same
I bleed just like they do
They treat me as if I'm lame
Ignoring me is their rule

So are you picking on the disabled
Thinking we're not fit to work
Because you wonder if I'm able
To be like everyone else who work

I never asked to be this way
I try to forget that horrid past
Not thinking of that terrible day
I wish that memory faded fast

I'm human, I am not someone lower
I'm human, stop knocking me down
I'm human, so I might be slower
I'm human, now put away that frown
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
The clown cries silent tears
Behind his painted on smile
Carrying a single red balloon
Trying to walk in big shoes

All the world is laughing
As he keeps on walking
No one sees his sadness
For he wants to belong

This is his curse and career
Always just a laughing stock
If only they saw his humanity
They would be all the same

The clown had no home
All his world is a circus
Putting on a show and watched
Isn't he a bit like all of us
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Love comes looking for you
When you least expect it
Knocking on your door
Begging you to let it in

Even when you're broken
Love will come, lift you up
Rise your spirits once more
Give you hope in yourself

Maybe you won't believe
But a part of you needs to
Able to feel those emotions
As part of a soul, belonging

You can laugh with love
Just as love will cry with you
For it is a feeling like no other
We all will await, as love comes
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Hello to you once again,
My old enemy
You came Creeping out
From the darkest recess
Out of my mind

When I think at last
That I have defeated you
You prove me wrong
And no matter how I try
You keep coming back

For so many years
We fight this battle
But no matter how much
You keep pushing me
I manage to hold on

If I lost my soul to you
Then the end would come
I would be no more,
Trapped by insanity
Broken and forgotten

So no matter when you come
Dragging yourself in rage
You try in endless torment
To shatter my senses
You are my depression

That part of me, in misery
Which I try to push away
Alas, you are always there
Reminding me how I fell
But I continue to stand
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
He is watching me,
Through the dust stained window
With his evil pumpkin head
Lit with an eerie candle glow
The axe from the shed,
Glints within the moonlight
This is no nightmare,
No dream,
For the beads of sweat are cold
I fear the tapping at the door
Then suddenly smashed to pieces
He is here now,
In this room
Raising that axe above my head
I close my eyes and tremble
Because I have no time to scream
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Pour out the tears
From battered eyes
Into a rusted tin cup
Then forget about me
Because love betrayed
As it always seems to do
Leaving a grieving heart
In mourning, silently beating
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Your face,
is etched in my memory;
a beautiful portrait of colour,
to stay forever in this mind.

Your face,
keeps this man;
finding a need to love,
to carry on with passion.

Your face,
is more lovely now;
with each passing moment,
that reflects each passing day.

Your face,
surrenders to my kiss;
for my body and soul,
will belong to you, forever
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Midnight came, calling my name
Striking the hour with torment
Playing a strange and hidden game
Of a living heart, sadly spent

Coming likely vampire this night
Draining me of my energy
Escaping like a bat, taking flight
Cursing me as an enemy

But she is here, protecting me
A love shining brighter, a star
Taking my soul, setting it free
Healing this body, no more scars

So Midnight will go, pass on by
Because she holds this broken man
Like an Angel, above the sky
She knows love, as sweet emotion can
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Blue sky collides
With the blue sea
Sun beating down
On the crashing waves

Footprints in the sand
Left by all the lovers
Hand in hand they walked
Sea lapping at their feet

Children building castles
Rocks hear their laughter
For today is so beautiful
Being here at Coral Bay
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Are you there?
Are you listening?
On the other side
You see
I have a problem
I am suffering
With my pain
The wound is open
It is still bleeding
My soul is hurting
It is ebbing away
In a whiskey haze
Of sleepless nights
Of tortured agony
But it never heals
This broken heart
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
There is a time to leave

And a time to grieve

There is a time to love

A time to pray above

And there is time for me

A time for your lover to see

There is a time to cry

And there will come a time to die

And a time to read what I write

A time to have to fight

A time for children to play

Always a time for being with you today

But give me more time tonight my sweet

More time for my heart to beat

That more time to admire you

The time I want to desire you

But time is passing me by

Time always seems to fly

This poem is for all of you out there

All who I desire and admire, take care
Shadows paint slowly across these walls
Like cold fingers that reach out to touch
Creeping like some spectre come calling
As the light seems, slowly to fade away
Seemly to abandon itself, to the dark

The mind starts to play strange tricks
Was that a sound from somewhere behind?
Could that have been the faintest of whispers?
The shadows are gone, darkness comes calling
The heat of a dead day gives in to the cold night

Somewhere outside, an owl hoots, shivers begin
The stairs creak, as in protest of hours gone
The rain starts,  and taps rapidly at the window
Then the wind screams with a mournful howl
The blankets never seem to keep out that icy embrace

Sleep fails to visit, and night still has that fear
Too afraid to attempt to switch on the light
Too scared to stop that groaning door that sways
Imagination is gripped with nightmarish visions
Surely that was not laughter under the bed

But weary eyes take their toll, hours have passed
Nothing has happened, and all seems to be safe
Until the thunder comes crashing down, hard
And the lightening flashes like hellish fire
Under the covers, to block out the terror

Peaking out, with the trembling of hands
Something is there, standing in the corner
Within the darkest part of the room
Watching, as if a predator studying prey
This is no fogged impression of a dark dream

But just as quickly as the fiendish entity appeared
Now it is gone, no remainder it ever had been
That feeling is here, knowing it had been real
Sleep finally takes you into a sleepless slumber
Morning light has come, but the shadows will return
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
Time passes
Nothing lasts
Nobody cares
Nobody there
Heart cries
Love hurts
Minds shatter
People go
So alone
Nothing matters
Without you
Lost love
All gone
Just say
Two words
Copyright © Chris Smith 2000
There is a subtle grace
To the whispers veiled
In caress of autumnal promise
Would that I could offer their solace
Where all seems beyond repair

So much light hidden
Where it once shone brightly
Your touch offers strength, always
Taking this mind, this soul, this heart
Offering something needed, something new

So perhaps it can forever dwell in the senses
That have long ago left to dwell with stars
For there was a time when sorrow yielded
To a future soundscape of colour and intrigue
A desire called destiny that called to me

In tears we paint the future
On a landscape of sorrows
Building towards the clouds above
Searching for a glimpse of the sun
For we share ourselves reluctantly

What else is there to do?
But take the moments
Seize the hurt and watch it die
For in its death
We shall liberate our cries

Set free the chaos of emotions
Where bonds were created
On the power of friendship
Throwing off our shackled lives
To be free, to be at peace
Copyright © Chris Smith and Poppy Ruth Silver 2012

Poppy Ruth Silver is a singer and poet and can be found on Facebook and
You got in the way
Of the backlash
From uncontrollable,
Unreasonable rage

Smashed in the mouth
Blood and pain
Only left with
Broken teeth

You never saw
The coming meltdown
All you did
Was sit next to him

But he doesn't know
Never realises
Exactly what he did
Not his fault

He's only a child
On a high spectrum
You'll forgive him
Because I do
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Oh, give your body now to me
Blessing it with extreme ecstasy
Setting free what you hold inside
Each desire, each need you hide
****** craving to my hard touch
Sensual needing, wanting too much
Inner thoughts of a fetish like mind
Obsession of both, one of a kind
Now uncontrollable bodies together
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
I want you, I feel this heat
Craving the surrender of you
Burning up with darkest desire
Your body heat next to mine
The taste of your ruby lips

Giving together, until morning comes
Because this very night belongs to us
I feel your bite, the lust as you drink
Touch of your skin, that cold embrace
This need we feel can never be quenched

I see the glow, burning deep in your eyes
Tasting me now, the very edge of ecstasy
Your body shivers from wanting me
Together, one with the shadows of night
I belong to you for you now belong to me
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Pink sun sets on a hidden beach
An orange glow just out of reach
Rainbows ending in vibrant tomorrow
As purple birds, flying to follow
Dolphins sing in golden crested seas
Inner being growing higher than trees
So many visions that are coming true
Each one is paradise next to you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
She flies into the darkness
Hidden in the black shade
Her dark wings engulfed in blackness
I watch a beauty that will never fade

Follow her in shadows I will go
Follow her to Hell and back again
For in the darkest night she will glow
For her light burns the brightest then

February Angel, her heart will never be cold
Even when she dances with demons tonight
She has a beauty I could never hold
My dark soul will never embrace her light
I was so proud
Following Cupid
The greatest Cherub
Gifting all of mankind
With the power of love

Aiming the arrows
Dipped in that emotion
Where two fall together
Giving their precious hearts
To be with one another

We never leave anyone out
Be it man loving woman
Man in love with man
Woman falling for woman
Need be, even man and sheep

But I tried to stop war once
Shooting arrows at Presidents
Hoping two men of power
Could bring the love of peace
To a world deeply in need

They had to assassinate them
Put two more warmongers in charge
So once again I tried
Once more they were assassinated
So I hung up my bow and arrow

You see, never blame the Presidents
Because they are only puppets
On strings, led by power mad Generals
Using war to make a profit
But also preventing true love
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Do you ponder this life
The meaning of it all
Why we exist to suffer
I do, I always have to

The pain of going on
Dragging through day by day
Wondering does it improve
Will hope come to rescue me

But alas, here I will write
My healing, my feeling
Through the darkest, to the light
Just a poet, nothing more
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Did you see the moths dancing?
Getting too close to the flame
See them as they burn and fall
Attracted by the bright light
Until the heat clipped their wings

That is like the life we have to lead
Always tempted by the prettiest things
To never understand the danger
Until the time becomes way too late
Finding ourselves falling into obscurity

This is the power of a blood run sun
Admiring the beauty as it shines
But gaze too long and you lose your sight
Then the beauty shall long be lost
So like the poor moth, you will fall
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
This icy morning chills me
No warmth for my bones
Just frozen touches of misery
Wind like a Banshee moans

Bitter thoughts in my head
No one to ever tenderly want
For I am one with the undead
As this torment continues to haunt

If only love could come my way
Temptation to warm this soul
Someone to show hope this day
To allow my lost emotions flow
Copyright © Chris Smith 2010
I have sinned, I have wronged
Been down with no way up
But you came, lent me your shoulder
I knew this world as a better place

I have cried, I have screamed
Believing nobody could hear me
But you came, lent me your ears
Then I knew someone listened

I have suffered, I have been lost
Searching, but with nowhere to go
But you came, took me, kept me warm
And I knew beauty, for there was you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2011
The ravens watch from their trees
Barren dead branches, naked of leaves
The Winter chill hangs in the air
A solo walker makes his way, this night
An eerie light is cast on the tombstones
As if the cold moon is reaching down

He will always come here, in darkness
For the night sounds play the music
As amongst the grave, he dances alone
But then a mist rises from one particular grave
Beginning to take the form of a woman
The lost love he has missed for so very long

They come to dance, together once more
Watched by ravens and a thousand glowing eyes
Entwined in a gothic dance of the dead
Until once again, she will fade away
Vanishing back into the ground, whence she came
And a solitary figure of a man, walks away alone
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Lonely birds fly away home
To distant lands and far away nests
Never do they look back
For the places that they leave

Open their wings to roam
Flying a hard wind that tests
Trying to blow them back
To those places that they leave

So hard for us to let go
As they continue to grow
Letting them learn by their mistakes
No matter how your heart breaks

Take care of them for me
For I must set them free
Never let them see this tear
I will always be here
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
This man will protect you
When you need him most
Make you feel safer
And always be there

Sometimes he will cry with you
Shed tears with your pain
Hold you when you need comfort
And give you feelings of security

But this man has many sides
A burning passion in his heart
He has a hunger to be fed
He is a victim of his lust

Sometimes he says the wrong things
Misunderstands some of the signs
When a woman only needs to be held
Forgive him if he is blind to desire

For a woman is a creature of beauty
That all men are driven to want
We can not stop wanting to love you
We can not stop this need for you

A woman is a delicate flower to care for
And we need to help it bloom, to cherish
Not only to be lost in the sweet scent
But to always to allow it to grow

This man knows sometimes he is wrong
All he wants is to be needed, to be desired
To feel wanted, to know he is loved
The grace of any woman, makes any man
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
When you are all alone
And no one is out there
So alone in the darkness
I will be your light in nowhere

When life is bringing you down
And no one seems to ever care
Over head are only black clouds
I will be your light in nowhere

When shadows are closing in
And you have your burden to bear
When your day only seems to be night
I will be your light in nowhere
Copyright © Chris Smith 2008
When passion comes calling

Your heart is felt, falling

You believe your actions are just

Is this love or is this lust?

Your desire trembles too much

You lose control, as such

Your passion you can not trust

Is this love or is this lust?

In the heat, your bodies collide

Together you feel them slide

You do what your bodies must

Is this love or is this lust?

Make love fast then do it slow

Together your desires flow

You feel those emotions bust

Is this love or is this lust?

She takes your want all night

These cravings you can not fight

Even taking the satisfaction in the dust

Is this love or is this lust?
Born of a man who smiles
Never would he have a frown
A friend to walk with for miles
A king without a crown

They said he had special needs
But his heart would never fail
He would only do good deeds
Everybody knew of Timothy Dale

Always he had something special to say
He would stay with you, yes he would
He would always brighten up your day
Always trust in Timothy Dale you could

Even those who began treating him bad
They tried to make poor Timothy cry
He would even help them if they were sad
Timothy Dale, even for his enemies he would try

Children loved to hear him tell his stories
To tell them, well, he was the best
Told of long ago heroes and their glories
Told how they braved the trickiest quest

A time came when Timothy Dale grew old
And then poor Timothy Dale cried
There were no more tales left to be told
That was the day when a whole town cried

Those who would say poor Timothy was not bright
The entire town said he was the cleverest man
Now Timothy Dale is up in Heaven's light
He is telling Angels all the stories he can
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Mind splintered into pieces
Isolated, it never ceases
Still nobody seems to know
Useless thoughts still grow
Never anyone comes near
Drenched into hidden fear
Endless eyes keep watching me
Rending me further into misery
Something snaps inside my head
Time stops, my soul feels dead
Only if someone could understand
Of this emptiness into another land
Drifting me into feeling misunderstood
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Hearts of electric neon
Beating to belong
Creating sparks of blue
Proven to be true

Touch as fingers lock
This thrill to shock
Lips tenderly try
On voltage so high

Glowing like stars above
Plugged into love
Forever to entwine
Allowed to always shine
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Just another day
Same as the last
She knew nothing else
Only to feel pain

She belonged to him
There was no escape
Did all he asked
Never said no

How nobody saw
Those blackened eyes
The darkest of bruises
She never knew

He was older
To this young woman
Forced to find respect
Of a husband she hated

Never to bear a child
Because of the damage
The kicks he gave her
Did to her body inside

Knew if she escaped
He would track her down
Cut her beautiful face
Make her suffer in time

Too scared to tell
For would anyone listen
Who would help her
When he was her owner

So she continues to serve
Keeping it all in silence
Never to know real love
Always a slave to fear
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
I never knew
What life held
Until I met you
Heaven is closer

I thought I was lonely
Then you came along
I fell for you only
Heaven is closer

Angels are flying
All around us
I hear love sighing
Heaven is closer

So all we ever do
Is feel the magic
Because being with you
Heaven is closer
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
I come craving your soft touch

The kisses on my cold skin

The heat coming from your body

The desire inside I feel burning

I want to feed on your love

But I fear that I will betray you

Attempt to take more than you can give

Temptation to take all that I can

But my feelings are holding me back

I will not let you surrender to the dark

But I will feel your body next to mine

I will find comfort in your warm embrace

Feel these movements becoming one

Because I know when the dawn breaks through

I will be gone with the darkness of the night

copyright Chris Smith November 2009
He always was a shy boy
Always found life to enjoy
They picked on him one day
They took his enjoyment away

They would put bugs in his hair
He thought his teachers didn't care
They called him every bad name
Said that being strange was to blame

Hurt him and caused him pain
Pushed him over in the rain
They even spat in his face
Told him he was a disgrace

Johnny please don't cry
I know you just want to die
Johnny I don't know why
It's easy when you try

I wish the bullies would just go away
Leave Johnny alone for only one day
There are too many boys and girls in tears
Too many bullied face suicide these years

Poor Johnny couldn't take any more
Found him hanging from off the floor
Poor Johnny is one of the dead
We should **** bullying instead

copyright Chris Smith 12th November 2009
Once I was left torn and twisted
My soul was left bleeding from the inside
Tormented and confused with thoughts resisted
I felt myself shattering away my pride

And you are there, to take it all away
The pain is gone, when I feel your sweet touch
I see you in my dreams, I want you to stay
I am sweating for you, I need you so much

Once I could not escape the shadows in my brain
I was endlessly running with no place I could go
I thought that this emptiness would always remain
The coldness of my blood always seemed to flow

And you are there, whenever I need you the most
You reach out to me and you teach me to be brave
You make me strong, when I feel like giving up the ghost
Come to me now, because you are the one I crave

copyright Chris Smith September 1st 2009
A broken heart hurts the most
Every nerve feels like breaking
Your mind goes into overload
Your body starts to shake
You can never stop the tears

You want to be able to hold her
Tell her nothing is as it seems
That your heart belongs to her
You know she somewhere crying
But she is an ocean away to hold

You want to tell her she is the only one
You know the pain when someone cheats
Can she understand you have friends?
And friends they will ever only be
You want this hurt to just go away

You thought that she really understood you
Of the happiness that she would always bring
Your soul, body and heart belonged to her
You shared your words with all the world
Now a broken man sitting in the dark alone

You lost that special purpose in your life
And the fight has been drained away from you
You know she will never forgive or ever forget
But you pray one day she will be coming back
For this maiden you know you will always ache

But you can at last feel the warmth of a smile
She has contacted you and the day begins anew
You can feel the black clouds drifting away
Your heart begins to beat in union with her again
And in time you know you can both heal

copyright Chris Smith 2009
I have forgiven my own attackers

Forgiven the one who cheated on me

Even though she told me to **** myself

That no one would come to love my scars

I battled long against my depression

Won some battles, some I have lost

The years have never been easy

Hatred could easily had swallowed me

I was molded by those now gone

A grandfather I loved with respect

He was not my true one by blood

He was a black African and he was proud

And Grampy, today I am missing you

You taught me who I would come to be

Some would only see you as a black man

My eyes only see you with pride

Abraham Rachid, your soul is always near

I feel you when I am needing you most

I reach out and I touch your spirit

Your soul always helps me to stand tall
She is there and waiting
His touch she is anticipating
His words always move her
His words always sooth her

His poems fill her with desire
He kisses her neck, it tingles like fire
His hands caress her with tenderness
She wants this moment to be endless

Tells her poems of Bryon, Dylan Thomas and Poe
Words like music that fill her soul
He makes love to her like no other man could
He makes her want him more than she should

She never thought she could be captivated by poetry
Never thought it would open up her passion so free
Never thought she would give in to this man
His words excite her more than anything else can

Now he has to go away and she lets him go
It is so hard when her body craves him so
His passion could never ever be mistook
For now she knows she has to close the book
My love, you are my wild rose
For I will never try to tame you
A wild passion like the wind blows
I love all the things you do

My wild rose, you are always free
I am lost within your tempting smile
Showing all your naked ambition to me
A willingness that always has style

Like a wild rose, you can never be tamed
You have a love that will always grow strong
And everything you do, you can never be blamed
Take me with you for we can do no wrong
You stole my heart away from me
You gave yours back in return
You went to where we were meant to be
Showed me love I had come to learn

You keep my heart and keep it secure
Take me to places I have never been
When we make love, together we are pure
You show me things that I have never seen

You stole my heart and you made it good
You helped find the words that I write
You look after my heart the way you should
You ****** me in the glow of candle light

You keep my heart, so close, next to you
I touch your breast and feel your heart beat
So many times I wanted this moment to be true
Together we are lovers and we are complete
I will swear to you
That my love will bear true
I give you my heart and soul
And my love will start to grow

And on each and every day
For every wish I shall obey
And when you look into my eyes
They will never tell you any lies

And everyday I say to you
Just how much I love you
This I promise that I will
Because you know I love you still
Something that everyone knows
No need to tell the press
Lonely where the train goes
Take a ride on the lonely hearts express

Passengers are all looking down
Out the window no one looks
Drinking with the sorrows they drown
Nobody reads from the untouched books

Every passenger feels the hurt and pain
Everyone is feeling all the stress
Outside, tear drops are like the rain
Take a ride on the lonely hearts express

Are you waiting there on the station platform
Waiting for the train to one day arrive
Looking for the station master in uniform
Going through another day just to survive

You hear the train coming down the rails
Wondering why life came such a mess
Boarding this train, it never ever fails
Taking a ride on the lonely hearts express
She will enter through a black veil
Ready to take you and use you
Beauty with a skin that is so pale
She is ready to come and ****** you

Black like the night is her hair
Her eyes are passionate like the starlight
She stands naked and is tempting you there
She will make love like the Devil's daughter tonight

She will be wild and take everything you can give
It will not be enough because her lust craves more
She will have her way for as long as you live
Drag you exhausted onto the cold floor

The Devil's daughter has so much endless lust
For her passion will always continue to forever grow
She will leave you drained and left in the dust
Tempt you with her body so she can steal your soul
Dark clouds gather above me
They gather above me this night
The rain falls down on me
Drenching my inner light

Dark times are surrounding me
Dark like the clouds up above
Washing away some of my misery
Soaking me through my love

But through the dark I see you
Coming to me when the sun is set
Rain soaking your clothes through
Clinging to you when you are wet

Come, my lover, and mark your mark
Love me in the rain on this dark night
Come and please light up my dark
Embrace me with your shining light
Sunday        -  give me faith

Monday       -  give me love

Tuesday      -  give me hope

Wednesday -  give me a wish

Thursday    -  give me passion

Friday          -  give me desire

Saturday      -  give me you
All throught the night I dream

Because you are by my side

Caring in your special way

Dreaming as well, next to me

Each other dream of our love

For we dream together

Giving our love our hope

Hope that we cherish in our sleep

In our dreams we are always as one

Just being in our dreams here together

Knowing our love shines in our minds

Loving our souls and our bodies tonight

Mind and body reunited in our special place

Never being apart from our dreams and desires

On a higher plain of existence, together

Placing our promises and our love for ourselves

Quest of our salvation we find in each others arms

Reaching out and holding on for what we have

Special love belongs only to us this night

Two souls that entwine together for ever and ever
Under the dreams that protect our love at all times

Velvet kisses that we share in a dream scope

We never drift away from silver reflections of the heart

X marks the spot that our dreams take us now

Your dream to me is mine I share with you

Zodiac signs matched with love in dream

copyright Chris Smith 2009L
Close your eyes and come take my hand
As we take a walk across smiling crocodiles
Passing dancing penguins that wish us good morning
So they tilt up their top hats as they greet us

Green and yellow and purple striped tigers
Come bouncing by, chasing pink polka dot butterflies
Kings and Queens jump off jack in a boxes
Laughing at the horse that has got two heads

You open your eyes and you can see the mad man
Trying to change the world as he writes down his poetry
Giggling to himself in his strange mixed up way
As he looks in the crystal mirror he looks just like me

Look up and watch the bumble bee as he chases the lady bird
The elephant driving in his bright red mini cab
You see the world of floating giant oak doors
And you know it is a shame the real world is on the other side

So we cross over the bridge of a magical rainbow
To where the Satyr dances with the pixie princess
But soon you will forget me and this place we visit
You wake up and the colour has changed to black and white

copyright Chris Smith 26th November 2009
Can you hear the voice calling this night?
Is this all a trick within my mind?
Because somewhere in the darkened shadows
I can hear something calling out my name
And I hide under the covers, let it go away

But curiosity takes me to the window, to look out
To look out on a dark night of hidden fear
I open my window and on the chilled wind I hear it
Like a voice from a secret grave still calling my name
"Leave me be, who are you to haunt me in the dark"?

But I fear my cry goes unheard as the voice calls again
I dress myself, dorn my boots, to solve this mystery
For I alone only seem to hear the voice calling to me
Calling to the shivers that are running down my spine
I go down the stairs and I hesitate before opening the door

I step out and an icy mist seems to surround the air
Chilled to my bones, I follow the voice that comes again
It takes me to the edge of an abandoned church, long forgotten
And somewhere between the overgrown graves it is there
Beckoning me to enter this place that belongs to the dead

I wonder hopelessly to myself, why did not anyone see me?
Surely someone would have stopped me this cold night
Especially from entering this deserted place of ghosts
But once again the voice comes calling like a spectre
And I find myself being drawn towards one forgotten grave

And the horror strikes at me at long last
As I read the name and see only my own, I am dead
It was no voice calling out, it was my own voice in my head
For I did not believe I had gone from the land of the living
And once again I know I must sleep, sleep forever more

copyright Chris Smith December 8th 2009
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