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Dec 2014 · 456
Lukas Dec 2014
Words they hit me
They bruise my skin
Break my bones

Words they cut me
They slice
I bleed... And bleed..... and blee
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
My Christmas Wish (For Andy)
Lukas Dec 2014
We all wonder in the dark
Trying to see the good
Trying to feel warmth

A small red ember falls to the ground
It glows and it gives of warmth
This is how his revolution started
A small speck in the dark

We fed the ember with praise
And likes that made it grow
People gathered as a fire became

People like his light and his warmth
He grew into a bonfire
Though not low on fuel and praise

Our fire has started to wane
Its not quite as bright
Or as warm
But it still changes our hearts

Andy a poet on here is really sick. Though he still manages to change our lives everyday. He's stronger than anything you'll ever encounter. Andy if you're reading this is means you need to kick cancer's **** because we're here to catch you and revive you so you can win. That's what I want for Christmas. For Andy to survive. When he does I will be first in line to say "Andy you've changed my life and I can't ask for a better savior." ---Lukas---
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
For Andy
Lukas Dec 2014
You know the way your hair flips drives me crazy
You have a smile that drives me wild
You've made me laugh even when I can't stop crying
You've held my hand through a dark time

You make my world a better place
You fight the demons of the human race
You make this all a possibility
I just want to thankyou my Andy

I can't word how much this has effected me. I mean you've been here for me and i dont even know how to say what i need to. Thankyou
For andy
Dec 2014 · 9.4k
Lukas Dec 2014
Open your lips, but nothing comes out
Open your lips, but the sound has gone mute
When you need it most your voice flounders
But when you don't need it, it sticks around
Find the voice to speak against something
Find your voice to stand for something you believe in
Find your voice and be the person you want to be
A voice for the voiceless
Nov 2014 · 623
Writing [I need some help]
Lukas Nov 2014
Ride my boat of thoughts
   Into this sea of words
      Take a pencil as my oar
         Leave the shores of sanity

                This is an unfinished piece that I cannot finish because I have pencil block. Would anyone be willing to help me out?? Comment or message me. Thanks~   X out
          This is an unfinished piece that I cannot finish because I have pencil block. Would anyone be willing to help me out?? Comment or message me. Thanks~   X out
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Lukas Nov 2014
The Seeker my dear friend is very sick. Could you guys help me out and tell her she's beautiful. Let her know she's not just a number on a scale but a human being that's loved and respected. Her and every other person needs to know,
       No matter what we are people. We can be geeks, jocks, outcasts, and fit ins. We can be cheer captain or a mathlete. We can wear black or barely wear anything at all. It doesn't matter. You are beautiful, you are strong. She can hold his hand. He can kiss his cheek. She can hug her. It doesn't matter how you dress, how you talk, what label they gave you, or who you love. We are all people and I want you here. So stay awhile dear and see what the world has to offer.

Repost this and share to the world who we are
Repost if you agree we should be more exceping
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
So the Sun loved the Moon
Lukas Oct 2014
So the sun loved the moon,
He died everyday to let her live

Every evening the moon would rise
Her beloved sun would set
He would grasp on to the night
He always failed

The moon shed tears
They came to be known as stars
She would sulk in her sorrows
Once every month she was able to escape

And be with her beloved sun
Oct 2014 · 906
The Storm
Lukas Oct 2014
Your face shows calm waters*
That you couldn't be better

But your eyes rage a storm
The lightning crackles within them

The wind whips at your soul
The pieces join the debris

The memories scattered away
Your heart shattered on the ground

You may say it, but
You're not okay

*I am not okay
Oct 2014 · 12.9k
Lukas Oct 2014
Four years have past
Yet your memory seems to last
I shed my tears across the page
My heart threatens to break it's cage
This year you'll be twenty-one
Drinking alone isn't going to be fun
The track ran smooth, but your hear was frail
You worked yourself over the rail
One lap, two lap, three lap, four
I count the miles wanting more
You loved the track, you loved the sun
I imagine you with me when I run
Your auburn hair, your glowing eyes
Your smiles brightening darkened skies
I smile for you, you smile for me
It fills my heart with shortened glee
Goodbye dear Sara, we'll miss you so
I love you dear, remember you're no longer a child of woe
For Sara who's 21st birthday has past recently. You never failed to make us SMiLe. 1993-2010
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Call me Ross
Lukas Sep 2014
Look at me and see my face
Look at me and see my body
Look at me and see my build
Look at me and know the truth
I want to be myself
But it's hard when you're in the wrong body
Ross is my name
I have no other
Look at me and see I'm a girl
Look at me and see I'm frail
Look at me and see I'm small
Look at me and see the lie
I am a boy like any other
I am just the same don't you see?
I get bullied and beat
I get tripped and shoved
My books and papers fly down the halls
I just want to be Ross
I am Ross
For everyone dealing with a similar situation. You know who you are.
Sep 2014 · 1.7k
The Truth
Lukas Sep 2014
I know the truth buried under the lies
I know the face hiding behind the mask
I know the pain locked behind a smile
I know the laugh sealing in the hurt
I know the phrases covering the truth
It was the cat
I fell into a thorn bush
It's just a scratch
I know the pain you've endured
Find your voice and speak the truth
It wont go away if you don't try
They wont stop laughing on their own
The pain wont just disappear
The tears wont suddenly stop flowing
Find your voice and speak up
You're strong and beautiful
Please stay awhile dear
For all those who need it
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Fallen Angel
Lukas Sep 2014
My wings beat quick
But you catch me
The feathers fall off
One by one
My wings are gone
You drop me
Down I fall to the earth below
I wonder for days
I find others
I realize this is my home
With the fallen angels

— The End —