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It was the little things
that pushed her to the edge
The exaggeration of an issue
  or the complete ignorance
The worthlessness of her words
  or the praised, thrown back worth

Blissful contradiction? I think not.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
blinking from who-knows-how-far,
holding captive all our eyes,
muse for all our lullabies.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are.

Twinkle, twinkle, Milky Way,
cosmic star of cabaret,
filling up our eyes at night,
making moonlight shadows bright.
Twinkle, twinkle, Milky Way -
what a vision you display.

Twinkle, twinkle, galaxy,
often do I think of thee,
hurtling through time and space,
pirouetting in your place.
Twinkle, twinkle, galaxy -
Teach us all to be as free.
Many moons,
have passed over my headpiece,
as you leave me behind,
in moondust & ashes each night,

You collect on the bookshelves,
I keep here,
collecting on hearts with your light,
dusting my world with your beauty,
diminutives in bits of the white,

This is not the end of the journey,
 this a mere tiny part of the flight,
and I've not seen any more shiny,
or any star nearly as bright,

Though I am unable to see you now,
or touch your skin ever again,
or truly hear you with my ear,
I still miss you so my friend,

I know I cannot be near you now,
I cannot be where you are,
as you are but a twinkling light,
a brilliant & distant, star-

If it was not but for the moon dust,
my heart wouldn't,
be able to see you anymore either.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk inspired....and missing someone who has passed ❤ to you all! X - Ma Cherie!
My feelings are a big mess
                They are scrambled together and I can't undo them
They will go up

                          and they will go down

They will change like the weather:

Feel love one minute and hate the next
             Sad and then happy
lust and disgust.

Changing and changing
I try to explain but I just end up hurting you
                   which hurts me
                                                             ­      I try to fix them
to get them in order
                and I come to a conclusion

                                                   ­                  maybe I'm just not the one for you.
 Apr 2016 Alexandria Hope
 Apr 2016 Alexandria Hope
one day
i would like to
step out of
my evening shower
to find you
in the kitchen
saying you liked
today's rendition
of our favorite songs
 Feb 2016 Alexandria Hope
 Feb 2016 Alexandria Hope
you are as
as the
shot glass
you fill
time after time

you would think
that all of that
would contribute
to some

but instead
all youve gained
is a headache
and some words
you shouldnt have
 Jan 2016 Alexandria Hope
I left home to search for an endless road
and I will go wherever it may take me.

Through visible and invisible,
I'll rain new rivers out of many seas,
and sleep deep dreams under the willow trees.

Through sunless mornings and many nightfalls,
I'll wander true places that host lair to thousands of tales,
and all this I'll do while erasing my trail.

Because once I take these many roads of life,
I can't come back home
to be the same that I was when I left.
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