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 Nov 2014 DSD
Srinivas Vasudev
Love! It suffocates me
When I breathe it in!
I cut through the feeling
Only to end up in floating

There my beloved!
clad in shadow-coloured shyness
advocates Liberation at the end of the passage!
She realizes it without my translation

When I hit against time
it consoles me with medication of compassion
after all, I learn to endure the sweet pain
enveloped in a liquid dream

When I look beyond time
Love and time sounds like a couplet
Of sweet verse, as sugary as life
Life and love as always inseparable!
 Nov 2014 DSD
Bryanna Michelle
There's never been a middle ground for me.
I can be terrifyingly drowning in my insecurities and self-pity one minute
then the loftiest songbird, soaring quaintly without worries the next.
The grey must be a boring place.
And in all optimism, surely there is someone who will accept me
for all my madness and sanity.
 Nov 2014 DSD
yeah it's 3:59 in the morning,
so what? there's ink in my veins and
a bottle of ***** in my system.
I'm bleeding novels here
and it's a rare blood type I've got.

The words pour from severed wounds
and stain the carpet, bed sheets,
the counter tops and floor tiles.
shrieks from my roommate,
"what the hell's going on?!
someone call an ambulance!"


yeah it's 7:03 in the morning,
so what? I woke up attached to a machine
and it wasn't even the government.
chuckles from the nurses,
"he's got a sense of humor this one"

every last letter fled my body
until I collapsed.
and suddenly, I understood
that death isn't about flowers, tombstones,
black dresses or sullen faces.
it's about the words that were left unsaid.
 Nov 2014 DSD
Nat Lipstadt

Robert C Howard   Jul 23 2014

"I love this (the poem above). I was riveted to the page (screen) from the first line to the last. It reads like an existentialist credo. I couldn't help wondering if New York makes one an existentialist. Where else in the world can you live so alone in such a huge crowd"*
For Robert
(Does NYC makes one an existentialist)

we live alone,
more and more,
not despite,
but because of the ease
that the total expanse
of the universe via
internet connectivity
today enables us to have an 
unrealized, unactualized,
but feels like an
NYC Billy Joel-undeniably-real
"nodding acquaintance"

this contradictory duality,
two parallel continuums of existence,
the flesh and the pixelated,
alone and together,
I have crossed over
in ways prior unimaginable

exist upon a single line
not just connecting
the real to the imagined
but conducting one to the other,
one existence, indistinguishable
border lines indistinct,
artifices superimposed by others

NYC was model precursor
for our internet presumed-to-be-alive
model for the world today,
where I know not
my apartment neighbor's name,
yet carry his second child
in my arms,
when the fire alarm
summons us all to flee
to street safety...
and still only
"know" his child's first name,
and the father,
as apt. #16D

an act of existentialism?

so many tears and poems
have I shed
for one who has
lost living treasures,
impossible for me
now to meet and witness them

heard the testimony,
of disembodied voices,
read the pain
upon the pages so real,
that pixels from screen
rise up to stab my
overwhelmed tear ducts,
voiding the warranty of my tablet

only I can see
the realized proofs,
wet upon the screen/page
crossing over the
humanity divide
that invisible runs
wirelessly between us
and our "devices"

this, an act of existentialism?

Yes, the universe,
I cannot confirm you exist,
even as I pinch my self..
just to be sure of me,
further I testify,
no machine wrote
this vain attempt
to spoof~proof me human

flee towards good faith,
deny never, my responsibility,
greater than this body
to act, more than exist,
never to remain silent,
the best reason to write
is to reason out loud
your choices

if I struggle to ascertain,
what are the correct choices,
never certain,
but always questioning,

this, an action of existentialism?

none of this satisfies,
is there a human voice
that belongs to you,
and one that belongs to me
above and beyond these
alpha symbols you read,
is there an existence,
sparking, elemental,
a proof-positive Nat,
could conduct himself to
where you are?

think now that someday,
after you have finished
beauty and art,
extricating sound from
metal and wood,
via the
Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra,
a man will join at its completion
the long line of well wishers,
but your hand,
he will not shake

instead, he just might

"place gentle a finger  
on your lips across, and upon his,
if electrons you sense and taste,
and yours they embrace,
as naturally as if
they were waiting
just for you,
you can almost be sure,
don't ask his name, unnecessary,
for he will face you
with these words:

Thank you, Thank you!
you are my proof.."*

I exist and you now know me by my the
taste of my lips,
just as real as the taste of
your poetry, your music,
upon mine
I am a musician by trade. I conduct the Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorale. I compose music and teach and play flute. I try to include poetry in my music and music in my poetry.

I have a Masters Degree in Music Composition from Michigan State University. I am married to Robin Howard who is fine soprano, graphic artist and photographer.
 Nov 2014 DSD
Musarrat Bte Salam
Hues and mist raved through the storm and found me.
Little did the waves know that my soul was not free.

My heart became her starry night till now,
World's chaos challenged the brave and left with a vow.

O' beloved, understand that life is not here to thrash you,
but is those chances given to the moments to build your tomb.
Your places are both in the roots and buds where you bloom.
So when love comes along and asks why, say bliss at rare times paints itself blue.

A hypnotizing halo of life breathing in the darkest grave.
Upon your grace, my trails become my slave,
As I command my footprints to bring me far.

A knight I become and my quest is to save.
Even when you turn into those stars-
My oath still remains to erase all your scars.
Divino Sonetto-

This poetry form was presented by the part Italian poet Divena Collins. It follows the Italian 8/6 pattern, but her Scottish upbringing makes a statement with the sestet, and a much different tempo. Here is the pattern;
a. a. b. b. . . c. d. d. c. . . e. e. f. . . e. f. f.
or .a. a. b. b. . . c. d. d. c. . . e. e. f. . . e. g. g.
 Nov 2014 DSD
Musarrat Bte Salam
my paintbrush
moves from here
   to the

Galaxies explode,
and recreate art.
The Septolet is a poem consisting of seven lines containing fourteen words with a break in between the two parts. Both parts deal with the same thought and create a picture.
 Nov 2014 DSD
Anna Elguera
Social anxiety is a crippling cuff
that restrains you to the solitude of your mattress

Fetal position ready for
the red little monster
whispering inbetween your thoughts
"youre worthless"
"they hate you"
because your mind has brushed upon
a poison bush
oozing self doubt and fear

& you know you can fight it
but your day has left you weak;
Unwilling to stand up.
Besides, the tissue surrounding your brain isnt a surface you can easily scratch..

Instant relief is not to be expected...
so, bear the irritation we must
till the light decides to bring with it a calm
The sun is an effective locksmith.
 Nov 2014 DSD
One by one,
The petals fall,
Softly to the ground.

One by one,
My tears fall,
Rolling down my cheeks.

We are just the same, you and I
We are both longing to survive,
But as every petal falls and every tear rolls,
The beauty inside us slowly dies.
Everyone is beautiful, no matter what. But soon were all going to die. Beauty cannot live forever.
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