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Cerasium Jun 2017
I have fallen
Fallen to far
Where there is no salvation
Down to where
There is darkness and death

Though I sought a way out
I could never find one
Till one day you walked into my life
The beam of hope I was longing for

The love that blossomed in me filled me with joy
I had finally found the light
In this never ending darkness
Though it is difficult
Times have turned darker than before

The kindled love in which you sparked
In my now forever burning soul
Will remain my light for you
Never will the darkness
In which hurt me before ever hurt you
We are one and forever will remain
Cerasium Jun 2017
This life is dark
Bleak at best
We scour the world
For the one being we crave

The other half to the dying soul
In which is inside us all
Some may never find the other
Some have already given up
The other half for a fake

This soul can say the fakes are now over
The true test of time
Has shown its beautiful face
The other half in which this soul
Has longed for so hast finally shown

By a stretch of luck
a sliver in time
These two souls have found one another
And soon will be one again
Cerasium Jun 2017
The thought of love at first sight
Most believe to be false
The longing one feels
The passion in their hearts

Unbearable pain
From loss of their presence
Churning and tugging
Their heartstrings entwine

Undeniable to the heart
Naked to the eye
We pull ourselves along
Hoping for the thought

Of gazing in ones eyes
As they casually walk by
The heart flutters and aches
For their tender embrace
Cerasium Apr 2017
Why must I always mourn on this day
Is it not a joyous day of remembrance
A day to rejoice and celebrate
So then why does thy soul weep

Why must it bear such misery
Hardening into a dark hobble
Of which it once was

Swollen eyes and puffy cheeks
Trails of salt staining the skin
Or so it would be if one was able
To bare their emotions true

Hiding by smiles and laughter outside
Breaking into pieces inside
Pain that shows no bound
Always hiding beneath the surface

No one has found this truth before
And soon I fear it will overtake

Casting away that lovely face
Breaking the smile that everyone sees

Lifeless eyes take over
As body goes limp with grace
Cerasium Apr 2017
Another day spent hiding
Waiting to be found

Blinded by fake smiles
Searching through the sea of uncaring eyes
Hoping to find the one most sincere

Past has taught us the truth
For most every smile is a gesture
A face we adorn for society
Hiding out true virtue
Seeking that which is real

Real compassion
Real love
Real hope
Real joy

Kindness from the heart of truth
Not the heart of peers view
Ask not to appease others sight
But to relish in the truest sense

Trust your own heart
For that is where the truth hides
Waiting to be let free
To grace in divine sight
Cerasium Jan 2017
The ebb and flow of movement
In which we measure
We count the ticks of a clock
As it sways throughout history

Fading nevermore as the face gazes onward
In a never ending trance
Transcending the fabric of space
Urning to be denied its existence

Ignoring its pleas we lock it up
Dissect it into smaller parts
Smaller and smaller still
We give these fragments a name.

The list goes on

As time starts to fade
We begin to question
why we did it in the first place
We ask ourselves
Is the measurement of time really worth it?

We focus so much in it that
We ourselves fell into time itself
Losing our immortal selves
We embraced a life of death and pain

And for what?
Just to have ourselves locked away in a cell?
Lost in the confines of which we call. . .
Time. . .
Cerasium Dec 2016
The age of betrayal
Unbefitting of a king
Passed down from gen to gen
The curse of never-ending pain

Solitude takes hold
As trust runs dry
The knifes of many
To heavy to bare

Seconds turn to hours
Time slips away
The ache in the heart
Remains to this day

Years go by
The suffering never ceases
Knives remain stuck
In this target on our back

Ever so casually
It grows bigger and bigger
Soon taking over
So nothing else remains

Betrayal hurts the most
From those you hold so dear
For when their knife slips in
Your heart shatters in two
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