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Blissful Nobody May 2019
I had almost forgotten,
The lines between the lines,
Details in dreary designs,
Perpetual persistent patterns,
Relentlessly resilient repetitions.

Why would you come now?
To remind, reminisce or read,
Reckless racks of reads.
All- knowing knocking knight,
A random reckoning recites.

What are these questions?
You ask, alter and annoint,
These dreadful death dreams,
And plough out pangs of pain,
Of a wilted and withered world.

Can't  allow this anymore,
Lose this loathful lust of yours,
That belittles my boistrous being,
Paint a pretty picture please,
Let go and leave, one last time.

I live in a different universe,
Of my wonderful whimsical wishes,
Floating  over my fantastic fairy tale,
Never nitpicking the neverending nows,
The happy hopeful and happening hows.
To all those untimely listeners who question your being:)
Blissful Nobody May 2019
From conception to birth,
From then to now,
From my laps hearth,
You've grown and how?

My little person,
Grow up at your pace,
I'm in no hurry,
Life is not a race.

I never think,
What will you be,
Save me this job,
Wish you be free.

Not from this life,
Free from the world,
Do tell after,
I would like it in bold.

Be happy my child,
There is no other way,
Be the vibrance,
Make it stay.

Learn the tunes,
The rhythm of this world,
Do your own dance,
Sing those rhymes untold.

Whatever you choose,
Stir it with a bit of compassion,
Wisk a bit of mindfulness,
Shake it with your passion.

Chug it all at once,
Surprise me then,
Be high on life,
Unbridled and unhidden.
For my little person and to all the little ones.
Blissful Nobody Nov 2018
I am trying to unlearn,
I am unloading my bags,
Of all the karmic debt,
That I owe this form.

I have touched and felt,
Filled up a part of me,
With experiences that feel,
As light as nothingness ,
As heavy as this void.
Some lift my heart up,
Some burden me down,
Both clench my soul tight.

I am trying to be free,
Empty in my mind ,
Away from all I have ,
Accumulated matter ,
The years that have,
Tethered my spirit,
Bound into this skeletal form.

I am trying to unlearn,
Everything that makes me,
My thoughts and feelings,
Knowledge of the world.
Because when I try to look,
I get lost inside myself,
The labyrinths of my making.
Blissful Nobody Nov 2018
What are you to me ?
You are not the past that was,
A probability of my imagination,
You are not the future, I imagine,
You exist, in my present,
Listening to my stories,
Existing in all three times,
A variable of my past,
A constant now,
A probability of the future,
If I could solve this equation,
The outcome would tell,
What am I to you ?
Blissful Nobody Nov 2018
I  don’t mean to compare,
Past and the present,
It’s just a game I play,
What-ifs of my existence,
I have a vivid imagination.

I am sans the thoughts,
That makes it appropriate,
The wordplay, I indulge in,
I am sans the guilt,
Of the aftermath it brings.

Many are held captive ,
More are repulsed,
The gears in action,
Churning, burning ,moving,
I keep going on.

I don’t mean hurt,
I see, you are enraged now,
It’s where I stop the play,
It’s not a test or measure,
These are just stories,
So hear me now .
Blissful Nobody Sep 2018
With you, I never earned,
The power, to intervene.
I feel invisible, most times,
It’s how, it’s always been .

You never gave me,
What I gave, without thought.
An ear for the stories,
Of the worldly wars, I fought.

This distance on the map,
Added to what, you outgrew,
This cup infused with my love,
Wasn’t the strongest brew.

I felt powerless, most times,
You were out of my reach.
There I sat alone, sighing,
Staring at stars, on a beach .

Did you look at the sky?
Feel the strings pull and tug?
Even if you felt it, ever so slightly,
A wormhole to you, I would’ve dug.

You decided for the two of us,
And cloaked me invisible.
You never gave me any power,
Over your life, to cause any trouble.

I wished, the promises you made
Didn’t come with an expiry.
Even in death, I will keep mine,
This love remains, my burden to bury.

I was so easy to put away,  
I never caused any drama,
Treated me like an acquaintance,
Washed me off your karma.

You stopped acknowledging me,
Moved on with your vice,
Who was I to intervene now,
And give you any advice .

You made me into a stranger,
I knew you, from many lives before,
I live this life without you now,
This hurt will last for many more.
Thought it should rhyme :)
Blissful Nobody Sep 2018
I must be made out of stone,
A stone is a good thing to be,
I have weathered wounds ,
Changed a bit on the outside,
The core remains the same .

A stone is a good thing to be ,
Nothing changes inside,
A landslide or an avalanche,
It’s just an adventurous ride,
An experience that shaped me.

Nothing changes inside,
Time has layered me solid,
A little unraveling by nature,
Is time again working on me,
Showing the grit that makes me.

Time has layered me solid,
Bruises sharpened my edges,
Water smothered me smooth,
I could lay alone for ages,
Or I could flow and dissolve .
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