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Times when the heart doesn’t feel its own beat
Lost, maybe some part of it forever displaced
Work makes sure, time is passed
Together, still doesn’t help
Stuck in some redundancy
Maybe, they work well, separately
Time and work
Maybe it’s for words to see
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
Whit Howland
Why are they

why are we

am I really

could be a word

but whatever name
or term

they're most beautiful
when much is left

to an unbridled

Whit Howland © 2020
An impressionistic word painting. An original.
Scars of the heart are the hardest to heal

Yet the greatest you can feel

To give yourself freely

To be released just as easily
Heatbreak can change your life
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
Sadie Grace
I walked a mile searching for the sunset
but couldn't quite find it
the storm clouds tried to cover
the trees tried to hide
the darkness tried to smother it

but I still found slivers of color and beauty
covered in clouds
hidden behind trees
smothered by darkness
but still alive
still visible

is this what grief looks like?

darkness slowly eclipsing the beauty of life
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
I have stood under hot water,
Pinching skin,
Breathing in steam,
Begging my lungs to heave,
To sob,
To wail,
I'm empty,
Just steam and grief,
Lodged in a moment,
I cannot escape from,
I am not happy,
You don't believe me,
I am not happy,
I am not happy,
I am not happy,
I cannot weap,
But I am not happy,
Do not take my smile,
Do not call it love,
I am not happy.
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
Merlie T
Why oh WHY
would you choose
the death you did.
Leaving behind everything
you've created
In the midst of its growth.
Before its full bloom,
your loss cut the buds away.
 Jun 2020 Berry Blue
How many days lost,
In bed? Black dog by the door.
Bad dog, no breakfast.
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