He strolled along the fractured pathway
The wind stormed in his fright
His right thumb over his left index
His mind busy for the night
Leaves of red blew in a hurry
The grass appeared red too
He fiddled with his over coat
As the restless wind blew
All the world felt icy cold
All the world looked painted red
All the world slammed their doors
And released his fear instead
He fought to keep his balance
But the universe was too much
He fell onto his bruised up knees
His legs buckled with a crunch
He kept up with the struggle
He fought through the racing tide
His mind battled through the jungle
However his body was inside
He never realized what was broken
Not the pathway or his strife
So he fought hard for a moment
But then he grabbed his knife
He survived.
For those that are struggling: it's ok to ask for help you don't have to fight your battles alone.