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 May 2017 Aurelia
Selman Akıl
The poetry will not die!
But it will change its form.
İt will be endless at first
Then it will be soundless,
To be invisible will be its sign.
İt will not be so easy to have emotions.
To feel will be something like Not to be.
Not to be
İn the endless poetry.

Selman Akıl
 May 2017 Aurelia
May Asher
The wish
 May 2017 Aurelia
May Asher
Teach me how to separate myself from myself
 May 2017 Aurelia
Shofi Ahmed
I wanted to reach out to the sky
not to touch any star
just to whisper to the Moon
'How beautiful are you'!

I was still, stunned on the ground  
wandering down the sunrise hill.
In the midst of the morning breeze  
I heard of a whispering
‘The eyes in the sky gaze to the ground’.
So close to me that drew
as if that whispered to me ‘tell me about you’!
 May 2017 Aurelia
Shofi Ahmed
When you stepped in my door,
I realised I was Paradise
in my heart and soul.
You were so surefooted
because you came up from the high.
So long I longed for it.
O Fathima, only to kiss your feet!

The time was so sweet,
beyond anyone’s dream
only in pure beauty
I was rendering,
screaming to new highs.
I did it my way!
Lovely bouncing on
my polished pitch,
the rivers forget to flow
back to the seas.
But no one knew
where my toe melts!
Until you did
and took me for a tread
closer to your spring,
my sweet dream:
O Fathima, only to kiss your feet!

Your so pleased man wished
to rain down with love,
but humble you hid your feet!
You blinded the moon, snowed it
away under the seven seas.
No wonder it's
your winning footing.
Like the Prophet said:
I found me the heaven
beneath the mother’s feet.
O Fathima, only on your feet!
 May 2017 Aurelia
Lorraine Colon
See those stars twinkling so high in the skies?
Some are sad stars trying to avert their eyes,
They've observed lovers who have parted ways,
To keep from crying, they must turn their gaze

And those stars displaying faint hues of red .....
Don't know if it's true, but I've heard it said
Love songs and poems tend to make them cry,
And cause these soulful stars to blush and sigh

Now each star's assigned a task to perform,
To create galaxies, many must swarm;
Stars must grant favors when they're wished upon,
Should they fail their tasks, their light soon grows wan

And such stars will be expelled from their berth,
The Lord God sends them careening toward Earth;
It's not clear what offense they've committed,
Perhaps they were lax, or just dimwitted

But how lucky is the star that hovers
And twinkles in the bright eyes of lovers!
Their satisfying task never grows old,
(With stars in our eyes, love never grows cold)

If love has found you, then you have been blessed.
If you're still searching, don't give up the quest;
And when love tears down despair's prison bars,
Don't forget to thank your lucky stars!
 May 2017 Aurelia
Fare well, fair lady.
May the sun be shiny,
and the trees be shady.
I wish for you happiness
Preferably on the daily.

Goodbye my sweet love.
Though you can't ever really leave me.
With you out of state
theres no chance that you'll see me.

Go in peace baby blue.
You know my love is true,
And so of course,
I wish the best for you.
Take care of yourself,
and make lots of friends.
But until that day comes,
That I eagerly await,
This seems to be,
some sort of end.
A letter to my best friend. I hope your travels bring you all that you are looking for, and more.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Thank You
 May 2017 Aurelia
"Thank you," you whispered to me
"This," I said to you with a smile
"This is love, isn't it?"
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