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 May 2017 Aurelia
 May 2017 Aurelia
I'll fade away from your memory.

Don't worry.
You barely even remember me now.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Dylan B
Billions of women
Have known how to prepare a steak.

Libraries of recipes,
A deep glut
Tucked neatly into ancient scrapbooks
Boasting of delicate marinates, spells and
Sleight-of-hand saucery

Like witches hunched over a cauldron
Kneading with the same spoon
That their grandmothers fashioned.

True taste, is a subtle dance
Between giving one’s all
(Every fiber, every ingredient)
And knowing the appropriate spice
Ever-proven to suffice
By meticulous, observable

Billions of women
Have had remarkable taste,
Memorialized and passed down in a scrapbook
Tucked under the cupboard.

There is but one of these
I cared to read.
But it is covered in dirt,
Encased in marble,
And nowhere near the cupboard.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Maria Etre
The night air
prompted me
to act upon
my true inhibitions
putting them to sleep
and oh the wonders
that the wishing
 May 2017 Aurelia
Mason Jay
 May 2017 Aurelia
Mason Jay
in a world
split into
groups of
two, what
and how and

do I belong?
In the gender
binary, I feel
placeless. Not
quite sure if I

ever belong
People say that
I am stuck
a woman, that

will never be
a real man.
That when
I finally meet
my “well-deserved”

I will go to
the bad side
of the binary
of the afterlife.
They say I’ll end

in Hell, just
for being me.
Read the isolated words from top to bottom
 May 2017 Aurelia
Dylan B
My pen just won’t translate clichés
For one reason or another.
It would rather ****** the page
Than aid in the smothering
Of youth, bridge the gap of old age,
Take mass graves and cover them, and
Would rather fade into disgrace
Than find a remedy to the blubbering.

Because this pen was not designed
To draw rainbows from hurricanes,
It would rather commit every crime
Than sketch new hues to the stain glass
Windows of anarchy and rhyme;
Rather commit arson daily

Than dig up the past for all to see
But none to find.
And one day soon you will race past the
Apple Store with its blaring screens,
The calamity of another mise en scéne
With nothing new to say but alas,
You can always find my pen in dreams
That make burning sense
Before they come to pass.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Mason Jay
they say that
you can fall in
love or lust.
I can love but

                                  I can’t
fall into lust.
I don’t want to
and I don’t feel
such things. I
do feel love, and
I will never

the first time
I fell in love.
It wasn’t a
him like I was
told it should
be. It was

and it was
beautiful, just
like she was.
Her face remains
in my memory,
and I’ll never
forget what her

felt like, even
though I’ll never
feel it again.
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 May 2017 Aurelia
Mason Jay
 May 2017 Aurelia
Mason Jay
in my struggles
for acceptance,
I seek someone
to love me for
who I am. Is it

Friends? or
am I destined
to a life born
of struggle and
pain? Is it that

will I someday
get a real
community all
for me and for
other people
like me?

                                      Are they
people that
even exist? I
know it won’t
be my parents.
They don’t give
love, they’re
more like

They confine
me to my body,
to my brain and
to my pains.
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