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Ashwin Kumar Sep 2024
You made me feel lonely
What you did was very ugly
I loved you and you cheated on me
In fact, you BETRAYED me
Because of you, did I go into depression
Very very wrong, were your actions
Thanks to them, greatly did I suffer
For me, not even one bit did you care!

You made me feel lonely
I thought you were lovely
How cruelly did you prove me wrong
My suffering was quite long
You drove a wedge into my heart
And tore it apart!!

You made me feel lonely
And treated me very badly
Thanks to you, did my self-belief shatter
Because, you struck at my very core
Sending shockwaves all over my soul
And effectively trapping me in a prison cell!!

You made me feel lonely
While you played a game coolly
Trying to destroy my relationships
With my family and my best friend
And trapping me in a toxic relationship
Which seemed as if it would never end!!

You made me feel lonely
But I came back strongly
Thanks to my sister and my best friend
To your twisted games, did they put an end
You tried to break me
But my goodness set me free
While you will eternally feel guilty
For your treachery and infidelity
Yes, you made me feel lonely indeed
However, from the trauma have I recovered
And learnt a lesson for life
Goodbye forever, my "poor little" ex-wife!!
Poem on how my cunning and treacherous ex-wife made me feel lonely and broke my heart.
Ashwin Kumar Sep 2024
Best wishes, dear sister
So sorry am I, that I can't be there
On what is probably the biggest day of your life
After all, getting a US visa is quite tough
However, for you, am I so happy
Aakash is indeed an amazing ally!

Best wishes, dear sister
Aakash is such a dear
May the two of you have a great life
You, I am sure, will be an excellent wife
May you both be there for each other
Through good and bad times
May you learn a lot of things from each other
And may your love blossom
Into something as everlasting as change
And may you infinitely expand your range!!

Best wishes, dear sister
So proud am I, to be your brother
May you and Aakash have the grandest wedding
And on you, may the Almighty shower his blessings
Have a blast and take care
May this beautiful pair stay happy forever!!
Dedicated to my dear cousin Nithya; who is getting married to Aakash in October, in USA.
Ashwin Kumar Sep 2024
You are the reason I smile
Every time I happen to fail
Because, when I think about you
I know all hope isn't lost yet
And I can even beat the worst ever Monday blues
Your never-say-die spirit is tough to beat
Even when it comes to someone like Rahul Gandhi
It's what makes you such an awesome poet
Not to mention, a bestselling novelist
A truly intersectional feminist
And last but not the least
One of the fiercest anti-caste activists
Of course, I know you haven't even properly met me
However, you have made an impact upon me
Which is utterly impossible to forget
Really, I have to admit
You have made me think more positively
And act more independently
Which has done wonders for my mental health
Also, have you taught me to keep up the faith
Even when I have been at my nadir
Therefore, is it no wonder
That you are an inspiration to one and all
Thanks to you, even when we fall
We know how to rise again
And smile through our pain
You are a powerful voice of change
In a country that is thoroughly resistant to change
You speak what most of us are afraid to speak
And inspire even the meek
You call a ***** a *****
Your keyboard is the sharpest blade
Finally, you awaken those who are asleep
And give a red alert to those who are merely pretending to sleep
You know, whenever you enter my mind
I feel a quiet but fierce pride
Certainly, has God been kind
To present me with the opportunity
Indeed, a very very special opportunity
To come across such an incredible human being
Without whom, am I nothing!
May the Lord bless you with everything
Which you deeply crave for
Dear Comrade, please keep fighting and do take care
Jai Bhim!! Vaazhga Periyar!!
Dedicated to none other than Dr. Meena Kandasamy - the award-winning author, poet, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist!!!
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
Whenever you enter my thoughts
A fire begins to burn fiercely in my heart
Destroying everything in its path
Except any positive thoughts
And from my mind, emerges a voice
Saying "You can do it
And you WILL do it!"
Whenever something seems amiss
I think of your struggles
And gradually, do I find myself more capable
Of achieving every task that is set before me
A Harry Houdini, you may not be
However, an inspiration are you, for sure
Because, so much do you care
About righting all the wrongs in our society
Casteism, Hindutva, Islamophobia, gender inequality
Determined are you, to fight hard for social justice
Even if you end up paying a huge price
I consider myself an extremely lucky person
To know such a lovely human being like you
Who talks not through words but actions
Though you are a very loving partner and mother
Rarely, do you showcase your affection and care
Your sheer nerve and bravery would make Godric Gryffindor proud
Your patience, dedication, loyalty and sense of justice would make Helga Hufflepuff proud
Your sharp wit and natural curiosity would make Rowena Ravenclaw proud
And finally
Your sheer ambition, determination and resourcefulness would make Salazar Slytherin proud
Always, will you be my primary motivator
Keep rocking, keep fighting and do take care
May the Almighty bless you forever!!
My 20th poem about the famous novelist, poetess, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist Dr. Meena Kandasamy!!!
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
Were nothing to go right
You would show me the light
Because, are you a beacon of hope
Which doesn't allow anyone to mope
Really, are you that one person
Who manages to keep me sane
Even when I am surrounded by total chaos
You teach me how to find bliss
When I am trapped in a bottomless pit of despair
Thanks to you, am I able to bear
Even the worst of all situations
Much louder than your words, are your actions
You fight fire with fire
Never, do you put on airs
Underneath your hard outer shell, lies a rather soft interior
For your people, do you greatly care
Not to mention, are you extremely brave
So much is there about you, that I greatly love
You are among the greatest poets
Not to mention, the most fearless activists
About what our society thinks, you give not a ****
Even after receiving so much hate
You have shown not, any alarm
Rarely, do you take the bait
Even after endless provocation
And at the same time, you show not, any caution
Hence, by you, am I so inspired
That I feel less and less afraid
To speak my mind
Until I grow really, really old
May the Lord bless you, you fantastic human being
With anything and everything
Which you hold dear
Keep fighting, keep motivating and take care
Jai Bhim! Vaazhga Periyar!!
Yet another poem on my chief idol Dr Meena Kandasamy - one of India's best novelists, poets, translators, academics, intersectional feminists and anti-caste activists.
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
So happy am I, to be your friend
To your chatter, is there no end
Working with you is an absolute delight
Your sincerity is almost impossible to beat!

So happy am I, to be your friend
We share a lovely bond
You are extremely caring and protective
Rarely, are you negative
You is it, who makes me smile
Most of the time
Even when things aren't exactly rosy
You are like a blooming daisy!!

So happy am I, to be your friend
You are unbelievably kind
A rocking wife and mother
Never, are you a bother
So much, do you struggle
But so much more, do you achieve
Really, are you incredible
Not everything, do you have
But you manage everything so well
And in spite of all that you go through
Rarely, are you dull
Very very well, do you ride the rough!!

So happy am I, to be your friend
Never, will our friendship end
Not as long as I live
You are so, so brave
Take care, my dear
And may the Lord bless you
With everything that you deeply desire!!
Dedicated to my dear colleague and friend, Namrata.
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
I love you, dearest sister
And am exceedingly proud, to be your brother
**** cool, you are
For your family, deeply do you care
No doubt there is
That you are a very special person
From whom, can one learn many a lesson
Often, do you seem to have all the answers!

I love you, dearest sister
Beautiful, is your character
Very smart and funny
Never in a hurry
A variety of interests, do you have
Above all, though, do you love
Your profession as a lawyer
Always, do you strive to be crystal clear
In words as well as action
And achieve a balance between risk-taking and caution
Quite strong, is your conviction!!

I love you, dearest sister
Of course, I haven't always been a great brother
However, when you need help the most
I will do my very best
To ensure you get everything you need
Capable are you not, of even a single bad deed
Extremely pure, is your heart
No one, do you ever hurt
Hence, do I love you so much
Certainly, is your personality quite rich!!

I love you, dearest sister
And for you, will I forever care
Whenever has there been a crisis
Risen have you, to the occasion
Done your very best to diffuse the tension
And ultimately saved all of us
Never, can I forget your help and support
During one of the worst phases of my life
When you rescued me from my cunning ***** of a wife
And played a major part
In ensuring my life returned to normal once more
Again, I love you, dearest sister
And may Jesus bless you, now and forever
With every single thing you desire!!
Dedicated to my dear sister Shreeja, who is working in London.
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