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J C Jan 2018
I walked alone this earth,
walked with nothing but my feet along the sea.
A long road it seems; weary
and burdened, I walked for miles endlessly.
To see no sun, feel no zeal under the bright noon,
no light, no crisp draft beneath the full moon—
so dull and faint, my fading reverie.
My fate seemed sealed ‘til the day my path crossed hers,
‘til the day the woman I love saved me.

Alone I  totter—blue skies overhead,
with a softness high above where I cannot see.
Standing on the calm of white cliffs,
carrying  me, my yoke, and I so steady
and high, beyond, safe from the raging sea within me.
There is a light that brightens, the sunlight of hope,
There is a light that frees, a glimmer of evening’s globe.
With the woman I love, I quietly caressed,
by the cool breeze under a towering oak tree.

No more will I walk with two feet—
now four—and her smile so beautiful, so carefree.
A touch, a whisper, a tender together,
a belongingness—an intensity encompassing
my heart, my soul, my being with childlike glee.
So warm and bright is the light of high noon,
so cool, so serene, the waning light of the cloudy moon,
Time is now filled with her, with love,
with love, of love, from the woman who loved me.

Sauntering without a care in the world,
her hand holding mine, with fleeting hints of agony;
with a love that comforts, I am laden no more.
And yet, my love has begun to grow colder to me
her distant gaze, words of discomfort, a ruse I can only perceive.
Hope setting in the distance, the skies turn gloom,
the moon comes watching our every move.
Gazing at her squander my love so unkindly,
the woman who meant the universe to me.

On a cold, dreary November morn,
I paced slowly for her cozy home.
Her locks left opened by the hidden key,
under the modest Welcome rug, sign, and marquee
to surprise her with bundles of roses and lilies.
Slowly, surely, I tiptoed over to her bedroom.
“Strange,” I muttered, confused, her lamplight lit akin to the moon.
All concern and dread rushed all over me.
“My woman, my love, what have I done to deserve all this agony?”

I trembled, hearing noises from inside her shut bedroom door.
Once t’was opened, carnage left me frozen on her floor.
Distraught and ire was what laid bare in front of me.
Seeing eyes frightened, staring straight with disbelief,
her lover under sheets of white embraced whatever my love bared.
“No, love, believe this is not what it seems,” weeping, she.
“The sun, moon, and stars tell you are my one and only.”
Blinded by despair, asking questions I tried not to seek,
daftly cursing the air, all answers were right in front of me.

“My love, my love, I will always be,
“forever yours for all of eternity.
“O lover, are those tears shed for me?” said she.
“No,” pulling gun then trigger, I hushed quietly.
There is a light of smoke, so sudden and loud;
there is a blackness of blood spilled, of anger unbowed.
A bullet through her lover’s head, a bullet through her chest,
and now I can no longer caress, no longer see,
the woman whom I have loved—and love still—with all of me.

Barred and treading alone this earth,
marching with nothing but chains on my feet along the sea.
A long remorseful road it seems, weary,
and burdened, I will walk for miles
(This thought still haunts me.)
To have seen and lost the sun under the bright noon
and to have borne hope under the full moon,
once so bright and clear was my reverie.
‘Til the day our paths crossed,
‘til the day I killed the woman . . .

whom I loved with all of me.
Written on January 1, 2013, exactly five years ago.
J C Dec 2017
I look up to the sky, and all I think about is you.

It pains me when I see your name on my notifications

or the photos I have of you on my Flickr

or the photo pinned to my dresser

or the notes you left in a tin of mint

or the broken promise of a Bee Movie critique

or the wedding in a small chapel in the boonies

or the names we’ve made for our four [sic] kids

or the thoughts—

these ideas of a life together.

Because it was you who broke my heart.
It was you who left.
Originally a non-poem from my online journal
  Dec 2017 J C
Are you happy with yourself?
Are you happy with the way you treat people?
Do you get off on hurting those who care about you,
do you feel pleasure in causing them pain?

How does it feel tearing apart people that love you?
Is this a good thing, are you alright with this?

I try and I try.

That's where it gets me.

So many games,
we tiptoe around like we don't know what we are doing,
like we don't know what's really happening.

Keeping people at arms length,
letting them in slowly,

but not really.

Aren't you tired of games?
Why do you let me in, let me care and give and want

Just take it away
to pull back and scream and fight

I am so tired fighting,
I think I'll just be done.

Who would want to fight for you anyway? ​
Wrote when I was angry at someone, I don't care anymore but wanted to share this anyways!
  Dec 2017 J C
The prickling cold claims the lives of all but one solider.
Now who can stop him who stands against the flames of war, And then again the icy- hot of loneliness?
He has won this war but he still has more to fight.
  Dec 2017 J C
Time is but a illusion to our eyes.
Time is but a single entity in our lives.
Time is eternal, yet disappears in a single instance.
Time is the very variable of our existence.
Time is but a dream, hidden within us all.
Time, is something I lack.
Time is but a illusion I chase.
Time is what I beg for.
Time is what I hope for.
Time is what I love.
Time is what I hate.
Time, is my enemy.
Time, is my friend.
Time is the war inside my head.
Time is the reason I smile.
Time is the reason I cry.
Time... I beg you to be kind.
Time... I wish you could be mine.
Time, please don't let end, don't let it slip to the darkness.
Time, is but a word with you in my life
Time has given me you.
Time, let me be now.
Time... Don't take me yet.
Time... You have finally brought me a end, I can stop running.
J C Dec 2017
Naive wedding vows
under a towering tree
ends childhood ardor
A playground romance, an abrupt end, and an ensuing haiku.
J C Nov 2017
I knew I should be alone
after the torment meant for me
had gone on and on and on and on
'til loud 2:46 a.m. was freed.
I searched for something to fill the void
that toyed with whatever mind I had left.
I opened cans, broke bottles, and soiled
what good I had left when you left.
So I met this one who unfurled and quizzed me to death.
And I loved her laughter, and she said, "Suddenly,
"I miss you when I'm not near you. My breath
"feels incomplete when I linger . . . without you."
And I thought, Finally, happiness is no afterthought;
but still I was empty as a camel thirsting
in the Sahara, groveling, with no life bought,
even in the oasis that was burning through this rot.
And then this amazing girl came right in front of me,
came on my face, and came on my crotch;
but I was emptier than a lonely pier out at sea.
I knew then this new sin she and I shared was botched
from the start when I said, "Hello,
"may I enchant you sometime?"
And over time I grew hollow, more hollow,
most hollow, when she tells me "You're all mine."
You haunt me still in my sleep and in the quiet;
your image seared right into my skin.
And I no longer have the will to calm this riot,
your voice embedded deep within.
It's 12:24 a.m., and my being yearns to feel hers,
but my heart belongs to someone else.
I see her for her in the dourest hours,
but yours is my birthright, and I haven't felt myself
being—trying to feel—all right.
Some things just don't feel right.
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