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Oct 2019 · 207
An Ode to my Favourite Book
Bleurose Oct 2019
I'll never forget the first time I met you. A block of beige, a shimmer of gold and a flickering smirk in warm light, secluded in a newly built nook and stood among others that paled in comparison.

I chose you, curious and opened your pages to be met with the sort of person I wanted to be in djinn form and an ambitious boy, with the name of my first love.

I just met you and bid you goodbye again, everything from this point on will be memories and playbacks. I will miss you deeply, for your words are now written in the very depths of my being.

But it is good to know in some ways , that you will stay the same.
The Amulet of Samarkand- Jonathan Stroud.
Oct 2019 · 326
Dear Aphrodite
Bleurose Oct 2019
Dear Aphrodite,
I think I'm done.
I'm done with all this pain
neither of us have much to gain if I am left broken,
because how will I worship you?

If I must love again - can I be strong enough to to lose them?
I can't lose anyone else, I am done and I'm sorry but...



Please let me be done with romance.
Apr 2019 · 163
Bleurose Apr 2019
Hold me closely
Keep me Safe
I'm afraid
I am young
Please love
The little I

I love you and I wanna scream that I'm warmer I'll stay, please be clever enough to keep me, keep me, I'm afraid.

I'll run, I will, I'm sorry.
Bleurose Apr 2019
It didn't matter that you were miles away
I felt you step alongside me
Your advice in my veins, your strength when I slipped.

Now it's just me and the voices.
I walk faster now, sure, but,

I'd rather "have" you beside me.
We don't talk anymore, you don't trust me anymore...and that's okay.

Doesn't mean I don't miss you.
Apr 2019 · 165
Message: Unsent
Bleurose Apr 2019
With her "free"
does that mean that there won't be an ""us"" anymore?

Will holding your frail warmth to my chest become hollow, the worst kind of acting, with monotone lines and lifeless movement?

I am willing to act, I will be what is required of me even if my heart twists and squeezes in those rare moments when my brain is resting.

Because it always goes back to you.


There is the chance that through her, you'll understand.

And I'm not asking you to change because you won't, not for me.

Just have mercy on me, be kind. I don't deserve it but if you are who I hope you are, who I know you CAN be...
please have mercy on something that is already so, so broken.
For my M.I.T
Feb 2019 · 806
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Bleurose Feb 2019
I couldn't hold your hand in mine, nor were you physical or even ours to have.

Your smile lit up every room with gentle, mischievous moonlight.

I was less alone but now you're gone from our sight and we have nothing but crumbs to love you with.
All of the love, all of the love as we stood, tall, together.

Friday 13th July 2018

I miss you.

I miss you Molly. I really do.
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Left Behind
Bleurose Jan 2019
My friends were already far, but someday I had hoped they'd be here. This was a good country but now all the friends I DID have here are running away as fast as their money and work can carry them.

But I must stay. It isn't logical to go just yet.

You have taken something so valuable from me, in an age where loneliness is an epidemic, where suicides are rising, depression consuming the young faster than the plague ever did.

I was already alone.
You have made it worse.
******* Brexit. **** everyone who caused it.
Jan 2019 · 527
Please, make me forget.
Bleurose Jan 2019
I hope that this doesn't last forever
and I get used to fully being alone.

I hope I forget how nice it is to be touched,
to be held, to be desired.
I hope I forget and never remember.

Because I can't do this anymore.
I sleep too much, I don't eat,
I hate the way I look (more so).

I'm jealous but bordering on envious.
I want to be what people want me to be
but I am not going to compromise what little of me I have left.

So please, if anything that has the power to help is listening....

I don't want to do this anymore.
Dec 2018 · 128
Familiar Faces
Bleurose Dec 2018
People say they get sick of seeing the same people and the same faces
But I find comfort in the familiarity
Even while I travel
I see aspects of those familiar faces in everyone I meet.
Strange, because I don't miss THEM - because we hardly knew each other.
The comfort of knowing OF them was enough.
Dec 2018 · 442
You don't make it easy.
Bleurose Dec 2018
You don't make it easy.

I'm not an easy person to be around.
I make that clear.
Still, they shrug it off going, I'm sure you're not that bad.
No, I am.

I have cheated, I am abrasive, argumentative, opinionated and spiky

But everyone likes me when I have some use
And that, at times, breaks me.
Dec 2018 · 104
untitled #3
Bleurose Dec 2018
This is all humanity has.
Hope, because of ignorance
Dec 2018 · 122
Denial of Abuse
Bleurose Dec 2018
I never was strong enough.
Too young, too small, too weak.
Never witty enough to counteract your harsh words,
Never stable enough to rebel and survive.
Because of this, I can't believe anyone I meet - I am just filled with barely bridled rage.

Used to the ground falling from under me, now I trust no-one.
They all leave or betray me in the end.
Never trusting anyone has just good intent, no they must have something to gain. Something they want.

You made me this way.
I blame you.
Yet you refuse to admit what you did to me.
Dec 2018 · 338
For Taliesin
Bleurose Dec 2018
I do not come to you with the usual platitudes
Things you have heard numerous times before
Though perhaps my arrogance stretches far and these words have reached your ears many a time.
How am I to know.

I would ask you, to save me.
There is no need to take any action, just keep shining.
You taught me, or rather, finalised the lesson - when my fathers should have - that you can be as fantastical as you want to be. You do not grow old, your body does.

Thank you for reminding me that I'm still growing and that there is Hope for me.

But if your light were to go - I suppose I would still live - but life would be so much darker.

Thank you for smiling when you can - I of all people know there are rainy days.
Dec 2018 · 113
blythe's creation
Bleurose Dec 2018
I was created in orderly chaos
I woke to eyes of all colours, a swirling mass of kindness.
Then, all I knew was a purpose and how to change.
A drabble I found
Dec 2018 · 212
Unsatisfied Fool
Bleurose Dec 2018
I was not made to be broken.

Despite everything I have fought tooth and nail to be here and I am scarred, bruised, limping and screaming fire.

I will not fall but I know I will, and it will be for love because I am a fool. I cannot love that which loves me - I get bored. anxious. wounded. I wish I could have stayed. So many times. So many times have I screamed for me to just be ok with what I have.

Yet I never was, so I burned it and ran before it burned me. My anxiety for possible destruction is what destroyed the life I had. Maybe I miss it sometimes but it was lacking, lacking for the submission and ambition I crave so desperately and yet can never achieve because of my nature.

I run towards more fire and I don't know if I can survive. I truly am weak to it. I need to fix myself and I am trying but I need help. Even if I did, I could never go back, even if I wanted to.

If this is your curse to me, combined with hers, then alright.

I deserve this.

and I will fall.

I wish I could just fade away, I really do.
Jun 2018 · 225
i wish you would just KNOW
Bleurose Jun 2018
I've never been ok
and I'm calling out
frantically reaching
(what do you want me to do?!)
(you should know you should know!)

I should reach for you
but I don't want to drag you down.
But I already have as you cling
clinging and shackling a whirling mess of a child.
I can't lose you, you matter - you matter so much.

I'm sick.
But you keep me whole
The love I have is complex and not what you need.
Yet here you are- you sweet pitiful thing.
I wrote this during a panic attack and i thought it was worth a publish.
May 2018 · 354
Knight of Equality
Bleurose May 2018
While I may act as many, I am merely one just trying to fight for those who I see as defenceless.

I am not a shining example and
Many mock me and portray me as foolish, but I am not your scapegoat for hatred or ignorance - though if I must be, I will.

I know I'm worth more.

Filled with rage, hatred and passion, I march with my banner;  proud, scarred, strong.

I speak with the voices that chose to add theirs to mine so that others might hear. I amplify the quietest souls - and I learn from them.

I shine with their power, I've given myself over.

My purpose now, is them.
I wrote this when I was Welfare,Equality and Diversity officer at my college. I fought for what I could fiercely.

This fire isn't as constant any more, but it very easily flares up. This isn't my purpose anymore but, I will always do what I can for this community.
May 2018 · 228
Bleurose May 2018
I can't help but feel so used by you.
I loved you, looked up to you and followed your every footstep.

You taught me so much and yet you... dismiss my steps forward. You still see me only as the child that first stepped into the Guild with wide eyes and a broken mind.

I've hurt you yes, perhaps I should stop hoping you see past that, if it even is that. But you've been this way for as long as I remember, so what did I do?

Seeing me for the first time as Alex...
May have shocked you?
But we were inseparable once -
I'm still the same... or are you just bored of me?

Did you forget? My heart didn't.

But I suppose...

it was nice..

I still miss you around Ry-bat, and I keep seeing you in the places I go - but I know it isn't you. Even if it was, its not like you would care.

This is a poem about my ex moirail, and mentor when I first came to the Guild in college - a group of nerds I found sanctuary with.
Apr 2018 · 474
Online Friendship
Bleurose Apr 2018
We 'sit' together
but we don't. Do we?
We're at different desks in different homes in different lives.

Miles between us and an ocean for some.

Others don't always understand how you can miss what you can't touch or just BE with.

What I'd give to watch TV on the sofa with you all for a day. When you're sad I can't hold you or bake sweet things - nor can I chase away the threats and thoughts I worry that one day you will succumb to.

(and maybe we'd never know where you went.)

I miss you all with my whole being, with you I don't feel alone but when I hang up...I snap back to the reality that I can't reach you.

My brain will toy with all these ideas on how we could meet but you still aren't free and money does not come easily to me and I reach, and reach... and I...

...just miss you.
I miss you all.
Mar 2018 · 333
Bleurose Mar 2018
I'm holding the keys to my childhood home -
and I can't help but think of all the days I spent alone.
No curtains or blinds, just plain open sky.
There was no company save for the birds and I.

There was college, the guild,
a family I helped rebuild.
But inevitably, the day would end and I had to go home,
returning to my collection of tomes.

Sometimes I would wander outside,
to the village, to which my soul was tied.
I sat among the bluebells, listening to them ring,
And with my godly father Zephyr, I began to sing.

During bad times, I'd run to the hill,
throwing stones with no real skill.
I screamed my broken pieces into the air,
because I knew no one else would care.

Sighing, I clutch the keys as they cut into my skin.
This was my home, these were my kin.
Now, it is my 'sanctuary' no longer.
At least now, I am stronger.
Jan 2018 · 318
A letter of frustration
Bleurose Jan 2018
You're lying to yourself.
Slipping back into what is easy, warm and comforting.

Avoiding confrontation with your keepers - who have enough on their plate.
To please them, you lock yourself away.

You fool, you're blind to your complacency. That I can see. I did the same. My eyes are open. I suffered. I told my tale.

Now you're fool enough to do the same anyway.
Well I did my part.
But I will still be angry at stupidity.

Well sometimes, life isn't easy, and you have to fight against people you love.
Life won't wait for you to be ready.
You have to be strong now, get it together now, before it's too late.

Why you're sad,
Why you're unfulfilled,
Why you're longing for her even though that's not what you want:

You want yourself.
A letter to a friend of mine.
Dec 2017 · 586
Bleurose Dec 2017
Your soul calls out to me, did Lethe make us forget? Who we were to each other?
Who are you?

It matters not, I reached you too late and our souls entwine, fingertips brush.. but I can never cross the ocean between us.

Despite all my words, all my 'wisdom' - my temper gets me into trouble.

I told you I wasn't good.
I told you that people would fail you, we both knew.
Yet you opened up because we asked and it was a crack, a slither of who you are.

But it was enough, it was enough.
I'm sorry I failed you. You should never trust anyone - but I wanted to be one of your exceptions.
Aug 2017 · 416
If you look
Bleurose Aug 2017
Depression can be found coiled tightly around my heart
Tugging on the strings to evoke painful memories.
Things that could have been,
Of dreams that can never be real.

Depression can be found in the mirror,
mocking my body for how it’s all wrong,
fat in places, there shouldn’t be.
Roundness where there should be angles.

Depression can be found in nature
where the beauty or lack thereof,
reminds me of how it isn't 'home'.
The stars don’t shine here.

It is always overcast.
I am feeling homesick, yet I'm homeless.
Mar 2017 · 319
Bleurose Mar 2017
Perhaps, before I was born, I was told about you.
How you'd both come to be.

Perhaps, a deity sat me down and said - if you wish, you can bear their suffering.
And I must have said yes.

Perhaps you'll never know just how much I'd do for you, and how like my sadness, my love is endless.
This can't just be my sadness
Mar 2017 · 195
untitled #2
Bleurose Mar 2017
I don't feel much anymore
But when I do
It's often because of you
Mar 2017 · 703
Dear Brother #1
Bleurose Mar 2017
You haven't had your first love yet,
I dread the day that you do.
Because I'm afraid I might lose you - love breaks, changes and twists any soul.

I can't protect you from the world because otherwise...
you can't learn - we won't be on the same page.

I need you strong.

A war is coming and I hope to see you by my side.
Feb 2017 · 956
a cynics lament
Bleurose Feb 2017
Beauty is draining from the world at an alarming rate...

Nothing means anything anymore.

*** is just a past time and not an expression of anything, trust or otherwise.

Words mean little, often biting and cruel

Society has grown jaded and water is thicker than blood.

Family keep secrets and speak not to each other, but to the masks each has created.

Friends are not true and often hard to find....

Loneliness is an epidemic, and no one cares enough to find the cure.
Within every cynic is a dissatisfied idealist.
Feb 2017 · 329
Bleurose Feb 2017
Oh Prince of Ice,
release my heart from your cold grasp.
I’d follow you anywhere, yet you serve to remind me
Of my shortcomings, my losses and loves.
You are indeed, temptation.
A reminder of how I’ve made people suffer.

What I wouldn’t give to have your undivided attention
But you wouldn’t drop anything for anyone.
You are flighty, hummingbird.
Would you ever be there for anyone’s highs and lows, battling alongside them?
You’re only ever there for the good times.

I wish this wasn’t so.

I want to sing with you, I want you to teach me to dance.
I want us to go on wild adventures across all of time and space.
I want long mornings spent in our solitude.
I want us to make each other better people.

But no-one stands out to you, it’s so easy to get lost in the throng.
I’m not special compared to them,  barely even average.
I couldn't shine bright enough for your eyes.

How could it compare to the way I value the people in my life, the ones I’ve chosen?

You may end up alone my dear, and I know your life is on a knife’s edge. Maybe this makes sense to you. But what if it isn’t? What if you end up more alone than is needed?
Perhaps I judge you too harshly.
Feb 2017 · 225
Thank You
Bleurose Feb 2017
I don't ever say the things I mean to, but you don't have to speak. I'm happy sitting in solitude with you - I'll keep my silence if just to earn your friendship.

You called me
You came to check if I was OK.

Thank you.
He rang me to check if I was alright and came over after calming down everyone after that night's shenanigans.
I was so happy that someone cared.
I want people to call me, to pop into my room to check if I'm ok.
That's what I need.
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