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When I look at you, I feel like I found a piece of me.
When I look at you, I feel like I found peace.
When I look at you, I feel like there's no bad in the world.
When I look at you, I feel like I'm safe.
When I look at you, I smile.
When I look at you and see you look at me, I feel important.
When I look at you, I feel like I'm home.

When I look at you.
everything stopped

An Oystercatcher paused
orange beak stuck
in the sand

Curlews stood
their long beaks curling
back to the land

A Sandwich Tern caught
also stopped

Even the noisy Ravens didn’t
tumble down

Satellites and stars    unseen

as the tides



Slowly        we made our way

in hand
Swallows, House Martins,
making nests under the eaves;
you glance, too busy.

Alone on a bench,
things in mind, as yet - unsaid;
weeds find cracks to grow.

Flowers, by the path;
blue - so overgrown. Today
we go no further.

Dried stalks of grass stand
in an old ink jar, writing
yesterday's words.
I look in the mirror
Who do I see
That’s my face looking back at me
But who is this girl
She can’t be me
She’s not who she use to be
She use to sing
But she’s lost her voice
She use to draw
But she’s lost her imagination
She use to write
But she’s lost  vision
She didn’t realize she was slipping
She didn’t know she'd feel empty
Who is this girl
Who do I see
What happened to the girl that use to be
I dreamt about you last night--
But that’s no shock.
Been dreaming 'bout you since you left--
And that’s not about to stop.
I tried getting you out of my system.
Tried sending these feelings on their way.
But I still hate you. And love you.
Perhaps that'll never change.
You will always be burned into my memory,
Until someone finally ***** this life right out of me.
Tears soak the shreds of my heart
Falling from the eyes of my soul
Washing clean blood strains,
Of yesterday's wreckage

Our love life, a lost ship
Amidst the vast open sea
Strongly surviving countless storms
Until last night, when all changed

The night was beautiful,
A hollow moon and infinite stars
God's magnificent work of art,
Till when clouds swam in, and covered all

Lightening struck in every direction
And the god of thunder yelled with rage,
Calling forth the typhoon of the western Pacific
Stirring violently, dark clouds

The goddess of the sea raised her tides,
To height like one of the sky,
And then, slammed them onto our deck,
Sinking us into the deep waters

I thought we were dying,
Watched you drop motionlessly
As my eyes shut slowly,
At our ending life together

And yet, opening once again,
To a clear blue sky,
And your beautiful face,
Smiling back at me

Is it a next life?!
Cause I so desire to live with you
So you place your lips onto mine
Kissing them softly

To which I know,
That life, has for sure blessed me with another chance
To create more memories with you
On this lost island,
Where our ship wrecked
There once was a meadow
It made me feel mellow
So I said hello,
From the other side.
The side of darkness and despair
The carcass of a dead hare
I never used to care
About the the flowers that were there
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