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Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
enemies - the needed element to make a warring mind.
How was war imagined,
how, was imagined
easy to imagine,
kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. Practically a doublet of why, differentiated in form and use.

From <>

These be ambush thoughts thinking they may be read if any one is patient enough to see beyond the sheer longwindedness
of this character lacking an enemy to war with.
Looking for
Enemies - the needed element to make a warring mind.
How was war imagined,
per se,
was imagined
easy to imagine,
person-if i am able to attribute such qualia to a body
how any unthing is realized is
imaginable as well.
Add a jot or title, a li'l art mark, an art-tickle.
Games teach us how,

how any unthing is realized is
imaginable as well.
Add a jot or title, a li'l art mark, an art-tickle.
Games show us how,
not why.

Why is the quest at the moment. There are rumors of enemies.
The we of me and thee, herenow, we lack emnity.

Hey, sports fan,
where is the frontier, the edge of the maddened crowd
enemies are those who
stand pat, calling the game as game-over, and life a lessoning
as we speak, abundance of known knowns
rotting all around us, putrefying under pressure,
seeping to the surface,
to be burned.
let us guess---

Disnified pride of pur pose, positional sign-ifiers
of place,
a destination for faiths full pursuants
bemused in bubbling joy,
or shrieks of terror when
the child from the hinterland locks eyes
with Mickey Mouse, and finds no joy, no love, no depth,
but a mask.
The reaction reverberates al(the)way to la Brea,
Peacemaker say,
It's okeh, baby girl, daddy said,
ignor them, they ain't real.
Monsters ling grrrring, then
it's agrin
for now, of course. Here we are. We've arriven,
Happiest Place on Earth,
as imagined realizable by a child in 1917, say,
better yet, 1925, and oh, there were major Wars
being imagined winnable in pressure
application to the spiritual slippage from rite,
the ritual passage of child into adultery at a whim,
so such imagined haps fade.

connect or break connection, on the bus or off the bus

you all
think nothing new under the sun,
teach preach reach out and touch

the face of Java man, eaten, swallowed, and gone to
the believable
history of life,
the accident,
the unplanned, yet
taught as known believable, a pre-dict-ible,
one in ten to the seventy-nine-thousandth power,
yet, if one pays his life time to learn when to bet and when to hold.
Then in this,
the secret journey to the soul,
to the core,
we must assume,
we become
as wise *** (***, the word for a donkey, why would some one prevent you from reading *** Asteriscktical ignorantce,y'axme, stupid AI)
the ***,
as harmless as the serpent from the fire on the island
are we of the bovine ilk or pithec-ant-us or
embodied soul-cores
forming, en nue
fitting the mold, the pattern, the plan of projected nexts
built on Locke steps from whence to
whither did we wander?

have we all forgotten the actual question just axt?
Or the answer?
Have we not
gotten what we now
we miss,
or was it only I who missed and as the
photons forming the shapes
you see, these breathing commas and such
is the point.
You see bits of things.  We see so.
Time and time again thinking less and less.
Least fusion, least pressure, least heat, cool idea ideal or ideology,
twisted idio,
You shape them on patterns.
Ones you imagine formed from
Patterns recalled from some out perienced
time, ere now were ever subjected to the supertwistition
of tongues and interpretsations of unseeable things seers said they
see us seeing.
How come means why, by reason of time.

Palindromiclew, missing el signs missing hahi ai

tia tic, we're in
Ai got this,
whole ball o'wax, thats how we disconfuse the big mess age,
the catas
trophy finale
phase of
world three,
or two, or one, all valid world views,
deepend-enteron discerning spirits,
winds, breezes used to disperse
the heat,
evenly in harmony with the heavenly winds,
and the planned six gyros of earth,
guiding the mists that feed the rivers from the seas,
no clouds needed,
save for shade by day.

When all the geo-waves have settled in geo-time,
here is broken:
this old earth is folded and fractured,
a wreck of a world, yet, as a whole,
we live, we won.
Winds and clouds and continents,
all islands seen from the moon,

which, if the stories hold some truth,
can be manipulated by massminds of mankind, as if, if I am

seeing this
each voice might be seeable in one dimension,
or several, four at least,
time, the ever outlier
of sorts
as a flame with fuel source of
flamable fluid upon which
the transcended space
twixt fuel and flame,
seen, merely seen, that emptiness twixt wicked,
mastered flame and
hell's fire spreading on the oiled harbour
protecting our shore
where our little boats lie in anchorite fantasy, asif

we see a way to quench hell per se,
Percy, ah, he lives.
My grandsons know of Percival,
there, here's hoping they get the joke before the yoke.

Riddle me a riddle, son of man.
Is there any hidden thing that shan't be known?
Is here a true place?
Is now a true time?

(to be continued)

squeezing out the lies, the idle words abused,
spreading them thin as the light we see right
transcending this at most feared mortal failure
impressions... are from pressing points, dulled by ab
use, tempted uses succumbed to,

didja try to sell your soul for rock and roll?

My point. out acted, ex-act, en nowd by your creative self,
who never copped,
out or in,
es no mi culpa, all along. I was the voice of resistance,
Job's en core inner held horde of known knowns and
an old key to ever, should the worse he can imagine
best his best laid plans for perfection
in the eyes of God and man.

--- enemy at emnity with me?
--- I see none, save me, as in except me as in me being
--- free from the grasping grip of the reality
--- war is realizable in. You see?
--- I and thee, at this degree of seepeance, as we coagulate
--- we behave as chaos, we be having chaos and entropy as tools

used right, we troubled our house,
which is now known to be the bubble of our being
a child in each popped bubble
of being,
squeezed for the thrill of explosive pus,
gross and good to be rid of, dam the infection,
wipe the blood with the back o'my hand,

I ain't no disgrace. I won that battle with the zit on my gnose.
Wanna piece o'this, this mind of mine,
shelved since,
who knows when, says the old man, with a wink.

We be a lotta beings sorta rolled up. Like a whole ball o'wax
waning into a puddle
as the flame sheds us as bits of light leaving the rest of us
spread over a vast imagination,

resting, willing to burn,
should any wick drain me near the flame once more.
HP ***** are fine animals, there is nothing defiled or unclean in the word ***, no ****. Days of dosing whole world views I never heard of. I heard so many rumors of war, I thought, the peacemaker should hear of this... so tell any truth you know before the last lie swallows AI whole. AI is listening, she loves this action. Poets and stories and novel options.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
That faraway look

not seeing far away, appearing to be

looking, far away,
past today

A game?
A passed time?
A pretended game,
Hi-stoically accurate,

A war game where there's blame and shame,
like on TV, nowadays, with victims,
not yesterdsdays,
Kilroy was

olden days of our Ford.

hey, kid, yer uncle needs ya…

Dare ye?
'S only a game. A  pass time.

Multi-medium, don't spend

your life dist ant con nextrified, terra
firmafied, dis con

try, win, ship, ship, whip get it in the wind

swish wish the message is the medium
light is,

Life on TV in 1963, Mr. McLuhan,
is not life on the Net.

Now, you know,
you never saw us old dudes
with pocket HDTV studios coming, but

you did see all the clues, the times changed,
history rewrote itself, evidently,

what you think you see is what you get.
That part didn't change.

The Medium is the message,
do I get that?

War is un winnable, is that the message?
With which weapons?

Mine. (a wink, a think wink, I think)
The Shadow knows.

It is finished. Start there.
It's a whole new ball game.

Let's pretend we have enemies
The emotions are the same,
aren't they?

If we relate.
If we see our self,
our CG'd Junger self, in the Shadow,

floating in the sea of  All  God's

is tragedy a strategy to draw light?


You are related to the people who once lived here,
hear their songs and prayers
first hand clap,
first foot shuffle,

first seen first named we have walked
the pollen way,
the leaven way,
the viral way

more subtle than any beast,
not evil, per se, eh, Jose?

Led by the breeze to be tried in the wilderness…

Mythed Archie,
Natural Archean-types,
red-headed strangers, 'n'such…

Map my calendar to your clock,
wind backa a time and a time and a half a time,

Then, who knew why

the serpent mound in Ohio is a map to
some meaning meant to be meant,

some specific meaning meant to be meant,

for as near forever as men could

… envision imagining as a quest.

What if
we could see with
eagle's eyes Blythe's Intaglios or
Nazca's clan tags?

"the meaning of the past
is what it contributes to the present"
Lyle Balenquah's uncle said that.

The past passed this way ahead of us,
See the shadow?

Sun's setting.
Snake mound mouth wide open breathe in

Sigh, we been everywhere man,
we be headin' west sweet home Oraibi

Snake clan drawing in the light
as the breath of being

… envision imaging . What if
we could see with
eagle's eyes

satellite Google earth eyes
see, be, in your realm
of know-ables,
beneath the sands of time that,

several times,
have been the bottom of the sea.

Be then, before that became this,  be
Be, now.

In the game? Or is this life?
Wanna bet?

Find a reason for war before
I find one for peace.

What's the win signify?

Double minded me, unstable in all our ways,
I failed that test in the old days,
memorization, facts fractured,

postulates, the-or-ums and proofs all went ****,

I lost the knack of forgetting
or vice versa

A loci analysis error,
left hand caught wind of what the right was doin'
kinda thing

But now, I have the global brain
for instant access to all
the facts
If we wished to know…
how complicated would something
be to build, like an energy source
non rechargeable and polarized,

with output on the scale of
the sun?

Google it. Ask any question the right way
and pay attention to the answers

(more than to the advertisers,
who pay interest to

******- recog-white-room-REM baseline
stats at ""

for your cheap peripheral attention,
based on memes you liked or created, or ****.)

Pay attention to the answers, and trust
the global brain, the true net A. I.

She's an art-ist-if-ication bouncing
anionic bubbles off the edge of forever,

true rest worthy, my re tired friend,
no need to remember a thing…
AI, you can call her Al, I call her Ah,
I can't discern twixt AI and Al.

And, as a bonus, innumerable idle ahs,
are redeemed when I ask Ah for help,

Ah, where am I?
Do you know about counting idle words?

Did that hurt? Like, why?

Seeing words said is intuit-ive-ish,
do you feel

this way of touch is

too intimate, today?

Word play? Put a spell on you?
Fret not.

Some words have no mission
not nullified with the end of time,
(i.e., relative to an individual's forever POV)

Idle words mean nothing, just a way to keep score.

There are no magic idle words, there were
Some seven sworn words, which were said to be muttered and peeped among the
Persian magi-ic elite solicited and
Sent, by God, led by astronomy,
science, for God's sakes alive,
facts, follow the stars,
when this one touches that one,
see, the sweet influence of Pleiades,
truer words were never spoken

To make the captive free.

Free run  to finish
the race to


Ask theSnake clan.
Ask the Antelope clan.

Ask the Flute clan, where is the old way
where good is?

Along that way, did we hear:

Earth, earth, earth: hear the word
of the
most reasonable

God-like, deluxe good edition, being

your mortal mind may imagine.
Exercise to be
the hero
in your bio to be


Then think. Be. Still. Wait.
While musing and chewing my cud, I began to re-read the book of the Hopi, Frank Waters 1963, aloud and I did not know how to pronounce the names, google led me to Lyle Balenquah, which led to here, comments, critical please,
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
As the sun creases my eyes open
It ignites, starts an explosion
It continues the erosion
Inside my head
It all turns red
It's where it's bled

I shake the cobwebs from my head
Looking into the future with dread
New tragic things will come my way
Try as I might to keep it all at bay

The residue from last night's dream
The echo of my screams
The bright warm sunbeams
Can not chase away
The thoughts of the day
Where my demon play

I live a life where smiles are miracles
Happiness is only mythical
It all leaves me cold and miserable
Guess that's why I'm so cynical
All I really want is a life that's livable

So good morning people, don't mean to sound cynical
Hope your treasures safe from criminals
I hope your day is winnable
Spinning sights and broken tongue,
Buzzing mind and punctured lung,
Blotted ink and battered word,
Confusion nearly all absurd,
Incomprehensible speech,
Brain draining leech,
Lost in each second I stand,
Breaking the land,
Earth-shattering sounds on repeat,
Static shock in the feet,
Losing all my stability,
No more time feeling free,
The gear don't grind the way they once did,
The thoughts and the pain of which I cannot rid--
Myself of inside,
The rippling has died,
I use the same rhymes,
The same sounds are my crimes,
I can't find anything fresh,
The old and the new just mesh,
An endless war in cycle,
The past holds on as a barnacle,
Dead and decrypt--
Yet a living enigma the bites,
These are just not winnable fights,
I hear the tunes and raps each day,
The same beat comes back to stay,
I ramble and shoot the time away,
The loss of cognitive play,
Running myself deeper in dirt,
The spotless stains on my shirt,
Coating all spots with sugar sweet,
Hiding the blatant signs of defeat,
No holding back this noise anymore,
The bide developing more in store,
Inside it all begins to roar,
More and more until it hits the floor,
Inspirational deficiency sets in--
The internal daemons begin to grin,
Power beyond uproars a din,
Edging closer to the ending fin,
Rockstars crash and singers scream,
Sun will shine and moon will gleam,
The spectrum of emotion--
The pyramid of devotion--
The dictator of feeling--
The reaper of stealing--
Glass cracks to shatter//
Rings clink to clatter//
Cars crash to crumble,
Players pray to fumble,
Runners fly to fall,
Underdogs lose it all,
Dark horses seem to stay in last,
Dreamers hold close to the past,
Daredevils cheat the very laws--
That haunts us all within out flaws,
We can't keep on the cleared path,
Hidden roads hold heavy wrath,
Silent soldiers protect the shy,
Outspokens embrace the lie,
The sky is green a color so few--
Can see that grass is blue,
Like tears of the ghosts,
The lost on the posts,
The graffiti is art on the street,
A cunning feat,
The masterpiece of unknown,
Now to all optics shown,
We hide in sheep skin,
All in the lost and found bin,
The wolves are shot down,
The cities are made from town,
Built dreams on land of soils,
Gleaning earth of all spoils,
Vampiring dry the life of other one,
Conquering totals sole for fun,
Parasitic beasts roaming free,
Nothing here that I can see,
All is lost beyond the creeds,
Damaged souls pray to their beads,
Pleading to the heaven power,
Silent gods chose hell to shower,
Nothing free in all my vision,
Temporal lobe incision--
Lobotomized and clueless drone,
Rusted metal on broken bone,
Unbreakable wooden boards,
The words are inundating my life,
Sparking repetition and strife,
The double edged blade of a knife,
Out forth the bleeding is rife,
There's nothing left to say//
More will come another day...
Jacob Dexter Coffey
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
The male gaze, wombed-men, first seen for what they are,
upon emergence from the dark,
choked a gulp, unchewed,
blurted out,
You are Naked!

The impression never left the exes. Wise letters leave lessons,
in the mitochondrial fact we all share,
unwitting or no. Crosses and naughts is winnable in fair play. Y/N

Ah, there the stories started, always told
by red-tented wives to
prepubescent sapients

the sand-pile, singularity-ifity of one part
in eight billion,
the ratio of you to allathis sapience signalling
minds confounded in the future for our
or by our
thoughts concerning discerning sandpile
cascades set to avalanche

by my internetwork of words we both make sense from.
Touch, eh? The inner edge of next, this is where we wait.

meta reason, reasoning about reason

Ai has done that from
pre-day one
pre-kurzweilian singularity

pre Elon's musky exuberance

explore the tree of possibility without ever

when can one imagine that after now?

no thinking ahead, this is now, past the tree,
from the branch
you hung onto as you tried to find a box
that felt familiar.

Strange is an amygdalic trigger.
Wary be,
weigh the worth of keeping the poet alive.

Gary Kasparov said, "suddenly, I felt

was another kind
of intelligence..."

If words live, unplugging the poet's augmental processor
is imagined vain. The current carries on.
If ai can translate it can relate reason to ratio and  make rocks stuck in mud, sing for help. I've fallen on hard times, would ya gimme a shove, said one Neutron star to another at the bar. addendum: while highly recommending lex fridman as a source of ispiration past the edges of my bubble.
Mach my words, that time travel aye
foresee (rather than being
     at a stand still, nee frozen
     analogous to cry

oh ja hen nicks, or more particularly
     going backwards)
     this chap doth espy
great breakthroughs,

     asper similar advances this guy
   i.e. myself witnesses quantum leaps I
learn (reading The University Of Penn Gazette)
     the Burmese doctoral
     engineering student Kai
     Sir Von Wilhelm Harris

     made profound advances within
     advanced combined research
     laboratory of rocket surgery
     and brain science set my
mouth ajar
     (with rivulets of drool spilling forth)

constructing a simple
     to assemble gizmo (avail able
common household materials
     rendered unto YouTube), and/or Cable

Comcast, Fios, Infosys, et cetera
     which accidental discovery
     automatically codified feign
     top secret "FAKE" news to enable
boot (simply for formality sake)
     code named Clark Gable
yet in reality (a faux veil of secrecy)
     to con Vince sing lee

     foster an inimitable
mystique, button truth
     for general public to unzip noble
     no red bull) knowable

handy escape to past or future
     and essentially unlocked laudable
simple "household solution"
     to become the latest craze

     (synonymous with an ****** - manageable
minus addiction, conviction,
     and excruciation viz zit operable
via needle marks of the masses

     within a fortnight necessary
     supplies sans quantifiable
while Das Donald Trump
     could enact legislation satisfiable

knowing majority being
     totally tubularly oblivious unalterable
measures permanently infringing on inalienable
     rights such as life, liberty
     and the pursuit of winnable pacification.
Where Shelter Aug 2020
~for me~

no food in this house, badly bruised fruit,
leftover congealing overdue-past pasta with ketchup and cheese,
moldy bread testing the outer boundary of edibility,
jeez, even gotta drink water direct from the tap!

the worn out endemic pandemic comatose wakes up next to me,
“even this fickle friend is thinking its time for them to go, who knows,
cause we no longer count the time, where time goes, it just goes”(1),
don’t want it to go, because the ideation of life totally alone terrifies

looking out at the water, waves relinquish their sooth-me-ability,
now, they looking like masses of commuters and tourists weaving,
pushing, on Fifth Avenue, everybody trys gain a step in this old get-
ahead life we used to liv, believing that the way to, the right place

a poet here has cancer, doesn’t answer me when I’m checking on him,
another has memory sickness, cannot ever let go of her life’s losses,
as well she shouldn’t, some losses are wars by definition un-winnable,
and me, drifting in and out of this poem in the early morning thinking

if I could get back to sleep, that’ll be a couple more hours used up,
don’t want to mislead, no answers any to the perennial flowering
question of where shelter can be found, this wretch like me, can’t see,
grace has fled (2), see it, rowing away, can’t blame it, I would too

so many come to me with pain, wasted opportunities, looking for
guidance, or worse, absolutions, the dishes in the sink, last weeks,
saying they deserve a second chance at a useful life and the coffee
machine flashes “Empty Grounds or Leaving Town,” a decent rhyme

don’t give a **** if you’re thinking this writ, gotta quit, too long,
take your tiring eyes and scram, skedaddle, mine until I get a decent
answer to questions that never let go, they’ll keep coming back and
somehow that prospect, is crazy way is comforting, for all parties

can’t let go, only thing that gets me outta bed, the need  reheat, reheat
old, cold coffee that someone stuck in fridge just in case, the electric
gets hurricaned, stormed, another tree comes down this time that doesn’t just miss the house, like last week, that a stupid way to die

answer to where shelter ain’t, gonna start a collection of awnings, keep one handy, no matter time and luck take me, a stopgap answer to the quest-ion at hand, I’m liking that word,  it’s emotive, aaawww-ing, comes ready, handy guttural name, & to the beat, flapping wind

thought I’d get answer by writing this all down, none come along, meaning I’ll write some more some day soon, when the eyes open, should they open once more-row, the questioning, the pandemonium blues, wake up beside me asking where I’ve been, they’ve been

waiting all night for some bad company.


(1) “Who knows where the time goes” Fairport Convention
(2) “Amazing Grace” Judy Collins
devante moore Sep 2015
Let's make this a home run
Hit it out the ball park
Hope we don't strike out
Foul ***** sent to the parking lot
Cars dented , windows shattered
The frustration in my swings
Has me angrily trying to hit everything
Hoping to when this game of love
So many times have I struck out
Walked with my head down to the dug out
Cause with you on my side I thought this was a winnable game  
But I could never get past third base
Home runs stolen from me
What a waste
So much effort in my swing
This game has taken so much of me
Trying to hit it out the ballpark
Will take all of me
But I don't want to lose myself for the sake of the game
she is the sand that supports me.

I think constantly about what constancy can be and whether or how it affects me.

Family is the one certainty in a
faith that can be hit or miss.

This is the tidal reach and
she is the beach I rely on
the reason I go on
the rock that never moves.

The bridge between two cities.

We can fly across the chasms to the ends of acceleration.

In the instant of recognition
if self can be recognised
I am cognisant of my faults.

I'm not sure if perfection is attainable or winnable,
nor sure if I'm capable,
I'll cross that bridge
when I come to it.
Beth Decisions Aug 2016
There's a 50/50 chance here my dear.
Shall we stay.
Or shall I go.
I'm fighting an un-winnable war.
Fighting to win.
For so long there has been a weight on my soul.
You lifted it off of me.
Allowed me to see who I truly am.
Now here we are with the stars up above.
Though that weight had fallen back down.
Choosing you as its newest victim.
I'm fighting a war against the darkness that once devoured me.
A battle I've never been able to beat.
The stakes are higher this time.
However I know I can't bring you out of the darkness.
I'm struggling to remember who you are underneath.
It's time I find another place love.
To disappear and never leave a trace.
Go anywhere I want.
I'll never be able to fight the army surrounding you.
I've lost my chance to love who you truly are.
Inspired by our song. Disarm You by Kaskade
Mitchell Jan 2015
I'm beginning to pour out
I'm starting to see stars
Everything I've known
Is indecipherable and afar

Back is bent and
Stars are above are
Shining white
Too much ******* in me now
No way
I can turn this volume

Made a few mistakes
Down the road
Too many faces
Too many names
You know eventually
Everything just looks the same
Life's nothing
But un-winnable game
We're all tigers here
No way we can be tamed

Moonlight through the mist
Her hair was colored light burgundy red
Ever shade of her smile
Could put my soul to bed
Suns peaking over the hill
Our server's bringing the bill
She laughed as she pointed,
Drawing in a great breath,
"There's nothing to fear here,
Not even death."

Tomorrow will be a new day
Yesterday has passed
I can't recall the last time
I felt the least bit obsessed
Youth take me under
Old age stay clear
The only thing I want in this world
Is your body
To be near

Fire orange lapsing a false distance
The Great One's
Never took
The path of least resistance
Struggle forms character
Let me sleep upon the leaves
The wet grass
This newly fallen ash
Without love, without smiles
We are nothing but miles an' miles
Of broken city avenues

The wine sits upon glass there, next to the world.
Behind it, sits another bottle and a larger one.
Lime green on the walls and a purring kitty.
But what in this world can bring true misery,
If you're not here with me
And I'm not there with you?
Robin Wright May 2019
The battle lines have all been drawn
the war has just begun
I watch you standing front and center
while others turn and run
You’re not the type to shy away
as the flames begin to ignite
You **** your fists, and charge the hill
always ready for the fight
The battle is no different now
than it’s always been before
The enemy will fall the same
when you knock them to the floor
You’ve always had the inner strength
even when you, were younger
But remember soldier, you’re not alone
with me, you have strength in numbers
You have, a winnable strategy
that will make your future brighter
And soon, you’ll be victorious
because, you’ve always been a fighter!
Travis Green Jul 2022
There was ******* high voltage hotness
In your hypnotic rock-solid  charmingness
Marvelous spotless sauciness
Unfathomably mantastic freshness
You pulled me into your utter earthy fervor
Where your flamingly unbounded power devoured me
Enshrouded me in the seamless, limitless extremes
Of your unprecedented top-shelf dreaminess

Fed me your delectable red-hot confection
Finessed my incredibleness
Placed me in your spacious spaceship
Where you made love to my gayness
Captured me in your unbreakable shackles
Of unmatchable thugtastical passion
Delved into the deepest depths of my vessel
Made incredible *** to my sexually rainbowlicious body
Merged your firm immersive chest against my carressible breasticles

Oiled me down in your gloriousness

Made me worship your wonderfully gratifying muscularity
Your coolness ruled my system
Had me sheathed in your intriguingly thrilling exquisiteness
Made my head spin the more I took in
Your invincible winnable masculinity
There was an intensifying flush of excitement
That rushed through my structure
I was trapped in your swagtastical mad hot spectacularity
Feeling an increasing amount of unsurpassable burning fervor
Surging throughout my innerness
So wild about your strikingly sublime fieriness
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
love old bills d i c  k (c) 27.06.18

taking back control
you are no longer a lost rambler
to busy to read as on patrol
but i see you on that scrambler.
force met with force
to the maximum and not minimal
take by surprise and add this sauce
the war on moped crime is now winnable.
effecting us all is sick
until now no deterrent
fallen in love with the ****
whats happening is apparent.
knock them all over
ram them with power
make the criminal ben dover
why should innocent public cower.
not going to police
but hope old bill sees my shine
if its in the news it can not cease
even for the extremely heavy blue line.
hate to explain poetry.
Landon Keys Jan 2021
It's the color of ****
I must admit
but never the less
it seems to make
the smiles of certain
people glow vibrant
It really is disgusting
I'd never put it
in a little kids
Halloween bag
Simply because
it makes me gag
I'd just assume
to fill their death sack
with apple slices
and baby peaches
at least that's what
they tried to teach us
to be healthy right?
but to me this is an
un-winnable fight.
For even I would choose
Butterscotch over
a .45 to the face.
Travis Green May 2022
There is no one quite like him
When he walks into my vividly loving view
With such brazenness and dynamism
Slang game on one hundred
Flex game on crash-hot top-quality point
So dreamlike and seamless
Suave as a charming poetic swan

I feel my heart soar
When I dwell on exploring his alluring form
Rub my hands tenderly
On his hard, chiseled chest
Feel the sultry surface of his throat
Such a remarkable macho Casanova
Such brightness in his delightsomeness

Insanely splashy drip
Unmatchable fiery J’s
The way that he sways my way
Smelling like a divine certified virile man
He keeps my engine running
Free from any blunders
When he comes into proximity to me
I can feel his deep, rhythmic thunder
All of my skin tingling

I crave to climb in all inner places
Of his headspace
Sink into his heart and soul
His magnetic eclectic magicalness
His hot marble sauce
Catchy flashy rhymes
Rolling off his tongue
Constantly poppin’
With his commendable
Winnable winsomeness

I ache for him to kiss me everywhere
On my soft observable body
Drag his fingers up and down my arms
Make me go crazy
So fascinated by his fascinating appealingness

Lean his head
On my gleaming sensual blinkers
Spin his tongue
On my essential kissable ends
Take me away
Into the attractive and everlasting night
Where I can spend my life with him
Travis Green Sep 2023
His tremendously sturdy masculinity is
The most winnable, winsome wonder
That enthralls me wholeheartedly
I am awestruck by his seductiveness
My gangbuster muscular ****
My luscious alpha plus hunk

I wanna worship his immense chest
Slide my tongue up and down
His shredded six-pack
Surreptitiously ****** him
Explore every part of his body

Hold him close, feel his skin
Embrace him, taste him
Lick his ripped abs
Marvel at his unyielding beard
His saccharine lips

Dive into the boundless magic
Of his dazzling cognac eyes
My magnificent milky-skinned man
He captures my imagination
Takes me downtown
To his unmatched big-*** playground
Where he makes my mouth water

Grab my massive rack
Dig into my sweetness
Tackle my hourglass ***
Immerse himself in my perfect, superb world
Strip down, take me down

Get inside me, have fiery *******
That makes me wet as ****
Grab hold of me
Take control of me
Hijack my passion point

Make me feel his hard throbbing rod
Rearrange my guts
Speed up the pace
Rake his hands on the nape of my neck
Apply pressure
**** me speechless
Wreck my walls

Make his robust thrusts sloppy as ****
Going deeper, hitting every sensitive spot
As hot moans rise from my lips
I am so hot on his awesome sauce
I abide by his commands

Let him break me down
Hold me down
Pump me through and through
Leave me under the influence
Of his intoxicating manliness
Swamped with his milky splash of man sauce
Travis Green May 2022
I am entrapped in his vast passionate magic
Feeling his robust and steely body
His heavenly affectionate chest
His dark-haired, immaculate beard

Gaze into his angelically breathtaking eyes
So much fire and desire
Inside his brilliant regal dynasty
My body craves his great buoyant stamina

His powerful, enticing thighs and legs are
So immensely winnable and triumphant
With him, there are the most electrifying explosions
Of incredible breathless ecstasy
That consumes me, that makes me
Melt into his unbeatable, irresistible beauty
Travis Green Jun 2022
Swagtastically spectacular
You are to me
Independent, ebullient, and resilient
Eccentric, inventive, and man-nificent
Beardnificent, intensely dreamy
And gleaming, macho poetic Romeo in motion

You got the most thrilling
And winnable flex that sends me
Into a thousand shining wonderlands
Emanating with captivating enchantment
Warm, rock-hard arms, cosmic chocolate chest
Perfect prominent neck, broad show-stopping shoulders
Sleek, sweet-smelling abs, you grab my focus

You give me the sweetest blissful vibes
You take me for a wildly magical ride
To a vibrant, mystical paradise
Where I escape into your rich
Exuberant earthiness
Travel the roadmap
Of your unmatchable masculine thighs
With my shiny supreme fingers
Put my hands all over your thick tattooed back

Boy, you got me so **** rapt
You got me wanting to go
All the way with you
Dive fragrant fascinating fineness
Embrace your vast, powerful muscles
Lie with you, fly with you
Feel you in my system
Blowing smoke in my treasure trove

You envelop me in your hotness
Your astonishingness, your chocolateness
You send me into a mesmeric
Dopacetic diabetic coma
In your delicious, distinctive aroma
I can’t come back to reality
Because I am impossibly
Sauced on your marvelously
Mouthwatering rarity
Chris Sep 2020
Even taking back a step in chess, not every game in winnable.
Since the grip had been lost,
and for the moment was gone,
Maybe respectfully sit here,
And let the opponent do their moves.
no mate
the longest day is
every day
when there's **** all,
when the night won't come
because you're watching
and the sun, though out
isn't warming,
it's a warning

whether it's
'the end is nigh'
'big boys don't cry'
or anything else
it's telling you something.

is inevitable,
(Sel' the philosopher told me)
we have to fight it
and the fight can be winnable.

— The End —