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LJ Jun 2016
The edge of my soul is unsilenced
by the youthful glove of lust
Curtained wonders and curtailed tales
our songs recited and memorised on saddles
Sandals of certainty , candled yester years

My soles dared to tear a form
eyes roar in beats of a sinful stare
affixed sensations, the aesthetic nightmares
the cyclic eventful roller coaster of want
The padded faded jeans and cotton shirt

A fluent code of the cold wonderland
steers protons and affluent electrical neurons
Exploding zips, complementary zest
The **** ride on your stationed rod
My stallion, a rash, an adrenaline rush, our flight (oh la la)

At the sight of the afterglow stormy taste
our echoes astound the mountain tops
a wave of the heated dream in a cage
The aged flow of the surfacing rivers
As these words live in my mind

Flickering lights inside the synagogue maze
the cleavage fountain evaporating fumes
A showcase of undeniable holes and poles
A glorified truth tied in elastic hearts
Eclipsed as a shadowy armoured reflection

Hold my hand and fly the transient transcendence
Balance as I fall behind on the heighted prolific lines
Rehouse my day on these whispered thoughts
Time circles, time travels, time lost, time found
On this hour of attachment, catch me as I wave
whispered thoughts of lust
Joseph Yzrael Dec 2011
Trees rustle with the passing wind
As starlight glints the moonless sky.
The trail I trek twists and meanders
To where morrow greets the dawn.

I stop amidst the noise and haste
To ponder my unsilenced thoughts.
Shall I continue along these roads
Or turn tail and come running back?

I know not where the path leads me
Or if my travels shall have an end.
The stars will be my guide tonight
As shadows follow suit my sole

The road before me stretches far,
Uncertainty lingering at every turn.
But though the past beckons me
I know in my heart I must move on.
A C Leuavacant Sep 2014
Those frowned upon days would leave you unaware of us
I think that if it hadn't been for the hustle and bustle of Saturday you would still be blindly stumbling around me
And part of me still longs for that day
You handing me a clay bowl you had crafted specially for me
And I returning the favour by swearing the gesture would stay  in my heart forever
I still remember the feel of the hard clay on my brittle fingers
Clay of gods
The clay of the unsilenced man who climbs through the bathroom window to feast on the partially digested moonlight
That was us

I remember that day so well
eighty seven green leeks sitting on the windowsill
The ever changing planet earth
That is where Saturday and I waited
We we're both awake
But thoroughly unsatisfied
Me and my grandfather
We sat in the old field that we had finally forgiven
eating partially grown corn
Full on the cob
But we would not eat it to the core
For we were starving ourselves for evening supper
Which meant Aunty Mason's famous Shepard's pie
And the two of us sitting beside each other was enough
For me and my grandfather had an unspoken bond
We were each other

These were the days, might I add
Before spaceships and the commercialised automobile
When a lazy Saturday would be enough to fill our hearts with bliss
And keep us going through the week
Enough to last the millennium
And Each single drop of ale we drank that day
Would echo through our bodies that night
And I would still cry
About love dismissed from myself
Which was, of course
No big deal to the watching eye
Not even a speck of light on a foggy night
And They say to us that remaining sane is like elephant tusks
Fierce and piercing
we would cling to that idea like nothing else mattered
And To be with you
Recreating old memories
Not thinking of meanings
Meant the world to me

And there I was with my grandfather
But years ahead he had died
And I had replaced him with those good memories in that corn field
I wish the same could be said for others
The ones who I had sworn not to mention again
Is it me creating this barrier?
Is it the same one as you made with that clay bowl that day?
Am I a mongrel, bison or bear?
A monster or a demon?
To shred up those memories
Those seven neatly wrapped parcels you sent to my office in London
Each containing another clay bowl
That was enough
That was enough
Being back in your loop was too much of a sin
An attempt to pierce my own armour
Which I had sworn on the overcast morning of my grandfather's funeral
I would avoid doing at all costs

And You were done and over
The pinnacle of my sad memories
How could I even think to look back?
And I was older now
At least to you I was
Then there was that strange third fold
The thought that you were still following my adventures
I began to think that another day alive
Would be enough to confuse you
To lead you away
But each stigma you had wrote was still attached to me
Weighing me down
I began to loose the desire to leave where I was

To the rest of them I was still nobody
A manager of head office
with lots of clay bowls on his desk
Not somebody to love
Love was for people who tried
I had given up trying years ago
In a bar in New York
under red coloured lights
Have I asked myself why?
Of course I have
But with each answer
forty one more question are born
God was playing a practical joke on me
And with the end result
The close of this chronicle
Ended me
For my last bud had blown
And my last hair had turned white
That was me, all in all
Something different.
An entirely fictional account of a fictional life.
I have no idea how I feel about it, it just kind if fell out of my head onto paper.
Comments appreciated!
King A Nov 2017
The unsilenced mind.
Drawn by the ideas of time,
Rather felt a burden to it.

Oblivion of what’s been done,
Punished by this enigmatic sadness,
Altered by Melancholy.

This heavy heart,
Wanted death,
But feared the unknown afterlife,
Thus shackled by living without life.

Maintained sanity,
Just don’t wonder within my head.

For I have to endure,
Though I’ve already fallen long before it starts anew.

As my conscience told me,
For an unknown reason,
That I’ve done an exceptional worst,
In my previous life.

Must be a King,
Highly of self,
an inconsiderate one.
Surrounded by the sevens.
Realized what's done,
too late,
already end of life.

But must have reminded myself,
Before my end of my past,
Over and over.
Unknown to mind,
Known by this heavy heart,
This curse made to self,
worst than emptiness,
To be burdened by questions of "why" without answers.
For this life's the sacrifice,
An order to self,
to seek redemption.

Hopeful be forgiven
onto the next.
Clearing the traces',
Of now and yesterday's.

For the unknown afterlife I feared,
Yet I seek.
7 sins.
Mohammed Arafat Jan 2019
In Gaza, we have what makes life worth living. Walking in its narrow streets among its unpainted small buildings means a lot to anyone knowing the meaning of loving their homeland. Greeting the neighbors and friends with Assalamu Alaykom (السلام عليكم) or Sabahul Khair (صباح الخير) or Sabahul Nour (صباح النور) every morning and every evening creates an indescribable and an unimaginable feeling within us. Our mothers telling us تصبح على خير  (goodnight) every night we are about to sleep is just tasty and unforgettable.

Despite the obstacles hitting it, financially or politically, you smell different Palestinian traditional food cooked whenever you walk by any Gaza home. Yummy, how delicious that food is! We smell fried eggs (بيض مقلي) or Hummos (حمص) during breakfast. You smell Maqlouba (مقلوبة), Mujadara (مجدرة) or Musakhan (مسخن) during lunchtime and Shakshukah (شكشوكة) or Falafel (فلافل) during dinner.
You hear kids playing, and engaged couples calling each other on the lower window of the homes hiding from their parents because they are shy. You see elders holding hands going shopping as if they married yesterday. In Gaza, you see true love. Whenever you look at any face, black, white, bronze or brown, you find a hidden innocent smile of a child, an elderly, a woman and a man. We all consider ourselves one. Looking at the buildings of the central Gaza, you can find the history of those who our great great great grandparents lived with. You find mosques and churches built beside each other in peace. You see Muslims and Christians shaking hands and sharing a cup of unsweetened Arab coffee (قهوة سادة) or Silany tea (شاي سيلاني). Sometimes they share a cigarette (سيجارة) or a Sheesha (شيشة) while sitting listening to Om Kalthoum (أم كلثوم) or to Abdul Basset( عبد الباسط عبد الصمد).
Despite the insecurity, you can see Gaza people gather in the streets at midnight during occasions, in the golden clean beach during summer, in malls, shops and cafes during winter. In Gaza, restaurants of Shawerma are full to the fullest. In Gaza, Restaurants of Falafel are everywhere. Shops of Konafeh (كنافة) never close. You can find Arabic Konafeh (كنافة عربية), Nabulseya (كنافة نابلسية), Baklava (بقلاوة) and Osh el-bolbol (عش البلبل).
Despite fear, you can see Gaza youth support Real Madrid and Barcelona at coffee shops or public places just like the rest of the world. Sometimes they support Ahly and Zamalek as well.
In Gaza, people refuse to knee. They refuse to unsmile or unsilenced. In Gaza, people say they want to be free.

Mohammed Arafat
I wrote this free verse about the positive side of the Gaza Strip despite the bad situations hitting it and its patient people.
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
I have only improved slightly
I think
but the weather
has improved much
warmed not fully
but has Sunned
and unsilenced.
The winter
had such a way
with quiet,
the sound of breathing,

I emerge
from these cycles
so momentarily.

It is spring now
the birds announce it so.
they remain
but the flowers are blooming soon
I can not recall their smells,
their fullness,
but I shall remember
in full forgetfulness.
SassyJ Apr 2019
I will spent another daylight hour
looking deep in the ember of your heart
where love oozes droplets of life
covering my all with dazzling sparks
those remedies that want to crave
caving for your heart to fill my curves
right to the core of our time
where destiny revolves and resolves
and as your tounge fills my jaw
crusing to the depths of my inside
my soul captures the depth of yours
pausing in memories unsilenced
our whispers carried by sirens
to the den we claim to taste
the drooling icicles of honey
Inspired by daylight hours and the idea of love. It’s plausable.... indeed
Love denies itself until it feels like it never exists.
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2020
I’ll tell you. You can hear it on the map.

At the window, on the terraces,
clapping, yelling, cheering,
jiggling piggy banks, blowing toy horns,
banging pots and pans, even ringing
some gone-very-far-astray cowbells.

in their cars, honking horns,
at the dinner table, inside,
families with little kids cheering,
while supper super cools, no matter.

It is the moment of our everyday,
when we thank those whose who
risk their lives to save, so we may survive
to live to see our children’s children thrive.

the EMT’s, doctors, nurses, firemen,
the police, even the subway & bus drivers,
who take them to their jobs, and honor with
extra banging and unsilenced tears for

those who have passed in performance,
their unseen courage is marked on our eyes,
their extraordinary service to us is a forever
medaled upon our skin, in our lungs, it is
their air we breathe, freely...
our living keepsake of their duty.

I am a loser of nights
In cold cans of beer.
A red-eyed giant,
Slipping down the rabbit hole.
The light too bright,
The night for my own.
The music in spite,
Words never enough.
I am the loud graveyard
Of unsilenced dead songs.
A wasted scrap-book
Of failed adventures
A collection of ghosts
An empty cup of tea
With a broken handle.
I am the house you never finished building.
With leftover nails
And planks hanging loose.
I am a child playing with scissors.
In that house you never finished building.
Onoma Apr 2019
straggling penances through

garden gates--rabid as raccoons

in blazes of daylight.

limply limning the resurrecting lights

that trail glories.

among lip-biting flowers, whose unsilenced

scents slip spring breezes through the

eyes of needles.

skied smooth as cloth overhung from a puff

of breath.

as there...Mother Mary taking entire care.

her hands following after more delicate than tears.
SassyJ Jun 2020
The secret garden of a passionate woman
Is filled with intensity and abundance
a string, an ounce, a terrestrial paradise
as the fire burns the heart runs and turns

The waters flows with flaws on the clouds
everything with faults become a marvel
an eternity ruled and touched with sincerity
at times a storm of unsilenced waves

The air roars even louder than a lion
lifting each frequency higher and upwards
as if levitated onwards to the unknown dimension
where dreams of mystery salute and transpire
Yenson Mar 2020
Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
fantasies run amok in vacant beings
in needs to block the raging lackings
the emptiness of validated inadequacies
compels maladroitness to rile significant

Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
in limited enclaves and narrow musings
barbaric senses rule the presiding hovels
oiks in lesser's grandeur sing the blues
the carnival of fools dance with tomfoolery  

Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
pains of worthlessness magnifies the us
is it us and them or them and us the issue
for fantasies and lies amok in vacant beings
for a little knowledge is perilous in idle minds

Deluded, blinded wounded mired in hate
disturbed and shamed, cross eyed and bellicose
rag-tag army of envious discontents rage unsilenced
in vapid throes missing reasons *** erudite tracts
delusions swirls in minds poisoned and unfulfilled


— The End —