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Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
My unrequited golden dove,
you are a merchant banker
them bloomin' groovy bars
are sad tonight

but given the chance I wouldda gotten
cash & carried
& spent me porridge knife
loving your mince pies

had I not known
you'd treat me golden dove thus
& yes, been your trouble & strife
with all me Horse & cart.......

I know, not smart
I know, not smart


( In English tis not a very impressive poem... it's just amusing how you can make cockney rhyming slang into a poem, so I've been experimenting.... I really want to send this to the guy I'm unrequitedly in love with actually... & leave him (hopefully)confused & in the dark as to what I wrote....mostly I just really want to call him a ' merchant banker' e.g ' ******' & get away with it!! xD ' ******' is a particularly offensive term to use when referring to a man!)

* My unrequited love
you are a ******
them ****** stars
are sad tonight

but given the chance I would have gotten
& spent my life
loving your eyes

had I not known
you would treat my love thus
& yes, been your wife
with all my heart

I know, not smart
I know, not smart
Cockney Rhyming slang  is a rhyming slang that comes from East London.....I'm just learning it/discovering it for myself for fun.....
Tongue tied on double speak
I’m counting off diseased freckles
Waiting on a fragment to leak
This house sure sounds bleak

Miss Mary found hysteria
In a pillbox prescription
Developed quite the predilection
And overriding addiction

Her infant Michael drank Drano,
He found under the sink
Life stripped in a blink
Should have had a child lock, one would think

Arthur vanished with the birth of a daughter
He thought the whole notion was too big a bother
Left the girl alone in life
To struggle though adolescence without a father

Claire, the good one, wasn’t without her faults
All she did was babel
About her family life or lowly rabble
Confucius orders you to cease this gabble

Ear warped on endless noise
I’m counting off diseased freckles
Thinking up ******* ploys
Or perhaps I should just lose my poise
Ripened by night
the profound sea,
as a huge archaic mirror
embracing a pasture for reflected star

Beneath the stage of luminous enthusiasm,
wavelessly rising your meditation,
which unrequitedly falling in love
with the moonbeam

Withering somber luna,
as the faint Cupid
shooting an arrow of ice
into an auroral mirage
with shining rosiness

Ought to feel out eternity
the lily wings, finally
turned out to be the feeble oar
knocking the ebb rootlessly

inexhaustible braveness and endless scrupulousness
But what are these amongst us? -
The tacit contract
between sunrise and seaside;
also the blurry distance
between darkness and dreamland
Butch Decatoria Nov 2018
There are stories that are written down, carved in stone, others are told  out loud or made for song, and some still linger--painted on walls of mountains, caves. Wallpaper tapestries, depictions of a good day's successful hunt. While the communal fires and bones have turn to dust, a good day stands still in that ****** snap shot.

From wars of old and origin tales, there are those narratives passed down as legacy, heritage of families, the wealth of lessons through time, reminders and warnings, and glories of victories against enemies faded away in defeat. How sometimes those tribal memories' recollection instill or motivate into action--change, or rites of passage (whether successfully or doomed) the undulation of life carries on, and finds a way.

Yet the stories that keep and hold our passions' interests, retold many times to quench our hearts, these are the ones more profound and rich of moral l grounds, full of fertile meaning. Poetry of feelings spoken word of theater, out in the wide howling wilderness, while the wind becomes the wolf at the moon. We are moved by and by, as well as the soaring soul within. We learn to love those ancestral ghosts of yore, resurrected in the beat of drum, the pantomime of sons as their fathers, the rising embers and shadows running from the flames. Still, not all can carry the past or the details that fog while our rivers rush the seasons.

In many languages and lives  of every breathing passersby, there are also sparks of moments brief as an evening sky's meteor shower, rainfall of quicksilver streaks of light. Once and awhile there is awe and wonder, if witnessed by mindful eyes and held still in the same place where dreams awake in our sleep, has no need of script or reasons why, it is simple and beloved. The great and grandest of One story is gleaned, witnessed and recognized. The constellations brighten and seem to coalesce, the Universe opens its infinite arms, its vast lungs, and with one sigh within this witness, breathing, in recognizing a connection with breath and firmament, the miracles of Life...

If only briefly like a flash of light from a meteorite in death-fall, the Infinite and Absolute now borne of proof -- without a word to convince or purchase. Words and like Texas Tea pollutes so heavily the kind and flight, thickly darkly removes what thine eyes doth and must see.

And as an avid lover of poetic justice & epics & heroes from mystic times, I keep close my heart's affection, since all love stories continue ever after to shine...

I see you
in all the dots and lines
diamonds and geometry
alive cosmic symmetry
I want to be
a speck of one letter in
your vast alphabet,
just to be exhaled
in the breadth of your true story
the shrapnel casualty or
pawn sacrificed for your glory
I want only you
to remember by...
And a No One like me
made alive even in death
in all your divine skies
full of Story...
Oh Goddess, my goddess,
what magnificence and wonder
are in mine eyes....

Then there are stories in silence and unrequitedly replied inside:
One kiss : begins : Big Bang!! --The story the theory of Everything...
Love begets white lightning... Electric veins alive... Glowing tapestries of every life...  Story...
Mauri Pollard Jan 2015
I want you to want me unrequitedly.
I want you to see me in your morning cereal and in each sidewalk crack and in the ink of every headline,
while I am blind.
I want you to hear me in the songs on the radio and in the pounding of the raindrops and the birds chirping for the summer sunrise,
while I take out my hearing aid.
I want you to remember the name of my favorite poet and the way my hair falls over my eyes when I'm tired and the rage I have inside of me that come with thunderstorms,
while I only remember the stars.
I want you to feel naked and alive and cut open and brimmed with acid tears,
while I am clothed and dead and made of granite.
I want you to feel about me the joys of the world and the heightened feeling of love and the way you've never felt about anyone else before,
while I feel nothing.
I want you to want me
So hurt me with your tears,
I'll bathe in them.
Voyager Nov 2014
I took it too seriously
you didn't
I gave you my time
you couldn't
I said those three words and meant it
you didn't
I gave you my heart
you couldn't

Silly of me believing in your words
Falling for your actions
Hoping for our future
When all you did was make me cave in and melt
But without planning on staying as my rock

I feel so stupid saying I love you
And even more for feeling so
If you only know how much I do
If you only know how much it hurts to love unrequitedly

Give me back my kisses
I take back my words
Return my hugs
And let me forget about you
So silly. To feel a love this strong yet a love unreturned. Too young. Too soon. Too tragic.
She cried at night
And smiled in the morning
She looked happy
But I knew how it was
All just a ruse

I knew the lies and truths
The virtues and faults
The tears behind the smile
The darkness of her thoughts

She was sick
Sick of how the world treated her
Sick because her heart worked
She loved the same way I did:
Tata Paeng Jan 2018

Release my hand and don't ever find me.
I want you to be happy and please always be.
I will always love unrequitedly.
Emily K Fisk Dec 2015
A strange man in my boyfriend’s pub approached and chose to name me Satan.

Pitcher gripped, he leaned on our booth’s edge for stability sense,
radiating the kind of confidence that ignites forests with rage-inspired violence.
He practically whipped a ruler out between our plates to show us he could.

Who do you ladies know here?” he beamed.

And unbecoming words scratched at my throat,
tempted to trickle out amidst the limited air space between his face and my fist,
he made eyes at the best friend of “Satan.”

I don’t care what she thinks of me, only you,” he added as if he’d impress.

I smiled with glaring irises that left no secrets
and with his Bud Light psychology degree,
he verbally diagnosed me with multiple personalities.

You’ve got this soft cute angel-like exterior, but…

We didn’t bother listening for his name, but questioned his choice for mine.
And his response warranted the bad taste his presence gave the air.

…but behind closed doors I’m sure it’s some 50 shades of gray ****…

Our jaws forgot their places as disgusted awe entered our eyes.
He continued.

You like it rough and ***** with whips and toys and…

Satan’s best friend could only tolerate this misogynistic man for so long,
she answered his initial question with warranted glare,

Her boyfriend owns the place.”

His head cocked with such quick motion,
I feared the devilish smile that painted his face red.


Alex.”  I retorted.

Oh man!  This is going to be fun,” he cackled rusty nails up his throat,
unrequitedly cozying himself up next to me.

His arm wrapped my shoulder like a belt around my neck, as I struggled to hug the wall.

Shouting his interpretation of Alex’s name toward the kitchen,
a confused face peered from around the ovens and made its way to our booth.

Words left the uncensored man’s mouth and Alex immediately followed suit back to his work,
I couldn’t blame him.

I wanted to slip through the cracks of the body-wall-booth box I’d been trapped in.

I felt trapped in his quicksand sea of word *****

the word “******” fell from his mouth like glass shards to the womb, it’s hard to stomach him.

I wanted to hold the hand of the young boy with Down syndrome in the booth behind me
and tell him he’s worth so much more than the searing air this man fire-breathes into his ears.

I wanted to tell him I’d defend his value in a fist fight to end the word without second thought,
That he could defend himself and I didn’t doubt that.

I wanted to tell him, the man is only lucky he’s a patron who spends so much he’s nearly always cut off,
but that I find greater value in people than money, and he’s worth all the oceans over a single grain of sand,
that he shouldn’t let him make him feel like anything less,
and I wouldn’t either.
Hi De Jan 2018
we were talking about not knowing,
not knowing when our time is up

and it got me thinking
what if there's no tomorrow for me?

what if I have only until today?
shouldn't I be doing everything that I could?

what if I never wake up again?
what if I never see you again?

everyone may say that it's wrong of me,
it's wrong for me to love someone already with someone else

our conversation yesterday made me realized something,
what if my time is done and I wasn't able to express my love for you?

God knows I tried my best to hold back
to suppress these feelings coz you're already taken

but realizing that I'm living on a borrowed time,
I would just want to spend my precious time showing you
how much I love you

because any moment may be my last
but at the very least, I was free to express my feelings

society can say that loving someone that belongs to someone else is wrong
but I feel that it would be more wrong If I deny what my heart is saying deep inside me

You don't need to like me,
I just pray that you allow me to love you unrequitedly
Wick Mar 2018
I have cried you a river
baptized you in that water

I made you my religion
yet you're distant; oblivious

your silence is deafening
yet here I am still hoping
unrequitedly loving.
to you from a friend. Just a friend.
Goblinssi Aug 2018
A charming physician
Specializes in Internal Med
Whenever I see her
Do her rotation
I wish I am a doctor too
Not that there's no other way
To get to know her

I could only internalize
How hard she must have studied
From residency to fellowship
In my head, I wish I can "ship"
I ship her and myself

At this phase
Patient will I become
Not the adjective
But the noun

But I have to choose
My illness
It can't be neurological
It must be internal

Should I put poison in my food?
Can I put water in my lungs?
Must I have bacterial infection?

Any injury
In my upper extremity

May be a turning point (or not).
Ryan Joseph Sep 2019
Had a crush on her
Was a friend of her
Her smile always made my day glitter
It even also made my heart quiver

Then happily we graduated
With her glamorous face yet unexpected
Shone in her beautiful dress
The day that took away my stress.

We both then did not saw each other
Even though in social media I could not even bother
Because I am not an ideal one for her
And because I am a mere commoner.

When we saw each other's face again, nonetheless
I just couldn't even bother less
Because I am not in a place to bother her
Especially when now she's happier.

She has changed too much
I couldn't even get a touch
And we just stare at each other but just briefly
Albeit I just can't accept the fact verily.

The fact that we're not even meant to be
But excuse me, did I even made her happy?
Or it's just that I am only trying to be pally?
Or just trying to be a one even though I loved her unrequitedly?
Kinda broke and received an unrequited love.
Yule May 2018
at times I wonder,
from an elusive time
and place unreachable
where time no longer exists for me
this one's for the generations after mine
what would they do, as they
come across my poetry
and as they seep into the pages
they will delve into the sadness
of my sweet sorrow letters for thee
will they ever thought the same?
thinking more of our narratives
that should have been
but was never put into paper
of a love that never came to be
wishing that it became a love story
rather than a story of me
loving thou unrequitedly
I hope I left a mark. | 180405; 2:05 pm

Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
Like the untiring sun, who sets every evening
   but still rises up every morning
Like the blooming flowers, who end up withered,
   but still blossom beautifully everytime
Like the bird chakor, who unrequitedly loves moon
    knowing it can never reach him
I will not give up loving you, though you may never love me back
In your eyes
I see my harvest moon
I climb to daylight but
you've gone too soon.

it would have to be
this way it has to be
and unrequitedly
wins the point.
Ayn May 2020
As long as my heart keeps beating,
It will keep unrequitedly loving.

— The End —