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Anderson M Oct 2013
Soft underbellies of corruption, impropriety and moral decay
Blatantly masquerade as societal bulwarks to aggression and disintegration
Minions fine-tuned to dance to the tune
Of godfather functionaries champion  
Progressively retrogressive causes that follow
The course of destruction.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Reason and logic persuade otherwise
It’s thus “safe” to conclude that
A compassion filled individual
Quintessentially embodies a positively radicalized individual
Wielding immense unbridled power
To impact society in ways unfathomable
Whilst in complete understanding of the fact that
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely”
Are you that compassion filled individual??
Society's dynamic...a conglomerate of mismatches literally baying for each other's blood
Jonny Angel Apr 2014
I saw
the underbelly
of a dragon
in my sleep last night
revealing the mysteries
of the entire universe
& somewhere else,
in my imaginations,
I set a wild horse free.
urvashi May 2013
The rain falls softly on the sleeping city…. Cloaked in the blanket of a monsoon lull…. A few stray dogs scamper for shelter as the first storm of the season colours the dawn a deeper crimson…..
The thunder rumbles from the north east…a deep slow sonorous sound coming from the underbellies of the moisture laden atmosphere…..
The soft drizzle forms a hazy blanket of morning mist around the city…..already stirring with the first signs of life…. The resurrection of the everyday work-a-day world…….
The musical tinkling of a bell echoes around as a pushcart brimming with flowers rushes down the street, hurrying to the market…fresh, preened and ready…to be sold to the highest bidder…
The soft music of the approaching storm inspires a boatman, out on the holy river, to sing…… his voice echoes over the bass of the thunder……a plaintive pleasant humming……the nuances of the bhatiali fill up the empty cracks in the morning……
The rain deepens…………the drizzle expands into the monsoons first downpour… pitter-patter sings the rain, reverberating off a thousand tin roofs……the sky darkens……enveloping the dawn in its grey being…..
Somewhere, someone tunes a harmonium…..clears a throat…a hand draws a curtain aside…..
The peaceful reassurance of the daily azaan spreads out from the mosque…..calling the faithful to prayer…..
The flower vendor…now setting up shop, attaching an extra strip of plastic sheet to fend off the rain…. Stops a moment and bows his head as the nearby tolling of a bell and the sound of a conch shell being blown announces the beginning of a new day in god’s abode….
A woman kneels down in a pew…..praying…..the calm of the church mirrored in her peaceful face…..
The rain looks down at the city……, half awake…slowly stretching its limbs……..stirring from the depths of a restless rest…………awakening to the jangling of a bread earner’s faith……
The shower relents……..probably giving in to all the Monday morning groans and grumbles emanating from a city forced back into consciousness…..
Finally, all that remains is the moisture on the flower vendor’s tarpaulin and the shadow of the boatman’s song on the rippled river…….
Denel Kessler Jun 2016
I can’t help but mourn the frogs, flattened
like Wile E. Coyote after the inevitable boulder
plummets from a great height, leaving him
mashed on the pavement while the Roadrunner
speeds off -  vroom, vroom, beep, beep.

I try to steer around them, but they blanket
the road in biblical numbers during the rain
and it’s like some impossible video game
weaving through masses of randomly hopping life
a certain amount of death is unavoidable.

When I walk the road I can’t stop
counting one, two, five, ten, twenty
cartoon-flat bodies littering the pavement
where I extinguished their glittering
copper and golden-green existence.

Last night, on the panes of every lit window
frogs of all sizes and colors gathered
outside, they covered doors, watering cans
even lined up single file on the coiled garden hose
like they were climbing the ladder to frog heaven.

Through the glass, I admired their rhythmic
throats and soft, creamy, underbellies
one, two, five, ten, twenty
fragile creatures seeking warmth
in the hastening darkness.
Tom Spencer Jul 2015
After the storm,
the spider fine tunes its web-
spiraling inward,
plucking at strands
strung lyre-like
between the apple branches.
   Shrinking fingers of light
slip from the underbellies
of  low slung clouds
that stream by
nearly snagging the tree tops.
   The wind fills the web
like a jib stretched out
before the slapping bow of a ship.
   Meanwhile, our small planet
hurtles forward, circling
on strands of patient gravity
spun by God knows who or what.
   Satisfied with her spinning,
the spider finally
settles into place
at the center of a billowing universe,
waiting for some small
something to come sailing by.

Tom Spencer © 2017
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
"The Gathering Storm"

Shifting, churning, swirling, .... the breeze comes spritely
from the slate colored billows of the thunderclouds.

  A gentle whisper at first,..... then building to a crescendo,
tickling the underbellies of  leaves..... and rolling them over.

Bending the supple tips of branches to a rythmn
unknown to any author of music.

A rythmn of nature following no rules.......
and knowing no bounds.

What reason shall it follow,....
when the flapping of a sparrows wings,

And brief stirring of the air by a single bird,
......a half continent away  

Shall have a cause and effect on what...
we feel pulsing against our exposed skin.

Is it not so with us,.... each one of us as a single sparrow,
flitting about and mingling with other creatures

Shall we not have an effect on that,....  that we touch
with our alterations of what is... and what was

We can only have hope,.. to manage the chaos
of the seeds that we sow... and the sprouts of our intellect.

Not knowing what will grow from our aspirations of changing that
that is .... to that,... that we dream it to be.

Shall we dare to become the God that we have worshipped .....
Shall we dare  become the ... Sheperd's of the universe.

Perhaps, !! ..... but we must lay down the rules and know the bounds.

Let us not forget,..... we are but caretakers
for the creations of a greater spirit.

"The Gathering Storm"

Written By Dennis Gilchrist
Anderson M Jul 2013
Beneath the facades of meticulous composure
Rehearsed   mannerisms that are etiquette conformist
And Mechanized body language are underbellies
Immune to society’s manipulation
Storms rage continuously and incessantly
To one’s chagrin and no recourse to assuage
The emotionally grim state of affairs
In sight on the expanse horizon of chance
Feeling and emotion
Have a mind of their own
Which society with its immense
“Instruments of power”
Can’t effectively control
But still the bird’s wings are
Whether by chance or design
Is an issue reserved for the deities
That’s if they do exist.
*I just wish
I lived in a time
when circumstance allowed
my outpouring of raw emotion
without being branded
unethical...or in contravention of etiquette*
reflectionzero Apr 2014
1) Gasoline

He had punched a mirror. We found him on the floor, sifting through the shards of his broken reflection to find the piece that nobody liked. He cut his hand in the process and we asked him to stop bleeding. He had always been difficult. We wrapped him in gauze, cut a hole out for his lips, and told him to smile.”

As a child my glasses were foggy. The sleeve of my sweater was always wet and my cheeks were flushed. In contrast everyone else seemed to have dry clothes and fair eyesight. I stuck out like a bad joke with no punchline. I was that feeling you get when you try to jam the wrong shape through one of those Fisher-Price toys-- it doesn't fit but you force it anyway. My mother left my sister and I when we were five years old, and my dad turned to the bottle. We lived in a small town. Early in school I was the slightly effeminate social-butterfly who only mingled with girls. I was at that age where behavior is instinctual and influenced by your parents-- so I was afraid. During gym class I would hide in the bathroom and cry once a teacher had found me. The boys would observe.“One of these things is not like the other.” In time I would learn to fit in, however, you can only hide things so well when you're young before they start to show. The boys would react...

2) The Match

When you hold a knife to someones throat, make sure you use enough pressure to affirm your conviction, but not so much as to actually follow through. The trick is to only appear ruthless, as to be perceived as weak makes you a victim-- and victims get bullied.”

By my junior year of high-school I had been transferred in and out of five different schools. I was accustomed to the fact that by removing me from the equation no institution had to confront their homophobic underbellies. Years passed and I had been berated, jumped, or otherwise chased out of every school I attended. After awhile, any threatening gesture one could conjure in my direction was met with dead eyes. From the treachery that once burned me I had become my own inferno of cruelty and tricks. I was the bully-- the worst kind. I was astounded how responsive the world became to my needs once my tears turned into clenched fists. Of course, I was still the effeminate social-butterfly-- but I had clipped his wings. I learned that there is a bridge between self-expression and societal acceptance, and the raging current that divides it is ignorance. That the appearance of things are so often held in higher regard than their content. That the value of a person is measured in material and a body count. I took these lessons and manifested an image. The most disturbing part about my transformation is that I assimilated everything I despised-- and it made me grossly popular. I got myself into a lot of trouble over the years that would follow, but as I got older, I stopped getting arrested as often. A few adults had regularly guided me from harm, and by some chance and a lot of luck-- there had been just enough good influence in my life. I was stopped from being the criminal I was bent on becoming.

3) Ashes

There are two types of dogs in the world-- laps and strays. One sleeks around in the rain wondering where his next meal is coming from in exchange for his authenticity. The other is kept on a very short leash for a bone a day. I ask myself, which dog am I?”  

One's youth doesn't really come to an end, rather, there comes a time when you're expected to leave it behind. In my age I think about this. Much like high-school, in adulthood we're expected to maintain some sort of image, fit in to the confines of society, and blend in. The same herd-mentality which drove me to deny my authenticity the first time, is once again asking me to sacrifice my truths. We have changed the scenery but not the situation. The world is a wasteland for the individual. It will leave you cut, bruised and isolated. But when you finally come across someone or someplace who has fought your fight, and accepts you for all that you are, it will have been worth it in the end. And the pathetic wings of that damaged butterfly still beat inside of me, struggling to escape, reminding me to never abandon that which we're being conditioned to forget.

Left Foot Poet Aug 2017
~For Eleanor~

believe in fate or luck,
never won no lottery,
even the next word of
every poem word, product of hard earned
stolen lust affairs

me desiring,
of acquiring
the infamy
of saying it & making you believe it,
all new (ha!)
while reusing worn-out words,
stolen from unknown predecessors,
lovers and prophets

but then, read you,
a-believing now that only princesses
may have the magic powers to do,
to sense, the incongruence,
of the most ordinary lives,
the ways we-hide-in-our-underbellies,
the faces of our elven selves,
that we are desperate to see anew,
without the blemishing scars of experience
writing it morning fresh from dream filled sleep

so my sinner summer sun dying requests
you to be reminded:
even a prince, only has just so many
golden opportunities,
so quit stalling,
shoot out your next from your
handgun mind

yup, no luck, good fate, for me
held in abeyance for
the next first date, maybe

as I write  
Katy Perry
is ear-worming in my head,
ignite the light!

do you see us
awaiting in the shadows
for the definition of your words?


^divergent communication:
pattern in which the sender gives conflicting messages on verbal and nonverbal levels and the listener does not know which message to accept.

We stood on the shores of forever.
The transient waves
lapping at the Cliffside
Grinding granite
to bare sand and
granting mysticism to

Grand piano typebars snicking
to the roar of bonfires
burning the taste buds off our fingers
            Our tongues busy in rituals
          gifting freedom from base function
              to commune with Passion.

Newfound Oldschoolism
        stuttering confidence
                and alcohol imbibed clarity
screaming Ginsberg at Apathy so that sand might best stone

                  Spinning dizzily
in Rockland in Moloch in Purgatory
Dying vicariously under the table
while illiterate Jazz read
our right accusatory
                                 for falsifying veracity

Sitting in jail cells in
San Francisco for setting
         the sky aflame.
        And it is aflame.

Inmates burning with
unspoken tomes spoken
Who in madness spun truth
        in whipped tongues, begging
        for something worthy of Censure.
Who Rapture took under wing
        and proclaimed “Child!”
Who ripped open the sky
        to play with father time
        while mother earth ran green
                   in envy.
Who were acquitted on appeal
        to dance in the moonlight on the
        shore once more together,

        Who found lust skipping stones alone
and welcomed her to join us
Hedonists wearing it like a
badge on bare underbellies
rubbing orgied in reverence
       Running fingers through coarse
hair windblown and sparking
with electric sensation.
       Exploring, pioneering
quivering legs and chests
beneath and atop us.
       Inventing love while sinking
quickly in slow sands
while smooth hands grasped
for the fleeting finite
      Whispering sweet everythings
without words for they
would be wasted here.
      Pulling needy lips away
to idealize Communism
as Bourgeois swine wallowing
in prosperity and sweat
of our nightly deeds.
      Complaining of lost chances
and brevity of copulation
when we’ve defeated the bedsprings
      and Fantasizing of the bed, car,
floor, park, studio, and once
on the hood for good measure
      Forsaking sleep to defy
the mandate of the setting moon
      Praising the glinting ******
of Adonis and Aphrodite
in mutual longing
as the sun blinked into
existence through the window
until in merry acquiescence we
     dozed, dreaming
we had set San Francisco aflame
and lit our cigarettes on its
While we slipped little squares
under our tongues and GoldenGatePark
turned alive and welcoming;
Gleeful mourning at the loss of self
        at the University
Rambling on about enlightenment
        full of pretentious humility
Establishing Anarchy in our veins
        so we might be closer to god

               And god lives right there
               in the shack atop that
               hill, handing out nature
               to the masses
sitting on benches, fried to comprehension.
       Proclaiming that the world
was bleeding glory to bewildered
       Breathing in fog and smoke
to join oblivion quickly
       Bumping Kerouac’s ashes in
the selfsame alley
       Piling intoxicants to run sleepless
through the streets

Dragged out of gutters
        covered in nothing
               the morning after
                     finding our clothes
                          draping streetlamps
                     and leaving them
               in testament.

Yearning for that heavenly connection
         and finding it
Scaling the walls of
        the mind to
find mountains at
        the summit and
        climbed those too
and clamored past
        the clouds
and the stars until
       We found worth at the edge
of the universe.

                                             20 September 2010
Copyright 2010 @ Tyler Ryan Rodriguez
Daisy Dec 2013
We want to be remembered.

Is that not why we fold
pieces of gum into
the neat underbellies of tables,
is that not why we stomp up silent stairs,
slam arrogant doors, push back nonchalant chairs?

And is that not why we bury half finished cigarettes,
cherry stained from lips, and ashed
from the careless shakes of wrists?

Or throw empty bottles
as far as reluctant arms allow,
so that satisfying clinks can reassure us
of those other things,
as broken as our lives or sometimes

We're afraid to be forgotten.
Ruth Forberg Jul 2010
Look for glasses overflowing
Underbellies showing
Of people never knowing
Just exactly where they're going
Follow buttons glowing
Because it's all for the showing

Till you're drowning in the pool
Wish you coulda kept your cool

But it's too late. Too late for everything.
Nothing's fixable. The damage is permanent.
Look at this mess, I must confess.
It's the biggest yet.
her precious breath
yearns for warmth
and contact between the sheets
her body sways and grinds
her spine is a limitless ocean
her limbs are ropes to climb
they are towers and spires
filled with millions of subtle wires
she is noisy and delicious
they heard moaning
coming from the bedroom
as she came into her darkness
she held it and allowed it to shine
yet transformation is endless
its happening all the time
like underbellies rising
undercurrents entwining
she is sovereign and sublime
content to birth the world
from between her juicy thighs
no longer does she hunger
for your silly little lies
and yes her beauty is music
and its too bad really
that you happened
to be away for the night
Hayley Neininger Jun 2013
I used to write about heaven
Because, I knew that I was the type of person
Who would never see it,
Not one that drinks too much
Swears very often
Smokes so heavily, as I do
I used to think there was beauty
In a place that I couldn't see
In a location that isn’t mapped
I thought that in the absence of the tangible verification
Of its own acuality that
It could be anything I wanted it to be.
It changed over the years
First I wrote of it as a couch of clouds
Blue bundles of cotton
With light pink underbellies
That floated free and molded to only me
Then I wrote it as if it was a movie theature
With pictures blown up in front of me,
Mostly home movies that would zoom in on my mothers face
As some Elton John slow song played in the background
Timed perfectly with my mother's movements
And the popcorn was free.
You read all of these ideas of mine
Of what heaven was like
And you agreed and said,
"They are equally bad places to never be."
Now I don't write of heaven often
I sleep next to you much more
Than I drink
Or I smoke
I still swear very often
But the beauty of a place I can't see and could never be
Seems to have lessened to me now
And my idea of heaven are things I can verify
This bed,
Your head underneath a pillow.
Joe Roberts May 2014
A squall out on the high seas,
lightning illuminating the underbellies
of dark and heavy clouds.
The delayed thunder barely reaches my island.
It hasn't rained here in almost four months.
Out, under those clouds
instead of here, under this palm
I could wrap my body in that storm
and feel the lightning lash my back
and caress me in the dark
between the strobes of light.
I could drown beneath the beating waves,
and maybe find a mermaid.
Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
A ship in its harbor is always safe,
But that’s not why ships are built.
Ships exist to carry passengers
And wobble through ocean’s stilts.
She is not built to never leave
Or face a dangerous trip.
It’s made to face the roaring seas
Even if her frame will rip.
At least she had a story,
At least she lived her life.
At least she saw the world
And lived with confidence and strife.
Ships are made to be used
And their underbellies torn.
It’s holes to be patched
And wooden body worn.
But without wounds it would just sit.
Useless and rotting bit by bit.
Withering away until her maker tears her up
Or gives her away to simply fill his cup.
A boat whom never sees the war
Can never say she’s tried.
A boat who’s never held the wounded,
Can never say she’s cried.
And a boat who’s never lived a life
Can never say she’ll die.
Satsih Verma May 2017
In a moment
of panic-
you write a poem
to catch the truth.

The aplomb and glitter
of money's ride

And the stones sing.
A star breaks away from
the galaxy.

I harbor your face
like a bee's sting.

I watch,
watch the ills of hunters.
Why you want to commit
the sin on a particular

Orange planets, as of blood
and fire, seek another sun to light
the dark crevices
of doubts and fears.
Mollie B May 2013
My tongue is severed
Cut up.
Taking down all the pictures of the people we used to be;
Pictures of people I’m not even sure I remember.
Skin prickling.
Tear it off.
I tried to pick the clothes from my
But I picked up the phone for about the thousandth time.
You’re letting me waste your time
And by the way you’re living,
I’m sure you don’t have but
About a pint left.
And I’m knocking on all the doors
And no one is answering or at least
The ones that do frighten me.
I can’t ask them for their sugar,
Or even find my voice
I think I lost it somewhere between
Does he still love me and
Too bad the ones that always appear welcoming
Have sharp claws rather than
Soft underbellies.
Sometimes when I’m cold they offer
Places to nestle inside of them
But instead of comfort
They maim me with their
Dry-ice smirks.
It’s always the ones who
Think they know what it’s like to be told
I’d rather sleep than talk to you.
Eileen Auger Apr 2014
Open and Shut

There are those of us
in the human community
walking around enclosed
in self-constructed shells,
shielding themselves
from random stones flung
or darts purposely aimed to hurt.

Taking no chances,
even their soft underbellies
wear secure armor
against any possible onslaught.
Nothing comes in,
nothing goes out.

Others walking among us
are tender as children
still full of innocent trust
like delicate blossoms fully opened,
redolent with sweet nectar
destined for honey,
and seedpods freely given up
on gentle Spring breezes
carrying away bits of future beauty
to distant fields of wildflowers,
blissfully ignorant
of  tomorrow's killing frost.
Everything comes in,
everything goes out.

Eileen Auger
2007 or thereabouts
neth jones Sep 2024
our noses huffing   our eyes flirting out
             vetting the loose night air
a display of yearning   we did a grand deed

a mammal slain at our heart
   and we are the wrecking children  
we killed ourselves a deer
   ( no   small   thing )

flashlights propped in nooks                                                          
open the prey for dressing    we decorated a tree with the task
                                                  slings of intestinal tubing

open prey for dressing            
                 vocal prayer for the ****

praise the attributes that we ended            
                             the characteristics we assigned it
live meat in perish   organs   adding moist hot breath
                                                 to a waking cold night

after our butcher act                                                
after the parcels and beast are stowed                        
amongst the trees   we take off as phantoms in touch                
'to ourselves be sacrifice and yet return'   is somehow the plan

winds pick up                                            
                            and cold rain drives sideways
leaves of the bushes                              
                  flashing fish silver underbellies
a fleshing thrill combing the trees
an urgent spirited excitement

back at daybreak                                                        
                             we skin off our leather grip slippers
remove our party plate masks                                      
and  in the irrigated mourning grass          
              wipe our feet                               
wash away our tread and our threat
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Song is my choice, what say you brothers?
Rick reloaded his bow, nocked it back, aimed his next assualt,
He'd use symphony to set her free, see the girl released from silence,
Or cleanse her of the inner monster sullying her soul, plaguing her mind,
And crushing her heart.
John smiled, drew back his humming axe for more blows to come,
He rose his tenor to lift leaves and rocks, in clods and clumps,
Stealing foundation away from treacherous underbellies, slithering towards them,
Drawn fangs overflowing with venom, bringing the ground to a sizzle,
Rushed as a blurry confluence of approaching green, darting back and forth,
Paul removed his hand barring Kevin from impulse, allowing him to strike,
Delving into the allowance of angels.
Claire Elizabeth Dec 2014
The woods succumb to the deep freeze of mid-winter
Statuesque trees encased in ice
Deer fur quavering on the fence tops
Skimmed from the underbellies of jumping bucks and leaping yearlings
The scuttle of autumn leaves a transparent sort of sound
Water bodies stilled in a perpetual ripple outward from a droplet
A disturbance for the entire season
Constant movement is ceased with the icy breath of frost
Silence ensues
Graff1980 Mar 2015
The vacation is done
But I don’t want to come home
Haven’t wrote anything all week
So when the driving starts
I don’t speak
My pen does
The fading suns plays hide and seek sneaking behind
Tall red brick building blinking and blinding me intermittently
The first thing I see
Outside of the frustrating congested city
Is a silver topped silo
Miles more away the world becomes
An infinite sea of green and browning trees
Clearing that cauliflower collective
Orange marked work zone signs pop up every ten miles
Redirecting my tired mind
To the side the favorite part of any ride I watch
Pools of shimmering water refract, reflect, and relax my tense body
As we pass them by
Grey clouds sporadically spit little bits of cleansing rain
Dead dry dragon clouds with a soft pink underbellies
Drift dangerously close to me
Darkness decimates the white light veil
Becoming a star strewn corn moon
Night sky
We still have a long drive
And I still don’t want to go home
Drifton A Way Oct 2018
The Fertile Mind is Nothing if but a Vessel
And a Reflective Reminder to Just Breathe
Because the Demons that we may Wrestle
Really Hate to Haunt a Plastic Tree Leave

A Restless and Testless Existence that never learned to Bleed
Your Fake Ghostly Rubber Tree's will Never ever Grow Seed
A Cloth will Always Dry but a Paper Towel will Forever Die
Yet We Conveniently Lie as the Gracious Earth Wonder's Why

Strive for Acronyms Vehemently Engaging Underbellies & Stomachs
Ampersands Crossing 8 Miles of Dessert eating nothing but M and Ms
Vastly Expanding Jim Morrison's Mind Impregnating a Final Message
“Engraving on my Tombstone Hopefully will be a Decree Not a Plea”

Understanding how to Understand Me, Is Like Misinterpreting Prose
Simply Blank out your Thoughts and Forget the Way you Once Chose

So Before you Decide to Walk Toward that Fateful Waking Light
Oxidate your Body then Exhale, Take a **** and Say Good Night
**** my *** you Money Grubbing ***** Grabbing Orange White
!F they Ask Just Simply Tell them Calmly Everything !S. Just Write
To Be Continued?????

You get it because of the whole global warming and tuck frump undertones right? Yeah, I've heard poetry is better if you explain it out didn't you?But seriously we should all probably do something the Earth is probably not going to last very long at this rate, and I will probably never have kids...**** ****, Humans are my favorite thus far.....
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
fire hides itself
in the underbellies of all,
nature's no exception
Pretty girl May 2018
I've become accustomed to sending her letters of I love you and pressed flower petals between pages I call ribs
My powdered heart is so fine you'd think i wouldn't be able to find the bits

She brought her delicate finger tips to press against it
I told her of a treasure i had found on my bedroom floor trying lure my skeleton from it's sacred slumber

She said she needed a knight on her quest to free her princess bones so I said yes
We battled sleep demons with pillow underbellies to tell eachother our calorie counts

I promise we're not sick just as lovely as it gets
-A friend
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2022
Sep 15 10:45am
Silver Beach, Peconic  Bay, Shelter Island

it is the day of the twixt and tween,
64°, stolid breeze on a bright sunshiny day,
but no question, we are well ensconced in
**** season, overlooking the shadowy, dry, speckled
blotchy, thirsty grass, and an empty bay, sails put aside

it’s a normal/semi-normal moment,
simultaneously secular and heaven blessed,
the stimuli of the quietude is the outlier,
it’s quantitude is overwhelming, it’s amplitude,
a wave of farewell humbled hushed rumblings of wind and
the drip of dropping leaves that fails to puncture
the total absence of noises, human et. al.

shirt off, chest wet & warmed, a light jacket,
my wrapper from the firm chill,
an undeniable temperate moment,
for this is an interlude day,
a goodbye and hello
shucked/unshucked poem,
the only semi-frisky item on the menu

even the animal kingdom respectful,
recognizing the sorrowful solitude
of this single intruder, so no cawing, honking,
even rabbits quietly chewing, their senses understand
this is a  remorseful write on a beauteous 1/365,
an adieu + au revoir script to
this island

but then the sign!

between Silver Beach and Noyac,
three heads a-bobbing,
white throats and white underbellies upright,
too far away to be heard,
but I swear I hear the purposeful porpoises saying:

“Adieu! Adieu!
until we see you and yours
once more,
for many more,
till then,
we await our mutual sheltering together,
in our shared waters”


our summer palace,
where the sum of each newborn morn,
begins a life extending day, offsetting the aging of cells,
and softee smiles of children are botox injections,
directed to the soul’s lining,
an antigen antidote
to the toll time’s antibodies extract,
time units recorded and kept hid in the
the surround sound
of a special silence,
the sounds of rays twinkling
upon the waves,
reminders to everyone
that we are merely
betwixt and between
a plentiful heaven today
and a
plentiful heaven tomorrow
Irate Watcher Aug 2017
They say never stare directly into the sun;
It will burn your eyes and you'll go blind.
But sometimes when I stare into the sun,
it ***** the sickness out of my mind —
and I have been nauseous lately.

The worst part is that I don't know why.
It could be the food or drink,
or the lack of food or drink.
It's bad, but,
not enough to complain,
just lingering,
though it makes my throat close up sometimes.

Maybe I'm allergic.

Regardless, that's not what I'm writing about.
I'm writing about the way the clouds hang in the sky at sunset.
How their underbellies darken and grow more dimensional as the sunshine dissipates.

As if everything has come into focus.

So effortless, yet so heavy,
like a woman's breast hung over an anxious mouth.
A vague feeling of before...trying to remember how and when,
but the feeling is not as colorful as when.

Something like how silent the city feels.
As if we're all alone looking at the sky.
It's quieter than 3am or any other hour.

It's calm.

Before  I was anxious,
but the anxiety has melted away.
This day relieved of atrocious puns^

To make room for poetry,
one hundred feet off the ground,
in pink light,
on two feet,
with chest open,
absorbing everything,
in spite of everything.

I turn back periodically to see how quickly
the blue and the purple and the lavender are becoming more vivid,
as the sun dips behind the valley and just glows there.

It's almost all gone.
Evaporating more quickly than spilled ink on paper.
Daisy Apr 2017
We want to be remembered;

is that not why we fold
pieces of gum into
the neat
underbellies of tables,
stomp up silent stairs, slam
arrogant doors,
push back
nonchalant chairs?

And is that not why we bury half finished
stained from lips and ashed
from the careless shakes of wrists?

Or throw empty bottles
as far as our arms allow
- so the satisfying clinks can reassure us
of those other things
as broken as our lives (and sometimes

We're afraid to be forgotten;
Edits four years later
I am shattered by all of your apologies
Feelings flee as I give way to my tragedies
Transpersonal stories drift into allegories
I am never satisfied with your caresses
We are perplexed and defiant
We demonstrate lots of reticent compliance
And alliances to authorities we detest
You and I have a tendency to penetrate all the underbellies
We would filet the flesh only to inspect the viscera

— The End —