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they meet at hospital locked unit for torture victims undisclosed site no unauthorized access their condition experiences high risk public relations for war effort mainly patients seclude themselves in anxious solitude when not in anxious treatment they will remain under strict government surveillance until war is over at which time another administration will determine their resolve

she graduated from Stanford with Masters in 9 languages employed jointly by Hachette Livre and Random House Mondadori publishers United Nations attaché interpreter translator then Special Forces Black Ops

he graduated P.H.D. from M.I.T. in political military economic social information infrastructure systems tactical behavior strategy campaign employed by private security contractors consortium assigned to unidentified location

her captors splayed arms legs to table force fed 1 gallon ***** down throat 2 gallon enema without anesthesia sewed shut eyelids **** sphincter then starved rat inserted in ******

his captors blindfolded handcuffed victim prepare beheading live internet feed decide instead shackle him to wall douse gasoline ignite water hose scorching body 3rd degree burns then apply nail-gun through testicles ***** dowel to temporal lobe

act 1 scene 1

small unused visiting room 2 gray couches end table with lamp vase of plastic flowers

HE sits in wheelchair severe burn scars to face scalp body memory loss hoarse raspy voice stiff protracted body motion

SHE under continuous psychotherapy supervision patient suffers severe PTSD shaky submissive prescribed modified combinations of 13 medications (Prozac Adapin Vivactil Nardil Desyrel Wellbutrin BuSpar Klonopin Vistaril Neurontin Inderal Catapres Seroquel) administered twice daily

HE i brought you bacon strips in napkin from breakfast

SHE (eyelids flutter hands tremble) thank you but you keep it (pause) you know i used to be vegetarian

HE i know i look monstrous get over it there’s a real human being trapped inside this mutilated mess

SHE i i i can’t talk (pause) don’t know what to say (pause) after they sewed me up they ripped me apart shoved rodent to gnaw my insides (pause) skinned cooked made me eat it

HE you’re still alive aren’t you quit your whining show some gratitude stop being such a big baby

SHE how dare you ******* accuse me you’ve got you’re ****** **** nerve

HE i apologize please forgive me i’m not myself since the injuries i’m desperate for diversion pain management escape from excruciating pain nightmare thoughts i still endure

SHE who’s the big baby now

HE please help me overcome this consuming terror distract me with your loveliness please be my muse

SHE i’m no healer what do you mean be your muse

HE inspire me open yourself up to me arouse feelings beyond my suffering

SHE i’m useless look at me i’m a basket-case

HE spread your legs let me see

SHE what! you’re rude blunt disgusting

HE show me your cooch you got ***** hair?

SHE oh god you are so ****** creepy repulsive (pause) and I’m not a very hairy person

HE come on darling work with me stroke me relieve me

SHE i don’t even want to think or know about it go take care of it yourself

HE i’ve tried i can’t stay focused i see my disfigurement then get sidetracked i can’t get myself off

SHE all i am to you is a piece of *** you brutal *******

HE you could show a little tenderness maybe nurturing fix what’s broken give it up to me girl please i beg you let me do you or do me

SHE i was informed your ***** is shredded testicles disengaged

HE who told you that it’s a lie my ***** are maimed yet intact my **** still gets ***** granted it’s not a pretty sight keep your eyes shut

SHE (body twitches) you want power over me

HE ***** power i want some release i want you in control you in charge of my ******* please be my curing goddess

SHE (looks away) i don’t trust you

HE what’s not to trust i’m a pitiful casualty of war just like you we weren’t born like this but we’re both now doomed useless pathetic

SHE you could try being more polite civil congenial perhaps if we were friends first liked each other and you won my sympathies but you’re so forceful intrusive

HE war does that to a person

SHE please make an effort

HE you mean if i talk nice you’ll consider

SHE i will take it into consideration

HE i think you’re pretty more than just pretty beautiful

SHE i’m shattered damaged wrecked ruined

HE i see beauty in your face figure beauty in your words reactions

SHE i’m afraid to let anyone inside

HE i’ll be real gentle i promise

SHE i’m scared

HE yeah i’m scared too scared i’ll shoot blood instead of *****

SHE shut up

HE help me please find a way back to myself a way to accept love respect you

SHE hmmm uhhh since you phrase it that way i’ll think about it i’m not promising anything just considering (pause) ok? (pause) how would we go about doing this?

HE we used up our free time today they’ll be searching for you begin picturing in your mind how you would like it done imagine feeling loved protected

SHE (eyelids waver) help me learn slow how to do this dance

HE every step of the way

SHE thank you see you tomorrow
we take the justice we can get

every one is expendable i’m opening a new chic bistro prior guests will be listed on the menu we slice dice prepare any way you like sushi deep fried mesquite oven grilled baked accessories make the dish ginger pickles lime asparagus mustard and a drizzle of wine deer ***** cider mole sauces i haven’t decided yet on restaurant décor possibly post-modern austere but please write in suggestions everything must be totally freshly tossed killed tableside i want the kitchen immaculate industrial sized everything yet we roast minuscule tidbits frivolous details infused with essences reduction bio-molecular cuisine an entire 20 course meal in a tear drop obviously presentation is everything Channel Comme des Garcons Lamborghini will design plate arrangement after you’ve enjoyed a lavish sumptuous meal you become edible i mean eligible to provide for more recent patrons please hold still while the knife carves and oh how about those miners in Chile real theater i just read NASA’s Kepler satellite is selecting candidates for earth’s substitute the article repeatedly used the word candidates let’s just totally waste this place the faster we trash the world the sooner we get a new planet best weekly performance British Petroleum gulf oil debacle second best Hillandale Farms incredible salmonella egg

comedy tragedy dialogue

COMEDY come sit closer let’s share a laugh want to hear a joke

TRAGEDY i hate jokes

COMEDY you’re funny

TRAGEDY shut up you freaking clown

COMEDY there’s more to me than clowning

TRAGEDY oh yeah (pause) what? you pandering fool (pause) in my eyes every winking snicker is compromise collusion there’s nothing about you i like

COMEDY hater (pause) man you’re mean

TRAGEDY mean and unreasonable

COMEDY scary mean unreasonable (pause) yet funny

TRAGEDY ***** you (pause) mortality is tragic the world is wicked what’s funny about stoning people to death or ****** disfiguring women children or cheating enslaving the poor underprivileged this earth is a horrible place what the hell is so funny

COMEDY you you’re a joke a sad dismal joke the good news is i interpret humor in everything life is funny

TRAGEDY you’re a pitiful simpleton who perceives all existence from one lame brain viewpoint you can’t distinguish happy from sad good from evil you’re a mindless empty screen of canned laughter maybe some things aren’t meant to be laughed at or humor drawn from maybe you’re a rude mocking idiot what is so ******* funny

COMEDY what is so ******* funny (pause) i’m not laughing (pause) try stepping back getting a different perspective change your psychology consider the futility of existence fate of humankind

TRAGEDY we all do what we have to (pause) mind if i smoke (lights a cigarette)

COMEDY that’ll **** you (smirks laughter)

TRAGEDY we’re all fated to die

COMEDY you really need to see the absurdity in your gloom

TRAGEDY please go

COMEDY why do you have to be such a hard-*** why can’t we just get along we could create some wonderful art i really think we’d be good together

TRAGEDY i warning you

COMEDY i get the feeling we’re not going to be friends

TRAGEDY fast thinking (pause) go play with your happy snickering friends and leave me alone

COMEDY must we be enemies

TRAGEDY deal with it

COMEDY you’re going to miss me

TRAGEDY maybe maybe not (pause) these are dark troubled times

COMEDY why must everything be so serious with you

TRAGEDY if you persist i will be forced to turn this banter into regrettable disaster

COMEDY funny how things don’t work out

TRAGEDY yeah funny (pause) i guess the joke is on me

fate free will dialogue

FATE we each journey a path

FREE WILL i choose my own trail imaging myself triumphant inventing as i go

FATE what if you discovered your choices were influenced by forces outside you

FREE WILL i alone am responsible for my choices

FATE i’m not speaking about responsibilities

FREE WILL what are you speaking of

FATE there are aspects you may not realize

FREE WILL that’s ******* a person creates his or her own destiny

FATE do you believe Jesus Christ created his own destiny or John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King John Lennon

FREE WILL what are you saying

FATE there were circumstances cycles aspects forces possibly predetermined powers events ghosts

FREE WILL horseshit we are presented with existential choices our actions determine our destiny

FATE our actions determine our destiny huh what influences determine our actions

FREE WILL a person’s character courage discipline strength

FATE what forms a person’s character

FREE WILL parents circumstances cycles aspects forces the era

FATE hmmm near to what i was suggesting yet who can know why or how a few chosen make it while many others go bust or when where lightning strikes

FREE WILL so what do you believe? (pause) i’m speculating most people obey conform deaf to their own calling falling short of their dreams enduring lives of hushed disquiet

FATE hmmm we each journey a path

FREE WILL i choose my own trail inventing as i go alert to my calling

FATE uhhh i’m not as certain as you i admire your confidence conviction independence

FREE WILL hey i’m straight

FATE whatever
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
why you drinking
at the bar?
There's plenty o'
So we can
get drunk together
instead of fighting with
each other.
I'm cute,
why you gotta be so
to me?
Sacrelicious Jun 2012
Going out,
getting good.

All gothed-out,


It's a curse.
the truly beautiful at <3,
have it.


Get it.
Dig it.
Dug it.


I am just every drop of blood
the razor blades

Drag downers
dragging themselves along
the skin surface
of my blood-flow
free way.

I am screaming.
"I hate you" .

At the top of my black-tar
coated-codine lungs.

Help a ***** out.
go check on that crack pipe.
I mean check the pipe for crack.

Cuz dem smokey rocks
make a bruthah go

Welcome to the Goth Opera.
I'm just playing pretend,
anti-christ tonight.
nosipho Aug 2012
Lost in daze, even though this path I have played,
it sat as a record in my mind, played over and over again
and I knew what to do,
my thinking, my actions, yes i will be ready
the minute i cross that road.

I have watched Cinderella leave her shoe,
O’ what love for a prince to find,
To send horses trotting to her doorstep,
Chariots and king’s man,
O Cinderella-happy ever after!

Aaaaah! It is wonderful.

At night I would have dreams about you Cinderella,
Being snow white, awakened by my prince,
And so I mastered the art to wait,
Yes, I will scrub floors, play with the dwarfs,
Singing my hearts tunes -knowing,
In a shining armour my prince will come,
And we will live happily ever after.
Like I have seen it in my mind.

So here I am, there, sitting -waiting,
Hearing the words as you are speaking,
The world I once thought was far,
Meeting with my reality and hush…

I am “There”

Be it that I be a Cinderella or a fairy,
The collision of reality makes to wish
That such fantasies were true,

And now that I am here, You prince you came.
With my shoes, in a shining armour,
But nothing like my fantasy.
I could blame you for not being the prince
I had in my dreams, how could you betray me!

I mean I love you but why is it not like I imagined!
I want to be rescued from a tower; I want horses to make a convoy!
I want birds to sing my happiness; I want flowers to sprout at my joy!
I want to grow wings and fly! That is how I know it!.
Why is not like shrek or fiona, or the Barbie or the princess in aladin!.

Marriage is holy,

Two people are joined in matrimony,
They become one to reflect his glory,
And the lord orchestrates it to reflect him,
O’ the angels blow their trumpets,
And the lord dances over the union with singing,
For then his image on earth is portrayed,
A covenant of eternity,
As that of his bride, as the groom.

However, On earth.

Frustrations grab our minds,
And we wonder if we right,
Is he the one! Did we go wrong!

You see when two become one,
All their flaws are exposed,
For no two people can be two in one,
Some trees need to fall,
The flesh is stretched for both,
The bone is taken with no anesthetic,

Bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh,
You never know till you hit this road,
Happily ever after, but not mention- after what?

Because marriage is holy, some things are refined,
100% human 80% God, God works with no fractions,
See, in him we need to be whole,
for in the one lies a deeper purpose and
when these two come together, there might be a collision.
For marriage is holy and as one you are selfish,
but when two come together,
they are drawn to selflessness.

I can no longer eat the pizza alone, but think of my significant other,
Uhhh! No longer will live but need the care like my father.
Marriage is HARD!

You never know until you there,
The vinedresser prunes the branches, tweaking them slowly,
They fall to the ground, trampled.
For the purpose of matrimony is to make us like him.
Christ as the head joined to the Body,
The husband joined to the wife,
A beautiful gift that God gives to man!
Take me again, he says- be like Christ!

In marriage we are given an opportunity to reflect his glory,
To imitate his kindness, compassion and love,
To experience the intimacy that Christ has for us,
It is no longer about lifting our eyes to the sky,
But Christ comes as a groom to his bride,
He comes to share himself between husband and wife,
What gift it is, more than Cinderella or snow white and her dwarfs,
More than earthly treasures, it’s the beauty to share a life.

To our carnal minds, and fleshly ways,
Marriage is a ***** or a thorn,
And whatever joy it brings,
We know that Christ his grace he gives,
But we know that for his glory we love,
Each other, but together love him,
And happily we will leave,
In endurance of all things.
Marriage....Marriage is beautiful!

I never knew, I ‘am there’
I can't sing but I am still cool
I have fun in every part of my life
I sing how can you tell me your lonely and then go uhhh uhhh uhh
I can't sing but I am still cool
I know part of the union is political and I know Hannah Montana is inspiring
And I know old songs well, I understand a bit of why they were so popular
I know pink shoelaces was a boppy old song from way back then
But if I try and them I go uhhh uhhhh uhhhb
I eat hotdogs at the football
And u sing songs while doing the BBQ and I sound awful
But I just say I can't sing but I am cool
I sing the Giants theme song in the afl and I sing every other theme song and I sounded like an old fog horn
I can't sing but I am still cool
And it doesn't bother me at all
I can't sing but I am still cool
I have fun in every part of my life
I sing how can you tell me your lonely and then go uhhh uhhh uhh
I can't sing but I am still cool
I know part of the union is political and I know Hannah Montana is inspiring
And I know old songs well, I understand a bit of why they were so popular
I know pink shoelaces was a boppy old song from way back then
But if I try and them I go uhhh uhhhh uhhhb
I eat hotdogs at the football
And u sing songs while doing the BBQ and I sound awful
But I just say I can't sing but I am cool
I sing the Giants theme song in the afl and I sing every other theme song and I sounded like an old fog horn
I can't sing but I am still cool
And it doesn't bother me at all
I can't sing but I am still cool
I have fun in every part of my life
I sing how can you tell me your lonely and then go uhhh uhhh uhh
I can't sing but I am still cool
I know part of the union is political and I know Hannah Montana is inspiring
And I know old songs well, I understand a bit of why they were so popular
I know pink shoelaces was a boppy old song from way back then
But if I try and them I go uhhh uhhhh uhhhb
I eat hotdogs at the football
And u sing songs while doing the BBQ and I sound awful
But I just say I can't sing but I am cool
I sing the Giants theme song in the afl and I sing every other theme song and I sounded like an old fog horn
I can't sing but I am still cool
And it doesn't bother me at all
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
Cheer up
butter cup.
Candy is
supposed to be
Not bitter.
Unless you're
to be
the dark side of the chocolate bar.
But no matter,
what ever
your taste is.
always come
back for
Looks like
lust has me
Until the
Dentist tells
me otherwise.
gg Feb 2012
My teeth dig
Into my bottom lip,
And the sound hisses,
Finding the space between
My teeth
My mouth opens,
My jaw lowers,
The space between my lips
Is a lemon-shape,
My mouth open in surprise,
And my tongue jumps
To meet my teeth,
To make that harsh sound,
Not exactly a scoff,
But somewhere close
And the word falls from my mouth,
And it burns the ears of some,
But to others,
It tastes like candy
Sacrelicious Apr 2012
Cause you're way
over a



That somehow
caught you in a web.
& made you

Get it?
Get it?
Got it!

Be like the
Brookie Monster
and know
rare ruby.

That should be
at the bottom
of the
cookie jar.
SO no one can steal your beauty.
For their own *****-gain.

Sleeping alone *****.
But nothings worse
than waking up next
Melissa S Sep 2016
Can't you just listen
Please for once
I know God gave you ears
I know you can hear
but it is so much *more
than that
Please just *listen

To the sound of my voice
Take in the words
that I am saying

Uh uhhh
Stop right there
Can't you see I am hurting
Do you not see the pain
You do not have to fix me
Sometimes you just cannot
Please just hold my hand
Hug me
*Hurt with me
Sometimes there is nothing you can do for a person except
Pray for them ~ hurt with them <3
Megan Kendall Jun 2015
Well, it turns out the prince was a huge *******. Our happily ever after was short-ended by Prince Charming dumping me and leaving me on the streets. You’ve all heard the story with our “happily ever after,” but it wasn’t forever. This not-so-happy ending just proves that you shouldn’t marry someone you just met. Our “forever” was for like a month. The story everyone has heard is true, they just left out the ending. Here is the real ending.
“Listen here Cindy, you’re great and all, but I don’t love you. You’re not as beautiful as the night we met and I don’t think I can handle that betrayal.”
“Are you ******* kidding me?!” I’m so angry right now I can’t even wrap my mind around what happened. He looks at me with stern, serious eyes and a smirk that makes me want to punch him into another dimension. How can he do this to me? Everything was going perfectly, until this moment. I’m appalled at the sight of him.
“Also, I’m leaving you for your step sister, Drizella.” What the hell? He had to choose the ugliest one too. I cant even to respond to that. I take all the money I can find and walk out the door without even looking back.
I probably should have thought this through, since I have nowhere to go. I have no friends, no family, and my fairy godmother left me as soon as I married Prince *******. I did take most of his money, but I’m not sure what to do with it. I’ve never been on my own. As I’m walking far, far away from the prince’s castle, I find a park that is calling for me to rest. I lost track of how many days I’ve been walking and I feel like how my stepsisters look. I got some much needed sleep on an unnecessarily hard bench and woke up ready to carry on with my journey. I woke with a fright when I saw two stunningly dashing eyes peering over me. Those eyes belonged to a beautiful man who dressed like a prince, but smelled oddly like the sea. I did not want to break his gaze.
After a few seconds of slightly awkward eye contact, the man finally spoke,”Excuse me miss, you looked cold and uncomfortable so I wanted to offer you a place to stay. You look very smart so I’m sure you’re very reluctant and confused. My name is Eric. My wife and I have a huuuuuge house with more rooms than we need and we’d love to have you, Cinderella.”
“H-how do you know my name?”
“Um, everyone in every realm knows who you are and what you look like.” Oh yeah, I forgot that I didn’t exist to anybody until I married a prince and I was somebody to everybody. I hesitantly agreed and we rode on his horse to his castle which overlooked the sea. That must be why he smelled like it. This man has to be a prince. There is no way that even the richest people in this kingdom together could afford this castle. The inside was more magnificent than the outside. It had huge, open rooms with intricate windows so that you could see almost completely around the castle. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life here. My thought is interrupted by Eric’s wife walking in and internally murdering me as soon as she lays her eyes on me.
“So I tell you I’m leaving you and not even a day later, you already have another girl here? What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?! You’re the one with *****!”
She begins to shout “His name is Sebastian and he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be!” She storms out of the castle, leaving only an echoing boom from the slammed door.
This is almost my exact situation except reversed. I see him try to shrug it off, but I can see the hurt in his eyes. As he gives me a tour, the hurt in his eyes slowly begins to fade.
“Hey, I’m sorry that you had to see that earlier.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, Eric. It wasn’t your fault. My husband just left me so I understand how bad it hurts.” He just nods his head and continues showing me around. The tour ends at Erics bedroom. I don’t know what comes over me, but I kiss him. It was awkward, but then it didn’t stop and it became very heated. This was a passion I never got to experience with Charming. I woke up with the cool blanket clinging to my naked body. I felt something warm behind me and slowly rolled over to see Eric. I screamed and stumbled off the bed. I thought yesterday was just a dream! My scream woke Eric and his eyes widened as they found me.
“Can we uhhh… pretend like nothing happened?” he hesitantly asked. I nod my head and rush to the guest bedroom to wash away the memories from last night’s rendezvous.

Things were awkward for a long time, but we tried to pretend as if nothing happened. Eventually we started to build a friendship! We’ve actually even been on a couple dates. I can’t believe I didn’t do this with Charming. No wonder our marriage fell apart. I practically know everything about Eric, and he knows almost everything about me. This is the happiest I’ve been in a looong time. We’re only about a month into the relationship and we’re already talking about marriage. I know it is very soon but it’s a step up from only knowing him a day. It only took an unexpected encounter to bring us together. This may or may not be my real happily ever after but I’ll just have to wait and hope and see. For now, I am just happy.
A Mareship Jun 2014
I bury into the memory foam with a
Strange boy's finger up my ****.
Stubby white soldier,
Cherry ****,
Phone off.

Lily- pads wind their way towards the bathroom
(pizza boxes, six pizza boxes)
"skip carefully towards the ****** stash
or else you'll sink...

they're under the sink

...uh, uhhh, come back and

sink your way in"

Welcome to the Bad Life Bingo!
Every hour is the end of the world,
There's nothing to play for
and no time to play it in...

...I am shaking off this dry truth
with a flannel that has seen better days.
My english tan is coming off
and nothing works.

He tries to light a joint in my bed

the zippo strikes three -
click - fzzzz
click - fzzzz
click - fzzzz
and you're out .
Nigel Obiya Apr 2013
Committing is hard
Committing adultery?... Not so much
Oh, you want to act like I just crossed a line?
...Uhhh... I don't think I did... not so much
Relationship’s scarred
But you know how good that forbidden pleasure is… to place your hands on that which you’ve been told ‘ Do not touch’
You know it is true
Oh… you do know that, I know you do
You've been there before… you probably didn't even mean to score
But somehow you did
And she ended up in your bed
Well, no need to get into detail… enough said
But wait, I just cannot stop there
This one is for the groom who, at the altar, vows as solemnly as he is able to swear
Never to betray his bride, but thinks... ‘well, depending on the level of hotness of the Au Pair’
Loyalty has a life span, and so does Trust
And what an enemy they have in this character called Lust
‘Tis  just but the truth I speaketh…  one that we see
Our mindsets should adjust drastically if we ever hope to be…
Of the possibility
That we might cheat…
For when I look around society at the moment, all I see…
Is a bunch of people with the potential to commit adultery
Oh! Oh!
You know it's true... 'Nobody knows where the nose goes when the doors are closed'... Oh! Oh!

*inspired by two lines from
'Quentin Briscoe'
Christina Dec 2013
Another year
Has come and gone
Some have gotten weak
And some strong

Time flew by
Things have changed
I've gotten high
On life (maybe)
Midnight Beech Dec 2016
writing is the only truth
but not the words
or their meaning
just the feeling
of pressing keys
and releasing
it’s like they’re breathing
fingers steaming
mind burned by
to the ground
so I can’t do any thinking
only typing
you call it writing
I call it…
reverberates like…
it’s exciting!
it’s the right thing!
it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s
and I’m
well I’m just
I’m delighted!
to be writing
words with no meaning
tones with no feeling
just keys breathing
and somewhere
not here
somewhere though
pat Aug 2014
Blitzin and sittin. I'm fixin on doin it in.
grin. I sin. I'm ****** spinnin track verses
Round house Shreq four
Poe lease store.
a ***** was like " yo.. do me".   And I'm like "uhhh..

****** friends like you do
second best like you do
with your chest
brand new. Sticky bamboo.
Biggie bad panda. Panthers
up in the trees. Sticken up for the breeze
It’s a reason to be.

Bees. Bark on the trees. Back on your knees.
Back up the beat. pack up the treats.Sack up
and Beg me please
Ashamed, I'm
aimlessly aiming. Amazing. I'm feeling. A bit condescending
You like what you see?  well you might be a freak, and you
might want to seek out
a new conversation.
leads to persuasion.
Invasion of ants.
Dance Lance Vance
Rant can't pant like a dog...

I break up into pieces. Piece it together
and whether or not
you spot the spot.
admit you're not a lot
your not that spacey boy astronaut.  
an anomaly
leaking elixir
fixity fixer. Mr. mix **** salad  tell me What did you say?
That’s what I thought

mad women
a map of the bad criminals
zappin  a fat cinnamon
glass of that old pinnacle

a bit bare
with the wrath of a bear scaring
a dastardly dog carrying

rated R, bar none
gun smoke
a melatonin, ****, and a biscuit a piece

PC piper
cold cuts off a limb with a knife
fat cashing master bait
tackle, and jelly to bite

preserving space jam
hat with a jacket to match
tacked up photos of Bruce Lee
and Bruce Wayne

Wayne manor
I'd rather explain
rather be happy to pay
Dad for a crappier day.
I'm fixed soaking tooth aches
in bisquick and **** top
dollar for your  ****-talking hash tags
salad tossing apparatus

armature on a radical man grinning
as actual as furniture
wrappin a broke limb
in factory. smoke fillin in
***** and dope denim men

necessary feminist hair

I’m not  prepared for a cob salad
sort of like a bad
hairdo. A new
to the paper blue noise
in a focal view

cellophane shoes
****** do don't

don't be a ****** man
scaring kids
serenading scarecrows

sacrifice satin like
maybe I can make a mean price
I can be content
I can be a sunny side egg
dent on an awful guys Bentley

I can shoot ****
with the bad boys
sad boys
corduroy jeans  
and an opal headed ring
I can make tea and teeth
and *** in my moms bed
dead to the world
I'm a girl
no I'm not
looking for
***** up at the scene of the crime
Ive got
sixteen dollars and a pile of dimes

up in my head
ache up in my
head like a weathered old *****
I've got
super college knowledge
I apologize

Mixed up. looking for causes
cause it saws
it claws it paws at my
internal thoughts
and it aught to be critical
Literal lists of fits and fists
cynical. physically
ready to be open
I'm hoping
I can be
but everything that I see
is everything but anything

I'm rendering a catchphrase
two one two
your boys are blue
scratch that
toys and attitudes

a Malibu Ken doll
bent on Adderall
and anyhow
I meant to vent
I'm not spent
I'm just saying

a mystical collaboration
in a nation of amazing amateurs
enamel on the alley chairs

flies up
ties for guys
and I'm
exchange these
lies for lies in this
city-like town-like space
like wow like
How the heck are ya  mon? It's football now
no  it's

or  nothin
It's a bagel shaped muffin
It's a ladle worth touchin if you think its worth ****** with

like an out of body
hand to god
I manned up
on a melancholy
ample sod

I manned up

A knock at your door
is it not
what your looking for?
looking for
skeleton skin cells

settin up
basement call down
I'm all out of instinct
pigs stink
sippin up
drinks and

trippin on
life and words
and birds fly
in the most high

I could think
things like
open toad shoes
and open frogs too
and I'm cookin up stew
Like a mad man
andy fardell Oct 2013
So whats ya problem she shouts as I sit there sniffling in me own little world
Man cold ......I whisper
Uhhh is the response
Take some drugs and crack on I hear
Did she not hear me
MAN COLD .......

The slow shuffle from my seat to the kitchen creates a groan
Even the dog looks at me sad
Man cold ....... I whisper
I'm sure I see him smile

Ahhhh ...back I go to the safety of my chair in a walk so remote from my normal bounce
Man cold ...I whimper  
Blanket ready for a tissue overload
Remote cuddled and ready for the daytime dross TV
Man cold ............

Sympathy found they crowd round me to leave me unattended
kissed from afar ...I'm ready
Man cold
All alone the switch is flicked I'm up and dancing
Man cold... prancing
Video games ....It's FIFA time  
No pots I'll wash nor face to brush
It's beer o clock lets party rock
Man cold .......

The toll is heard, my blanket wrapped to a weary sound from a snuffly head
I'm back she calls with sympathy shots
How ya feeling
Man cold ...I whisper...
Oh bless you please Ill look after you now
A cup of tea ...she is my hero  
Man cold ......

Remember guy's don't shout it out
Man cold rocks there is no doubt
Just keep it quiet when she does sniffle
You know the drill
Don't blow the whistle

OK love
Just going to the pub for a couple
Will you be alright ....!!!!
Yeah ...I won't be long!!!
Joey Zimmerman Dec 2010
Hey how are you
Yeah it’s been quite some time
I haven’t talked to you in awhile
Just thought I’d drop by and uhhh….

I already had somewhat of a voicemail already planned
Because I knew you probably wouldn’t answer ha….

Where have you been?
Maybe I haven’t recognized the extreme changes of your character
Or if I did something that upset you
I put X’s on my calendar on the days I don’t see you
And you’ve already set the record with a couple of months straight
So I suggest you stop playing

Usually I just hang up when I hear the answering machine
Or wait till the beep because
I still like listening to you say, “I’ll call back”
But this time I knew I had so many things to say
I hope you listen to this but not just the first three seconds
And delete it

Now I can only hope at some magnificent time
My phone will go off and illuminate your name over caller ID
Showing how you’re trying to reach me
For what ever purpose
To ask me how I am….or
To bring me down
And finally lay me to rest
With closure

Hey umm I hope I see you soon
I love you
Attractive and spunky
happy and content
quiet, yet funny
I wonder what it is that makes you so magnetic
I'm not the only one I know this for sure
but I'm selfish when it comes down to it
I'll share, but I won't like it

Hello, how are you? I uhhh forgot what to say
I'll just be quiet and smile with every word you speak
I'll take it all in and enjoy every minute
why am I being so shy? I'm usually a loud ***
This is weird
whatever, I'll just go with it
Man, I would love to say something creative right now
I'm speechless, what the hell?
This is the perfect point where I could win you over
I'm failing, just keep laughing and smiling
I really hate me right now
annnnd there she goes....

Bye!....oh and btw  you're gorgeous, and I would love for us to take a walk
out on a beach or a picnic and share some deep thoughts....of course, now I know what to say
You just might be the only one that has me so wrapped up so fast
I have got to settle down, I don't even know enough yet
I'm not even sure if I want anything
It doesn't seem like I'd get hurt with you
Here I am looking waaaay too far into the future

Ok, so these other girls are talkin to me
you're cool
not her
so are you
not her
you are too
not her
this is ridiculous
I need to step back

I think I'll just stop talking to you for a lil
I don't want you to think that I'm too much
I love your company
your personality
what you think about
I cherish the moments when I get to see any of it
God I need to stop
Here I am over doing it
This poem isn't really a poem. It's more of the thoughts that happen to any guy who finds himself making a fool of himself when he doesn't need to.
MissNeona Apr 2015
Some of them are part hilarity, part shame...

The thing is, there are so many reasons why I shouldn't have worked that job...

I was between 16 + 17, overworked, super ADHD, brand new driver, horrible with directions (and these were the days of maps and phonebooks... >.>).

I was usually running late,
not really prepared,
carrying things,
and I had (and still have) plenty of issues doing standard issue human things...

there was this one time that I remember going up to East Side Marios at the time...
and again,
this is over 10 years ago....

dressed up as a large bird...
and now I'm a fairly large human as it is...
especially for a female around 5'10" and in highschool, I was around that height already.

With this head,
I clock in at a good 7"...
toting either balloons, flowers or some other gift...

I wander through this restaurant,
asking waitresses to direct me to my location.

I get there, do the song and dance thing...

and I'm pretty sure I totally slacked off most times and did 1/3 songs or whatever I was supposed to.

I can't remember if the rules were never told to me proper,
changed or if I just anxietied the **** out of the situation and failed to deliver.

After I was done and trying to make my way the hell out of there.

I'm extroverted,
but not a fan of people seeing me in costume,
touching me,
trying to meander through waves of people dressed as a bird..

and just a plethora of other things.

I preferred being safe in the shop and just tinkering away.

Anyhow, while I was trying to make my escape, a waitress came over and informed me that they had another birthday party and she asked if I would be so kind as to go and say hi to the other party.

Now, being the good little roman catholic school girl that I thought I was being raised to be (save for the glaring oxymoronic behaviour that I tended to exhibit in shame when nobody was paying attention to me...)

of course I would agree to say hi and make someone's day a bit better.

I made my way over there,
and as soon as I appeared she screamed at the top of her lungs,
sprung out of her chair and dashed over to me.

Her arms flailed and found themselves all over my person,
rubbing and molesting with a intoxicated fervour I had yet not been in receipt of at that tender age.

Now, don't get me wrong, I had molested and manhandled my share of unsuspecting, awkward nerds at the time in my amazonian haphazard ***** youthful mode...

but around that time, most thought that I was much too strange and dorky to engage with.

So luckily, most wouldn't be able to get near my bubble,
especially not to the extent and excitement that this woman was sporting.

I fumbled over my words and sputtered out a, "Uh-uhhh.... Happy birthday?"

To which the woman gleefully exclaimed, "Aaahhhaha! It's aa giiii~rrrl~"

and at this point,
in youthful mortification i was silent
a heavier set bald man let out a lecherous chuckle, "Uh hue hue hue.... my turn."

All I remember was bashful waving and me trying to make the quickest escape my chaotic form could.

Now, I don't even remember how long I held this job for,
because most of my memories of the position involve some sort of failure and folly...

so, I'm not sure if I made a clean break and if I heisted the additional awkwardness from another story and mashed them together,

however.... on my way out,
I remember somehow bashing into a waitress and having at least six glasses of beverage go all over me, her, the walls and floor and make a hell of a clamoring all about.

I remember being absolutely ready to expire by the time I made my way back to the van to change out of the confounded outfit that made my existence even more cumbersome.

I am pretty sure most of the joys of that job only come in the retelling of the incidents in how entirely horrible they were to experience first-hand.
NitaAnn May 2014
The last few months have left me with a lot to ponder. I'm already an analytical person, but I've got so much going on in my head right now that I've written, erased and re-started this entry about 10 times already because I can't seem to organize my thoughts.

I am one really $%)! complicated person. I mean I know no one is simple, but I swear with every passing day I find out things about myself that are contradictory or frustrating. Only I can manage to **** myself off without even trying.

Fear is keeping me from progressing in therapy right now. I'm so afraid that any topic I approach or old wound I open up is going to result in the same reactions I had the last time I tried. Crippling panic attacks, constant fear, cutting, no hope. I allowed myself to think about and confront things I had never even come close before, and I end up a walking mess.

I haven't pushed myself to really talk about or feel anything difficult, because this fear in the back of my mind is slamming that door closed every time I approach it. The logical side of me is screaming "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL THAT WAY AGAIN?!?!", yet I'm also battling with the undeniable fact that the only way I am going to be able to heal from and let go of these hurts I've been carrying around for so long is to talk about, process through and feel them.

I want to feel like I'm not wasting my time (and DT’s). I don't right now. I hate it.

I'm so frustrated with myself. I feel like I've lost faith in my entire existence. Like everything I do is futile. No matter how hard I work or how much I want something, I'm doomed. The world is going to spite me and give me the exact opposite.

I feel defeated.

And yet, to be even more contradictory, another part of me feels as though if I can eventually get to a place where I can let these walls down, that I will recover. It seems possible in every aspect of my life... except one.

Even though I sought out and have been going to therapy with the goal of recovering from my abuse, a big part of me doesn't believe it is possible. That no matter how hard I work or what I do, this will always be what defines me. I will never escape it. I will always be afraid. I will always be that 5 year old.

I mean, look at all I've been through over the past 12 months. I got to a point that I wanted to **** myself. I mean actually wanted to end my life. I had NO HOPE. And even going through all of that, I still feel like nothing has changed. I'm still just as afraid as I was then. Just as defined by my abuse as I was then. Why should I think it'll ever get better? I almost killed myself trying to make it better.

Then DT said something to me that seemed so painfully simple and obvious, yet brought me almost immediate hope.

"Your abuse speaks a different language."

Don't worry, I'm going to clarify (as you are probably thinking the same thing I was: uhhh, what does that mean?). The little things I've been able to improve upon with DT, like learning how to be in the moment, my relationships with my other, coping with stressors in life without cutting, etc speak one language. Certain methods and approaches work very well in confronting those things, all the while challenging me, pushing me and allowing me to see success.

The *"language"
DT used for those things was obviously not the right "language" for my abuse.

Today I feel more hopeful than I have in a very long time. Maybe, just maybe, we can figure out what the right language is for my abuse. And maybe, just maybe, I can heal.
Josh Morter Jun 2013
Journeying intrepidly across the globe we roam
Bags on back
Clothes tight packed
in rolls to save some space
Tents and sleeping bags also
You know, just incase
Toothbrush in the side pocket
With soap, towel and shower gel
All those toilet necessities
Not forgetting deodorant as well
Other pocket for *** bits
Such as pen, pad an... Uhhh 'Dictionnaire'
Once you've settled in a bit
It's nice to show you care
By taking an effort to learn the language
Or at least a phrase or two
Not just the 'parle anglaise?' Or 'specken ze English?'
Stuff that'll get you through.
You want to be able to ask for a
Arancia, a Birne or even a Manzana
I mean your gonna need an orange a pear and an apple... well. aren't ya?
Then comes the paperwork
The booking
The flights
The bills
Practically impossible to get a holiday no frills.
Written by Josh Morter

Been a while since I wrote anything, decided to have a go at something with a pace to it that was more conversational... Got half way through I felt and then hit a blank. But for now it's ample!
Lopz May 2016
Hey bro, check out those chicks let's go hit'em up.
Hey don't do it you already told yourself you have standards
look at them that's not you, we know what you want.

But if I don't they'll think I'm a flake and I don't wanna deal with that remember what happened last time.
Now I know you had some trouble with friends but seriously
you're worried about them they don't care about you and you know it.
Yo, bruh you coming or not I see one looking at you.
Here's your chance show them you're better than that
they need to understand who you are they can't control you show'em
who you are.**
Umm... No I'm good that's for you guys go enjoy see you guys later.
The sequel to my first one comment on this if you liked it or what I could improve or change.
Thank You.
Duke Thompson Oct 2016
if this line is last line
know it was a victory lap
rari, 'cedes AMG (ya brazy)
commercial life dream rabies
make fun of commercial rap

still want that mclaren,
yea you starin' baby
uhhh please, you broke
talkin' bout the red cross town limo (OCTran)
'po lika baby momma didn't even know
save me yuh (87 baseline yuh)

808 boom bap clap snap (sound here)
never joke bout straps (round here)
ace in my cap (down here)
never pretend to trap, white as **** (blind seer)

pass the puck without the ruckus
down the range with the shiv stuck us
gotta strong poker face tryna bluff yuss
knock wig back gut stuffin if you rushin us
boy i dust the rust off my metal alloy pen
Ayeshah Jul 2010
he said theres

nothing that feels as good as being in my arms

nothing that could take my place as he rocked me gentle

while we consummated the beginning of us-

silky smooth

skin to skin-

laughter fills this room as we play our lovers game,

soulfully i cried out a time or two yet i held my ground as he filled me

lustful bodies dance in the darkness

hands entwined as we melt together

silhouettes transforming single shadows into one

the worlds topsy turvie


as i float beyond cloud nine over &ove;; we fulfilled our bound bringing us closer

Ohh ooo umm uhhh mmmmm

so close

I felt his tears his heart beats in tune with my own

our breathing becomes rapid

while motions increase to an unheard tune only us lovers can hear

He pushes deep i open wider moving just the same dancing faster as we switch positions

front to back side to side riding harder
fast slowing to catch my breath slowing

as our ****** causes an eruption this wasn't supposed to happen & now that it has

I crave him constantly

I can still taste him ,

smell & feel him......

we're more then friends,
more then
just dating one another

we have a bound unlike any other & right now

I'm content with us being together........

Call us what you want but trust me when

I tell you we're so much more than

Lustrous Lovers
Copyright © Ayeshah
K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
JD Jul 2016
This doesn't fit..
Where in the hell can I find one that fits?
I know others have them,
some seem pretty obvious
but, I feel a great sorrow for them.
Although, I guess I should just go look in a mirror then, huh.?
I don't want to,
so I wont.
Not until I can find one that fits..

Do you have one?
Do you know where I can get one?
I need to know,
you see, people can just take it off
although, It's not reusable for anyone else,
It wont fit,
It only can for that one person.
Only them as an individual.

I've asked before,
In my own kind of way.
where they've gotten theirs
but, they seemed confused


"You can't just get one,
why would you even want one?"

-I just do.

"Is it for you?"
"Is it for them?"

-Don't ask.

I leave and go home,
I should look in a mirror..
Maybe that will help determine a size.
I'm afraid to tho..
whenever I look, it's never the same as the pictures
not anymore.
why are the pictures on the wall so different?

-finally face to face

I feel my skin
I look in my eyes
although, every time I see another guy..


I think I found one,
what I've been looking for,
and I've been wearing it all along,
masquerade I endure.

I try to take it off,
it's really sticking on tight.
The skin finally rips,
I see myself in sight.

The pictures looked the same again
just a little bit dim,
In fact that's the same face.
Its just always been hidden.

I couldn't believe it though,
That's what I looked like.
I almost forgot..

I've had what I was looking for,
a mask to cover my face.
What I didn't know was,
that the mask was fearsome itself.
Had it almost consumed me entirely,
While I was looking for a new one..
or one in general.

I can see my face again
all grey but, with circles of light around my eyes
a glimmer of hope.
I no longer see that other guy.
the mask can only fit once
so it's all okay.

This is the last thing I can say,

Just don't lose yourself under your own skin,
Always know there's another day.
Never forget there's another way.
To express towards others or yourself,
That you have the strength to admit for help.

Just look in the mirror
tell me what you see,
are you wearing a mask?
or are you free?
AN OIL IS A GOOD CONDUCTOR FOR HAMMOND SO YOU CAN FIGHT WITH IT, Control group.. its uhh... this one uhhh your supposed to see if mercury has an effect on eggshell thickness well it doesnt. theyd have the control which has the mercury so how do I do that with gulls HAHAHAHAH put them in your pocket.

Ramblings of a madman
Danny C Nov 2014
I stood slumped into the corner
of two converging granite counter tops,
struggling to focus on what
he's remembering next—some bland anecdote
or an irrelevant detail: Larson,
I think,
he says finally.

Between pauses—with small, contemplating eyes
set deep, split by his dark, Italian nose—
and dragged uhhh's and hmmm's,
a sowed adoration splits and grows,
a seed (a supernova now).
A man—half my connection
to this world, to existence,
to a trickling, patient bloodline.

He, I; a rambling, scatterbrained mess
of neurons and hard-wiring, sparks and electrical fires.
My father: plagued by anger and impatience,
a sitcom of clumsiness and a tied-tongue,
blessed by conviction, faith and reason.

I don't say any of this. He'll die first,
never knowing how easily I'm reminded
of what I am to become, 32 years from now,
unless he finds me drunk, perhaps after reciting vows,
now vulnerable to cheapening emotion into language.
TigerEyes Mar 2015
No, no-- I gotta go
I gotta go like Jackie-O
cause she had style n' she had grace
Yeah, she always finished in first place
I'll spend some time with you in mind
Baby only, if you treat me kind
cause' I've been all there, and I've done all that
I will exit like a bored black cat
cause talk is cheap and --and, now I know
I'm not some blondie in your show
now bring it all back
bring it all back ~ bring it ~ bring it
bring it like that...
Oh, n yeah'
I'll be your baby/I'll be your cat
just bring it ~ bring it
bring it like that...
I'll make you sing
as I scratch your back
ha-ha --
cause don't you know, Oh
I'm like a Jackie-O-
Oh n' yeah...
I like it - like it
when you do it like *that...
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove March 7th, 2015
I've gone through nine different pens
    Feel like I'll be here till dusk
    Scratched my head, clawed my eye lens
    And my skull's become a husk

    With such a crude knowledge base
    Can I even write my name?
    Turns out no working took place
    While I played that zombie game

    I try to pull through this bout
    But my mind, like my bedroom
    Just has stuff I care about
    And this strange old mushroom

    Okay, think clear right now, me
    Be patient, unclench your hands
    Test, if you'll just allow me
    I'll follow your demands

    You don't want money... do you?
    No, if that fails that'll be it
    I'll fall down that abyss, true?
    Maybe I could bridge the pit...

    No, no... back to these relics
    I've gone through this test, all the rest
    And it's -all- hieroglyphics
    Like an Egyptian fest

    Will this test make or break my life?
    Then why does it have to be
    Dealing with memory strife!
    Why is this paper the key-

    I'm being too cynical
    Let's see, answer question three
    I'll run this methodical
    I'll fill this like air does me

    Hey, this word's over there too
    On that one that I had missed
    This one's plural out the blue
    Wow, look at how I play this

    Maybe as I answer these
    I'll recall some old teachings
    Maybe, probably, well... uhhh
    Yet nothing more comes to being

    I'm just a body floating dead
    Already on these waterss
    Maybe if I crane my head
    And peek over some shoulders

    No, if two tests match it's done
    ...How would she ever notice?
    Especially if it's one
    Or two questions- slow cadence...

    Ah these bars, pale, wall bounds
    Looking at them ever slow
    I hark to the class around
    And break the barrier, I trow

    His answers match all mine here!
    Is it an offense without
    Actual offense to bear?
    Wait, I hear... i wish to doubt

    Someone's already finished
    A chair screech and slide in back
    I have too-- not quite polished
    And so begins that stack

    Like dominoes they all stood
    And now they fall, some how synced
    Building up their tests like wood
    Beavers, their conformist peak

    Don't go with the big crowd!
    Just hold off, you know, check first,
    Double check that, what you found
    Maybe it was false at first

    But no, the pile piles up
    I can't see these walls past that
    I'm a lone domino, "sup?"
    And here it comes, to knock me

    And I shut my eyes to let it ring
    To let it sweep these desks of things
    To let it wash out my mind and soul
    Of stress, of conscientiousness
    But to displace those with nervousness
    Without a sense of complacency
    I stumble through the flowing mass
    And cast my ballot for my grading
Mary Wagner May 2014
I stopped mid-step, my body rocking back and forth, as Ally continued walking a few steps ahead.  She turned back and looked at me.  I cocked my head to the side and she gave me a wave to go.  I turned around and saw him leaning up against the railing, his arms supporting him.  I made my way towards him.
I felt as if I was seeing him for the first time.  His tan skin stood out against his white shirt; which was my favorite, his brown hair messy underneath his snap-back as usual, but still cute, and his blue eyes watching my every step.  I bit my lip, not wanting the way he looked to destroy the anger that was built up inside.  I came to a stop in front of him.  We were both quiet.
“What?” trying to sound impatient.
“Why are you mad at me?  You asked for the whole truth. I gave it to you,” he replied calmly.
“It’s what you lied about Mike.”
“I never --”
“Yes you did.  You lied during the entire relationship.  Everyone warned me, ‘Don’t go out with him,’ and, ‘He does it every day,’ and so on and so forth.  Then when I asked you about it, you said you did it once and didn't like it, so you haven’t had any since.  Then you tell me earlier, ‘I've been doing it before, during, and after you,’” I gave little air quotes, “So tell me where you never lied?”
“It was one little thing,” he was no longer leaning against the rail, only a foot away from me.
“No, it was a big thing Mike.  You lied about it.”
“I lied.  Big whoop!  Everyone does,” he threw his hands in the air.
“You lied to me during the entire relationship.  I don’t even know if half of what you said to me was true,” my tone rose.
“Like what?” he was becoming agitated.
“Like not going out, been staying out of trouble,” he rolled his eyes to those responses, “Saying that you loved me.”
His head snapped when those words fell from my mouth.  The single foot that separated us was gone.  He was just inches from my face; my nose filled with the familiar scent of his cologne.
“You’re right.  I did lie about all of those things.  But the one thing that I never lied to you about, for a single moment, was when I said I loved you,” his voice was low and filled with anger.  He searched my eyes for a moment.  “I meant that Cameron.  I meant it every time I said it and I always will mean it.  But hey, you don’t believe a single word I say, so why should you believe this,” he walked past me, giving my shoulder a push with his.
I stood there for a moment, rapidly blinking away the tears.  Ally came rushing towards me.  “Cameron are you okay?  It looked like things got really heated between you two,” she put her hand on my arm.
I took a deep, staggered breath in.  “Yeah, I just want to go home,” my voice was cracking.
“Cameron, it’s the middle of the--”
“Can we please just leave?!” my head snapped to her.  Her voice was caught in her throat.  I quickly wiped the tears on my face away.
“Uhhh, yeah lets go,” she guided me towards the front doors to leave.  “Cameron, what happened?  What did he say?”
“Everything Ally, he said everything.”
Delton Peele Nov 2023
Oo oo oooou
Here uhhh ah
Toooo oo a ooo
time to pay me whatcha owe me....
Don't act all surprised

Dropped a dime.....
Two tha tip toe
You Got ta to Go
Quick quick.....
Here come 5 0h
Out the window
Into the the shadows itsss.....
Run time .......
Cherdaphne Angel Jul 2017
I remember the days
when everything is just so innocent.

When I need to get some breast milk,
I cry.

When someone makes funny faces
and stick their tongue out their mouth,
I laugh.

Everything is as simple.
Not a word meant another.
It is as it is.

It just so happened that as I grow up,
everything turned out to be so complicated.

When I was a kid,
***** meant cat.
And now I see cat faces printed in front of *******, in women’s lingerie, in bikinis.
I see it being sold online as I scroll in my twitter account.
If ***** was a tourist attraction, it would probably be much visited than Disneyland.

When I was a kid,
***** was a female dog.
And now, everyone turns out to be one.
Go on! Laugh out loudly!
Instead of saying “Hi!”, we say, “Hey *****! Wassup?”
Not that it is meant literally,
it just seems to be a part of our language now;
an expression.

When I was a kid,
**** was a name and BJ was a nickname.
Oh come on, you already know what that means.
But for those who don’t, just look at your seatmate’s…
Uhhh… nevermind.

When I was a kid,
***** was a nut.
And now, it is censored when it is said in movies.
Toot you!
And it was just “***** you!”

When I was a kid,

Bang was a sound,

Rubber was like plastic,

*** was an animal,

*** was a snack.

All of which sounds so pervy now.

I work with words all day.
Is it the words or us who change?

Words seem so nasty now.
Inappropriate to say.

And I wouldn’t be shocked to know that during a Mathematics class in a 4-walled room at the 2nd floor of that building next to us,
The teacher asked, “What are sets?”
A student, a 7th grader undoubtedly raised his hand, stood up and answered, “******* po.”

And I knew that even the wrong meaning fits the wrong word.
That even the youngsters are already exposed to those words.

When I was in 7th grade,
sets meant a collection of elements.

When I was a kid,
*** meant gender.
spoken word poetry
Mr Xelle Oct 2014
Well quit kicking me under the table..

I don't have what you looking for!
Well what are you looking for?
What are you looking at? Didn't you want me gone ?
Didn't you want me just to be there
But when I'm there
Where do we go
We go to another
Oh my brother
You push me until I'm bothered
Without the R we are getting Further
I've seen this happen to me and Joshua
Please don't do this
But if you wanna
I'm out of..
Reasons and breath cause
I've been chasing many in this life uhhh!!
Why do you smile at me?!
Why do I smile back and shake your hand?!
When did you comeover and layed with me like a lover?
When did you just sit at my house and kissed me because it was funny and until we
They can think what they think brother!
Well quit kicking me under the table!
Take your plate cause I'm not really hungry..
I love company  more then I'm thirsty.
If you ever read this.
Yes I'm trippin..
No, I like your company more then I wanna go or do somthing.

I'm full

— The End —