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Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young woman
Desire both the Yeti
And showing
Off her odd lover in the town
But her skilled lover said
No she thought
So she had respect his wishes
But she grew tired of the cold cave.
They planed to walk in the mountain passes  
In the dead of night
On night
One when the moon was full
And bright
They walk along
To avoid humans
They go deeper into the mountains
As the walk
She kisses her savage
And skilled lover
“Kayrangla gawpo yo.”
She said.
They embrace and explore eachothers bodies.
They couple
Her doing most of the work
To satisfy
And to love.
Kayrangla gawpo yo is tibetan for I love you. And ma’re means no in tibetan.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young lady asked the Yeti
“What is your name…do you have one?” As the kissed.
While kissing, the Yeti said that he had no name. So the young lady
Massaging his chest gave him a name
Vajramrita… after the fierce deity
For he was a fierce lover.
He kissed her on the fore head.
Vajramrita and the young woman kissed
Their tounges me and dance erotically.
She sat on her lover while kisssing and rode him and rolled her hips.
He ****** with her ****** rhythms as they coupled.
Soon enough the Yeti got on top of his delecate lover.
He entered her and gently jumping
As if trying not to hurt her
The yeti thengot between her legs
She could feel his face bewteen her.
Then she felt his probing tounge.
He gently yet passionately kissed her womanhood
Again not to hurt her.
Even monsters need love and defection.
The young woman stroked his head and he looked at her.
She took him my the scruff and pulled his head closer to her
And kissed him. As they kissed monster and human explore eachother in an embrace
The young lady went down
And kissed and nipped at his member.
After she was done with his member
The kissed and they slept in each other’s arms
Body twisted and entwined together
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The Yeti refusing to leave his
Love slave alone
Went with the her to the wildflowers
As she picks the flowers.
He taps his lover on the shoulder.
And kisses her gently
She falls down
Not out of fear but because of desire was so intense.
She take ms him by his furry face
And they shyly couple and kiss.
Was it the mountain air
Because her skilled lover
She was in esctasy.
She kisses the Yeti and their tounges met in an ******
And emotional dance.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The yeti hear a distant laugh
He recognized the laugh
The laugh of his flower
He went out to
A Poppy field
where they usually
To find his flower
Making love
Coupling witha young monk
The young man had no sadistic intentions in his face
They were in love
Sadden the yeti waited in his cave
For his flower.
When the young woman
Came back
The yeti gently asked her
What it meant
And she said she was trying
To make a family for her savage lover
She was asked if she had feelings for the young man
She kissed the yeti
And told him
That he was the only on in her heart.
There they embrace
And couple
The yeti
Thinking that he would have a
His flower talking about the young monks name
Geshi Thubten
And his plans for talking his flower
To the city of Kuqa. (Kutcha)
And that she would not go with the youngster.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The yeti woke
Only to find a fair well letter
In stead of
His beloved flower
He read it
It said that her
Love was geshi
And that she will be living with him.
After crying heavily
The yeti went to the monastery
Where his flower now lived
Peeking in the window
He could see
Who was his flower
Becoming someone else’s.
He couldn’t bear to see
The two youngsters
Kiss, talk
And make love.
He disappeared
Far away from his “flower”
Who broke his heart.
The next day
He leaves a fair well note
Of his own
Wondering if she will read it.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young lady
Shaved her head on a daily basis
To keep up appearances
For yeti and human alike.
She goes out of the cave
And sees the large moon.
She said it reminded her of
Her savage yet skilled lover
The Yeti
Say that the moon reminded him of
Her beautiful face with her shaved head.
The yeti sits with his
Delecate flower
And they kissed.
She teases him with her tounge
And the yeti kisses her in return
Ever so gently.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
In a new cave
The Yeti and his lover
Woke up to strange
Pleasant music.
“Good morning my sweetheart, the Yeti said.
As he gently kissed
His delecate flower
The young woman did not
Know to couple
Or both.
They both decided
That their tounges will do
The dancing as they meet
During the kiss.
The Yeti and the young woman
Couple tenderly
Though on his terms
He has his way with her
The young woman
Loved every minute
Of it.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
Vajramrita, the Yeti
Woke up in the middle of the night
Only to find Poppy meditating and staring at the stars.
He said be hind her
Rapping his legs around her
As she sat there.
Poppy felt that familiar breath
Turned around
And kissed her savage lover.
He sat in a pose and she sat on his lap
Sliding on his length
Feeling the pleasure.
They couple while sitting
She kisses her yeti lover
As they couple they
A pink lotus formsaround them
And the cosmos drops into
The two lovers
Making them whole.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
As they couple
The Yeti and his flower
Did not know
That some one
Was watching them
Particularly the yeti’s flower
But they were in too
Much bliss
The young woman
Noticed the young man
And quietly
Told her skilled lover
That they should
Go back.
To where it is safe
When they were safe
They continued their
Love making
This time the yeti
Had his way with her.
Loving her reassuringly
That he will protect
His flower.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The moon was full
The young woman went out of the cave
To see it
Out concern
And out of love
The Yeti came out with her
To view
The moon
He didn’t want her violated
She realized that he was there
She turned around
And there in the moonlight
they kiss
Their tounges meet and dance
As the have their way with eachother
While coupling
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
And the Yeti found it too warm
And the young woman thought she had to return home.
The thought saddens her, for she was in love with her savage lover…..
The yeti.
The two ran away into the mountains.
Where it was cooler and less human contact.
There the only thing warm was the Yeti’s embrace and the young woman’s heart.
At night outside of the cave, being kept warm my the yeti
The young woman and her Yeti
While gazing at the stars.
As the Dipper twinkled. The young woman and the Yeti make love.
When it got too cold to bear the Yeti
Takes in her into the cave
The young woman lights a fire
Then the Yeti has his way with the young lady.
She kisses him
As they couple in the warm cave.
The young woman got exited and decided to have her way with her lover
She rides him and they kiss gently yet passionately.
He had to be careful as to not to but her as they embrace.
The Yeti reassured the young woman, that she didn’t have to go back.
She cried and then kissed her skilled lover with joy and passion.
Happy she would spend her life with her love.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
When he savage lover
Her skilled lover
Was asleep
The young woman went into the water
To clean herself off
Both physically and emotionally
Then she see her yeti store
From a good night’s sleep
The young woman called to him where she was
Then left the water
She went her unusual lover
And sat on him and kissed
Their tounges softy dance
As she pleasures him
Not for ****** pleasure
But for love.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
One winters night
The yeti and his flower
Tenderly kiss
In the light
Of a full moon
As she sits in his furry and warm
They embrace eachother
Exploring bodies
To keep warm.
The yeti was muscular and furry yet hairy
Where as his flower was soft
As they couple
He enters her
Making her forbidden flower blossom
How he loves his delecate flower.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The yeti made a fire
While the young woman
Memorized the Buddhist
In which she stole.
The yeti heard her chanting
The mantras
The young lady
Turned around to find
The yeti looking
At the scriptures
Gave her a gentle kiss on the lips
She teases him by
Tracing his lips with her tounge.
Then her skilled
Savage lover let’s her in.
Their tounges meet and dance
As they couple shyly.
By the warm fire.  
Knowing their love is forbidden.  
A misunderstood love.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The yeti woke up
To find that his flower
Wasn’t there
All he hear was the word ma’re
Being repeated and screamed
He recognized the voice
It was that of his beloved
She was in distress
When he found her
Being ravaged by a monk
This one was young
Trying to kiss her
She fighting him off.
He enraged beat the young man to his death.
Then yeti
Took and carried his flower back to
Their love nest
He took the young woman to the springs
And saw that she was bloodied
Black and blue.
When she stirred
He thought she near death
And stayed with her until she recovered
The first time they couple
The young woman
Was combative
Until she realized who was kissing her.
They were gentle kisses on rough and sadistic.
Then she realized her lover
And let him in
So the can gently couple
“I am sorry for leaving you,”
She wept.
The yeti and his flower kiss
There tounges meet and slowly danced
A comforting dance
As they couple.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The Young woman
Took her savage lover
To a lotus pond
To see the flowers
Even at the risk
Of meeting people.
At the pond
The yeti and his flower
Look at the lotus flowers
Eacj lotus was a different colour
While the young
Was fascinated with the lotuses
The yeti was fascinated with his own flower.
There they couple
And kissing
As if they just met
The passion
The pleasure
And the love.  
Excited the young woman
Had her way with her skilled lover.  
She equally skilled.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
It was dark and cold
The young lady
Doesn’t dare to leave
For fear of freezing to death
She couldn’t help with the food
So the Yeti provided
Her with meat
And love.
During one of these winter
The yeti and his flower
Coupled with eachother
Hoping to have their ways with eathother
They embrace
Their tounges danced
As they couple
By the warm fire.
There the two become one.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The yeti and the young woman coupled
In the light of a full moon
Out side of the cave
Making things to obvious
Other humans
By coupling out side of the cave
In the moon light
Under the stars
The yeti and his lover have their ways with each other. The yeti kisses the young woman’s inner body
With pleasure
She screams.
Almost like a wolf
Then she sit up and gently kissed him
And opens up and he enters her
Now she is control but chose to be loving about it.
During their forbidden acts
Under the stars
In the moonlight.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
When we were together
I remember kiss you
And you smothering
My face with kisses
As you got between me
And felt the deepest love
And pleasure in me
As you have your
Way with me.  
I knew that
You wereing doing this
To pleasure me
To love me.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young lady was out in a field when she saw the moon raise
While she picked flowers
The moon white and grey
Reminded her of her lover…Vajramrita the Yeti.
His handsome face.
She runs to the cave
Greeting her Yeti lover with a kiss.
Na kayrangla gawpo yo, Vajramrita! She said as they kiss.
She takes the Yeti to the field
To couple.
The stars were clear and the moon bright and round
There under the cosmos
They couple
While the universe pulses through them.
Vajramrita, the Yeti, asked
His lovers name
The young lady said that her name was…
And she was as beautiful as one.
There in the field andmoon light
They couple in the chilled autumn air.
As one being.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
As the young lady got picking poppies
The Yeti comes with
Curiosity got the better of him.
She puts a poppy behind her ear.
The Yeti comments on her beauty
And kissed her gently as not to bite for he doesn’t want to harm his delecate flower
It was night and it was getting colder so the yeti holds and carries her to his home.
The young woman puts on a fire to keep the warm
There in the Yeti’s shelter
The Yeti kisses her in the lit up cave
The drawings and art show up in the walls as they make love.
They explored their bodies.
The young woman explores his fluffy, muscular and furry body
While he explored her sold gently built body.
They couple with each other until morning.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
The young woman
Snuck out of
The Yeti’s cave
To meet some friend
But friends she did not meet
But a monk
Who wanted her to be his slave.
She ran off back to the cave
Only too see her attacker chase after her.  
When she came back to the cave
She screamed
As if murdered
Waking the yeti
But the evil monk
Attempted to rip her clothes off.
When her savage lover
Saw what was happening
He flew into a rage
Killing the monk.
Frightened the young woman
Hid in a corner.  
He came to his flower
And tried to comfort her
With kisses
While embracing her
As if she were something priceless.
The young woman did not
Want to couple
When she knew she her unusual lover
She felt safe
In his embrace
While they shyly coupled.
She promised
Never to leave again.
And kissed her gentle yeti.  
His love unconditional.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
A young woman

Looking for some comfort and love.

She approaches her lovers cave

A Yeti

Yes her lover is a yeti.

When walks in to the cave

They hug and kiss


Soon the yeti has his way with the young woman

She loving every minute

They embrace and kiss until they sucomb to sleep.

Tomorrow they resurrect the loving

This continues until autumn.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
One moon lit night
The young woman went out the cave
After an evening of coupling with her yeti lover.
The moon was big and bright
Like her face.
She in invites the yeti to see the moon and he said that it wasn’t as beautiful as her.
Her lover held on to her as if she was priceless.
In the moonlight among the stars
The yeti and the young woman kiss.
While kissing the Yeti has his way with her again
They couple on the edge tantrically.
She could not contain her pleasure
And she moaned loudly
As if she were a she yeti.
Her skilled and savage lover smothered her with kisses.
When he arrives at her mouth
She opens up like a flower… inviting him in to kiss her in the mouth.
This time she had her way with him.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The yeti woke up to hear his lover
Being dragged by her parents
Like a savage an animal.
They were planning on making a nun out of her
Enrage the Yeti tears the two villains away from
His beloved
They fight back
Yet they sucum to his strength and leave never
To bother the lovers again.
Frighten the young lady
Runs to the Yeti
He embraces her
They kiss
Though she was afraid
She opened up
And their tounges dance
They hold eachother
And kiss
Never to be separated.
And our love.
That night.
They couple.
She lets the Yeti to
Have his with her.
He was gentle about it.
She opens her legs
Allowing him to enter
Surprised that she could handle his flesh
They make love
In the dark.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young woman
Stole some scriptures from the local monastery
And a red prayer flag
To put in the flag near her *****.
Then she runs back to the yeti.
Leaves him alone only to memorize the scriptures.
When they stored in her head
She comes to him.
For some love.
While coupling
And in between kisses
She recites the teachings.
How the Yeti loves his “nun”
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
Farther in the cave
There were some warm springs.
The young woman found
This secure place
And told the Yeti about it.  
As they arrive to the spring
And they swim in the springs
Before coupling in the water
As they kiss and couple
Their souls become whole
As the young woman
And her skilled lover
Make love.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
In a secluded poppy field
The young woman
Running in fragrant breeze
Though keeping her savage lover
Close to her
In was a nice spring day
When the Yeti
And the young woman
Saw eachother
There in the poppy field
They kissed passionately
While they held each other.
There amongst the non judgmental
The two couple
Knowing no one while see
Their forbidden love.
The flowers only understand.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
It was dark
Raining…. monsoons
And cold.
There the Yeti and the young woman
Have their way with eachother
As they kiss
And make love
The yeti gently strokes his delecate lovers freshly shaved head. He kisses her on that shiny head.
He undressed her slowly
And kissed her and her body as he undressed her.
Universal beauty is a shaved head.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
The young lady was not afraid
Of the judging people
She shaved her head
And dressed as a nun
Couples with the Yeti
Her skillled lover
He was aroused and confused at the sight
Of her new look.
She kisses him
As awar to reassure him that it was her
And not a stranger.
She couples with the yeti
Having her way with him.
He realized it was his lover.
The gently kiss
And she take him to the poppy field
In the poppy field the young lady plucks two poppies
One behind her ear and one behind his.
There they kneel and kiss.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
Poppy leaf the Yeti
To her favourite place
So they could couple in peace
Other than the cave.
And away from other humans
There Vajramrita
And Poppy
Admired the Buddhist art
As they make love
The yeti first had his why with Poppy
While they couple.
He stroked and pets her womanhood
Wig his skilled tounge
Soon her flower blossoms
She kisses his flesh
Gently and slowly.
The lovers kiss
Their tounges meet and dance
As the yeti and the young woman kiss.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
It was cold that night
Poppy and heart yeti lover
Staying in their love nest
To keep warm.
Poppy strokes her savage lover’s face
All the while kissing him up
Teasing his lips.
In the hopes that it would arouse him.
Think if Vajramrita would have his way with her
Then poppy would be warm.
The yeti kisses her gently and gets
On top of her
While they kiss
He gets between her legs.
He spreads the and massaging the thighs and womanhood
With his tounge and mouth
Trying not to bite her with his fangs.
She giggled
Because of the emense pleasure.
After he enters her
As they embrace
And kiss.
Two bodies becoming one.
Yin and yang.
****-zip-bang shenyang ang;
Mang mangue flang hang prang pang;
Pinang lalang unhang kang youth defang khang;
Marang schlang gang wolfgang ying-yang xuanzang.
Klang sea get wrang.

Sang tsang li-kang gangue langues.
Thang drang crang tang harangue sprang zhang shang siang whang strang hang verdinsgang chuang;
Brang lang nang bhang xiaogang mahuang durang huang.
Hange hsiang und;

Zang rang kuomintang ourang section gang hang.
Krang pahang boomerang fang guilt;
Spang gang;
Hangsang xinjiang tunkelang slang tangue nanchang clang chang bangue vang ziyangbaoguang hwang pang the tsiang alang dang ylang-ylang.

Tang liang.
Overhang langue pyongyang.
Cangue sangh mustang stang frang yang lange kukang farang **** care sturm t'ang;
Zamang drang chiang road a jang;
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
This is my
Nightly lament
I try every summer night to find
The face of my lover
In the stars
A lover from
Long ago.

This is my
My nightly lament
I try to every winter night
To find
The face of my lover
In the northern lights  
A lover from
Long ago.

This is my
nightly lament
I try every spring night
To smell him in the flowers
Remembering coupling in the flowers.
A lover from
Long ago.  

This is my
nightly lament
But tonight
The moon is full

I am able to find
Your gentle
And compassionate
Face with the sparkle
In your eye
On the moon
Lama Tsang
My love.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
When I came into your life
I was broken
I knew you weren’t a normal Lama
When you ask me my name
I answer Nebo.
I cried knowing that I found authentic love.
We kissed gently
And slowly
You told me that your name
Was Yeshe Tsang.
I just wanted kiss you.
While we kissed
You got between me
And inside me
I could feel your love
And your flesh
In side me.  
I knew I was
In love
In nirvana
In ecstasy.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
Every night
I see prayer flags hanging
Over my bed
They tickle my crown chakra
Lovingly as I sway my head to the music I listen to.
As a way of saying
“I love you”
Then I remember
Our forbidden relationship
How passionate
And love filled
It was.
I kiss a prayer flag before bed
Hoping we would meet again
In this life
“Nga kayrangla gawpo yo Lama Yeshe Tsang.”
Toxic yeti Jan 2019
Lama Yeshi Tsang
As we cuddle
And make shy love
The poppy falls
On the floor
Only to dry up and be forgotten
Amoung the dust
But the night will be memorable.
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2020
Hsuan-tsang left Ch'ang-an in 629 for India to resolve his doubts concerning the Buddha's teaching that this world is nothing but mind.

Road to Heaven: Encounters with Chinese Hermits
Red Pine

— The End —