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Langston Sep 2013
The aches and pains of my heart
My soul is nearly dead
I pray to find relief something
Nothing comes to mind
I try desperately, trying desperately to find
The answers the cure
My tourmented soul is weak
My body grows tired
My tourmented soul
Alone in the silence
Poetic T Jun 2015
Thunder collapsed upon me, lightening did
Strike upon my flesh, scaring the tissue black
Scorched pain as like a pool of fear quivering
At each strike upon ones self.

The rain fell, unlike a monsoon of emotion
Did these tear burn from pools once pure
But now tainted with vines of red, feeding
One the vision seen now blood red.

Tears were cupped so neither evidence of
Fallen emotion was seen, I drank upon my
Sorrow what had fallen evaporated towards
The mind of hate, like a storm building strength.

So the voice did break forth like a dam of emotion,
Courage, hesitant moments before the whispers
Of wind were heard then like a tornado of truth
Breaking your torment, then like the breeze you
Were scattered far and wide, never to hurt me again.
Free but scared, echoes never fade they only get harder to hear
Henry Brooke Feb 2015
**** it,
I'm done.
I can't take this **** anymore
someone is palying a trick on me
it's like the world was made
mean for the purpose of my own personal torture.
Too much suffering for one man,
surely this isn't just
my life was made to rust.
I am deceived by everyone,
those who speak the alien toungue
of hate, ***, and pride
those who aren't alive.
I've been tourmented
I've been ******
False hope given then
driven back down to suffocate
in an abyss of black ink
as if to make me long the
smell of the deserved air.
To whatever is pulling those
On behalf of a simple mortal being
******* .
gimmick suicidal letter to whom it may concern.
Dag J Apr 2014
community overcome by
ingenious ridiculouness
roaring through the
commerce neighbourhoods in
urbanias down town area
slowly stating truths as lies

offenders bleached into rays of blue
forced to live amongst shadows

sanity slipps away as the mind
asumes memory as all we've got
noticing nothing but the
calculated risks of the end
tourmented by formal
indifferences backed by
timeless thoughts of lost
youth that once was...
© MMXIV by Day J
I've been walking down a road of thumb tacks
Each fowl word and evil glance they give
Sticks into your Human flesh.
You try and lift up your head.
But, their judgment  crown of thorns cuts to streams of blood.
As my tourmented soul wishes for the relief of being dead.
Drying tears of emptiness of the lack of supporters by your side.
You scream, aloud, due to years of useless torment, yet not one ear ever hears.
You fear you'll be preyed upon by the packs of emotional wolves waiting for you to just make one simple mistake.
They attack you in numbers.
Tearing your soul's flesh to shreds
As you fear your life is a useless spot taken.
You feel like a joke.
The more the predators lurk like vultures in the desert....
Onward you walk in a barren land not fitting in for some odd defined reasoning.
You lose your strength to go on.
The bullies have battered your head in....
Like a are too punch drunk to think.
As your sanity is tested by ice you walk upon that's mighty thin.
"Watch how you walk"
One false fall into frozen and cold waters.
You shall freeze to death from backs that turn away...
Turning once warm and sweet air to a dark and bitter air .
frozen to cold.
Dying,slowly, alone, would anyone care to rescue a battered and now shivering soul.....
After the bullies forced you to fit into "their version of Society's "
This article explains my dealings, recently, with online and offline bullies. Yes, it can hit you at any age. If we stick together and band together to stop the hateful and hurtful actions, which break apart a once peaceful society, then we can stop innocent victims from this form of domestic abuse.
James M Boyer Jul 2010
I loved the idea of love,


entranced by the beating time,

forever trapped in the moment

of when I was lost inside your eyes.

I told you that I loved you,

and I'm truly sorry that I lied,

but you were just another harlot

with a siren between your thighs.

Cursed to be eternily tourmented,

by the taste and texture of your lips,

twisted into blind perception,

every time I accept your sinful kiss.

The devil has the masters strings,

to toy and make us dance in tasteless bliss,

then draw the night to dreary's end,

and paint the stars of which we wish.
Written October 12, 2008- From Through Our Hands We Speak From The Heart
Henry Brooke Jun 2015
**** it,
I'm done.
I can't take this **** anymore
someone is playing a trick on me
it's like the world was made
mean for the purpose of my own personal torture.
Too much suffering for one man,
surely this isn't just
my life was made to rust.
I am deceived by everyone,
those who speak the alien toungue
of hate, ***, and pride
those who aren't alive.
I've been tourmented
I've been ******
False hope given
then driven back down
to suffocate
in an abyss of black ink
as if to make me long the
smell of the deserved air.

To whatever is pulling those
on behalf of a simple
mortal being who
dosen't know your ugly face:
I will not laugh.
I shall not cry.
But you are dreaming if you think
I'll give up on my dreams.
Numbers are numbers,
and I'm not on a scale.
So come back where you came
cause I'm gonna try
twice as ******* your ***.

I forgive myself of the pain I am,
having always believed I wasn't a man
and though I feel
the darkness rise to conquer
I will always believe
that light is stronger.
I need some air. This is an open window. I posted this a long time ago but needed to rewrite it just to get over some bitter bitter feelings.
Kea coleman Nov 2013
I realize I been living in a world of lies, deep emotions so bad I can hardly control. I look around and see happy faces but deep down inside the depths of their souls they are sad tourmented by the darkness that dieing to come into the light. My mind is roaming all over searching for the truth searching for what seems impossible to figure out. When I finally come to a conclusion that the truth is not in my thoughts,not in what other people think but in what god thinks. Once I seek out what he know ,then I know his thoughts are true.
Winter Sparrow Jun 2017
You're loosing your mind.
You're loosing your popularity.
You're loosing your dignity.
And worse of all,

You're loosing our respect.

A tourmented idol for your daughter.
A fallen hero to your son.
A broken lover to your wife.

Yet, you think you're right.

In other places, majority wins.
Sense and reason are what they are.
But somehow, you are the victim.

Somehow, we are the blame.

Your daughter may forget due to her sensitivity.
Your wife may forget due to her undying love.
Your friends may forget due to their tolerance.

But your son, he perceives things differently.

You're loosing your daughter.
You're loosing your wife.
You're loosing your son.

Happy Fathers Day.
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Waisted in a land of misary
Tourmented by my self
Cursed till the death of me
Lonely forever ill be
Singled out from  my pain
Looking in I can't see
Hurting cause its blinding
Lost alone
I find something to love
But they will never love me
I lay in bed for days no one even questions
Not one person would ever know
I drink my self to death
Drag my self to live
Owell is how I take it
Another on bites the dust
My feelings get the best of me
Overwhelming  my self to change
I'm eaten half way in side
My heart seams to fall even more apart
Shattered from this hell
I wake up just to pass back out
Day by day I live my life
Wondering why its so bad
I can't leave alone what I like
I push and push away
My stupidity gets the worst of me
My shame brings me down
I fall apart easily but since birth I worked it out
I can not have no one in my life
Cause when I do I fall in love and drag my self back to hell

— The End —