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vircapio gale Apr 2013
oli  alolalia, alloilaalia llia
my voice complies to echo
distant emblems of a theory of all fate,
destined  with a syntax  of a mainly nonsense  pedantry
..paling.. beside a string of random words--
whether nature's bare effect,
or some intentional array--
ailololalieae, aellolalia la aolilolalia, allollia allali lllla, alloalia alllaia, allolalia*
--bearing ologies of whim and isms without ambit,
a farce within a sham in a sham in a sham
waiting there atop an abstract, ancient hill
gloriously stale, and always having been to be
what only poor Laplace could see.
the comely resignation siren sings,
her hair of timely strands agleam
and waving as she wails before a wall of necessary moans
aelloliaolia llali, alilaolaloiaa. Lllaa oali, aallolalia, lli ll ol, llolalia lllalia, aallaoloaloia
in dagger tongues of old and new, even divination ends--
anti-grammar soothsaid by the stars,
pointless thanks for all respite
and fortunes womb to womb
in tones of equal portions,
loving and malicious lies
invested blindly in a causalistic chain
compelling freely all to learn
another hyle verse refraining on,
"sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet tea."
allolalia of the soul, for certain.
of what is romanticized as soul. the Incy would know,                         
chosen in fantastic leaps a chorus strips
to vocal altivolant cries
rebounding buttress heights
with savored dionysian sin
the gods descended to revise--
listen, in abandon, an amatorculist's ictus speaks:
allolalia a allaia. Alloolalia allolalia alaloolaleioa
resounding deep beneath the waters, ecstatic envelope of tides
in which the stars reflect the spiral of my inner gaze
chiaster noemes tipping pleasure over domes,
verdant crotches rooted by ephemera of lights
and hazes floated over eyelash swoons
from piercings into satisfaction's desert end,
where sternums drip with scoured lusts
and wide-eyed recollections of the moment's selfhood sight
betray the freedom in the heart, and sacral pride.
***** imagined ease of future tropes
conjoined with inner plights to balance
what the furrowed brow concerns,
and widened visions offer further depths
to penetrate the interweavement of all times--
alone i'm here again, recognizant of wills
familiar as the flaming star i contour shadows from
to reminisce on mentor's sayings,
"exact description of inner and outer reality"
Alelaoolaliai alololialiia, aallolaleia
experiment of worlds, archer of the proper noun
allolalia... beloved allolalia...

"Susie Asado" is a poem by Gertrude Stein, with "Sweet... tea" as its opening line.

n. - form of aphasia in which words are spoken at random.
or Any speech defect, esp. one caused by a cerebral disorder.

word mutations are taken from
liz Oct 2012
It was the heavy breathing
I think
that I liked the most
our mouths made no movement
as our faces dried
and sternums rocked
planted kisses in a chalk line
wet florettes on my chest
pretended to worry
about potential marks on my neck
such gentle
aggressive manners
heart rate raised
resulted in the breathing
Tsunami Jul 2018
257 days.
For the first time,
I don't want to shower him off my skin.

No need to scrub;
Your lips leaving delicate traces,
Your hands entangled in my hair,

No need to rinse
Feeling you,
Sending shocks down my spine
Fingers brushing against skin
Electric impulses

No need to wash the memories of;
Bodies intwined
Kissing shoulders and sternums
(whatever has been left exposed)
this doesnt make sense
Emily Grace Oct 2012
Poetry is written.
For some it is forced,
bled from dehydrated veins.
The words are awkward,
looking at each other with shifty eyes.

Poetry is expelled.
For some it tears free,
shattering sternums as it flees from the heart.
The words all scatter,
cacophonous on the wind.

Poetry is crafted.
For some it takes time,
looped together thread by thread.
The words are a set,
glittery and sticky with glue.

Poetry is caught.
For some it is gathered,
alighting in nets as a taste on the air.
The words drift together
like dust in the sun.

Poetry is subdued.
For some it is hidden,
held tight with ribbon and barbed wire.
The words huddle close,
silent, unborn.

Poetry is.
For me it just leaks,
oozing from my pores,
leaving damp fingerprints on the page.
The words stand still and mourn,
then gossip and dance,
refusing directions from me.
I tried making home of other men.
Front doors of their sternums
Two story foyers
of their torsos
and porcelain stairs of their ribs.
Tracked myself
in and out of their memories
looking for space for my baggage.
Had conversations with
my echos as I screamed


into hollow atriums.
Made my bed on diaphragms and felt
each draft of
exhale pieces of me to...somewhere.

I tried making home of other men.
Hang memories on occipital lobes
Affix my name to Broca's areas
so the world knew
I found home in another man.

I am tired of making home in other men.
Foundations thought solid
grow legs and wander way out yonder
Take my memories and love
leaving me nothing but my empty.

I am tired of making home in other men.
Tending hedges
shining floors
and making welcome for those
deemed worthy of home - not me.

I am tired of making home in other men
so I will make home in myself.
Put my hands on every crack
lay smooth my rough edges
and plant beauty in my own yard.

I am tired of making homes for other men,
so I will make this home for me.
The process of begging for love and learning to love yourself.
stargazer Nov 2015
I have felt silence like boulders against my chest. It is not words that affect us, it is the lack thereof. I mean we can listen to someone who doesn't love us tell us that they do, and we can listen to someone who hates us tell us that they don't, but at the end of the day it is not those regurgitated thoughts that keep us awake at night; no it is the thoughts that remain thoughts and never turn themselves into words. Silence is heavy. It is so heavy that the breathing of an impassioned lover who has lost all passion speaks louder than the words they utter. It is so heavy that you can hear hearts break behind the thinness of paper hospital walls; you can hear the breaking of sternums and ribcages as caskets are lowered in the thinness of paper ground. He can lay beside you at night and whisper in your ear sweet nothings about how you are his and he is yours when you both know he's silently whispering to the owner of that lipstick on his collar, but the silence of his dreams are what made you open that wine bottle. The silence of his "I have to work late" made you not want to put it down. It is not his words that didn't come home last night and it is not his silence. It is him. And he is what created the silence in you. He is what took the words from you. This is for you. This is for me. This is for the silence and all that it encompasses. I am broken but I am whole. And it is him that taught me to tear myself apart so I could learn to put myself back together. This is for him.
Sometimes Starr Apr 2022
Before the final Oath was born
Two were riding toward,
Locked in eternal war.

Obscured was their conclusion,
Giving mystery to the living Oath.

Their teeth were in each other's throats,
Spears run through the hated sternums.

And ribbons of their blood addressed
The royal stature of their lives.

What happens when two kings lay claim
To one kingdom
Is a shame

And infinitely many kings
(I do expect)
Would do the same.
This is a poem about dualism, violence, eternity, and the quantum.
Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
The sea separates our skin.
We feel closer to moon
then begin to bleed again.
Pulling ourselves in two.

Hearts and minds,
I promise you
I won't resist
or turn away in time.

You remind me of a place I knew
With no street lights
or signs.

Who knows where we are going?
Who knows what we will find?

Take a deep breath in.
Try not to drown yourself.

I hate to see you scream.
Your pain turns to suffering so quickly.

I am trying to help you here.
But you see me as ghost.
A darkened figure in the night.
Who holds you like a rope.

You live in constant fear.
Claim what’s beneath your bones.
Aim for his heart with a sharp arrow.

All we have in the end is our spines
and sternums.
The rest we leave to an exhausted sun.

What moves your body,
may not move mine.
Chloë Fuller Dec 2014
communicating through the nebula
an invitation to drink ***** and knit
meditation surrounded you
my jaw dropped when your satchel did
sweat drips from a broken refrigerator
my mouth forms the shape of your name and flows out
rings through our noses
sternums touching
your lover didn't like that I bit your lip
after hours slithering sessions
a body built by god covered with satin and oils from the cosmos
in those futile moments you were a mistake worth making
protecting my heart like bird and her young
reaching out to me with clasping hands
rocking you to sleep
"don't be afraid to cry in front of me" I said as shimmering oceans expelled from your wooden pupils
These were the good times we have to remember
reconciliation is key to happiness
JWolfeB Jan 2017
Does not need to be present for this moment to exist
We will not write soliloquies begging for guidance
We can dance in the dark
Let us embrace our presence
We are not mistakes or flat line hospital halls
Empty promises don't share our address

We are light
Falling forever upward
Into everything we were meant for

So step into this infinity
Crack open our sternums
Display our brilliant capacity
Radiating life
Between broken bird cages and forgiveness

Let us love as the sun
Endlessly expelling energy in every direction
Without expectation of return
Alex Greenwell Sep 2017
the most peaceable places end up under willows, shrouded with angelonia clusters against lilac streams. framed by a clover carpet, granite stones sprinkled across flowered ground. there is little history here, bones buried in grass tiled earth.

terra-cotta ground keep treasured secrets. no one hears any stories the earth could whisper into rose-colored ears. melted, molten, muddied metacarpals, sternums, ribs, and tibias moored against dirtied pits covered over to become unknown graves.

it seems the most peaceful here.
Lau Bowcock Sep 2017
See, it’s probably all explained in the metaphor of my dreams, where I’ve changed into something sweeter or perhaps alluring /  I’m a rat trap poison with the promise of sugar cane stuck on teeth and I’m so scared at the movements of my body and the woman behind them but I can’t help the daydreams looking to go back /  

See, right now i’m just trying to walk slow unsteady steps of an overgrown colt /  With no one to lean on, I cannot afford to fall /  I must stumble down the path of childhood the way I stutter over these words /  I can’t help it when I let Mama down on Sundays, it’s not my fault I don’t know which traps to set for myself and which fences to build /  I want to get stuck inside the small backyard of my mind, it seems easier than running and losing myself to the leaning grasses of fields and fields of possibilities whose flowers are too wild for me to grow /  

See, I’m terrified in the way of night terrors with too vivid quicksand filling my mouth and hindering screams in a dry drown  - no -  /  In the way of teenage hormone cocktails rising up sternums to build bile and anxiety and hearts tap against the walls of their cage trying to ask ‘how much more adrenaline do you need?’ Or maybe not even that, but I can say in the least poetic way possible I’m scared to be the teen angst poet

See, because I can’t tell if I’m as raw as the girl with the night terror past /  I believe like a rooted subconscious habit that one day I’ll burn my poems the way I’ve burned every single one of my diaries, trying to destroy evidence of the crime I was a person I cannot bear to be anymore /  Trying to delete the way my voice sounded when scrawled across an inkskinned page the way others delete texts from phone contacts they can’t bare to see rather than heal with the closure of a final phone call, the long lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes one /  I’ll backspace all my poems letter by letter then delete my  / docs but even in this - this untrained untested unsure dream - I want to mean something /  

See, I even have a list to prove my whims don’t last /


I no longer feel homesickness twisting my belly and making my nose pull back in a defensive snarl when the scent of downy detergent on suave body wash rises off clothes /  I can’t even regret the loss of my spreading back muscles laid upon a bed in a room that I called mine and the closing of curtains when I thought that meant safe /  When I thought that meant I didn’t have to think and I thought that meant just me and my distracted mind /  Just the occasional hand missing air and ear missing words I swear should have been whispered just a decibel too loud and drift down the hall /  And a yellow dog too, of course /


When my brain is heavy with haze but light with thought I just want to read poetry written by greater poets, cry in all the right places and laugh when the I look up, and remember the ways sunbeams fall through blinds and mosquito screens instead of the stifle of a closed window and a sun that heats a fevered curtain /

Today I’m reading poetry to the tune of a severe thunderstorm warning eating chinese delivery I wasn’t home to eat the night before /  I’d lie if I said I was ready to enjoy the way the rain tinkered down my tin shed roof and draw love poems from the awe of a wrathful sky, I’ll just let my bones rest instead /


For every animate person that hasn’t even ******* me twice over yet, a metaphor poetically describes the beauty of my sore body ache in inanimate terms /  I’ve learned them in the essays for books I’ve never read but now I’m writing poems for a life I haven’t really seen yet /  I fake the different colors for red if it makes me sound pretty, let me imagine love that explodes vermillion and anger spills slow sweet cherry while ignoring the red regret of the veins in my eyelids during too late mornings /  With too late alarms blinking dull red to remind the chipping bitten away red of nails flying to meet deadlines of slow written poems /  


My head used to lean against the thrumming window of my family’s biggest car until my teeth felt weird without the constant friction and my temple shot me off center /  I think we all counted the seconds between lightning and thunder just to know how far off the storm was even when it pounded sheets across the thin layer of metal between itself and me /  I just liked to know /  It’s just too hot air meeting cold streams but I don’t think my peeling sunburnt skin will meet cool long fingers anytime soon /  While the goddess of the sky and the goddess of the sea may meet to bruise purple, kisses in the clouds this car ride is the journey of a small small girl touching her own /  I can’t tell if I’m as raw as the girl with the night terror, small fingers to her own shaking mouth and learning how not to bite /

If I made this a poem my metaphor would run back to the dying leaves /  I wish I knew what Autumn time will do to me /  If I will still reach for the summer sun or miss the rain sheet falling storms - that’s a habit I can’t remember /
Originally written for soliloquiemagazine:

“SOLILOQUIE MAGAZINE is for those who are always speaking their thoughts. Who have many thoughts. who have thoughts before they even finish the last one. Who want their thoughts to be heard. who want a listener, a hearer.“
sparklysnowflake Sep 2020
The poets
have staked a claim.
They are not always the type to decide
or declare such things, but
on the matter of the Season of Beautiful Death,
they have unanimously put their dissociated feet down––
Autumn belongs to the poets.

They plant their feet like roots and stand
with limbs like bent branches in half-hesitant salutation of
the low-hanging sun,
and of the wind that smells dangerously
like the citrus-salty sweat on the sternums of
lovers who have long forgotten them,
like smears of strawberry sunset-stained tears on
sticky steering wheel leather,
like caramel-amber irises that they could only then taste by
licking the syrup off the cursive characters
in their own love poems.

Here, now,
with these stacks of decades still decaying in the corners
of our ugly, cluttered crowns,
this is our ritual:
squinting up at the lavender-blue sky, we
concede that we are still broken – (alive, but dying) –
and reinitiate ourselves
as poets.

We breathe in this different kind of death, this
death –
our sticky strawberry reds and caramel ambers displayed like artwork on
these glorious twisted giants –
and we can
pretend we
believe that we
and our heartbreak,
too, are beautiful.

And we look on with aching solidarity
as they burst
into a fireworks display
of a funeral.
looking forward to sweater weather

story time about the inspo behind this if you’re interested:
when talking with my good friend (@sunday what’s up) about getting over someone i loved for years and expressing my exasperation, he responded with: “why not just miss them forever?” that’s what i decided to do. instead of fighting it and trying to stop missing them, which always makes it worse, every day i admit i’m still broken and reinitiate myself as a poet, which at least results in some nice cathartic works of art... like this one
Quinn Aug 2019
How do you lose something that you never had to begin with?
How do you unlove someone when you never got to love them?
How do you move past something you never got to be apart of?
I almost gazed into your chocolate eyes for too long.
I almost wrapped my arms around your body too tightly.
One more squeeze and my rib cage could’ve collapsed into yours
One more prolonged brush across my cheek, one more moment between our lips and we could’ve danced to the vibration of our pounding sternums
I almost made you laugh too loud. We almost filled a room with too much joy, I almost liked your smile too much.
I could trace those crevices for hours and you could tell me what put them there. We could lie under the covers and create more between kisses
I think you made me smile too much.
I think your goodnight whispers tucked me in too tight
I think that if I use enough blankets, I could still hear them
Maybe if I fall asleep just right, you’ll still be here in the morning
And maybe when we wake, there will be no almosts.
We could hold our bodies too close together, we could sink into one another and maybe we could fall in love.

— The End —